DMC Thread


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Has everyone moved on already?


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I literally finished the game 5 minutes ago on human, it was almost decent, the end probably saved it, smooth 60fps with 120% resolution on max settings with my 1060, nuff said, I'd say it was worth the pirate and a human run, mandatory uninstall after you finish the story




This is bait

What's the best way to deal with Urizen's homing tentacle attack in mission 12? I usually try to kind of circle around it with trickster but it not always works for me.

There's always at least 5 threads in the catalogue retard

Came here to post this

Been mostly avoiding v till I finish it.

Modfags, is Nero's long DT hair tied to the head model itself or is it possible to port it onto Nero's regular model?

trickster up over it towards Urizen's body.

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>on human
>mandatory uninstall after you finish the story

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>Need to remove Dantes hair for my model swap
>Deleting the hair files does not

Shit. Hope Neros hair is short enough to hide instead.

Is that official?

Yeah, it's in the files of the game along with the damaged version

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Why is Balrog so much fun to use? I was disappointed with it at first because it was so different to past gauntlet weapons but I’ve come to fucking adore it’s moveset. The uppercut you do with backwards+circle while in Swordmaster and fully fired up is so fucking satisfying to land, and you’re reqarded with a fuckton of damage and a shitload of style.

Oh, and it's only for the non-Denuvo exe. Sorry, buyfags.

It's been out for a couple of days dipshit


>I am Vigo! Scourge of Carpathia

God I love this weapon, best hypeman in game

If you don't at least finish Son of Sparda I honestly cannot take your opinion on DMC5 seriously at all.

I really rely on snatcher for Nero, what's the Dante equivalent?


>DLC Announcer pack
>For Dante it's Morrison
>Not Balrog
Fucking hell Capcom

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guess you missed the time when capcom leaked the non-denigguvo exe

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Trash ass weapon, Beowulf was better in every aspect.

Holding forward

If you're a virgin, trickster. If you're a chad, hat trick.

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>want to switch to non denuvo exe cause denuvo is trash and i also want to use mods
>but i can't keep my saves if i do it
>don't want to do everything all over again because im autistic
It's all pain

Is it Nico for Nero AND V? Should have given V Griffon atleast

Yes. And I agree on Griffon. Nico for V doesn't make sense at all

Does anyone know what update 1.05 have added/changed?

post kino

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Switching to the non-denuvo exe doesn't do shit to your saves.

V has a different air-taunt at SSS rank, or maybe SS+.
He does a pirouette and lands bowing on one knee with arms spread. Seems to still be only for showing off unlike the other two characters' air taunts, but at least it's better than the tired "come on".

Not the most flattering picture of Sparda

>No flashback where we fight Balrog

Man I would've loved to have seen the sort of fight we could have had with him

The "come on" actually give you a bit of air time.

Morning Yea Forums

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>tfw no Nico onee-chan

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wait is this in 5?

>salty Virgil

Stuck in novels sadly
Dude seemed to have more personality than most of the bosses in the game too

"I envy your optimism" has been well known since day 1 I believe. That said I thought it was a S+ taunt not SS?

How does 2 being before 4 make sense? They didn't explain shit. Fuck you Itsuno


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its ONLY in 5

There was peace and nothing of note happened, that's all you need to know. Just take Capcom's word on it.

>How does 2 being before 4 make sense
Retconned with dante coming out of hell due to a yamato fragment opening a hole to get out, which then ties into the order's schemes later
Honestly they got to stop leaving stuff in novels

Isn't 2 still the furthest in the series? The order is now 3>1>4>5>2, correct?

So little happens in 2 that it can literally be at any point of the story.

No, the "History of DMC" video in the main menu does a one sentence gloss over of 2, placing it between 1 and 4.

It's actually 31245 now

Ah that's weird

not when you think about dante's personality change

What the fuck happened to Lucia anyway?
I Hope Dante knocked her so we can have another new character in dmc6
Just Imagine the possibilities, white hair brown loli

In the Before the Nightmare, the old granny urge Dante to fucks Lucia and pulls a no way hag on her. Lucia get to see Dante one last time to deal with Balrog though.

Dante's behaviour at the beginning of 4 makes so much sense if it happens after 2.
He's stone cold while killing the pope and only warms up once he gets a good beating from Nero and starts suspecting they are related.


Are there any renders or drawings of how Lucia looks like now? I wonder whose face they'll scan and how her costume would look

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Basically Rihanna

No one gives a shit about 2.

I thought Dante hates it when his weapons talked

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I know this game is all about details, but I didn't think it would this far in with it.

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So is the RE engine actually good? Can we expect most capcom stuff to run off it now?

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>Rebellion and King Cerb
God it's such a fun combo. King Cerb is such a fucking good weapon.

Apparently he tried that with Balrog, but Balrog said fuck shutting up because he's not a little bitch like A&R

what's with the endless fucking gold orbs

i wish getting stylish ratings would give you red orbs instead

It's pretty as fuck and well optimized, so i bet they will use it in almost everything

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Here's another example of detail. I honestly thought the wire came from the center before this.

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dodge away till its very close than dodge towards it, all dodges being circular around urizen

Fuck no! I'm dying to get home to continue it. It's been a long time since I've been pumped to play a game.

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>not the poems he actually reads

Now THAT'S parenting

>people would rather watch fagtron streamers play dmc5 terribly than actually play it themselves
Twitch streaming was a mistake

I don't like how Dr. Faust looks with it's final upgrade

Is punchline the best breaker?


Being stabbed is like a daily routine for Sparda family.


Why does getting hit in this game feel so bad? Is it because you're too inept to make a badass like Dante look good?

And why are all of you so unsympathetic towards people who suck at DMC?

Quality bonding

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>seethes about being called a deadweight for a whole month
Why is he such a manchild?

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No. Ragtime is.

he will be dead weight forever

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Super Punished Nero when?

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>Why does getting hit in this game feel so bad?
Because your style rank gets lowered if you get hit.

Can't speak for everyone, but I'm only unsympathetic to people who bitch about the difficulty, but refuse to put in the time to git gud. There's a reason why Human and Devil Hunter modes exist.

