Hitbox thread
Hitbox thread
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What a shitty game.
why can't they make hitboxes map precisely to the outline of sprites in 2019? It's not like it's as complicated as 3D calculations for 3d hitboxes or clipping
Are you retarded?
Because then you will have to test collision for every line of pixels of the sprite instead of a couple boxes
I imagine whiffing would be a frequent occurence if you downsize hitboxes like that and stuff like counters and combo's would be difficult to perform.
You have absolutely zero idea how hitboxes work, how many calculations are beind made, and why it'd be impossible to implement them without the entire engine going crazy.
She already answered your question with her filename
Wrong, pic related is literally me right now.
Why is the weapon not a hitbox
that red hitbox makes more sense when you see the whole move
Jago's Wind Kick in KI has always pissed me off.
For reference, blue outline is the grab box, yellow is push box, green/red lines are the actual character hurtboxes, and that red box the size of his entire god damn torso is wind kick's hitbox.
Maybe next time avoid retardation by just having the move alone and not with another fucking hitbox in the frame.
It's a screenshot I took a while ago. Suck my ass.
big boy upper
It's a mess and you're fucking retarded, fuck your excuses. You need a PhD in being retarded and autistic to understand this cluster fuck.
I understood it pretty well btw, just seeing the red outline is enough to understand why that hitbox "has always pissed [him] off."
*dabs on you*
I typed twenty words and explained everything that was needed. If it's hard for you to understand rectangles I suggest you go back to the second grade.
Why is her hitbox so big?
I feel like after playing a few fgs this one isn't that bad.
That's not really true, you could use hitboxes for rough detection, then do pixel collision within the two hitboxes that intersect.
what the fuck
>They wasted money and time on this shit
Did someone say hitbox?
You don't like the winkbox?
Can you elaborate?
If it's hard for you to understand how to take a picture, you better start sleeping with a helmet.
Can't wait for this fucker in Iceborne
Because it would take an abysmal ammount of time and resources to do it
red boxes are attacks
blue boxes are your grab box
green boxes are your hurt box
If a red box touches a green box it means the attack hit
throws have a special type of hitbox, if they hit the blue box the attack will land, and the blue boxes have collision with each other so characters can't walk phase through each other.
Fighting game hitboxes aren't that hard to understand, they just look really confusing if you don't know what you're look at and what they're for. They're easier to read in Street Fighter imo, Skullgirls makes them messy
having extremely precise hitboxes limit the amount of combo potential in a game. stop being dumb
I don't understand. Is the laser shot stopped by the little snow wall or does it flies by 1 inch of the shoulder ?
you can literally see it go over her shoulder and past the camera
Fuck bullshit 2H's
specifically, Goku Black, Kid Buu, and Gotenks
I have 0 problems understanding Skullgirls hitboxes so i have no idea what the problem is. Do you want every fighting game to use SF hitboxes? Sounds pretty boring
only oldfags will understand this
This guy gets it.
Because then game balance is decided by the artist, dumbass. Any time you want to rebalance a hitbox you need to draw a new sprite.
I didn't say that I couldn't understand it, just that they're messier because they're split into a hundred smaller boxes instead of being easy to read like SF and most other fighting games.
Killer Instinct is bad for this too, but for different reasons. This is just a mess, they really should have made this easier to read. I don't even know where Riptor's Hurtbox actually is,
You would think its the red box since the blue boxes are clearly collision boxes, but the hitbox from Jago's kick is clipping right into Riptor's red box, so it must be the green one, but the green one is just a fucking line because other boxes are covering the rest of it.
Riptor's hurtbox IS the red box. That picture is from the frame right before the hit actually registers. In KI, green hurtbox is normal, red hurtbox is projectile invuln.
The good hitboxes are the ones you don't notice in the game. You'll notice the wiggling hitboxes a lot when playing skullgirls.
