How will he recover from the NZ indicent? Is it over for him?

How will he recover from the NZ indicent? Is it over for him?

Attached: PewDiePie-1.jpg (1500x1000, 258K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>NZ indicent?



He'll probably donate a bunch to charity, and retire the 'subscribe to Pewdiepie' slogan. Everyone will forget about it soon enough.

Literally who and who the fuck cares

>we live in the timeline where pewdiepie killed 50 people

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Some fag shot up a mosque in New Zealand on a stream and said "subscribe to Pewdiepie" before opening fire

what a fucking ______

I think so, the sub gap is at 10k right now and is dropping pretty fast

He's gaining at least 5 subs per second.

Smear campaigns against pewdiepie have been going on for so long that all of his fanbase at this point that his fanbase is pretty much inoculated against this kind of thing. Felix has never expressed any anti-Islamic sentiments so it would be clearly nonsensical to try to pin it on him just because the shooter was a fan. Obviously news websites will make another round of clickbait smear articles, though

>tfw we’re probably never getting a Spyro game after this

What is the incident?


>giving into terrorism

what if that faggot ate pizza and drove ac ar? are you never going to eat pizza or drive again?

Turn on your TV

Thought "sub to pewdiepie" was a cringe zoomer meme but Brenton convinced me. He'll do fine.

>NZ shooter literally explains in his manifesto that he wanted to start another civil war between the two sides, the media, etc., basically just create a giant shitshow
>everyone takes the bait and immediately rushes to their respective echo chambers to point fingers at each other and spout kneejerk reactions just as he wanted
Politicucks are so fucking predictable it's embarrassing

Attached: laughing side characters.png (700x557, 211K)

they should've gone with the tried and true wojak falseflag instead, what a disaster

His other editor is a black Muslim.

some aussie had enough of everything and shot up a mosque and scored 50 points
>he had a playlist in his car playing remove kebab and the british grenadier theme at max volume while the whole thing was starting and going

So you’re telling me the last thing people heard before dying was a meme. Jesus that’s horrible. Imagine the last thing you heard before dying was something like “my name is Jeff”

I doubt it. Taking any action aside from mentioning it will be considered an admission of guild, and once the blood is in the water he'll be swarmed by sjw. He'll just distance himself from it and condemn it. Trying to make reparations would actually be worse for him

pizza never said the n word

Good point. We should ban pizza and cars to make sure

falseflagging white surpremisists /pol/ memester shot up two mosques in christchurch, new zealand killing 50 injuring many more

I watched the video without sound, but out of all the things you can yell why that? This week on: When Memes Go Too Far

we cant even be sure he was even a fan. Everything else in his manifesto was meant to be inflammatory, so its probable that he chose those words specifically because it would get a rise out of people

you forgot Initial d's GAS GAS GAS.
Also who gives a flying fuck about pewdiepie?

subs. thanks pewbs.

Retardera are already going full force to blame him.

>not just going the extra mile and banning everything
anything and everything can be used as a weapon, everyone should be living inside of prison cells sperated from one another in heavily armed government facilties

a part of his manifesto was the navy seal copypasta, I shit you not.

>imagine the last thing you heard before dying was something like "my name is jeff"
would be based desu

>the news didnt even realize it was a meme too

Hi there. Amy from Kotaku here I'm writing an article on this incident, could you email me

Same way he did from the bridge, African sign kids, and recently recommending a handful of small creators with one or two being actually alt-right supporters incidents. Issue an apology and let the media screech and reeeee because they're are becoming more and more irrelevant due to spending most of the trust they had gained over the years.

>Imagine the last thing you heard before dying was something like “my name is Jeff”
I'd probably burst out laughing.

Attached: seething.jpg (497x603, 54K)

The edginess will only make him stronger


I'd hope I die before any of the initial horror sets in because that sounds fucking hilarious

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Thats what he gets for "redpilling" all the kids on youtube lol.

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It's kinda fascinating and worrisome to watch.

Tits or GTFO.

>manifesto is 74 pages of shitposting along the lines of "Spyro 3 taught me ethno-nationalism"
>plays initial d when he hears sirens.

he said subscribe to pewdiepie before mow down.