When you finish the game, do you keep all your upgrades and everything for your next playthrough? Just wondering if I should cash shop yet to max out everyone's skills

Gee, you've gotta wonder.

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Do you really think Kyrie would like this thing?

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I seem to have plateaued. On my SOS run I died in exactly the same spots I did in DH (only on bosses Artemis, Nidhogg, and Geryon).


DMC games are not games that people play once and move on, expect threads to continue for a while longer


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I'm allowed to bitch about Fury, Summoner and Behemoth?
Also, HaH is too fucking tense knowing 1 random hit can fuck you

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A real man loves her ALL month long.

>Why does getting hit in this game feel so bad?
If you play Dante with the alternate announcer, he will call you embarrassing

We'll know tomorrow

> Tfw you are so salty that beating your son = beating your brother

I don't know about you but his logic is flawless.

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Never think you plateaued. I spent 6 hours of played time on Vergil on SoS, I thought I'd never beat him. You just got to knuckle down, learn the enemy patterns while knowing your own combo potentials. Also experiment. Like, I learned to be more pro-active with Devil Trigger and started style switching more.

Reminder that DMC5 is casualized as fuck.

I shall fap to this

>tfw SoS is your ideal difficulty and DMD is too hard for you
>tfw you'll never be stylish
it's a familiar kind of feel.

>look mom, i posted it again!
Go away.

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>Gamepad stopped working for HD collection

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I don't remember being able to capoeira bitch ass demons like a Carribean freestyler with Beowulf.

>mfw Void practice
Probably my favorite mode to just vent off steam or lab new setups but I know I'll beef it in the higher difficulties.

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I don’t get the special announcers.
Nero has Nico and Dante has Morrison which makes sense, but V also has Nico.
What the fuck?
Why isn’t there a Griffon announcer for V??

Anyone have a clear image of the Jackpot scene? I want to make it my desktop background

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i know that feel, im chugging along SoS slowly

Does anyone have the DMC5 picture with Jack Black as Dante, Logan Paul as Nero, and Kylo Ren as V?

>walk (not run) away from proto angelo
>he can never catch up

Tried to like it, have the sneaking suspicion that people hyping it are the same pessimists who usually hate "new games" and "AAA trash" but saw this as a retro move by Capcom so banded behind it. More importantly, they don't have high standards for environmental and enemy design, and haven't played all the existing classic 3D bmups, so this seemed novel and really engaging.

But maybe you can convince me otherwise? My first impressions were that the engine/graphics looks phenomenal but instead of using it to its strengths (dark/high contrast environments) like the last RE games did, this one has a really drab look where there's no illusion, you constantly feel like you're stuck in a corridor room, no matter whether you're in hell or a mall or city street or whatever, it's the same boxed in feel of the original. And then the enemies themselves look so boring, the early enemies are all a variation of this demonic bug look, with a throwback to the scythe guys from DMC1 (but again with less illusion/horror, no spooky fatality attack), and then a big ugly troll demon. And then in the early game it seemed the only thing you need to do for S rank is to uppercut an enemy into the air, slash them in mid-air, and then cycle pistol-fire at their allies until you hit the ground. Repeat. It's as much a standard sequel as 4 was, although I remember having much more fun with Nero there since the blade revving was given such a visual focus there). It's insane how little this game has changed since the original (which had the best artwork, due to pretending to Capcom it would be a RE game), it's still claustrophobic, your character feels heavy and slow, the fun feels restricted to juggling, etc. It's like Itsuno didn't look to how Kamiya himself made his formula even more stylish and fluid with Bayonetta (which itself looked to DMC4). I gave up after killing the troll, which was a lame fight where the enemy was even more depressingly sluggish and tanky than my own character.


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>the hat does not fit
>not making a tiny hat that fits between the horns

So i dont own 5 yet, But i got the special edition of 4 a while ago and was wondering is Dark Knight Mode is worth playing on or if its just a huge clusterfuck?

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>scythe guys from DMC1

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I'll reply so no one else has to

>It's like Itsuno didn't look to how Kamiya himself made his formula even more stylish and fluid with Bayonetta

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Why does Proto Angelo suck so much? He's so fucking passive. As a replacement for Alto Angelo, it's pathetic.

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>You can combine enemy step with Shadow's tail high time to propel V further into the air
Now it's just a matter of getting Griffon's charge in there, royal fork and then landing on the spike for easy SSS.

this underwater part in 1 with scissor ghosts is pure cancer

Why are there no Patty or Kyrie announcers?

>then landing on the spike
Does that do anything?

balrog looks way too much like it came from urizen

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increase your style

They actually say Devil may cry in the title announcer.

That lasts thirty seconds.
Just shoot the niggers, collect the orbs, and go through the door.



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>Have you lost your mind? There'a a demon to destroy! Kill yourself later, I'll help!
Griffin is great.

Because they're mostly irrelevant to the story of DMC5, and only a small group of waifufags care for them.

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i will do it i just had to go to work and it annoyed the crap out of me

Isn't Dante's default Balrog?

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Does anyone else feel like the lockon mechanics have been somehow broken from the previous games? In no other DMC game do I constantly feel like I'm wrestling with the lockon this much.

I'm pretty sure that's the default for everybody.

I wonder if I could land the SS air taunt in it...



What would you prefer to be the next DMC game with a new director, since Itsuno will be busy with DD2?

>dmc 312 remake
>dmc 0 sparda prequel
>dmc 666

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Morrison is fucking great as Dante's announcer.
>get hit

>activate DT


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>Vergil has a son
>Dante is a fag virgin

If it came from the center you couldn't use it with a devil breaker equiped.

But Morrison is super irrelevant too?

>Urizen fight where you get SDT
>almost die because I can't tell what the hell is going on or how anything works
Air raid not being on the style button is what threw me off the most.

It's arguably my favorite weapon of this genre. So damn fun.



Fun to play on as Vergil or Lady, clusterfuck otherwise

Morrison actually got his own model. That's more than Kyrie and Patty can say.

All Vergil ever desired was power and yet he still jobbed in every single game he appeared in.