Oh, well in that case that move is fine, unless its +OB its just a tatsu, those are usually at least jab punishable as long as you're not playing something like Karnov's Revenge or DBFZ
Light is -4, not jab punishable in KI where the fastest jabs are 5f. It used to be -1, so at least now you can DP punish.
Because it can physically block bullets, rare but is possible
Getting hit in your gun won't hurt you.
charged pants oki
light being safe OB unless you have a reversal is kinda gay, but not too bad, I would imagine medium, heavy and EX have smaller hitboxes as well
Nah, M/H are just -6/-11, but do travel further. EX is -1, but hits 5 times, which plays into the shadow counter system that KI has. Meterless versions are all single hit.
>>>You have absolutely zero idea how hitboxes work, how many calculations are beind made, and why it'd be impossible to implement them without the entire engine going crazy.
Explain this then?
You always see the visualization of hitboxes from 2D fighting games. But there are some for 3D games, not fighting too, like FPS.
So I've been wondering, why aren't there any for the Souls games? There's a fuckton of speculation about how good or bad they are, but did nobody actually rip those off the game files or something to actually visualize them?
I know this is a stupid question, but why do they always have to be boxes? Can we not have hittriangles and hitdodecahedrons?
yes that is a very stupid question, and equally stupid suggestion
circle are the easiest to calculate since they look the same in all directions
>have this
>projectiles are still fucked
While it's easier to verify whether 2 circles are overlapping once you already have an idea that they're colliding, it takes more computational power to detect the initial overlapping state and tell the engine to check.
Boxes are computationally simple to check at both levels, so they're what's used.
Cs has no projectiles
>when you remember shield hitbox in mount and blade warband
The bullets, rather.
Based brainlet
With all the moding going on there's gotta be a way to make hitboxes visible
I know at least one of the Souls games has some fucking jank ass shenanigans where your player hurtbox does't actually move until the end of the roll animation
Jago did nothing wrong
not the person you're replying to but he fucking explained it for your dumb ass since he knew it was a bit hard to understand but your special needs having ass got angry anyways for some dumbfuck reason
Those aren't hit boxes you fucking tard. I can't be the only one bothered by this, when you actually mean hurtbox or in this case hurt cylinders
She thicc
Why can broly cancel his 2H into 236S
First time fighting this guy had me in cold sweats. I HAD to switch to aerial just to finish that quest and get muh hunter rank. Fucking stupid spinning piece of shit.
gears of war 1?
I’m assuming the vast number of different hitboxs would be complicated to rip. That said who know if you even could for ds2 because it’s boxs are in constant flux.
Literally what ?
what the fuck are these the recovery frames? I remember this button being broken as all hell in AC
>How many calculations are being made
GPUs can do thousands maybe tens of thousands of pixel perfect collision detections on sprites and polygons and whatever a second. It's completely trivial with modern hardware.
This one makes sense though.
Based retard
Hurtbox is an informal term that refers to a hitbox that is used to detect damage taken.
All hurtboxes are hitboxes.
How is pathfinder's hit box that big?
Could someone tell this ignorant zoomer what this represents?
>arguing some antics
It's a doggy dog world, user.
One of the reasons I can't stand SFV. The hitboxes don't line up with the animations well at all.
>counters would be difficult
Oh no, whatever would swordies do?
>diamond dozen
devs are lazy, plus pixel perfect collisions might not be very fun for gameplay
Unlike the other fatties his hitbox is just blatantly bigger than his model. Makes him rather annoying to play since you can have perfect aim with a shotgun on a Lifeline and get ~50 damage and at the same range you'd take the full spread.
(Full size image is too big for 4chins- i.imgur.com
hurtboxes are damage dealers not takers
Weird flex but ok
what the fuck is that kick animation
I myself haven't seen that exact image, but I'm guessing you mean Theodore's hurtbox in Hyper Fighting(?) was above his head when he crouched, thus making him designed for bully.