Attached: 1552629650436.png (1024x610, 660K)

this, if he becomes a woman they can't do shit to him

>on Yea Forums

On the other hand, the shooter was basically picking on the mentally handicapped aka political parties.

Imagine how ideologically fucked in the head you must be to hear even the mere mention of someone who you have a misplaced hatred for which causes you to overlook the deaths of over 40 people in one of the worst mass shooting/terror incidents the country has ever had just so you can say "we got him now".

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except this time 50 people died in a terrorist attack. This has different weight to it than him saying nigger. Pretty sure PDP is gonna dial the memes way down now.

>if I shoot 40 people then everyone will freakout
>*shoots 40 people*
>*people freak out*
>heh..... see? I was right all along

>Banned for this
Jesus H christ


this screencap perfectly sumarizes how fucking stupid retardera is


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>when an american commits a mass shooting, usually they are major edgelords with mental problems
>when an Australian commits a mass shooting he goes full shitposting Memelord about the whole thing
is there anything that Australians do take seriously at all? like seriously, this just further cements that entire hellhole as a hellhole filled with clowns

No it isn’t


fuck that retard, this is our chance to take down pewdiehitler once and for all


why are you mad? you know his right!


toning down his memes or accepting any form of responsibility for this will have the opposite effect from what you may think it would. it would just make PDP look worse. He's probably just going to make an episode dedicated to distancing himself from the tragedy and condemning it and then get back to business as usual

Thinking back he was just a guy who made amnesia videos with over blown reactions; now he's got mass shooters dropping his YouTube channel. Weird how life works.

When will he reveal his power level?

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>he doesnt know he's been living inside a dream
wake up, Neo

The shooter was a true nihilist. He didn’t give a shit about anything, he wrote the manifesto a certain way and shot up a specific place to cause a race war. He just wanted to watch the world destroy itself, and he’s getting it. Jesus Christ this is horrifying.

Never because he knows it would end his career

>the goyim knows

Attached: shut it down.png (861x168, 24K)

>even when they commit mass murder aussies/new zealanders are massive shitposters

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Now it's video games.

>the shooter said "let's get this party started" before going into the mosque
>not "this party's getting crazy, let's rock"

what can you post that won't get you banned on resetera?



Pewdiepie, profligate of far right terrorism world wide

Guys, we gotta protect /ourguy/! Make a human ring around him and recruit more subscribers. He cannot lose!


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Just parrot whatever the mods say and never once have an original thought.

Oh wait, someone actually got banned for doing that because the mod thought they were mocking him. Hmmm, back to the drawing board.


Talking about predictable faggots, you Yea Forums never disappoints

Remember that even Dylan and Eric were obsessed with The Matrix. Wore trenchcoats and shades and shit all the time. This is the new era version of that.

Everything used to be drenched in ten layers of edgelord, now everything is drenched in ten layers of ironic memes.

He has an absurd number of fans that will stay loyal to him. Youtube can't do shit.

What the fuck does sjw have to do with a mass shooting?

But how many subcribed to Pewdiepie?

>shooter looks like a slav/Anglo mutt
Every time. We need to start monitoring ugly balding manlets.

I didn't say /pol/ I said "politicucks", ie people who routinely involve themselves in politics, especially on shitholes like twitter and facebook.

The power level of what? Being a cuck?
>milquetoast conservatives on his following list

I forgot left wing trogs call people chuds, wtf.


Anyone else notice there's far less virtue signalling and "thoughts and prayers" social media shit going along with this one?
It's like nobody cares anymore.

>he thinks he's specifically talking about /pol/

> a mosque in a town called christchurch

you can't make this shit up.

the ABSOLUTE state of the west

>all (((alt-right))) judeo-christian conservcucks
wtf I hate pewds now

>>he had a playlist in his car playing remove kebab and the british grenadier theme
Source on playlist?

I'm pretty sure he's saying that people who are obsessed with politics in general are retarded. Not just people on the Yea specific /pol/ board

and he's correct

Guy didn't even mention /pol/, are you ok?

