There is fuck all to do but collect useless shit. Virtually no side quests. There is nothing...

there is fuck all to do but collect useless shit. Virtually no side quests. There is nothing. It is empty as the claims of the creators of No Man's Sky, a game that actually had more happening than BotW.

Attached: Botw_downgrade.jpg (1280x720, 177K)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Virtually no side quests

Name one side quest worth doing.


You """make your own fun"""" because Nintendo didn't actually make a game; just Nintedy-approved Portal.

>deliberately chooses an area without long grass
>deliberately chooses a camera angle where you can’t see far into the distance
>still mad about this fucking game

Seek help

Attached: AF0892ED-6FBC-4E9E-B3A9-85AC311E3816.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

they all reward a small amount of rupees anyway which have no other purpose than buying arrows

Wow, we sure didn't have this thread every day, for two years now.

Glad I didn't listen to retards on Yea Forums before I played this game.

So now the goal post is being moved from "no side quests" to "no side quests worth doing"? What's next? Calling side quests anyone mentions shit? Because we already had this thread hundreds of times, you fucking imbecile.

if you're going to say "no sidequests" and then just backpedal to say "no sidequests worth doing" then can you give a single reason why anyone should argue with you in the first place

It wasn't a downgrade, it's called a live tech demo. Nintendo always does that for Zelda

The most legit criticism of this game is the economy is absolutely fucked

And by this I mean retards like OP

I could name a few dozen, but you would just say "lol no" to every one of them, so why bother?

Attached: 1503627075569.jpg (700x913, 131K)

There is some drive imo to explore the world, there are a few places like Satori Mountain, the Faron Jungle, Korok Forest and Ancient Coliseum that get me exploring to those locations but there is very little outside of the underwhelming main quest that makes you want to explore.

The main quest is its own can of worms imo and not really worth getting into but the sidequests could've been so much more;
- Team up with wandering travelers to explore old ruins and caverns, maybe have a few locations be specifically tied to a questline so they can only be accessed once the player reaches that point in the quest, e.g. an abandoned mine that can only be opened after helping the owner of the mine solve his own issues.
- Escorting individuals through enemy infested areas/Defending characters/locations from attacking hordes of enemies, yeah I know Escorts usually get shit on a lot but it'd at least give some fucking variety to these quests
- Mini-Games more reminiscent of the older games, Shield Sledding was a good start but it needed more to it to really capitalize, otherwise, where was the Archery Mini-Game, where was the Bomb Mini-Game, where was the Fishing Mini-Game? That last one's not even good in the other games and I'd still prefer if it was at least an option.
- Having more overworld puzzles ala the Kass Songs would be good, there was that one with the Mirror of not Twilight but that was just a camera quest, have stuff like Kass's ones and utilize the Chemistry System and Runes more effectively in the overworld.
- Actual questlines, there is one questline in the entire game to my knowledge, Tarrey Town, which is also one of the most egregious fetch quests in the game, I do not understand why the champion's descendants (or whatever we're calling them) didn't have entire questlines where you actually got to learn about them, hell even after the Divine Beasts I can see twinkles of potential character development in other NPCs that should've been capitalized on.

Calling out that anons goal post moving is fine and all, but actually disproving his statements would be better. It is a bit worrying that neither of you thought of or was able to both call him out and argue against him in the same post. Almost as if he has a point....

Are you seriously asking for escort missions in a Zelda game? We had them before and they were literally always hated by people.

Shield surfing isn't the only mini game in BOTW.

There's a shit ton of world puzzles to do. They're called Shrine Quests, maybe you should check them out.

There could be some longer questlines, but a lack of them doesn't mean what we've gotten was bad. Just that there's room for improvement in an already excellent game.

I'll do that once you give me a good reason why I should argue with you in the first place

What's there to disprove? It's factually wrong to say there are no sidequests, are you brain dead? What is there even to talk about, it's not even worth mentioning?

>kill enemy
>drops nothing
>doesn't give xp
>weapon breaks
gee thanks

I mean, there are armours to buy.