>not goldsrc per-pixel hit detection
looks like we've got a pre-madonna here boys
post skullgirls upskirts instead 2bh
It's an upward side kick.
why didn't they just use polygons?
Still the best since 1994.
What were they thinking
I too enjoy some T. Hawk c.MP
chun has some supremely dumb hitboxes in that game too
Well, the artists on a game company aren't designers and don't know how to balance a fighting game, that's the reason shit like this happens.
Sometimes when you balance moves you have to ignore other stuff or you have a Street Fighter vs Tekken situation
Big kek
Because the math is much simpler to check if two rectangles are overlapping then to check if two arbitrary sided polygons are overlapping. Try working the math for each out and you'll understand. And all of it needs to happen many times a second
This one is a great example of how a screenshot of one frame of a move doesn't really fairly represent it. That move starts out wider and steps in like a bear trap, so all the space outside of the closed jaws is because it went through that space on its way to the current frames image
This. Some kind of hitbox standardization is necessary in a fighting game to maintain consistency.
IIRC, Skullgirls actually did have pixel perfect hitboxes at first, but they realized that it made the combat a mess so they changed it to be less pixel perfect.
it's really not much more complicated, and it's easier to draw an outline and polygonize it automatically than to draw 50 boxes to try and approximate a polygon. you can do the same shape with much fewer polygons too so it'll be faster to run.
every fucking time
Well yeah, it's bad enough there's character specific combos in fighting games already, imagine if every single character required to you learn specific combos that work on them because of their shape and size, that's just stupid and the only game I think of that's almost like that is Tekken, but it's just really female characters being smaller and some characters being big, specifically bears
>Calculate collision on 10 boxes
>Calculate collision on 100000 boxes.
See the picture?
It didn't do shit to the combat, it's just incredibly time intensive to commit to the utter insanity that were the early hitboxes. Fuck knows why they did that, too much caffeine one day? It was ridiculous.
>Skullgirls is just a Riemann sum
I like it
The artist was definitely in the wrong. I am 100% sure they outline the hitboxes and timings first and add sprites and animations on top. Doing anything else would be absolutely fucking retarded.
>lightsabre not a hurtbox
Well why cant they?
>computer cant compute many boxes is too SLOOOOOOOW
Pure brainletism
Enlighten us, then, because I know for a fact that there are 2D engines capable of pixel-precise collision detection with complex sprites. Even fucking Game Maker can do that at 60fps.
>have hurt/hit boxes match sprites exactly
>now small characters are OP because they'll go under a shit ton of moves
>will fall out of a bunch of combos
>big characters will be shit tier since they'll get hit by everything and will have their moves miss on smaller characters
You aren't very bright are you
Once again proving that DEX>STR
>wah the skullgirls hitboxes r too hard
guess Yea Forums needs to get gud
>getting good at a dead game
I wish it wasn't so
After Infinite, probably the worst shit I've played fightan related.
that explains everything, I lose everymatch with caustic. I've only won with mirrage
skullgirls should have been a 1vs1 game, change my mind.
I probably would have enjoyed it more, I fucking hate tag fighters
I LOVE the "choose your number of fighters" gimmick.
>game lets you tactically misalign your character model with your hitbox
holy shit you are one mad retard
team games are much more interesting to play and learn than single character games because of the teambuilding strategy involved
bear in mind that this is static doesn't turn with the character model, meaning it's easier or harder to hit somebody with a projectile depending on how you and your target are oriented
that's not the hitbox that's the collision box that prevents you from going through enemies/floor/walls etc.
I like playing with two characters.
which is also used for projectiles
these are for hitscan
this is the reason why it seems like the huntsman shoots magnets
Projectiles use this to calculate hits or misses though
And you are an ignorant jackass who can fathom there is another type of 2D animation which isn't based on sprites, and so the characters can aim their attacks and said attacks will vary depending of the enemy's location and size.
