Just bought pic related. Any mods worth installing or is the vanilla version good enough?

Just bought pic related. Any mods worth installing or is the vanilla version good enough?

Attached: farcry.jpg (783x440, 100K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>enemy spots a single particle of dust that may have been disturbed by you sneaking around
>the entire universe is alerted moments later and knows your exact position for the rest of time

Vanilla is fine. Looks and plays great.

>casuals STILL being triggered by FC1 and 2, more than a decade later
If you don't like games that make YOU feel like the one being hunted, then just play something else and don't fault it for it's unique style.

It was pretty mindblowing when it came out.

Honestly loved this game up till the halfway point and now it's one of my most hated FPS games ever made.

>Any mods worth installing
yes. get the 64 bit upgrade patch and enhanced content patch. then get silent patch and you're good to go.

well to be fair 1.4 (32 bit) did have an ai bug that allowed enemies to see through walls and kill you which was fixed by fan patches.

The game is okay until the half way point where the pleb filter is applied, then it becomes fucking 10/10.

You NEED to install the community patch (it's called patch15 or something). Otherwise, enemies can see through certain walls and kill you and it's fucking awful.

That's very easy to do though so other than that you're good. Though quick word of warning, that patch also adds iron sights and sets them to be on by default, but you can turn them off in the options, which I recommend doing for something closer to the real game experience.

Play on realistic difficulty, with AI adaptation off.
Expect nothing, experiment on game mechanics and memorize its every quirk, cheese as if there is no tomorrow.
You approach it expecying any other shooter you have previously played, you die.
You approach it as something worth of actual research, you get one of the best FPS games you have ever played.

If you play right it doesn't even affect you. They only shoot through tents anyway - which, by the way, makes sense.

lmao this retard
never thought someone would defend that horrible tent wallhack where they kill you through buildings because they don't register them at all

Play Far Cry Instincts

Its like Far Cry 1 but good

>tfw it'll never be 2004 again and you got a new graphics card on Christmas just so you could play Far Cry and get mind blown by how beautiful it looked

Attached: 1550604343268.png (180x170, 51K)

Here. Install these


SilentPatch fixes the missing water reflections and fixes broken vsync. Unofficial Patch fixes the AI seeing through walls, plus other misc bugs. It's very unobtrusive.

"One of the best FPS games you have ever played"

Confirmed for not having played anything past where the mutants started appearing.

>They only shoot through tents anyway
They also shoot through anything with a canvas material. Those big buildings in the first outpost in the game have green canvas walls, which is why the AI can see through them in Patch 1.4

You forgot:
>throw a rock to distract an enemy with the sound of it landing
>everyone in the universe goes on full alert and starts shooting at the rock with automatic weapons as it flies through the air
>rock never makes it to the ground because it was shattered to dust

The trigen give the game an interesting horror twist.

Prepare to die in 2 seconds to everything

And you think that interesting horror twist is worth completely fucking up the gameplay by adding in enemies that one shot you from around a corner with a ridiculous phantom hit range as well as bullet sponge enemies that spam rockets and guns at you from miles away and all that other crazy shit?

They fucked it up here and then proceeded to fuck up Crysis in the same way.

Tent is not a building, it's literally some fabric thrown together, bullets penetrate it just fine. And enemies can be said to be targeting a source of sound you produce. The only blatant bug in this regard I happen to remember is that one silo in the middle of mission 4. Again, I repeat, I was playing in a way that made this whole thing a complete non-issue. That you didn't discover such a way, you can only blame upon yourself.
This is a game about constant non-stop process of adaptation, and checking your assumptions about the game against the game itself; it seems its point flew above your head.

Mutants, as actual enemies, appear in mission 6 (out of 20), for your information.
AND THAT MAKES SENSE. What I don't get is why I perceive zero inclination from you to find a way to work around that quirk.

I think you missed what I was implying with my comment.

They literally see through the multi layers of the fucking tent dude, which you can't do. Why are you defending an incredibly shitty bug?