>kill enemy
>every enemy drops something you might need for an upgrade, potion, a mask, sidequest etc
>no exp, since the game isn't combat based but exploration based and rewards you for doing that
>weapon breaks so you can explore and use different ones

>>kill enemy
>>drops nothing

>Are you seriously asking for escort missions in a Zelda game?
Yes, also improvement is clearly what would be needed, escorting some random NPC should either be quick or feel action-packed, I don't want to escort some pot-carrying lady across half of hyrule who can't fight, at most I'd say travel no further than the distance between the two closest stables via a main road.
> Shield surfing isn't the only mini game in BOTW.
I never said it was, Gut-Check was kind of dull, felt like they should've done more to make it more challenging and demanding on the player and given the player obstacles like falling boulders and Fire Keese.
> They're called Shrine Quests
Shrine Quests are for the most part just Fetch Quests that give a shrine at the end, the Kass-style ones are the exception and I already outlined that, not sure what you're referring to as an actual worthwhile shrine quest that I didn't acknowledge unless you mean Eventide which had to sacrifice a shrine puzzle for its overworld puzzle.
> but a lack of them doesn't mean what we've gotten was bad. Just that there's room for improvement in an already excellent game.
I'm not arguing that BotW is a bad game because of the Sidequests, overall I'd say BotW is about halfway between Mediocre and Good, I personally don't connect with Sidon and I can size that up to me just not caring enough about the guy but I have yet to meet anyone who gives a shit about Yunobo or Teba, they're both underdeveloped and needed more time to develop, Riju is personally the one I can actually appreciate as a character and I think a questline would enrich her character because out of them, she has the most going on in her life having to lead the Gerudo at a young age. As for others that I think would benefit from a Questline;
- Beedle
- Bolson
- Kilton
- Pikango
- Impa
- Hagie
- Robbie & Jerrin
- Branli
- Bludo
- Buliara
- Vilia
- Tulin
- The Rito Quintet
- Molli
- Kaneli
- Rivan & Dunma
- Muzu
- Sayge
among others

Well obviously there are sidequests, what he moved the goal post to was not an worth doing, so that would be the point to argue. The easiest way to disprove someone would be to actually start listing what sidequests one likes and for what reasons, but you guys seem more focused on that anons stupidity and have yet to mention anything actually positive about BotW. The reason I butted in on this was because I have a hard time remembering any myself so I believe he has a point.

Then stop pretending the game is flawless.

Attached: CEMU.webm (700x396, 2.88M)

Actually, you do have escort missions in BOTW. Maybe play it again? One of the beasts literally requires you to escort someone, not to mention the ice block one.

No, Shrine Quests aren't usually fetch quests. Most of them are actually world-based exploratory quests or a part of the puzzle might require you to also get some items, but it's never just that.

Why would you want questlines for characters? When did BOTW become a western fantasy rpg? It's a fucking adventure game based in exploration, Nintendo did what they could to make the plot never get in the way of the basic game idea. It's like asking for an entire backstory of how Pauline became mayor in Odyssey, with no platforming involved, because apparently every game needs plot? And not gameplay?

We sure didn't have hundreds of threads where people agree BOTW is amazing, but not flawless.

its going to look like the first picture in 6 years when they remak it

Wish this game had more saturated colors. Looks to washed out

TWO fucking years and snoyggers still can't get over it.

Attached: laughing_lolis.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

It isn't flawless but you're being a dishonest imbecile.
You're putting tiny nitpicks in a vacuum and pretending they are massive game breaking flaws when the truth is the game's successes far outweigh its shortcomings

never believed in the nintendo bonus till I played this game. this game is nowhere near a 9.
it was nice seeing nintendo's version of a open world game other than that it's a boring experience with no focus

It does't matter that the sidequests are MMO tier go here kill 10 of those or collect 30 of these, you said no sidequests thus you were technically wrong so any further criticism is invalid

>samefagging schizo who is in love with eric agrees with his other 99 personalities
Yikes kys

Seriously. Why are they so fucking salty? It's gotta be falseflagging, right?

It actually does have. People just usually don't use the correct RGB setting.

Literally just adjust your television's display settings.
Just put in your desired values and you got the saturation you want.

There are really dedicated autists trying to sway the consensus of the board, every day, for two years, it's pathetic.
It's funny because I've made several strawpolls that show a vast majority of the board loves the game and there are only a couple faggots disagreeing and yelling at nothing.

>any quest is suddenly a 'questline'

To be sure it’s not as good as the top pic, but it looks a shitload better than the bottom one.

Case in point.