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Mega buster is
>Teleport into battle
>Charge blue rose while shooting enemies
>dab on enemies while you gunslinger into them

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I actually find it more annoying being passive. It basically just sits there defensively forcing you to walk over and around its guard. It doesn't really attack you which gives you the opportunity to stylishly counterattack.

And it's a complete and utter shitshow compared to actual nelo angelo, who was fun as heck when you had the balls to toe-to-toe dodge him. Not to mention he teleported a lot.

It's only proper to give homage to DmC since it's the only reason DMCV exists.

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Lady and Trish fully co-op spinoff, new director, diverges from their 4SE designs significantly.

>You share a planet with people like this

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nero has always been an angry foul mouth i dont know people pretend this is not completely in character
especially after meeting his daddy

Lady and Trish are amusing as side characters but not interesting enough to hold a game in their own right.

ds3/4 on pc?
You need custom drivers for that

This is not real. It can't be.

Expect it to be their new MT Framework, used in everything they do from VNs to RPGs to action games for the next decade.

the fuck?
this isn’t real, is it?

You dont need custom drivers for DS4

Nelo Angelo is an amusing side character but not interesting enough to hold a game in his own right.

And that's why he doesn't have one? The fuck kind of argument are you trying to make?


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>nero has always been an angry foul mouth i dont know people pretend this is not completely in character
This. Even in 4, Agnus straight up said in mission 6 that Nero has a reputation for being like that.

HD collection, 1. Work perfectly in other games, and I finished 3 recently without any problems, and now it just doesn't work for HD for some reason.

Best bait ive seen today. Then again i woke up 20 minutes ago.

It took me a moment to realize what the hell this was even talking about.

Bros why am i so shit at this game. I've been playing devil may cry since I was 7 years old and I couldnt beat mission 19 on SoS until I was heavily intoxicated. Now I keep jobbing with Nero.

>Vergil not coming with the Bloody Palace update

hold me bros...

Shit, you don't?

Let's be honest, a guitar that shoots electric bats is really lame.

Fun fact, if you use Nero's healing taunt, his model will be actively chewing for about 30 seconds, you can see it if you zoom in.


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Are you saying that because they're been underwritten in two games now means that it is completely impossible to just throw a good writer on them? I fail to see the logic here.

How do you know that? It drops on april 1st. April Fools day.

With all the kicks that Urizen does I wouldn't be surprised if Balrog was originally supposed to be a Urizen devil arm but they reshuffled the story at some point to make Urizen actually be Vergil. But at that point it'd be stance because V would have to have had a different story up to that point.


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Dante probably didn't find Balrog annoying like A&R, or maybe he's just more chill about it than in 3. Seems like a cool demon.

>hey brother, I'm gonna say the J word

I'd rather they take their sweet time with him.

Oh, it's real:

He just birthed two little shits, he has more pressing concerns than looking good in a painting.

>Vergil IS coming for BP
>but it's an april's fool joke and he's only available for one day

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Blue rose is fucking cancer I'm autistically holding this button down for a third of the game with no reprieve because damage won't be optimal otherwise why doesn't Nero have more weapons God damnit

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It works just fine on steam now. hell even switch pro works.

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Just play it safe on HaH. The "no hit, no continues" multiplier gives you more than enough of a bonus to make up for low style.

Thats true, wtf
did they re-write part of the story Midway but already had the urizem fight amd balrog weapon?

I could see Lady maybe being written for. Not Trish. Trish is just a nice hot piece of ass that's a somewhat goofy holdover from 1 who doesn't really do much other than exist anymore. In a way I'm more sad that Lady sort of got dragged into the same role instead of being half dante's comrade and half her own hunter.

>all these unga bungas complaining about V's gameplay
You are not one them, right user?

>Cavalierre was originally supposed to be a new Nero weapon
It would've worked too, it could have kept exceed through revving the motorcycle.

Balrog is the default announcer you retard

That's actually a good sign. It's more likely that we'll get a Dante & Vergil in Hell DLC Campaign.

There's also rumors of a "Ladies Night" DLC Campaign to add Trish and Lady. They have the 4SE assets and new models, plus Whatever new moves they throw in.

Do not click on the author's name. It's not worth investigating.

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Its not balrog in neither. Just sounds similar

To me it looks like it came from Berial.

Because he wasn't cussing every 5 minutes in the previous game, but in this game he do it almost every time he talks, even Dante swears once or twice in this game

I just got here and I'm gonna enter this argument saying I enjoy his gameplay but find it gets really repetitive if I play too much of him back to back. But hell I find Nero kind of the same too. I'm only really stimulated enough constantly style/weapon switching with dante.

How do I git gud with V?
How do I farm red orbs? Has the M13 faust exploit been patched out?
Is the EX provocation worth it?
Whats the Kalina Anns 2 surprise?

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Shit Strength
Sore Sad Sperg

>Faust is a hat with eyes that you can put on other enemies
Is Faust a Mario Odyssey reference?

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you need for older games or touchpad support

you don't need for DMC5 unless you want to assign taunt to the touchpad like I did

Nero barely swears at all until confronting his weeb dad.

Is the sales numbers up yet?

faust doesnt have eyes what the fuck

He's got issues, like losing your charge for an attack if you dodge with either Griffon or Shadow and some of your attacks feeling super delayed.

You know damn well what he is.

Dante definitely tapped Trish and maybe Lady, and countless random bitches before, but is too autistic to maintain a relationship.

Not him but it does. Have a look in the files.

>Whats the Kalina Anns 2 surprise?
>He doesn't know

it's a "ninja theory said dante was a gay cowboy" reference

>How do I farm red orbs? Has the M13 faust exploit been patched out?
No. People just don't know how to do it properly. I farmed last night no issues.

lmao and of course it's one of these """people""".

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Look closely

>Dante fucked his mother's doppelganger
What a creep.

>you need for older games or touchpad support
I only use DS4Windows for games that arent on steam or emulators. Anything on steam works just fine for me.

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Get your head out of your ass.

Well obviously cause its introduction even had an MJ dick dance to drive the point home, but the red aura forms two eyes on it


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Damn I didn't even know that but I was thinking it. Tbh it feels like a slower, clunkier salamandra, so I'd want some fast weapon as well. If he had 3 melee and 3 gun like Dante in 4 I'd have nothing left to complain about.