I don't mind the idea in principle but they weren't fun to fight against and turned the game into a slog.

>AND THAT MAKES SENSE. What I don't get is why I perceive zero inclination from you to find a way to work around that quirk.
It does not make sense that the AI can see through solid walls into a windowless building interior because it thinks they're made of glass.

aw fuck I just got flashbacks from 2004. I dreaded going into any buildings because of x-ray sniping. Especially the tents. Which also annoyingly were the places where things like armor and health were usually kept. Crytek really are and have always been inept at game design and should have let someone else make the game after they made the engine.

Failure to adapt in the game about adaptation means you just weren't gud enough.
Monsyers weren't even all that original. The jumping ones were literally Q1 fiends, the hopping ones were not that different from common troopers other than in invisibility trick, but it's in your best interest to never forget about using nightvision anyway, so thembeing invisible doesn't present that much actual difference. The only tricky part about trigen is discovering how to stunlock the big guys (alternate between the crystal on breastplate - and the head).

>Crytek really are and have always been inept at game design and should have let someone else make the game after they made the engine.
Crytek are masterful game designers. Among the best the industry has to offer. Their games are good precisely because they're better at game design than literally all their competitors.

Yes well quake 1 fiends are all well and good in a game like quake where you also have the ability to move at the fucking speed of sound and bunny hop around, not so much in a game where even you move slow as a turtle when even holding a basic weapon.

I don't have an issue with the invisible ones really, though some placements seem really unfair for a first time playthrough in regards to avoiding damage.

You shouldn't need to stunlock the big guys with some technique discovered by luck/trial and error that isn't someone you would do in ordinary gameplay.

They target sounds you make and shoot in your general direction. Make less noise, use stones, lure enemies to where YOU want them to be, watch the alarm indicator on your HUD (a wallhack of your own, uh-huh), PLAY AS CAUTIOUSLY AND SAFELY AS AT ALL POSSIBLE TAKING MINIMUM POSSIBLE RISK. But nooooo, Imma gonna run-n-gun and then complain about life being simply unfair.


widescreen fix and I think there is a 64-bit patch
iirc there is some mod to increase the draw distance which is good because playing it right now it doesn't draw in some objects and enemies in some situations
It's kinda janky like that in the same way as stalker
>Play on realistic difficulty, with AI adaptation off.
that's frustrating as fuck getting instakilled from seemingly nowhere over and over or killing every guard from a distance they can't fire back from
that's like proto crysis

Attached: 20190315125959_1.jpg (1920x1080, 659K)

Again, you're defending a FUCKING BUG. A MISTAKE FROM A DEV THAT FUCKED UP. I don't give a shit if you beat the game blindfolded with a vibrator stuck up your ass. It's a fuck up in the game and if a person can avoid it, they bloody well should. Stop sucking cryteks dick like they are incapable of doing anything wrong you fucking idiot.

In Quake Fiends overrun you, and bunnyhopping wasn't accounted for in Q1's campaign.

Also THE WHOLE GAME is essentially about trial-and-erroring in regard to how its mechanics ACTUALLY work, not SEEM to work.

wtf are you smoking nigger? The AI and balance of Far Cry is goddamn horrible, and Crysis just doubled down on that. You are literally just spouting some mantra that you can't even rationally justify believing in.

For what it's worth, the AI canvas bug wasn't by Crytek. It was by the modders that Ubisoft worked with when creating the 1.4 patch, which included an overhaul of the game's multiplayer. This was in 2006. Crytek had already split with Ubisoft by then.

I'm used to be a Far Cry modder. Far Cry has teeth. It's an unforgiving game where the enemies are smart and lethal. Unlike the spoon fed AI that features in literally every Ubisoft Far Cry game.

Fair enough about the bunnyhopping, but still, movement speed is absurdly fast which lets you avoid that shit. My point was that the movement allows a good way to avoid damage, not so much in Far Cry.