I've made a lot of straw polls which show the opposite, being on Nintendogaf is surely surprising why botw is overhyped, retard.
Samefag in 1 minute again please
>inb4 phoneposting schizo shows his gimp skill

>can't take criticism
Case in point
Samefag some more

The game is empty. There isn't much incentive to explore. Combat is bland. Only a few enemey types that get re-textured with elemental effects. No voice acting apart from a few cutscenes. Story is minimal and there are hardly any sidequests apart from "bring me this item" or "solve this vague riddle". If it wasnt a nintendo zelda title it would be 6/10

It's all in your head, ericfag, when will you marry eric?

>is nowhere near a 9.
You're right.
It's a solid 10.

You need to quote more than one person to claim samefag, of course I wouldn't expect someone who got here past the 2016 elections to know this.
Also "it's shit because I say so" is not a criticism and never will be.

Where are all the shadows?

This is an option, yes. But will fuck up the colors for everything else unless I keep readjusting and honestly I´m a lazy fuck

>replying to yourself minute after minute
It's okay, ericfag, take your meds

Do you even know how shadows work?

What? You're the one who needs meds.

Solid 10 out of 100

If you don't like something that's popular, you should be trying to understand why all these other people like it, not be preoccupied with your own distaste for it. How will that ever get you anywhere?

Saying it's great because I say so is also not valid, brainlet

Some children raised by this shithole unironically believe taste is born from exclusion rather than appreciation. It's saddening to witness.

>no u
Great rebuttal, schizo

Good thing I never claimed anything about the quality of the game, then.

wouldn't the strawpolls be out of your favor of this is nintendogaf

Totally agree, why don't I see you people defend all the great multiplats not on a shitch. It's weird how you keep replying to yourself minute after minute

>eric eric eric
you fanboys need to calm down a bit. believe it or not, there are a lot more people who find nintendo disappointing

It's a 10/10 first time playing the first 15 hours or more. Then it becomes depressingly obvious that it's a 7/10 at best after the novelty runs out and you realize just how empty, void of meaning and lack of variety there is. Vast empty spaces just to fill the map space, 5 enemy types, not a single enjoyable or meaningful sidequests, characters that go nowhere, same basic puzzles and collectibles every two feet. Such a shame, both botw and odyssey both aimed at something larger and missed horribly, only giving us a taste of what could have been only to show their shallow, lackluster true nature.

Me neither.

How do you know they don't?
Oh, you're just a retarded shitposter, never mind

looks nothing like in OPs pic.

Blunderfag confirmed. Thread is over folks, anyone replying after this post is enabling a mentally ill individual with a personal vendetta against a video game company.

Attached: eric.png (3168x2816, 2.07M)

>snoynegroes is fine, but don't you DARE say anything negative about a shitch
Yikes, don't see you say anything about other people. Keep living in your delusional bubble

Yep, that's an e-celeb fag

>only one person is allowed to say shitch

I actually have no idea what you're trying to do here.

>Pulls more nothing out of his ass
Sure shitposter-kun, you aren't a shill at all.

Everything in the game is an incentive to explore. Every part of the game is exploration based - there's a lot of hidden events, no loading times, many interesting places that want you to go on, every quest, experience gained, weapons, everything is exploration based. Saying BOTW has no incentive to explore is like saying a racing game gives you no incentive to race.

i still love the fact that people like you think the game looks anything like the reveal trailer.

Attached: OOOOOOOOOOOOF.jpg (1920x2066, 1.95M)

>find cool spooky ghost horse
>spend a bunch of time trying to brake it
>finally succeed
>you can't keep it

Attached: 1540489216782.png (529x767, 658K)


You stalking him is still more pathetic, Brad.

Can we pin this comment to the top of Yea Forums? Or even all of 4ch?

I'm inclined to believe that poster over you. You do seem deranged.

every shrine quest

no one refuted me in the last thread i posted my arguments against botw so i'll try again

Attached: suckass.png (1432x129, 10K)


There it is. There's Eric.

And how so? BOTW is a multiplat. People talked and loved Crash Bandicoot, are waiting for Spyro, all indies, many multiplatform releases, people love multiplats to hell and back, you fucking idiot.

Have you ever asked yourself why every game nowadays has exp rewards and skill trees for everything, including shooters?
Because people need their little honor badges, that's why achievement systems exist.
Self driven exploration is dead, zoomers have killed it

Attached: 1525804688232.gif (726x400, 85K)


Most popular is ps4, delete all smash threads and comfy switch threads, or what? 3rd place, least popular console

What is there to refute? You are right, BOTW isn't about combat, it's about exploration.