>T-series falseflag to defeat pewdiepie
Cant wait for the Sub to T-series shooter

t-series went a bit too far on this one

It's not even 6am yet in Burgerland
Just wait

The only people who would be naive enough to think pewdiepie actually has anything to do with this are people who already have concocted some fantasy about him being a secret nazi

Remember, faggot: Shitposting is not okay, even if you're being ironic.

You fags are finished.

It isn't about the 50 dead people anymore really, it's about attacking or defending a youtube celebrity.

The internet was a huge mistake, mankind wasn't ready

it's gonna be insufferable hearing the American medua tomorrow.

His manifesto literally spells it out too and you can be sure people are gonna run with it anyway. Literally only chose a mosque because it'd be the most controversial shooting he could pull off.

How long is your nose Amy?

People are busy defending Pewdiepie in Twitter

>NZ indicent?

The Romulans crossed the Neutral Zone again. One redshirt fought them off.

holy fuck, based

He should have targeted an Aussie kindergarten. The more dead Anglo vermins, the better for the world.

Nobody really does dude, it's all ammunition. This is the kind of shit I'm going to hear about at the water cooler later, led by "man that's crazy" or "makes you think about things" followed by a short silence before bringing something else up and returning to the task at hand.

better than the new doom trailler.

subscribe to Pewdiepie if the new Allahu Ackbar

He went into a bit more detail than “people will freak out”. So far he’s been right about how the media have covered the incident.

>Pewdiepie will lose to T-series on same day as mass shooting which mentioned his name
Damn this is getting interesting

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 968K)

i can't believe he did the matrix thing instead of just reloading, what a memer

Attached: on my way to get morpheus back.webm (648x360, 2.92M)

a single guy ruined a huge crop of kiwi fruit
2019 will be known as the year of the kiwi famine in nz

This! I'm sick of being a victim! WE literally didn't do anything.

wtf lmao. I want to laugh, but I can't

How can there be a war crimes if there was never a war?

oh another gun ban false flag, I doubt it even happened

Muslims consider Jesus Christ to be one of their prophets, so it's not the bizarre.

The shotgun would take a shitton of time to reload.
Entire reason he packed it was just to clear the door, then he could swap to the AR and kill the people before they disperse.

anyone have that ancient pic of Yea Forums users chained up on a wall with a surveillance cam w/ a gun attached to it surveying their every post?

they were stick figures

Attached: fractal kek.jpg (586x580, 75K)

What a joke. You can't control another person's actions. Pretty soon we'll be at China's retard levels of meme banning.

>austfailia and new shitland
LMAO, burgers at it again.

What is the point of uploading a full shotgun at the entrance? He got a grand total kill of 1 person doing that. Wouldn't it be more lethal if he refrained from alerting those in prayer before blasting the prayer room with the shotgun?

Is that real? , could you provide proof? , it would be hilarious

>dumps a semi auto shotgun to effectively kill 1 (one) dude
he cant shoot for shit

the first time i watched this i thought of E1M1 too

He is fucked.

Attached: file.png (825x525, 448K)

Stefan is not milquetoast conservative. He's like Jared Taylor level now.

So? People are going to cry about him whether this happened or not.

in his 75 page manifesto he sarcastically credited spyro 3 and fortnite (and candace owens) for his violent extremism

he also had the navy seal copypasta in there

Considering he was a pathethic memeing shitlord he was without a doubt a /pol/tard

>him saying "lets get this party started"
>the music blasting in the back
>remove kebab
This guy I swear.

>Imagine the last thing you heard before dying was something like “my name is Jeff”

Attached: 1365628534378.jpg (500x500, 71K)

>Polcucks are this stupid

>that guy just standing there at 0:24

"where do they find these amateurs?"

Scrapped in remaster confirmed.

Attached: file.png (281x391, 164K)

>Imagine the last thing you heard before dying was something like “my name is Jeff”
At least I would die with a stupid grin on my face.

>defending your country from invaders

I looked up this thread. None of the people in it seem capable of rational thought.

Fuck off faggot.

PDP vs T-series is unironically the stupidest fucking thing I've seen on the internet. Imagine shilling a celebrity for free against a channel that doesn't give a fuck about this meme and just make wedding background music and will grow literally because a billion niggas in India are starting to get internet.