I don't feel that the entire game is about that, as playing tactically in a way that makes sense works for much of the game, but the sections that involve trial and error like that are just bad design.

Again, by the time I encountered that bug, I was ALREADY PLAYING in a manner that made that bug a COMPLETE NON-ISSUE. And that happened because I actually r'n'd-ed on the first levels in regard to how in principle to secure myself from the enemies as much as possible, and had a bunch of observations OF MY OWN in regard to how this game factually worked. If you don't put actual effort in genuine research in this game, you are up for a miserable time, canvas vision or not.

The AI isn't deadly because it's smart. It's deadly because it's stupid. There's a difference between something that was never programmed to not see through foliage like the mercs in Far Cry, and something that can procedurally form impenetrable defensive positions with real communication and cover fire like replica in F.E.A.R.
And Crysis is even worse because it had the opportunity of using sci-fi to make a ridiculous FPS unstoppable one-man army realistic by giving him a "nano suit". Instead:

Can't use cloak to approach danger because you don't want to be without armor power once you engage
Can't use cloak to run away from danger because you've already exhausted all your power using you armor
Can't use cloak for stealthy kills because pulling the trigger eats up 100% of your power and deactivates cloak, plus is also conveniently leaves you without armor due to the lack of power
"Cheap Korean knockoff" nanosuits have infinite power for cloak

Can't use speed to approach danger because you don't want to be without armor power once you engage
Can't use speed to run away from danger because you've already exhausted all your power using your armor
"Cheap Korean knockoff" nanosuits have infinite power for speed

Can't use enhanced melee attack strength because melee combat without armor is suicide
Can't use high-jumping for advanced combat maneuvers because all combat without armor is suicide
"Cheap Korean knockoff" nanosuits have infinite power for strength

You can play AROUND the bug sure, but that doesn't make it a good thing. It's better to NOT have the bug and give the player more options on how to approach the area and enemies within it.

No one is saying the game should be fucking casualized or anything like that. I'm just saying that the bug is an objectively bad thing, which it clearly fucking is, and fixing it improves the game experience, so OP should do that, as pretty much everyone does.

YOU can see through foliage using fucking binoculars, how about that, huh? AND you can see whether anyone can see you through foliage using alarm meter.

They're not smarter than enemies in any other video game, they just have higher accuracy, damage and x-ray vision.

>The AI isn't deadly because it's smart. It's deadly because it's stupid. There's a difference between something that was never programmed to not see through foliage like the mercs in Far Cry, and something that can procedurally form impenetrable defensive positions with real communication and cover fire like replica in F.E.A.R.
FEAR's AI pretends to work in a unit. Far Cry's AI actually works in a unit with distinct roles and a coordinating officer who provides cohesion for the group that breaks down upon his death. Far Cry 1's AI has tech in place to stop the AI seeing through vegetation. Same as they can't see underwater if not alerted. But the AI can guess your position based on sound cues and fire in your direction if alerted.

Again, the whole game is about playing AROUND all the stuff thrown in your general direction, since you are effectively a glass cannon and die from a sneeze. Canvas vision is JUST ANOTHER FACTOR to adapt to.

and BASICALLY, you're a stupid PIECE OF SHIT. click here to meet HOT SINGLES in your area

ehh farcry AI is really hit and miss, overall it works but the problems are more to do with player feedback especially with stealth which makes it frustrating
>those crysis arguments
you really don't understand that game huh? also strength's other main use is eliminating recoil and weapon sway while sniping

Can I just ask, why does it make sense that an enemy can see through a fully opaque (as in, not see-through at all) material?

By 2004 standards, Far Cry 1's AI was a generation beyond anything else on the market.

Holy fucking shit. Are you trolling, or literally retarded?

Fucking if a patch came out that fucked the game up and didn't let you shoot your weapon I bet you'd just fucking say that that's just another FACTOR you need to ADAPT to, huh?

For fucks sakes.