That's a choice, isn't choice a good thing?
If you don't want to fight, nobody is forcing you to.
If you want to fight, just do it

>it's about exploration
The reward is not worth my time

>europoor nigger shitposting about BOTW
seek help deluded nigger

Attached: 1516973767065.jpg (431x410, 33K)

Do you? You're reaching pretty hard if you are trying to insinuate that there should be no visible shadows in the picture I was replying to.
All of those grasses and flowers would cast shadows onto each other.


Thank god then I was never about that shit and I can play a game just to have fun. These people would probably get mad at Flower, which I found an amazing PS3 game.

There are no arguments there other than "my drive to play is dead and I need achievements to do anything because my reward system is fucked thanks to porn"

Eric lives in your head rent free. Show me more how mad you are. How's your autism collection of him going?

You're right about both, but I still think Breath of the Wild is a good game. Actually, you're wrong about one thing, evading enemies is a game in and of itself.

It might be a shock to your little brain, but not every game can be liked by everyone and you can simply have a different taste in games. It doesn't mean BOTW is bad, it just means it's not for you.

Thanks for the reply to everything else I wrote there too.

If lit from a high standing sun, you wouldn't see anything from that camera angle

>my drive to play is dead and I need achievements to do anything because my reward system is fucked thanks to porn
aside from the ad hominem that's a pretty good explanation

I want to print out this post and feed it to every poster that cries about botw

Another great samefag, how often and how long do you have these conversations with yourself?


Just like every game that you dislike. It's just not for you. Most people want to play good games on good consoles, unlike you.

You're not allowed to complain about stuff like that when the entirety of BotW character progression is tied to orbs and seeds. That game has more little "honor badges" than any other modern game.

>Eric lives in your head rent free
I literally didn't even mention eric once. You outed yourself, chief.

>>It might be a shock to your little brain, but not every game can be liked by everyone and you can simply have a different taste in games. It doesn't mean BOTW is bad, it just means it's not for you.
Thing is though I really enjoyed the first 10 hours or so and maybe a little bit off the grand plateau. It was maybe after my third tower and 10th shrine I was like 'well this is it for the rest of the game huh?' and outside of divine beasts I wasn't wrong.

>Actually, you're wrong about one thing, evading enemies is a game in and of itself.
In some areas I suppose.

You need more than one comment to samefag.
Are you retarded?

Thread should have ended here, why do you retards even bother?

these shitposting zelda threads always are always created during europoor hours. some deluded europoor nigger is probably mad that BOTW cucked the witcher 3

He is mentally ill. Watch him accuse us of being the same person

No, you can dislike a game, but still understand why something works in it. I'm not into FPS shooters, but I can tell what works well for them and why Doom was pretty great in that, but failed with exploration etc. Just don't be a little bitch and admit that it is possible for a game to be good AND not be for someone.

Why did you post a comparison that doesn't even have a shot from the reveal trailer?

Well, then the game just didn't catch you, and that's okay. I myself couldn't get into Ocarina of Time years ago, since it was so different from previous Zelda games. But I can still appreciate what it did well, just that it might've not been for me. Same with BOTW, not everyone can like exploration and finding all the cool secrets, especially since most of them were already spoiled. And if you dislike the exploration + puzzle solving nature of the game, yeah, it might get boring - for me it was simply enjoyable to visit all the places and search for more hidden ones. I finished them game with 80 shrines and still can't wait to play it again and find the other ones I missed.


this was super disappointing, spent so many times trying to soothe it and he just fucks off

I finished pretty much everything - tarrey town, eventide island, 120 shrines within 100 hours, I am a tad sadistic when it comes to open world games and I guess find joy in completion, but as a whole botw is a game that only lasts 2 minutes in bed

Why are you even trying?
Look at his "good consoles" comment and you know he is a sonyfags who hasn't played it.

I mean, the skeletons all die when sun comes out, so shame it happens. If anything, I wish there was some sidequest or something that would allow you to somehow allow such a horse to survive? Maybe from the horse god?

>games not on shitch
>lists only multiplats which are also on shitch
Yikes take your own advice and try to understand why games not on the shitch are popular

Fuck off Eric

Nicely samefaggged again. It's not like you play any multiplats which don't appear on a shitch.

Why are you so desperate to talk about that here?