That's the best part.

furies are fucking retarded
the fact that they can just back off at any moment they want and delete their hitbox and nerf you're style to the ground is horseshit

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>How do I git gud with V?
Learn to chain Griffon and Shadow's attacks into each other, and what cancels what.

>Has the M13 faust exploit been patched out?
It's a feature. Faust level 4 shits orbs at you.

>Is the EX provocation worth it?
Once you're done with everythhing else.

>Whats the Kalina Anns 2 surprise?
Literally 2 Kalina Anns.


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>I spent 6 hours of played time on Vergil on SoS
Literally me, I genuinely couldn't find openings in phase 2, honestly if not for the summoned blades on swordmaster DSD I would have no idea how to stun him. Him and Malphas were my hardest bosses, Malphas only because of that stupid autismo charge with a giant hitbox. Now I'm MOTIVATED to beat this game on DMD, however I seriously doubt I'm ever going to S rank every mission on all difficulties

He barely swears you retarded fuck. Also, in 4 he was mindwashed by a church/cult. Obviously you can't foulmouth there.

Just beat the game on the second easiest difficulty (Want to beat it at every difficulty going up from Human), about to start Son of Sparda, am I in for a ride?

How do I get gud? Like what specifically do I do to practice?

Is it wrong that the one minor thing I don't want in the next game to be a 'ruined abandoned city' setting? I'm kinda sick of it.

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>M13 faust exploit
what exploit?

I think it would be far more likely that they refitted the Balrog fight into an Urizen fight rather than Balrog the weapon being originally meant to be Urizen the weapon.

Yep. They're garbage. Just use Ice Age to delete them and move on.

Why did this one random shit get such a good boss theme

Modboys, is it possible to replace weapon models?

Can I replace the cavaliere with something else?

Someday someone will make this hat for a cosplay. And I'll give them props.

The whacky bing bing wahoo pizza man

Is it even that importent though? I have too much muscle memory built up to rebind shit so I just use Color Up shots.
It's been working well so far.

Which character?

There's a Kalina Ann in Mission 11 (I think? whatever Dante mission had Cavalier as a boss)
it combines with the one you get from the story to make lmao2kalinas

The first few Nero Missions and all of V's missions are easy, but after Mission 7, all non-V missions get pretty tough.

Not really an exploit, in M13, there is a checkpoint before a lot of enemies, so you can farm orbs and when they are dead, just reload to checkpoint,saves some time when farming with Faust.

funny, even through steam some old stuff would still mix up buttons on the ds4 for me, but works with the drivers on

He does, a lot

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I like Kyrie

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I dunno that's a good question, a lot of the boss themes in this game are so fucking boring and unmemorable. was pretty good too though.

If DMC5 wasn't so transparently self-referential all the time I'd be tempted to think so. But it was probably just meant to reference the enemy type from DMC4 (and maybe a cheeky jab at the gay cowboy comment from the DmC development days).

It really isn't, if you don't like it. It is a nice DPS boost, but DMC isn't about DPS, and you can keep your style Rockin' along with Color Up just fine.

I like my cities lively.

>Enemy Step
is this more for hopping to safety or is there some offensive trick behind this

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not really

You dont need drivers for those, steam has options to fix them.

Uncivilized baboons

oh, that

I tought it was an actual exploit

How do you farm orbs with hat?

>How do I git gud with V?
V is all about mastering the positioning of his pets.
First off, pet dodges are not intended for evasion but rather to bring your pets back to your position. If you want to evade damage, just jump, or use Nightmare summon.
Second, the closer you are to an enemy that you want Shadow to attack, the less the AI is prone to errors
>Whats the Kalina Anns 2 surprise?
>he doesn't know

Attached: dauntie 21.png (500x750, 275K)

That's nice Nero.

Yeah really

Nero, stop blogposting on Yea Forums
t. your granddad

Nero or Dante I guess.

Yes, yes, he is a bit fucked in the head. Blame Kamiya

Slap the hat onto the enemies and hit them to drop more orbs.

>Sparda became Beethoven

I wasn't expecting this.
We really need that prequel game now.

Attached: 1530486057640.jpg (1119x1917, 726K)


she is so cute. I want to eat her ass

Nero discovered Yea Forums, it was just a matter of time




Nero, stop posting on here.

everyone matched online just hands out the stylish rating, r-right?

Git gud at parrying.
Also Dante can build up a fuckload of style by using charged double Kalina Ann. To avoid getting staggered use DT.

Why they didn't put DSD to DT/Sin DT only and Rebellion for human form? It would make more sense

Great. Now I just need to find the files for Nicos Van

Go back to making me sex toys, grease monkey.

Son, stop using this cursed board and go make Sparda's blood stronger with grandchildren.

Attached: 1552389553535.png (239x235, 92K)

Good for you dead wieght.

With Dante, consider just starting out with only two devil arms equipped (ie: your sword and one other thing for easy switching and memory) and only use trickster and swordmaster. Switch between them a lot. Get used to air tricking your way to enemies then immediately switching to SM as you open up with some combos. Keep things simple. As you gain more of a mastery of him you'll gradually be able to equip more things at once.

Its quicker to give a stylish prop than to not when I'm mashing through the end screens. I'm not sure I've ever not given the award.

No. I wish.
I usually rate people as Stylish to be polite, but most people don't do that.

Reminder that there are still shitposters in these threads
Barry got banned again but he'll probably start pissing on some threads in a few hours again like usual

Attached: bait mspaint.png (600x600, 55K)

Are there any music mods for this game yet?

Constant charging on L1 is second nature by this point, I barely even notice I'm doing it most of the time. The only problem is trying to not keep it held while using Tomboy.

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I personally give the stylish points to every person I play with. No real reason not to.

>Doing 13 over and over to play with others
>Log back on later
>16 Gold Orbs from players


For all the emphasis the game makes about 'MUH DEAD WEIGHT' it really doesn't strike me as a particularly relevant thing for Dante to say given the circumstances. He should have said something like "This is my fight" or "This is personal". Made Nero's angst about it feel kind of pointless.