He's a Swede. How and why do he have a banned assault rifle? At best scandis can own pistols and hunting rifles.

I'm just pissed he did it in NZ, I doubt a single muslim terrorist even knew of the countries existence until now. Fucking Aussies ruining everything.

it's about both those things user, people can have multiple things in their head at the same time

Well it did. Someone I know is trying to get in contact with someone who may have died in the gunfight. Sad times, gubberment will surely use this as a means for less privacy for us as citizens.

wew lad

this is how t-series finally wins

I made the mistake of watching the video shortly after it happened and it still haunts me.
I hate islam and most muslims, but he just slaughtered them like animals, it turns my stomache to think about.

>one of the millions of 'fans' of PewDiePie is crazy
>this is his fault


Attached: star trek-dukat did nothing wrong.jpg (411x634, 39K)

>implying some aussie fucking up NZ isn't peak banter

Is it really a gunfight if only one person has all the guns?

> last thing you hear before the gunfire opens up is "*guitar riff* my name is earl. and I have a list."

>Pewdiepie fan: kills 50 muslims
>Indians: "Sorry friend, we were wrong about you"

Probably airsoft

dilation blogposts

the reason you hate random people you'll never meet is because of garbage being fed into your brain through the internet
just like this guy
and it led him to this

where the fuck is the full livestream

Fuck you polcucks

you're supposed to be 18 years old to post on this website, son


>An immigrant commits mass murder
What else is new? Besides, Anglos are always murdering everyone where ever they go, across the world. Just invent a virus to wipe them out already.

He's ACTED like a racist several times and still survived. Being associated with one who he had zero contact with won't put a dent in him at all. If anything, he will act victimized by it, and gain even more followers by becoming an advocate against things like this happening again (by doing literally nothing about it).

All over the place, look harder you dumbo.

How's that victim complex treating ya, user?

Kek I guess slaughter is a more appropriate term

This is honestly the most based shooter of all time

Wait what does he have to do with the shooting?

holy shit dude thanks!

There was a Twitter post about the local department trying to get the video off most websites due to people posting it on Facebook and Twitter

Imagine advertising youtubers for free.

Never watched this dude's shit but I've seen people saying in amongst all the shit this morning that he's had dudes like Ben Shapiro, etc guest on his videos or podcasts or whatever it is he does? If that's the case, he should probably be a bit fucking smarter about how he uses his influence

>laughing side characters.png
>side characters
Goddamn you user

The guy's a psycho and just a mirror image of Jihadists. That same black/white us vs them mindset.

>Thought it was fake
>It is actually real
What a strange time line

Congratulations, you still have empathy and don't hide it behind ironic memes and shitposting.

Attached: 1529330324816.png (502x374, 204K)

nice try Achmed

God I hope his career ends soon. He is like the gaming Bieber that wont die.

It was a mossad falseflag. He's not a real /pol/ack because he didn't blame Jews for anything at all and even said he's not "antisemitic".

That one guy who tried to charge had moxie, if he had a couple more people backing him up it might've worked.

I don't hate them as individuals and i don't want any harm to come to them though, i just think they follow an awful, sociopathic ideology that's just as bad as the shooter's and i don't want them in my country.

If you can watch those videos without feeling bad in any way, you are mentally ill.

Impressive K/D ratio, actually livestreamed it, on the run for 2h+, spews memes like a boss, navy seal pasta on manifesto. What a guy.

well color me surprised but this fellow got us

This guy is literally me, holy fuck. Same age, same shitposting autism. At least i'm too much of a pussy to actually harm others, i'll stick to my vidya,thanks.

>crazy motherfucker writes a manifesto that may as well amount to "I'm a shit stirrer trying to start another war by causing the current cultural schism to reach a boiling point"
>says "subscribe to pewdiepie" explicitly to further this agenda
>retards fall for it hook, line and sinker

I hate this man but I have to admit if your MO is to sew discord by getting dipshits and MSM to focus more on dumb shit like that instead of the tragedy in question you can't possibly fail. These people see 40 dead and are more worried about how they can spin it to fit their narrative than anything else.

you're eating up poor null's bandwidth

>feigning empathy for a group of people you don't know and supposedly hate
>probably to fit in the normie crowd
Not that I think what he did was based, but I literally don't give a fuck. As soon as they are people close to me I give a fuck. Yes it's hypocritical, but so is pretending to care about people.