No, I can't see through foliage. It's a binary alpha-test material and when all pixels of all the foliage rendered currently on screen all display 1/1 alpha, I can't see through foliage. The AI doesn't make that kind of calculations. It would have been way too taxing for 2004 hardware. So the developers took shortcuts and made the AI's vision not reflect the reality of the game's world.
>FEAR's AI pretends to work in a unit.
No. I have objective first-hand experience of the AI in that game making intricate tactical group decisions based on circumstances changed by me. You're talking out of your ass.

Meaning its presense makes jack shit difference in regard tothe main general principle this whole game is trying to convey to the player: Check. Your. Fucking. Assumptions. Against. Reality.

>AI can guess your position based on sound cues
yeah the rocks work, I find they actually focus on the wrong thing a lot of the time though
for example if you snipe a guard in a tower all the other guards turn to look in the direction of the tower rather than where you shot from making all that noise

They hear you, and bullets penetrate fabric.

You have binoculars, radar and alarm meter exactly for that.

>No. I have objective first-hand experience of the AI in that game making intricate tactical group decisions based on circumstances changed by me. You're talking out of your ass.
FEAR's AI is goal-based but all communication between AI is faked. They just play sound barks to create an illusion of being coordinated. For example, the AI calling for reinforcements is 100% fake. However, in Far cry, when the AI pops a smoke grenade or runs to the alarm button, and calls a helicopter filled with soldiers who rappel down to reinforce them, this actually happens.

>also strength's other main use is eliminating recoil and weapon sway while sniping
That's why I didn't include it as a criticism. You know that you can also use sprint and speed mode underwater to launch yourself out of a pond like a missile? I didn't complain about that because it's not a bad thing. The point is that Crytek are not some infallible gods of game design. They are actually pretty terrible. They're engineers, not artists. I mean, you have to be pretty autistic to think that it's good game design to create helicopter AI that is literally: "assume position near player and fire in its direction unless the player has cloak enabled". That's it. No awareness, no vision, no ability to see or not see or hear or not hear the player. Just an if statement regarding cloak and a fire command. Cacodemons in Doom are more advanced.

Communication is faked for the player's convenience but the AI doesn't co-operate using the audible radio that the player is supposed to listen to. I have personally witnessed them creating blockades with forward and back firing positions for optimal coverage and cover fire ability upon reloading. Whatever they say in the radio is only meant for the player. What they do is the actual MIT AI researcher wizardry that the lead AI programmer at Monolith made.

You are fucking retarded and here is why.

Far Cry 1's AI can track a player using 2 dummy ents that are positioned at the player frequently during play. The first one, is a sound dummy ent. The AI use the position of this ent to assume the player's position using sound cues. Rocks, grenades, rockets, guns, and even your footsteps create these ents. Rocks are the only thing that will reliably create a sound dummy that is nowhere near your player.

The other ent, i cant remember the name of it but it is a vision dummy. If the AI sees you, and then you go into hiding, this dummy will be placed in the last position they saw you, down to the last frame at which they saw you. They use this along with sound dummies to track your position at all times.

With developer mode off, you cannot see these entities, but you can tell if an AI is tracking you via vision dummies or sound dummies. If the detection meter is 100% FULL, no empty spaces in it, this means the AI can CURRENTLY SEE YOU, and the AI believes that this is a direct line of sight, no obstructions. If the AI is tracking you using your dummies (sound or vision), the bar will be just shy of 100%, with a small gap at the top. This is how you can tell if the AI can see you.

The canvas glitch causes the AI to SEE THROUGH THE MATERIAL. Not HEAR. Not GUESS. LITERALLY SEE. To test this theory, you can either watch the detection meter as you silently walk some distance from these tents with AI in them, or you can turn on dev mode and press the button that lets you see debug entities, and you will immediately notice a yellow sound dummy spawning on you on every step no matter how quiet.

That yellow sound dummy includes data for the volume of the sound and that data is tracked by AI that dont even know you are there yet. They use that value to determine if they should be alerted to you or not. You will notice that when the AI """sees you""" through the wall, you will instead have a vision dummy spawn on you.