Attached: 1551668095416_0.png (700x791, 2.11M)

When will you marry him?
>no arguments
Take your meds. Non-shitch games are popular for a reason

Not a samefag, but nice to know you showed your true colors early.
Stop shilling

You need to quote more than one post to claim samefag. People have been telling this to you throughout the thread and you still fail to do the most basic shit

Why not? You said it yourself. Try to understand why non shitch games are popular


>replying to yourself minute after minute
Yikes, how hard

Because it has nothing to do with the topic at all.

??? What is this guy doing?

Getting ready for another day of scrubbing toilets there, Eric?

Attached: 113.jpg (329x406, 15K)

>defending downgrades
no YOU kill yourself


raise the contrast to make a game look better is a 13yo youtuber tier move user

And works on Yea Forums 100 percent of the time

COPE you autistic gayboy

Attached: 325352.jpg (1500x700, 142K)

Eric, please, just stop. I mentioned multiplats, because I thought you said Nintendo fans never give Switch multiplats any praise. What, you want praise for other games? Where will you move the goal post if I say I liked Uncharted, the last Ass Creed or Ys VIII?

you type like someone who sould definitely bing bing off a cliff. my name isn't eric by the way.

Yep, that's the mindless droning I was expecting

Wow, classy, so when someone provides examples to fill your delusions, you simply call them names to avoid further discussion?

Why would he try, he is just a sonyshill on a mission.
Paid by the post

everything in life is useless if you think about it :^)
the game is great user, doesn't mean it has to appeal to your tastes

How come that threads about appreciating botw and posting screenshots die due to lack of activity, whereas in those where you can criticize the game thrive? The witcher threads are full of fanboys yet they always have fun.

Attached: 1418273259582.jpg (1543x1066, 450K)

Why does they defends this mediocre open world game so much?

Two mistakes, see me after class.

>How come that threads about appreciating botw and posting screenshots die due to lack of activity,
because BotW is ugly foggy mess.

For me,
Grand Battle delivered

But this let me down

Sorry anglo, i don't need to learn proper grammar in 2019.

There's also armor. Don't forget that if you have over 100 arrows stores don't restock arrows until you drop under 100 so you either have to do the Lost Woods Lynel Bow farming method where you shoot a torch at a certain angle to get 4 arrows from your one arrow (So you end up getting like 100ish) or you have to constantly be hovering around 100 arrows to actually make shops usable.

name one side quest worth doing in any game ever.
protip: you can't

is this a joke post? your image looks like shit

nah you're wrong I had it on switch and used a full range monitor with my switch set to full range

Of course you think so, no matter what he posted, you'd call it shit.

I did so too, and had no problems.

Attached: 2-Screen01.png (512x448, 23K)

because any good environment requires you to be critical
nobody wants a thread where you just say good things about the game, you're able to like a thing while pointing out its flaws

Yes and nobody wants a thread of autistical nitpicking either. It's one thing to criticize and another to call it outright shit you seething retart

yeah but your experience doesn't reflect literally everything you can find online

Oh its just a poor huenigger

link is such a fucking tw*nk who needs to be bullied hard

Finding the cookbook in Hyrule Castle is pretty fun, especially if you do it early game. Curing the dragon is pretty fun too.

This irritates me with BoTW a lot, literally everything is registered as a "quest", even a whole area like Eventide.

imagine actually having to play the game just because you enjoy playing it instead of because you are chasing a carrot on a stick

not worth doing, try again

Everybody remembers it after 30 years. That's more than any side quest Botw produced.

BotW is fantastic video game OP.

Just because you can't handle it and keep desperately trying to find some way to hate it, you're not going to change history.

Snoy will NEVER deliver a 97 exclusive game and this always trigger sonymongrels.
That frustation leads to inevitable shitposting.

nah. sorry but that quest is not worth doing. try again

Faggots will be crying about BotW when I'm drawing my pension, still hopelessly trying to convince me that I didn't have fun playing it all those years ago.

Attached: 1550510177633m.jpg (1024x576, 69K)

this. people say what they want about nintendo vs sony buy no sony game gets shitposted on 2 years after coming out. nobody cares about gow or red dead or spiderman or uncharted
people will be shitposting about how botw is "just ok 7/10" in 2030

yeah there are people who enjoy eating shit too, what a great point

>Hear all these toddlers constantly talking about BotW
>decide to play it on CEMU so i can laugh at how shit it is and mock the game on Yea Forums
>turns out to be the best adventure game i've ever played on any system

You didn't have fun though, Nintendo brainwashed you into thinking you were having fun

and some other people enjoy great games like botw

it's not that good, it lacks content and the little content it has is very unfocused and repetitive

There are side quests all over. They just don’t have quest hub markers like some mmofag shit.