Because DSD is it's own weapon. You can use the two of them in the same load out if you want. Same with Sparda.

Fuck you

Attached: ndpyvskzw1m21.png (1280x720, 451K)

>Trickster away, then use Air Trick to warp past the tendrils
>Royal Guard them
You might also be able to parry them with your melee weapons but I don't quite remember

It's over Vergil, I'm gonna say the J word

Attached: Shit eating grin.png (965x716, 990K)

1. Acquiere hat
2. Acquire hat trick, and level hat up as much as possible
3. Press left on the d-pad and circle
4. ????
5. Shamone!

prove it

Figures an assfag like him would be a total unga.

Is there any difference between rebellion and sparda?


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Why are you telling him to stop using Yea Forums if you're still using it?
That's not very nice of you, Vergil.

>the end probably saved it
>nuff said
I wouldn't be surprised if this WASN'T bait, honestly.

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He probably hoped that Nero will just fuck off, brood over it for a while and forget about it while he finishes his family business by himself. He didn't know he'd get buttfucked right afterwards.

I am a little confused on taunts and style meter

you gain ranking for performing a taunt, but does it stop gaining ranking after the first taunts?

I noticed sometimes when I stopped to taunt right after reaching S, my ranking would actually drop from S to A for example, I thought taunting would at least not let your style drop while you were doing it

I'm on my way to Yea Forums and it's past your bedtime already.

Attached: 1552295520461.png (800x587, 504K)

>beat game from DH to DMD.
>decide to go back and quickly blitz through human mode
>red hot night takes off like half a boss health bar
The challenge is honestly not killing enemies before you can style on them.

Sparda has longer reach and does more damage on any move where it becomes a scythe. DSD generally matches Rebellion's damage as well, and only does more than Sparda if you're using the swordmaster summon swords mid-combo, though there are tons of other benefits that outweigh the damage difference most of the time.

Sparda's reach is longer when its transformed during certain attacks, like Stinger/High Time/Round Trip. Otherwise they have all the same moves and stats I think.

You will not forget this J word's power.

Attached: 1551706524919.jpg (703x742, 63K)

Less range and does the least damage
Most Range, decent damage and has the best Prop Shredder in the game
Different moveset, Air Raid without Swordmaster, Drive and no Roundtrip.

Give me your best unga Neros.

Attached: 1552399296471.jpg (1599x899, 146K)

Kind of weird he has a magazine about Nero's sword.

Worst boss in the entire game, so fucking boring holy shit.

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Wtf I followed your steps now I'm HEEHEE

the gallery says it came from his brother or something.


Now that the game's out and we're past the Suicide Silence scandal, what are your honest opinions on the new Dante theme, anons? Lyrics don't fit to me, but it's still a fucking banger.

bind gun to a shoulder button ASAP because CS3 is one of the best attacks in the game
Abuse the hell out of Hard Way and Payline
Don't use ground taunts. Only use air taunts.
Change up your attacks
Start with 1 sword and gun. Learn everything about it and how to utlize every single move of it.
Then move up to mastering your four styles. Once you notice yourself switching styles on the fly mid combat you move up to the final step and that is using more weapons at once.
For the start, I'd recommend either focusing on DSD or Cerberus. Balrog may seem awesome and simple but it gets stupidly complex real quick, so I wouldn't recommend starting with it

>Wing-arm-cape is restricted to super costume
I feel robbed.

Lady definitely could considering the new information we've learned about her.
>Lives in a motel
>Still has PTSD from killing her father
>Dante and Nero get their family back while she is still alone
It has the makings of a nice little arc that still revolves around the theme of family. Don't know about Trish though.

Attached: When you see Dante and Nero get their brother and father back but you realize that your family isn&# (1200x675, 58K)

Only EX provocation that's worth it is V's since he does singing in the rain and you can actually keep up in a fight while doing it. Nero's is okay but he can only really use it on one enemy with Punchline out otherwise you'll have to cancel and dodge, Dante can keep it up fairly well with DSDSM and Dr. Faust but his one's boring garbage.

>SoS is a stroll
>die twice on Geryon but that's it
>suddenly Mission 10
>dying constantly, only make it through with frequent SDT and the royal guard auto counter move

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Do you live under a rock ?

On higher difficulties yes. On lower difficulties he goes down fast enough it's moderately amusing.

Also you do know that you don't have to wait for him to fall to the ground and can just grapple your way up top whenever you like right?

Attached: unga bunga.png (867x115, 15K)

>If you don't at least finish Son of Sparda
Yeah it'd be great if they unlocked that difficulty at the start of the game wouldn't it?

how do you even style on that thing?
I got S ranks on the mission itself but barely got past A on the boss itself

i know it's meant to be a secret weapon but holy shit, it was only 2 feet off the main path, you'd have to be in full npc mode not to pick it up by accident

>tfw 8 Tomboys

Attached: 1552571492617m.jpg (1024x488, 46K)

Wait what? Really?
just kidding i already knew that, hes still boring as fuck

Why are they dressed like that in the fucking 80’s?


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Thanks guys

lyrics don't fit and on higher styles it's too fuckin loud, but otherwise it's okay

I wish Sparda's transforming nature had been iterated on. Stinger with Sparda in DMC1 was so fucking good. The range is such that you can actually melee Shadows to death with Sparda with Stinger. However, the sequels actually made Sparda transform LESS. It's just the round trip machine now.

>frequent SDT


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Balrog was the successor to the throne in the Fire Hell or something, and took over after Dante shredded Berial.
Then Dante ended up shredding Balrog too.


Nice fanfic.

I don't care, I'm talking about pussy. Vergil is a chad and Dante is a virgin. Even Nero got pussy but Dante is probably a closet gay.

Please let the Ladies Night DLC be good and don't force us to play Trish in some missions.

Attached: lady 8.webm (1912x874, 2.9M)

Am I the only person that likes Gilgamesh? God damn.


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I only have gopnik Nero.