>they should put in 3x as much effort for a game that I won't play anyway
>Boss smells so bad even her hitbox lingers
>and this was so dumb kirby was nerfed to be garbage in every smash ever since
I know it was done so every class has the same hitbox, but it was a really shit idea to give 2/3rds of the cast a stance that puts their head hitbox above their actual head in empty space.
Most of them aren't even close.
It should have had more characters to justify being a team fighter
Again proving you don't know shit.
Stop embarrassing yourself and google skeletal animation.
Pro tip: It's actually much easier than sprite animation, the problem is that it looks much worse.
The Sprite is missing a giant mantis arm coming out of his body
The melty blood one makes no sense
No, the colors are just inverted
wut game
i want a tummy meter
Witch and the hundred knight
it is already that way for most Singleplayer games
>Lul I don't have an answer, just google it bro promise I'm right
that's the joke. hitboxes in meltyblood are chaotic nonsense that don't match up with the animation in the slightest
No, I mean it makes no sense because that's not how melty blood hitboxes are at all.
I wish one of the Updates would add the old Battlefield/ Final Destination designs. We literally have a hundred of each, how hard is it to include 4 more?
Yeah, that's not what is in the joke pic at all. The game has some extended hurtboxes on many moves but that's it. Hitboxes are never like the joke.
>not using a dark skin
retards among retards
>skullgirls has like 5x how many it actually has
>guilt gear has like 4 extra
>tekken's is literally just the word high
>>ha, pretty funny ano-
user it's exaggerrating and making fun of all of them, there is no need to sperg out like this, it's clearly a joke
They CAN, but that doesn't mean they SHOULD.
In a sprite fighter, it's not always worth it to make the animation and hitbox line up 1000% perfectly, because then rebalancing a move could involve completely redawing the whole fucking sprite instead of just saying "okay lets maybe not make his left hand a hurtbox for here"
How'd the huntsman calculate if it's a headshot or not then?
Does it need to his the collision box AND the head hitbox?
based retard
You're the one sperging out. The joke is simply wrong because it does not exaggerate a real characteristic of the game. Melty's thing is not having random hitboxes everywhere, if you want to find something to joke about it's the extended hurtboxes, but the pic doesn't make fun of that. The pic is simply wrong. All other games are fairly accurate so it's weird that melty would be so random is what I meant.
Okay, but then what do you do about sprite fighters?
Like, yeah, you can do hitboxes on another type of 2D animation, but why would you do what when you've already put the work into drawing these sprites?
If you have them match up to skeletal animation, then you're doing double the work by having to rig up a fucking skeleton for hitboxes ON TOP OF drawing sprites, and what fucking sense does that make?
computers are fast now grandpa
Let's compare
Real quick.
Now, we've got a hurtbox for the torso, left leg, and right leg. All The image is adding is a head hurtbox. Doesn't seem too out there, yeah?
Okay, now, we've got a hitbox for the kicking leg, standing leg, and a gigantic blank space above the leg, right?
Woah, would you look at that?
Melty blood has a hitbox for her torso (nonsensical), her hand and area above it (fair, depending on the context of the move, but a bit much) and then this big stupid nonsensical space above her hand!
I don't see any similarities here at all, user! You sure are right, and smart, and clever to boot!
fighting game players are literally allergic to change and no company wants to deal with the autistic rage
In short, yes.
First it checks for a collision with the projectile hitbox, then checks if it's on a trajectory that would hit the head hitbox. If it is it registers as a headshot immediately, teleporting into the players head effectively, otherwise it counts as a bodyshot.
You can use the hitbox commands and host_timescale to check in game.
You're a retard
First of all that's a super anti air move, not a normal, so having some invincibility to it is like trying to use a srk in sf to claim that moves in sf don't have hurtboxes. Second, if you had played the game at all you would know the hitboxes viewer is missing projectile sprites and doesn't show the giant fucking tornado coming out of her hand where the hitbox is.