If you could change one thing about our current "gamer culture", what would you remove/change, Yea Forums?
If you could change one thing about our current "gamer culture", what would you remove/change, Yea Forums?
>one thing
Hard reset or bust
What is this boards problem with women exactly? They are doing everything in their power to reproduce, which is way closer to their biological drive than "playing life away" like Yea Forumsirgins do.
Die whore
All the fags on Yea Forums trying to make the weak minded and impressionable feel self conscious about playing mobile vidya in public
Remove politics from video game discussions completely
why? you should be deeply ashamed of your hobby, it's a sin
Where is cheap GOG gales?
Sometimes so cheap, they 'give' them away.
>not overcoming your biological imperative like like base ape
Women hate people on this board so they hate them back just to cope.
It's just sour grapes
Companies spying on its users.
Free to play.
pewdiepie pls
The whole "don't like it don't buy it", "it's optional MTX", "I-ITS ONLY COSMETIC!!!" retarded ideology in regards to MTX and DLC. Shit just ruins games for me.
I dunno if I'd change it but I always wondered why everyone has some fear of anime styled games. There are certain users on Yea Forums that I'm sure are capable of being totally honest, sensible people but turn into monkeys when they see certain anime styled games getting popular on Yea Forums.
Its tradition
And as every tradition, its outdated
>remove faggot journalists
>get sony to fuck off with their censorship
>somehow get microsoft to make their system worth owning
>remove battle royale bullshit
>remove multiplayer focused games
>remove always online shit
The first one alone is enough of an issue to single handedly kill an industry or fuck it up irreversibly because the lower the bar the more people will show up to ruin it. theres so many worthless people in this industry now that any variance is abnormal. Theyre all shit at games, they all bitch that its too hard when a fucking grandmother with dementia can play it fine, they all have some hidden agenda bullshit. None of them actually play games and the ones that do are the only ones who qualify to review games
if you fired every single reviewer that has made even a slight hint that they struggled in a game, the entire industry's reviewers would be fired
die schlampe
stoopid mankey
Remove streamers and reviewers
Like i got a really nice life im happy playing vidya but i hate how i cannot go to youtube or any site without seeing some e celeb shit i specially hate things like poke tubers who make a ton of “leak” videos and the thing that i hate the most is that some streamers have lives way better than me just because they paint their hair weird colors and play videogames all day
That last part is mostly because as a kid despite having good grades my dad used to get mad at me for playing vidya, now my little bro always had shit grades and used to be fat as fuck but he started streaming and just because he makes a tiny bit of money suddenly it’s ok
>They are doing everything in their power to reproduce
no they're not. in fact, they choose careers over motherhood and wonder why they're so sad. i feel bad for women. they are even driven to suicide for god's sake. deep down, they want to raise children and stay in the kitchen, but society tells them not to. they are being told to rid of their natural instincts. you would understand if you were actually female
t. female without a penis
That's not what sour grapes means you fuck.
the actual problem is your going on youtube in the first place, you fucking faggot
remove normalniggers that want japanese games to be censored and dubbed
Games released 1995 and after. Nothing of value would be lost.
I would say retards like you faggots need to be removed but none of you play video games.
yes, lets remove you.
Get rid of Yea Forums
I would get rid of the people willing to spend money on microtransactions.
You chose shitposting over parenthood, what do you think your opinion is worth?
Remove video games.
which is ironic because i work on twitch, but maybe that's why i see how dumb it has all become, especially esports, which is basically a huge pr bubble by this point. the only good esports games right now(as in, requiring actual top-tier skill) are some fgc, csgo, sc2 and lol/dota. everything elsse is either low skill trash or outright "we want the "esports" audience" bait like battle royale tournaments.
You chose falling for obvious bait.
Stop being a literal retard and giving these people replies.
Every single issue plaguing video games, game marketing, and game journalism can be traced back to women complaining.
replace females with traps
>on twitch
i have a husband i we had pesto today. i signed up for a community college just to take a cooking class and it paid off.
Said the underage retard who just complains and does not even play video games
>teehee I’m not like other girls I’m so cool because I call out girls despite being a girl with shallow ideals myself
Get raped by a gang of blacks, whore. Can’t wait for your liveleak beheading
we don't have black people here. they simply don't even come here.
Remove female video game characters with chests smaller than an E cup.
They're fake anyway, might as well make them good.
Traps are gamers you tool.
I would remove humans from equation.