Far Cry is fucking awful no matter what. Sorry OP.

I agree. The mutants were dumb tho

>If the detection meter is 100% FULL, no empty spaces in it, this means the AI can CURRENTLY SEE YOU, and the AI believes that this is a direct line of sight, no obstructions. If the AI is tracking you using your dummies (sound or vision), the bar will be just shy of 100%, with a small gap at the top. This is how you can tell if the AI can see you.
Niiiice, didn't catch that while playing. Thanks.

Anyway, assume what you say is true, okay, it might be a glitch. But it (in principle, maybe not the ingame implementation, like, how assault rifles' bullets are drawn as projectiles but are actually hitscan) still HAPPENS to make sense retroactively, it still can be easily worked around using the exact techniques the game teaches you using other, unrelated, means, and it still, surprisingly, fits the game - way more, mind you, than bunny-hopping and rocket-jumping fits Quake's SP campaign. It seems players tend to forget to complain about glitches and LIFE BEING UNFAIR when those glitches just happen to empower them.

>game currently has aimbotting enemies that can see you no matter what wherever
>durr it nut da gayms fult itz a unique xperense

Shut the fuck up you slobbering troglodyte. The current version of the game is busted and requires fan patches to not be bullshit.

Yes it makes sense that the AI can SHOOT through it. It doesn't make much sense that they can shoot ACCURATELY through it. A sound cue as loud as a gun shot at maybe 50 meter range, you wont be able to judge it's source accurately. Considering the tent material is fabric, it stands to reason sound travels "as the crow flies" through the material, but its still difficult to pinpoint. You COULD argue that by shooting the fabric, you create holes in it and that allows you to then see your target, but the obvious counterargument there would be the difference in light levels and how your pupils are adjusted for various light levels. You could also argue that due to weather conditions (wind for instance), it's unlikely you will get a clear look at your target through the material. Either way, it makes more sense to go outside and flank your opponent.

I mean I didn't see anyone complaining about FC's lack of ballistics - but hey, having hitscan guns with no drop-off, with hit indication and that work even beyond the distance where the game stops even drawing enemies on screen, gives you advantadge, right. It's a convenient fuckup, right? Having alarm meter, that makes you aware you are being sniped, I also haven't seen been complained about, it being effectively magic and all. That's convenient as well, you see. I also haven't seen anyone complaining about big mutants sometimes trying to shoot you through the nearby wall and eventually blowing themselves up. They are dumb, you see. It makes the game easier anyway alright.
You know what I think I am seeing, with all the trigen wailing and stuff too? A bunch of crybabies, nothing more.

It doesn't matter if they shoot accurately, because when you play the game properly, while in combat, you are either lying prone, leaning while crouched (when indoors, which is irrelevant to the canvas vision), or running as fast as you can. Neither makes you a particularly convenient target to hit.

Someone didn't get mowed down by the wallhacking jeep early in the game.

>Play Far Cry Instincts

Fuck I loved that game. Too bad it's trapped on consoles.

Well, evidently, I didn't, since I can't even remember what you are talking about.

There's a section early in the game where you have to blow up some sort of armory with C4. It's one of the first times you use c4. After you blow it up, you are expected to get in a buggy and start driving. The INTENDED mechanic is that after you drive past this garage at the end of the camp, the doors open and a pair of npcs on a jeep follow you.

Most veteran players either wallbang the tent or drive far enough forward for the doors to open, then drive back and slaughter the NPCs before they have time to alert.

It's the distraction for the satelite tower and its on the first level.

I never liked the detection meter. After having played Thief and then getting FC in 2004 I was like: "Really? They had to make the player aware of the enemies awareness?" I also hadn't really seen enemies killing themselves with their own rockets all that often but I'm sure FC wasn't the first game with that problem. The 2-hit-kill melee enemies with attack range that is 8 times the length of their arms was the worst thing though. And someone explained how the distraction sounds are generated from the thrown rocks but that aspect of the game is fucked too. Enemies shoot at the rock flying through the air, they aren't really concerned with the sound it makes when it hits the floor. This game is just all sorts of jank. Eurojank to be precise. Crytek is German afterall.

