Reddit doesn't ruin everyth-

>reddit doesn't ruin everyth-

Attached: halopizza_mjh5.png (1920x1080, 1.53M)

>reddit is now more anonymous legion than Yea Forums
God, imagine being on this cucked site still

i think it's time to go back

if those pizzas were sent by us they wouldn't eat them.

Attached: 782364871595.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

Whatever you say cuck. 4chans the laughing stock of the internet these days. A warning to what happens when zoomers take over.

this, you don't think this site can get any more normie or shallow but it just does

The only people circle jerking this halo release are the obnoxious dorito munching halo 3 kids of yesteryear because the previous games already released on PC and nobody gave a fuck.
I think the worst part of this particular story is they are only sending the pizza to 343 when it is actually spashdamage and Ruffiangames working on it.

Attached: halo4 photo.jpg (400x600, 74K)

Yea Forums stopped getting taken seriously a decade ago.

Mobile fag


heres a more accurate one

Attached: a_typcial_game_of_slayer.jpg (400x600, 82K)

yes because the delivery driver would have been from Yea Forums and nutted on them

gaming is a lot more mainstream now though so people that have never played halo or dont want to buy a xbox to play it are glad

Never got why people pretend pizza is so great.

Stupid phoneposter

Reddit ruins things because they are swarmed with copy cats and people farming karma. They all have to jump on the bandwagon. A month ago a hundred "giveaway" threads started taking over subreddits and the mods had to ban them.

0/10 bait

Rekddit basically invented pizzagate so it's only natural people eat pizza from there

Was it onion pizza?

kill yourself

Attached: 1552647143640.png (1064x731, 96K)

Is this code for child porn?

I'm proud of you brainlets for stopping the anonymoose craze

>no “normalnigger”

Thanks doc

Do you really only post here for epic bait and trolling memes? I’ve been here for 12 years because I like the format and community (as shitty as it is) pls go to “ the front page of the internet” and leave us in peace.

How did you even get this data

What do you mean by this? What's the story?

that's not a bad thing but I'm just giving you the reality of these halo fans posting here

There's irony about complaining about underages but using nu-memes

>4chans the laughing stock of the internet these days.

At what point was a site notorious for attracting pedophiles in denial and people who use the word "faggot" like a greeting ever worthy of respect?

Once upon a time, people feared us. It was a good era when we, anonymous commanded influence and respect.


>I think pineapple and jalapeño is a troll
Brian you tasteless retard