This, only an epic 20 year old has the cynicism and autistic lack of empathy. Only kids feel bad for murder victims. It's why I'm planning on murdering my parents for telling me to get a job

Its not that simple, user. We know his pw level already, we are very aware of this fact, but it could ruin his career and his life. He knows how to play the game VERY well

>Impressive K/D ratio
He should go pro.

he's survived literally calling someone a "fucking nigger" on livestream, he'll survive this

this is your fault fault Yea Forums and your fucking own fascist agenda, kys

watch you don't cut yourself on all that edge, kiddo

You do know politics exist outside of /pol/ right

anybody have a link to the manifesto?

He didn't mention /pol/ you poor triggered little faggot. Talk about predictable, /pol/ never disappoints when their victim complex flares up. I'd honestly delete my post in shame if I were you when you fail at reading comprehension this hard.

Feigning empathy to get positive feedback from your peers is a narcissistic (aka mental illnes) trait user. Maybe you want to check yourself before taking a moral high ground.

he killed 6 million people already

what an absolute mad lad

That's his fucking point you mongoloid. If he tries to make amends in ANY way, the bloodthirsty retards will twist it into an admission of guilt and will attack him even more.

he actually lives in the uk

looking to paint some gullible shitposters into inadvertently posing for your white supremacist hat e criminals amy? not cool

Holy shit the mods are deleting so many threads about this.

>junior account
Lmao having a new account is literally a reason for banning.
God bless anonymity


yeah but it probably gives him a boner at the same time if it really isn't up on a lot of other sites, especially if it's because of "censoring"

Probably. He'll definitely shut up about anything that can be construed as alt-right, at least.

I don't understand, why do they want to take the video down? Wouldn't they want people to know about this?
What do they have to gain from censoring the truth

he says it when he's alone in his car in the beginning of the video
he didnt say it when shooting them

It's been scientifically shown for ages that people don't generally feel empathy for people they don't know and are prone to feigning it to get positive affirmation from peers.
Sorry that being honest seems edgy to you.

>terrorist explicitly ties himself to PewDiePie

It's pathetic seeing /pol/ trying to polish this turd.

It's entertaining though.

Attached: aoe2 smug.png (397x402, 357K)

I hope some muslim beheads pew. That cancerous zoomer shit brought a legion of his underage zoomer fans to Yea Forums

wasn't it the Yea Forums comparison? seconding

>Feigning empathy to get positive feedback from your peers is a narcissistic (aka mental illnes) trait user. Maybe you want to check yourself before taking a moral high ground.
>n-no really, y-you just hate them!!!
man it must be hell living like you

You were just under the wrong impression anyone ever gave a shit.
The loved ones of the dead will care. The rest will just use the event to shitpost about their stupid opinions. Either to blame or to virtue signal, whatever the self important folk like to do.

I'm not faking, it's called having empathy. If you weren't mentally ill you'd feel the same.
I hate islam because it has the same sociopathic tendencies as some of the /pol/ shit the shooter was into, a majority of muslims globally are perfectly fine with killing homosexuals or blasphemers, that's what i hate about them.
That's also why i said most muslims, the ones who manage to reform their beliefs like Maajid Nawaz are perfectly fine with me.

It's called "defending your home"

when you hide the full truth you can spin it like a fidget spinner

I haven't been able to feel empathy like that for a few years now. These kinds of tragedies do nothing to me.
Jesus christ whats wrong with me...

you've been mislead but here's a link

Jews are cool now since Trump likes them. It's all about Chinese and Muslims today

You should get a hold of the hacker known as fourchannel

I bet you try to doxed the covington kid too cuck.

A world where people act against their instincts in order to make the world a slightly nicer place to live in; truly a horrible concept

>feel bad about some sandniggers

nah bruh

boy i guess i can paint hillary as a terrorist too by swearing allegiance to her before killing people at random

Lol this board/website is basically finished you retard