Lol why the fuck wouldnt you just torrent it?

What's Jack Carver up to nowadays?

Ah, yes, mission 4, it actually shoots through the metal wall, not a canvas ine. I did mention this bug in this thread, above, actually. I just eventually chucked a couple of rockets there to cram it.

This however, anything giving me significant problems on the first level, that is, I don't remember.

Yeah, but that's a very rare kind of eurojunk that just happens to genuinely make sense.

Silent Patch, widescreen and fmv patch, the 64 bit patch and 64 bit content patch


Selling surplus guns in Niggeria.
Last I saw, he blew himself up. Or did he?

Best thing about rocks is that. Basically, if you alert enemies with your presense or the gunshots, alatm meter never subsides on its own. If you alert enemy using rock, alarm does eventually subside. Using rocks you can RE-ALARM enemies from the alerted state that doesn't subside to the alerted state that does subside, which can really help you in a couple of tight spots giving you like two second to safely aim without being shot at.

I don't really think it's about making sense when something is jank, it's about getting used to it as you keep playing because it's enjoyable despite its jank. Stalker and Far Cry are the same in that regard. Far Cry actually enforces the idea of doing something over and over which is bound to get you used to it. All enemies deal tons of damage and there is no savescumming. So you're going to work around the bullshit or you're not going to be able to continue.
And I know, Stalker is Slavclunk, not Eurojank

Sure it can be useful but it still makes zero sense. I'm not willing to just suspend my disbelief and accept that a ridiculous bug is just something that I'm going to use as if it's a genuine game mechanic. No other game has rocks that you throw for distraction and the distraction is all enemies in the vicinity trying to shoot the rock down like it's an enemy gunship.

I wouldn't say so, you just get in the habit of doing things as safely as possible, all the while experimenting on ingame mechanics any time it's safe enough to experiment without fearing reprecussions all that much. Meaning experiment as much as possible - but only when being fairly certain about being capable of withstanding the results blowing up in you face.

This game was the shizzle when it came out.
Mindblowing graphics for its time, shitting on both Doom 3 and HL2. Open world levels where you could approach your objectives without a predefined path. Level design that was previously not possible because of how advanced the engine was - Crysis would have been the last video game to push industry standards in terms of technological advancement.
Enemies were smart, ruthlessly brutal on higher difficulty levels.
Time flies like a motherfucker. I still remember hanging out with half a dozen of my friends, playing this on an ATi Radeon 9800 Pro, making it sweat bullets.
I miss those times.

Attached: 1549730877798.jpg (300x300, 33K)

I remember it being great, but admittedly haven't played it since 2004.

And, well, it makes sense exactly as a game about the process of working around the bullshit.

Enemy pebble inbound! Mayday! Mayday!

it's not

i you bought the steam version then you need to patch it (or unpatch it, i don't remember), otherwise the ai is broken af and it becomes impossible to complete

Corporal! An M4A1 is not a proper anti-aircraft gun! Here.

Attached: M202 Flash.jpg (650x515, 62K)

>promptly proceeds to sharpshoot the pebble with a rocket while it's still mid-air

>a second later two more rockets collide in a point a bit further from the explosion site along the calculated pebble's trajectory

>crouch in 20cm grass
>enemy sees you from 10m

It's the same apes that complain they can't sit in the same spot and snipe an entire camp without taking return fire or having to change position.

In other words literally no one. One of the first things you learn in the game is that enemies will converge on you when you're discovered from a distance. People in 2004 didn't complain about the game not having stealth from a Ubisoft AAA game from 2013 ie. shit. They complained about it not even managing to reach the standards of 1998.

>shoot a gun
>enemies go to the where they heard the shot coming from