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How can she get a family if no one wants to bang he?
She is almost 40, her eggs are all dried up

>son of a bitch
>baggin' this bitch!
And this is just cutscene dialogue, he also cusses sometimes during fights
He probably cusses more on the first hour of 5 than in the entirety of 4

>Blue rose is fucking cancer
Imagine having a taste so fucking trash, yikes.

Yeah, fuck Metal Gear. Why do you even like him anyways?

jackass isnt a cuss word. he said bitch a lot in 4.

>it's a V DMD mission

Attached: i have to shoot myselff.gif (400x225, 950K)

Attached: 1552139977684.png (1920x1080, 2.67M)

He only be ultra pissed when he knows he is that weeboo's son.
>arms get snatch out by complete fucker when you nicely ask him enjoy dinner together.
>turns out that fucker is your daddy
>you try your best helps your uncle
>your partner said she got your back
>the arm so easily break off and it costs
>miss his cute wife
>gonna catch up uncle Dante but no slow candle virgin V needs rescue

He got reason to be mad. I think its ok. He looks better at the endding anyway. Pretty sure he didnt be that sad since he knows his father and uncle wont trap in hell too long cause Yamato exist.

>but does it stop gaining ranking after the first taunts?
As long as you perform enough varied attacks after a taunt, a second taunt will give you rank

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Something about this game's story felt... off
I know story has never been this series' strong point, but it felt really awkward this time around.

I don't even know how I did that, I just mashed one combo over and over and sometimes that back+forward attack.

Grappling on giant demon robot is fun.

>16 Gold Orbs
Are they actually useful for anything?

Attached: negro.jpg (1920x1080, 264K)


It is a cuss word, cherry picking which words count as cuss words is not how this works user

Dante Looks like a faggot.

lmao 2Kal

Why was Lady such a sassy lazy bitch in this game? In DMC3 it made sense cause she was on an emotional vendetta against her dad. But in this game she just comes off like a fucking cunt in this scene

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Dante's face through Balrog's haze can get really wonky.

Attached: 1552601178653.png (307x333, 252K)

Bingo is a hack who has a boner for Nero

I've never used them personally just felt nice that they ranked me Stylish


It really isn't though. And by that logic, we should just count every word as a cuss, otherwise we are cherry picking.

Attached: unknown.png (117x130, 35K)

did this happen in some spinoff media as well, or just some imagination land bullshit to say 'hey, remember that guy? the one who did the thing?'

>16 days left for BP
so close yet so far

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>on the phone

It was a customer calling about a party.

Jackass is no more of a cuss word than retard is.

No reason not to rate.
More than half the time you don't actually see what the other player is doing anyway.

Because that's how they decided to write her in 4. Only DMC3 Lady is true Lady.

I mean she was really tired and was inside of a fucking demon, of course she would be a cunt in that situation where a trashy bitch puts you to work.

Attached: lady 9.webm (1912x874, 2.89M)


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We've gone through 11 years of waiting, 2 weeks is nothing.

The idea is cool but in the end this boss is basically, spam attacks on weak spot while sometimes jumping to evade spikes on the ground

He had all the right things to be a god tier bossfight though, what I want to know is how they managed to make him such an utter weak ass bitch.

Cavaliere Angelo got some major favouritism, best theme, most screentime of any boss barring Verizen himself, two distinct boss fights, fighting style based on Credo (best boss in the series), turns into a weapon the team have wanted to make since DMC2, they really liked the sparky autist.

>just had the shit beaten out of her
>butt nekkid
>gets told to dig a fucking hole

shit, i get pissy when people tell me to dig holes on a good day.


>being new


>a customer

Fuck. I'm keeping this one

daddy issues

>turns into a weapon the team have wanted to make since DMC2
Wait really?

Attached: 1552205833147.png (118x191, 49K)

She needs to get raped to shut that whore mouth of hers.

user's wrong but Patty technically was a customer in the past since Dante was effectively her bodyguard

They could've at least made her likeable. Trish was more likeable than Lady in this game, I never cared for Trish in previous entries

thats pretty much all the bosses though

That's William Blake.

Combine it with his teleporting cane for mobility. Jump around on Goliath like he's a bouncy castle.

Itsuno wanted to do a motorcycle as a weapon when he started on 2 but that game was completely fucked. In 3 they couldn't make it work because of the PS2 so they did the bike-chuks cutscene after Leviathan. 4 had a fucked dev cycle. 5 was finally the time for a motorcycle weapon.

which is why most of them are DMC4 tier garbage

>Trapped in Vergil's demon minion for a month because Dante decided to take a nap
Considering everything, her anger is justified

I'd believe it. 2 featured Dante on a motorbike. 3 featured Lady on a motorbike, and Dante fights with it in a cutscene. OC for 4 has a motorbike sword.

tell you what, go get a shovel and dig a hole. then come back and @ me again

I'm having trouble getting Griffon to reliably charge his Back+Triangle sphere shock attack. I feel like I can't get him to do it unless he's already summoned? He always charges the neutral lightning bolt attack instead.

>sassy lazy bitch in this game?
What? She was physically drained at that point and JUST woke up after being used as a battery by a flying semen demon for a whole month. And on top of that she probably thinks that Dante is dead.

Attached: Raydi.jpg (400x400, 22K)

Imagine being called to direct a game that will launch in less than 4 months and the only thing they have complete is 1 (one) attack

Attached: itsuno on dmc2 development.jpg (1605x1535, 335K)

literally why? seriously, what kind of person plays DMC on Human?

Attached: 20190310145728_1.jpg (1920x1080, 412K)

>unless he's already summoned?
That's how it is. You first need to summon your pets with a tap on their respective buttons and only after that will they accept a directional input

Nah, I'll just tell you that you're full of shit cause you are. Writing a character to be likeable and equating their circumstances to that of an average Joe aren't the same thing, stoopid

Just imagine using it as a back scratcher. The only bad part is you gotta explode it to take it off.

This is the best fighting zone, I loved that it was moving.

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Taunt enters a cooldown after using it where if you taunt again it does nothing, you need to attack more to reset it. Taunting doesn't freeze the style meter, it still drops and only gains at the end of the taunt, this makes ground taunts nearly useless for style meter with Nero since his tend to be quite long and usually result in a loss, Dante can still gain from it most of the time though.