Thanks for the laugh user.

The downgrade is so severe because they used a shield instead of developing a good home console.

imagine actually thinking this unironically
this is true for your favorite game, it's actually shit

It has more content than any other Zelda and more content than most open world games. Why are we still arguing about this.

It’s still the best exploration adventure game out. Well I would say fo76 but I don’t feel like arguing with marks all day.

BotW is the first game I've played that actually nails the appeal of fucking around outside in nature. I love hiking and camping and it gives me very similar vibes, and I love it for that.

still? not everyone is your arch nemesis

I haven't played every zelda game but I've played botw and I put it up against games in general and it doesn't compare

>botw is short, no content, dropped it after 30 hours
meanwhile in real life, after 30 hours most Zelda games are already over

Attached: How_long_is_The_Legend_of_Zelda_Ocarina_of_Time__opera_2019-03-15_14-04-58.png (1400x790, 829K)

other zelda games are better at packing content

Here you go then

Attached: 17060510425018794.png (1920x1080, 2.97M)

I don’t know how but I put close to 400 hours on it. Only second play through. It should have been shipped with master mode it was clearly rushed.

literally what is your point with this image? minuscule differences and in the end all of them look pretty fucking dull, especially when you compare to the reveal

Give some examples, saying a generic statement like I've played better general games without listing a single example and explaining why you think they are better will make your arguments more than a meaningless statement.

I forgot about that feature I need to plug it into my monitor and check that out. Thanks for reminding me

Is this the part where you move the goalpost that the screenshots don't show correctly the game's range of colors, and now will nitpick how the reveal trailer had different time of day, so obviously it'd look different in that way too?

I like wind waker more, every location is structured around what you're supposed to do, it is focused

no? you're incredibly deluded

compare this to

also it's you crafting a false narrative, the game looks pretty dull even with proper rgb range settings, there's not goalpost moving, just your false premise

Have you never had an urge to explore places? Not to find something, just explore.

yeah when it turns out that the game actually has things to discover, exploring is fun when you feel like it could reveal something cool, botw runs out of interesting things to find pretty soon imo

It has its moments. In 10 years we’ll get the enhanced version with the original assets. I can play it as an old man.

Attached: 77B7E3BA-793E-4D8C-9C7B-9B384415E40E.jpg (800x450, 36K)

no, I'm autistic and can only do something if it's explicitly laid out as an ingame objective to tick off

Snapping photos of the lost Gerudo Statue was really fun. Same with the sword.

>botw runs out of interesting things to find pretty soon imo

Sounds like somebody didn't play it

I defeated three of the divine beasts and found two of the mazes among other things, I never finished the game because I got bored of it

I climbed every tower so I unlocked the whole map

Rocks give it away, evening tries to mask this whole scene, if it was day top would obviously look way better

but did you SEE the whole map?
I have 200 hours in and looking at the hero's path thing on the map I noticed just how many spots I never visited.

you get that now on cemu

>I climbed every tower so I unlocked the whole map

lol autism

The great thing about BOTW's design is that it is every bit as repetitive and generic of an open world as Ass Creed or Witcher 3 but because there aren't map icons making that obvious nobody complains about it.

If the map showed all the icons for every korok seed, lynel, or bokoblin camp when you unlocked the towers like a Far Cry game everyone would have realized there'd be no illusion of this great wonderful world worth exploring because you'd realize it's all just that - an illusion.

It’s too bad they do shit like this, Nintendo is starting to fall for marketing gestapo tactics. Mobile games. Season passes and dlc. It’s only a matter of time. Nintendo can’t survive anti consumer tactics along side inferior hardware.

I saw a lot and A LOT of repetitiveness, putting an apple on one of those statues to get a korok was neat THE FIRST TIME

You haven’t even watched a video of somebody playing this have you?

also I'll add that it felt really empty, what I saw that is, sure there were korok seeds crammed everywhere but they mostly just repeated the same few puzzles to get them and getting into shrines became boring

>The great thing about BOTW's design is that it is every bit as repetitive and generic of an open world as Ass Creed or Witcher 3 but because there aren't map icons making that obvious nobody complains about it.