>ywn get annoyed and grossed out at your gamer gf's farts and stinky socks
> doing everything in their power to reproduce
This is the problem u bitches keep bringing real life or politics to video games . Guess what , a lot of ppl play video games to have a break from real life .
everything but straight white christian males
That gang of blacks too busy fucking you in the ass you stupid faggot
yes, i get paid, have a contract etc. i also work on esports events and see it all from the inside. 99% tournaments are all about the money.
But you don't play video games. You are clearly too stupid to do that.
So you don't want any video games?
women hate seeing men have fun and enjoy life
Instead of removing anything, I would make it mandatory for all games to include at least one /ss/ couplewhere the shota has an ungodly huge dick
Remove console wars
>They are doing everything in their power to reproduce
but that's the opposite of truth
feminism encourages women not to reproduce
women are the reason birth rates in the west and japan have dropped so low
Remove investors/shareholders
This holy shit this
Yea Forums singlehandedly made me hate traps more than women tbqhwy
Traps are uglier and more annoying
Your face is cope
Not all women are like your mom. Not that your mom is a woman.
>Thinking a cultural product can be exempt of politics
What a fucking simpleton
So many incels
The desperate need of having everything about upcoming games leaked. Like, can’t you people just wait till the game releases and don’t ruin the surprise for yourselves and others?
You know exactly what I mean you little nigger
>who just complains and does not even play video games
playing video games right now
sorry but there were no politics in tomba, fuck you
rent free
women may live rent free in my head but they live rent free in your home
Of course I know exactly what you mean
>If it's politics I disagree with then it's bullshit and devs should stop shoving this shit down my throat
>If it's politics I agree with: Wtf lol there's no politics in this game it's just a regular game with nothing politic in it I swear, stop getting mad over this.
There isn't a single woman that lives in my home, incel-kun
hype culture
back to ResetERA faglord
The normalization of video games
Then stop acting like a underage retard. Also being a dumbass in Yea Forums does not count as playing video games
Nice strawman, i don't give a fuck about either side it comes from it's all retarded
>fuck niggers
>fuck white cis males
it's all the fucking same and you are retarded to assume that shit from my post, fuck off
I don't hate you guys.
Wrong, it's clearly a traditionalist game that sublimes the importance ancestry and heritage and shows a child fighting evil invaders to reclaim the heirlooms that were stolen from him. That an entire plot based on the idea of colonialism, sovereignty, family bonds and the importance of the past.
Because people here like to pretend that all of their problems and horrible fuckups during their life are all because of the female boogeyman, and naturally they can't blame themselves for their own issues.
> trying to look smart
what shallow point of view , stop trying to explain that before your brain stop working .
based, sounds like you're living the dream user
Have sex
>If it's politics I agree with: GAMES SHOULD BE POLITICAL
>If it's politics I disagree with: WTF BAN THIS RIGHT WING SHIT
>named nor described any specific political ideology
>"N-nice struhman fag"
Quite the head you have on your shoulder.
I would return the general opinion of gaming as something only for kids or outcasts like it was 20/30 years ago which normal people wouldn't want to be seen doing. It seems like that would solve most of the problems with it now.
> pay day
sure thing , gonna get a good hooker tonight
Online multiplayer
Not an argumment, you also didn't even pay attention to the question OP asked to begin with.
Fuck off retard
Catering to casuals
Normal people never really had problems with playing video games.
Hard to choose between
>Keeping politics and personal agendas out
>Raising the bar for storywriting
>They are doing everything in their power to reproduce
No. Every person in the civilized world (both male and female) is actually doing the opposite. With abortions, waiting for their 30s to have kids and having only one kid, choosing life draining careers, pets over children, etc.
Not saying this as a bad thing, just an observation. I don't care what people do with their lifes, we are all going to get culled anyway by Skynet sama.
None of us here is making an argument here, kiddo. We both know some other retard on Yea Forums isn't going to change our outlook on life. But you're the bigger retard for wanting to remove something that, by definition, can't be. And calling you out for it might at least make you feel embarrassed by your sheer stupidity and disillision long enough to be worth it
Cya, fag.
i got into video games because of my dad .he used to play nes , snes and ps1 a lot when he wasn't at work .
lol, this
>what would you remove
Holy shit you are a faggot of another level, seriously I need to find a fedora to tip at you after that post because I've never seen someone be this retarded because of a simple post, I'll spell it out if you didn't fucking get it ok? you following? great let's go.