Nope. I'm spending my days training with dante om the void and waiting for BP.
Also, I hate the Dante Sword.

Griffon is clearly not wroking right. He's a piece of shit to control. Even Shadow has no problem taking proper back forward inputs.

I love DSD and Balrog Blow, but find myself not really using anything else. I've been waiting for the entire series to get a staff/spear weapon, and now it's here and is three or four moves in Swordmaster. Cavaliere is really hard to find a use for too, especially in boss fights. How can i learn to love these other weapons?


But he doesn't cite exactly these poems

Is anybody else kind of bummed that there's no big boss rush mission? Mission 18 in DMC3 is one of the best missions in that game, and this game has enough bosses to make it just as good.

I'll write the scene to make Lady more likeable and still have the effect that she was physically drained.

>Nero leaves after questioning Lady
>Just answering questions posed to her makes Lady woozy
>She passes out as Nero leaves the truck
>Nico comes in with a shovel
>"Time to get to work-"
>Notices Lady is lying down unconscious
>Nico smirks and sighs as she pulls the blanket over Lady's shoulders to keep her warm as she sleeps

I can agree with that. I've thought the same since 4: "anybody making a new save file on this game is gonna be pissed at all the work you put into to get to the proper difficulties"

At least in dmc5 there's
1) a shortcut that will let you skip an entire difficulty mode by beating a mildly challenging fight
2) so many abilities that you legitimately need one or two run throughs of the game to be able to afford everything on every character

I really urge you to get use with Cerb. It's the most versatile weapon for sure. It just takes timing to learn when to hold/switch to different stances. Cav imo is useless. It's great for crowd control, but so is cerb and DSD and they're much faster.

personally I only use DSD and both forms of Balrog and have only just started fucking around with other weapons now that I've been getting the orbs for their upgrades, so don't take this shit as gospel

Cavaliere feels more like a mob control weapon between some of the attacks having armor and the wide as fuck multihit swings that dante does with them
King Cerb feels similar to Balrog in terms of utility, but with some projectiles

i'm guessing all of that stuff will be implemented via bloody palace.

I hope Divergence is a boss rush, or a play any character on any mission mode

Best mod.

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I love DSD. Being able to scoop things beneath me into the air as opposed to dive/step/rose(or cav) is neato.

Nero and Lady
>both have daddy issues
>both wanted to kill their father
yea I think they'd make a good pair. Nero should dump Kyrie

>see this
wat do

Attached: 5U92sJb.png (590x729, 826K)

I find the sawing of cavalier to be extremely satisfying, and it's my favorite to be in the air with. It sorta reminds me of Agni and Rudra, but that might just be because of it's back forward.

If you're the kind of person that drops a dmc game after one playthrough then your opinion doesn't count either.

Too old.

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Lmao look at that neck. Lady is a lot shorter than everyone else

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My arms hurt, thanks Dante.

And that's a good thing.

Attached: lady 6.webm (946x1080, 2.84M)

So did anyone ever find that Crew Cut secret Okabe apparently hinted at?

Attached: otp.jpg (250x201, 6K)

Every time

Attached: mkporeof.png (479x479, 99K)

>removing the part where she shows off her ass and tiddies
Shit rewrite

>his makes ground taunts nearly useless for style meter with Nero since his tend to be quite long and usually result in a loss,
this explains why my style meter was always dropping with nero


>How can i learn to love these other weapons?
Learn to use them one by one. Start by fully mastering a single weapon (ie train until you fully utilize its entire moveset in battle).
Then move on to the next one and do the same and so on.
Also don't start with Balrog right away because it's a stupidly complex weapon to master
>Cavaliere is really hard to find a use for too, especially in boss fights
Cavaliere is mainly intended for dealing with common fodder

It's literally mentioned in the gallery.

By that time I'll have a competent Dante and will have learned multi breaker attacks.

Why are Ladyfags so retarded?


Attached: 1551998863521.png (771x366, 63K)

I honestly really wanted Crew Cut to join the team.

Almost like a reluctant straight man that just stays in the van with Nico it is costly being weirded out by everything happening around them

Why are you so stupid?

Attached: lady 4.webm (988x1080, 2.84M)

Sparda was thousands of years old, he was probably slow to catch onto this century's trends

>Mission 18 in DMC3 is one of the best missions
Woah there for a second I thought you were calling DMC5's mission 18 one of the best.

>redoing mission 12 on SoS
>"damn this fury is a lot faster than on dh, its like he's everywhere at once
>finally knock him down
>immediately i get sent flying despite him being flat on his face
>reee slightly but continue the fight
>mfw it took me another 30 seconds to realize Im fighting two fury's not one

Attached: IMG_20180617_073302.jpg (637x442, 45K)


If you beat Urizen in the prologue on Devil Hunter it unlocks Son of Sparda
Tedious but doable with just charge shots from Blue Rose

>Be Lady
>Just woke up after possible a blackout for a whole month
>Just wake up to be told to start digging destroyed rubble
>Complain for a little bit but ultimately decide to help out anyway
>Ask for some clothes
>This is somehow being a sassy lazy cunt
I don't know what to say user. You probably just never liked Lady in the first place and are making her actions more extreme than they are.

Patty was clearly trying to hire Dante as a male stripper for her birthday, making her a customer.

>How do I farm red orbs? Has the M13 faust exploit been patched out?
It's a feature, based itsuno pleased the execs by adding the Buy red orbs with real money and also pleased the real fans by giving us a way to farm them easil.

Attached: itsuno.png (1024x640, 964K)

god i fucking love her

Attached: 20190313100520_2.jpg (1920x1080, 218K)

It is.

Cerebus is amazing. Particularly its R1+Back=hold B swordmaster move that just absolutely obliterates everything.
I find Cavaliere amazing against beefy middle ground enemies like the lizards and whatnot. It's SM bike attacks pretty much instantly shatter the armour of the spinny lizards. And it's the best weapon for holding a single enemy in the air. Its basic moves are really only intended to be used after you've stunned and dragged everything to the ground, because they tend to stay there while being sawed up.