It certainly goes a long way. Every discovery in BotW feels like a personal one as opposed to a series of busywork activities on a checklist.

I'd add that another thing BotW does well is having everything single you do matter rather than just meaningless collectables. Even the simplest activities is tied directly to the core mission of the game. Thats good design.

No. It’s just higher res textures and some filters.

I put 200 hours in actually. I loved the game but the quality of the openworld is vastly overblown. After a few hours it should be obvious that there are only a handful of things you'll ever discover in the world. Another talos. Another stable. Another lynel. Another bokoblin camp. The shrines were my favorite but most of the overworld is just the filler content.

well it does have custom shaders so I don't know what you'd expect differently from nintendo directly, you yourself expect the same assets after all

>it is every bit as repetitive and generic of an open world as Ass Creed or Witcher 3

Its not though. The design of the game - and the basic principle of how the game plays - is what open world games have been aspiring to be.

Each stable has a bunch of unique stuff to do. Think of it as a quest hub for each area. There’s like 10 mini games. Tons of findable adventures. You have to explore to find them.

It’s also low poly. There’s no grass and chipper all anymore. It’s been stripped back a lot.

not him but I wish it had more core content, nothing wrong with these stable mini quests but having them alone plus the four divine beast quest lines felt lacking

It's really not. It could be a little tweaked, but at least it's actually not a cakewalk to get max rupees within one visit to an area like virtually every other Zelda game.

fucking your boipussy faggot


cemu? no it literally now emulates everything you'd expect

>look at how little details there are way off into the distance! What a shit game and underpowered system!
Guess what buddy my xbox one x doesn't render grass and details that far away either

No I mean there are encounterable adventures too out in the world.

>No seriously, argue with this faggot
No thanks nerd

Where did they get the assets? Did they remake them?

I don't think there was much of stuff that was exciting

I remember gliding to this valley with cool windmills structures and it turned out to just be a fucking golf course

cemu just emulates the game so it uses the game assets, then there's people who mod stuff to make the game appear different

You mean the town you eventually rebuild? No seriously you rebuild a functioning town.

It's absolutely the peak of the open world genre at this point in time, but my point is that if it had map icons for world objectives like other open world games there'd be a lot less praise. The lack of information on the map lets the player build this grand vision in their head about what *might* be out there in the world for them to discover, while a list of objectives added to your map removes that intrigue.

But if BOTW had those map markers it'd be pretty obvious that it's not very different from other open world games in practice. There's a handful of the same objectives sprinkled around the map and very little of the overworld has genuinely interesting content.

I don't mean the cube houses but a big cool looking valley that that turns out to be some stupid golf course

When you zoom in much more markers appear. They do this because if you left them there you wouldn’t even be able to see the map.

Attached: 71956FD7-428E-40B2-90C2-04DD33A56E11.jpg (1280x720, 225K)

>it's not very different from other open world games in practice
still better than ubishit

It was rushed. It needed more time. The second one on the engine will be the magnum opus just like majora’s Mask.

Attached: 02-thrill-e.jpg (1920x1080, 90K)

Is this San Andreas?

Pretty much everything in Fallout New Vegas is worth doing

The assets aren’t there anymore they removed the models.

I don't know what you mean the game can't exist without the assets

New Vegas was shit compared to botw.

nope, not worth doing
see what I'm doing? "worth doing" doesn't mean anything. if you have fun doing it, it's worth doing, period.

You remind me of a faggot i was arguing with in a witcher 3 thread where he didnt like the gameplay elements of if, and hence it "was not a game."

1.Pause the game to heal
2.making food is a chore
3.Horrific weapon breaking system
4.Ugly designs for weapons and outfits
5.Bokoblins are stronger than ganon and give shit loot
6.Huge world that's pointless to explore other than shield sliding which is also not fun because your shields break from it all the time
7.Important characters act like cliche anime.
8.Attempt to make Zelda with an Asian origin rather than a medieval one.
9.All the divine beast dungeons are basically the same
10.The shrines all have the same blue walls and are just portal knockoff puzzles

Eiji Aonuma does not like Zelda. That's the bottom line.

He tried to make zelda into skyrim or portal. It didn't work.

Attached: Ocarina-of-Time-TRAVIS-1.png (1920x1200, 709K)

I don’t know how else to explain it.