"Gamer culture" as asked by the OP is filled with pollitics, that shit is annoying because it never has anything to do with vidya, games with politics are completely different from it's culture talking about politics, understand? do I need to draw it so you can follow this along?
And again, fuck off retard.
Removing EA would be a great start.
>The bitch
Hassan, wenn du schon ein auf Cool machen willst, benutze wenigstens die richtigen Worte!^^
This includes Kojima and Yoko Taro I know, little do you all know I'm doing you a favor.
In other words /pol/tards are retarded
It's going away in the next 5 years, google and amazon will enter the market, and they will shift from console to service based package on every platform.
get rid of the trannies and dykes
And this is bad how?
T. Female with penis
Or you can go back to /hm/
Reproducing isn't fucking video games. Now GTFO
All will wash away in time
Mainstream appeal, easily. I'm beyond done with the Hollywoodification of this industry, reset this shit to where only weirdos are really into it. Separate the chaff from the wheat.
Graphics never progressed past 2007
They never needed to.
>doing everything in their power to reproduce
On what planet? Women piss away their prime breeding years riding the cock carousel and chasing unfulfilling careers before they hit the wall and come to the shocking realization that they will die childless.
I would like to see more elitism in the scene, small cliques with people who aren't as accepting to outsiders
true . undertale is a good example .
This but for everything
>Derp derp and more derp
Get rid of the stigma around going back to old or niche games. So many problems would go out the window if people stopped playing the new popular thing simply because it's new and popular, even if they don't actually enjoy it.
Remember how EA fucked up Battlefront 2 so bad that the old Battlefront game actually went through a revival? Imagine how much better off we'd be if that happened more often.
delete reddit.
Streaming culture, deletes both streamers and kids from video games
>Do your duty and father Tyrone's son
I live my life how I want to, this is what brings humans above mindless animals
why are free-to-play-games and cheaters not on the same can?
people praising objectively bad gameplay, just because of brand loyality
Bing Bing Wahoo
extreme leftists
Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled
Go take a extreme bath retard
t. someone stupid and redbutted
With out them, women, jews, shitty trend followers, and everything else wrong with the industry wouldn't bother
>Missing out on HoMM3
Put the cutoff point at 2000
>rich jews (poor ones can stay)
>proud homos (modest ones can stay)
Like a monkey? I identify as a soulless nigger and I find that offensive.
Just remove E-sports
absolutely based
You do realise that will get rid of lolis too
Or we could just remove retards like you who don't play video games.
Everyone find your red monkey butt offensive.
If normal people hated video games then I wouldn't succeed a single job interview because video games are my only hobby
Are you offering? Cuz I'm down for a fuck, big guy ;)
Oppai lolis are love, oppai lolis are life.
Yea Forums is incel central
The toxic masculinity that pervades it.
I don't get the appeal of loli when shortstacks are a thing, is it just the desire to be a filthy degenerate?
Oppai lolis are cuter, even smaller, often have a lither build than shortstacks, bring the innocence/corruptible aspect, and, most importantly:
Western artists just don't seem to understand that Draph-type shortstacks >>>>>>> Goblin-type shortstacks, regarding body type.
>I don't get the appeal of [Superior thing] when [Shit things] are a thing, is it just the desire to be a man of culture?
Yes user, it is.
Oh user you are just a treat
Oh sweaty...
Dude stop it, you're making me look bad by association.
>gas gas gas is now a nazi song
Thanks I hate it
Corporate apologism. This isn't just a gamer problem, its a societal problem. My generation has been conditioned into being corporate shills and its fucking gross. Even worse when many folks do it for free.
Spoke like a true married man
It's called neoliberal capitalism.
join a marxist reading circle today
This board. Its contrarian people are toxic and a danger to normies.
I wish people would meddle less with creators. Less drama, less bullshit, less "inclusion". Who cares if a games characters are 80% male? Why has this become an issue? I really don't get it. It's not like I want a token autistic furry in my video games, that would be pandering, and the character has a high chance of being annoying, too.
>Ruin every hobby you touch both directly and indirectly either by changing the rules of those hobbies or by having beta males change those rules
>Do this both attract attention and to make sure your feelings aren’t hurt
gee. I wonder why women are hated here.
Because Yea Forums is full of stupid people like you
Marxism of all kinds, such as feminism and political correctness.
Some other underage dumbass said that already.
retarded incel
Fuck's sake, you're talking about a fringe group of women here, and literally nobody likes them. The investor money that all the failing "news" sites received is currently drying up, and they will be laid off shortly, if they haven't already.