There is, but V gets it and it's only for his gimmick "lose the summons" segment

If you don't you're a faggot honestly.

Attached: 20190315153621_1.jpg (1920x1080, 159K)

Literally streamed the whole game yesterday and got blown up by Vergil. Not going to stop until I complete my no death playthrough on SoS.

Attached: Happy Lady.png (863x483, 349K)

It's fucking banging. I love it.

Attached: 20190314094649_1.jpg (2560x1440, 521K)

I loved Lady in DMC3. She was badass and didn't take shit from anyone. She just comes off like a bitch in this game.

>mfw instakill the first fury with double kalina before the second fury is even able to attack
praise Itsuno for designing the best double rocket launcher in any game

Attached: itsuno motivated.jpg (381x722, 174K)

Does anyone else find it easier to manage 3 or 4 weapons with Dante than in 4? I think it might be because each weapon feels like a full toolkit, as opposed to 1/3 of Dante's moveset that is locked behind a weapon switch.

How the fuck do I fight Furies as Dante? The only attack I can reliably parry is when they make it exceedingly obvious and hover in the air beforehand.

Still absolute garbage.

>get only 2 cutscenes of her
>she's a bitch

Because he's Nelo Angelo Round 1 vs Dante four games later, it's not even a fair contest

>no big boss rush mission
Thank god for that.

It was probably just him hanging around with Nico in mission 1 and the bonus picture.

Redpill me on this weapon, I only used it in 3 against Agni & Rudra and Nevan. I feel like it might be useful on DMD. Also SoS King Cerberus had so much fucking health, how is he on DMD?

Attached: cerberus.jpg (1367x732, 87K)

I just don't see it. She seems pretty respectful to others with some playful banter with Nico since she's known her before.

That's gay.

I hated the instrumental too. Thank fuck that you can switch it out to Devils Never Cry and Taste the Blood

Attached: 1524099863207.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

>call other people retarded while browsing Yea Forums

Attached: cute.webm (642x614, 2.87M)

Not really. Nelo is way faster and more dangerous. And not exceedingly idle like Proto Angelos. He dashes around, teleports, fires projectiles. And yes that's round 1. Proto Angelo just feels like lobotomized Nelo with little offense and too much hp.

It's shit. I use Devils Never Cry.

>how is he on DMD
Still tons of health. If you found him fun in SoS he's much more fun and he's much more aggressive. He's still susceptible to being absolutely destroyed by faust though so don't use that.

Are you saying mission 18 in DMC5 wasn't absolute kino?

Attached: 1538059675829.png (432x497, 339K)

You're the kind of person that wants DMC games to be super easy when you first start them aren't you?

Probably the toughest motherfucker out there in DMD.

The jukebox should've had the boss themes in it

Dante has the easiest time fighting them of anyone. Ice Age, Royal Guard/Revenge, Balrog blow mode, DSD Round Trip, he has got tools out the ass to handle them. Nero on the other hand, does not really have any reliable tools, barring a few Breakers. Overture, Gerbera, and Rawhide all give great party tools, and you can follow up with CS3 for big damage, but if you don't have those breakers, he doesn't have a reliable way to parry them besides just going for a swing, which is finnicky.

based and Ladypilled

Attached: pic i took of my wife and my dog.jpg (1080x1078, 177K)

I really don't get it either, how is she a bitch? In one cutscene she is tired and of course annoyed to the fact that Nico already puts her to work after just waking up from a demon and in the other one she's normal.

Attached: lady 3.webm (900x506, 2.84M)

Huh, I use Cerebus a lot too. Never even thought of that. Thanks!


Nico and Trish that is.

How many fucking games are there that let you use a double rocket launcher in the first place?

Anyone here figure out how the stuns work with Balrog? Do I have to hit the head specifically or use dragon uppercut or what?

Ice Age is perfect for Furies. Revolver shits on Cavaliere Angelo.

I don't like having to use my middle finger to hit triggers, I just moved the arm button so I fat thumb gun with melee/jump. That's second nature now, I just don't want to dew this anymore

>I think it might be because each weapon feels like a full toolkit
Not just that but also the fact that the full moveset of each weapon is viable instead of how it was in 4 where more than half of your moveset was fucking garbage with Lucifer only having three useful moves

In sos I mostly spammed lmao2ann skill attack in the air

I'm a faggot and I still love her

>Are you saying mission 18 in DMC5 wasn't absolute kino?
Yes, I hate that fucking mission.

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Speaking of Lucifer, I wonder if we'll get to see him in a game.

shitter spotted

If he was actually Nelo Round 1, he'd be perfect. Instead, all he does is stare at you.

Land enough punches as Balrog in blow mode and they'll get stunned. Enemies have different limits.


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Oh so it's strictly just regular jabs? Cool, good to know.

Just dodge or RG.
Cerberus spinning attacks or Barlog breakdancing counters them easily too.

Attached: balrog.webm (960x540, 2.79M)

He's also slow as fuck, not even turbo mode could savage him
I'm with you on this, phase 1 is easy as fuck especially with enemy step. Phase 2 is fucking annoying because you have to chase him around

>special announcers
Wait, what? How do i turn then on? I have preordered delux edition.

>wanting to fight stuff you've already beaten


Crewcut as Dante when?

clearly not enough games

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Gallery. Nero and V get Nico, Dante gets Morrison.

going full Ali with blow mode on cavalliere angelo was sick

>Sparda became Beethoven
>Vergil is a Wagner fan
>Dante is metal and dante is classical
When Vergil dlc comes out i want music mods to change the fight music of Vergil to the fucking moonlight sonata complete with the dinamic shit where it changes from first movement to second and third when you hit that S rank

Attached: 1552590614283.png (1920x1080, 3.89M)

The only thing I can think of is Borderlands 2 and rocket launchers there are mostly only good for getting a second wind due to ammo scarcity.

Where can I get the Non-Denuvo version? The steam download doesn't work anymore.

No Dolphin porn, please.

>gunslinger dante, lv4 faust
>get gud in timing the hat tricks
>r1+forward square works if you want to single out enemies not hatted yet
>else eternal air hattricks
ez 600k a checkpoint retry if i stall and try not to hit the spawners