Apples are shit compared to Oranges.

3-9 are wrong though.

you have convinced me, I am convinced

That’s my point?
No you are just wrong.

lel xD

What game

You liked the weapon breaking system?

To me it made me not give a shit about weapons. If its going to break I don't give a shit about the weapon itself. I'm just focused on finding another high level sword or shield so I don't have to deal with it later.

The weapon breaking system is one of the few things I think BOTW really did innovate with. Most of the game's feature set can be described as a refined version of systems and mechanics other games were already doing, but the weapon system in BOTW is a stroke of genius. They noticed an issue that other open world games were having (Balancing power curves with player progression) and found a solution that also fits perfectly with the primary gameplay loop encouraging constant exploration.

not him but you're that loser I recognize a mile a way just from the way you structure your sentences, you've been spamming this shit for a year now, denial is meaningless

It doesn't work because if you find a weapon you like, you don't use it because you know it will eventually break.

I'm also

10 is near 9 you goddamn brainlet

grinding for better gear that allows you to go to more dangerous places has worked just fine too

or just having a narrative lead you through the environments

or just having really interesting things to discover

That's offset by the weapon capacity limit. If you're a hoarder you will eventually fill up on good weapons and be forced to use them anyways. It's not like the game is shy about throwing weapons at you, every creature drops them and every area has a chest with a fancy sword or bow in it.

That's exactly how the armor system works. It's only weapons, shields, and bows that break. You buy, hunt, and upgrade your gear for better defense and set bonuses and they don't have durability.

the armor system is good

Sidequests that give you upgrades or new shit to make the experience more fun maybe

But you don't understand that that's the very thing that makes the system bad.

You fill up on the best swords and you don't give a shit about them because you're just looking for the same sword to fill the slot back up after it breaks making the whole system pointless.

The whole gimmick becomes about going back to the same locations to get the same sword rather than having a sword that actually means something to you.

Attached: gildedsword.jpg (1592x826, 113K)

If you want to build a game around the idea that the player can go in any direction and explore the world in any order, areas that are "harder" or "easier" throw a wrench in that plan. Traditionally open world games have either had to accept that there are high level areas that the player cannot access in the beginning of the game (New Vegas and the death claw ravine that forces the player to go in another direction), or scale difficulty based on the progression of the player (Elder Scrolls, level scaling on enemies).

Having your weapons break solves that by allowing the player to go anywhere, have power spikes when they find a great weapon, then reset back to a base power level when that weapon breaks. It keeps the entire world at around the same "base level". With armor upgrades you still feel the progression so it's not a complete waste of time either.

shit premise and botw has harder areas so it's a false premise as well

you just focus on what fixes the issues in your design ethos without having any regard to the issues it brings

Anju & Kafei mask. Not necessary for winning the game, but oh so satisfying.

>where was the Archery Mini-Game
To the west from Highland Stable

Like the user at the top of this thread said, there's no use for rupees other than buying arrows, and occasionally ingredients (and I think the one-time fairy fountains, it's been awhile)
That comes from the mechanics of the game itself, and would take more than a direct change to the economy itself to fix

2 yrs later a Yea Forums is still seething

Yeah but its Zelda man. I mean come on, its open world Zelda.

Come on

wind waker is easy and the latter half of the game is unfinished. BOTW is objectively better.

>No one posted Big Tits Horse Face Girl

botw is easy and 3/4 of the game is unfinished

That and the three dragons are why I don't buy the "experience" rhetoric with this game.

They're cool things to look at, but it wasn't fun to get there, nor was the reward worth it.

The dragons look neat, but they have no story significance, no meaningful gameplay aspect aside from the boring mini target test to save the ice dragon, and all they amount to is material farms.

>Yea Forums copes still SEETHING about GOTY 2017
>stop talking about GOTY 2018
Hmm, I wonder why.

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jim sterling fans. somehow those exist.

I came into Botw expecting shit side quest due to Yea Forums shitposting but was happily surprised.

>Follow this barrel down the Zora river and dont let it break
>Trail this Korok and dont get spotted
>every Shrine Quest in the game
>Find this cook book in Hyrule Castle and bake me the cake

And more. I liked the sidequests in BOTW.

I bet you like assassin's creed tier shit too

Came here to post this
You people need Jesus

i bet you like hentai VNs

you're gay and wrong so got you
