>Halo Reach is coming to steam
SOOO HYPED to "Survive..." in 4k!
Halo Reach is coming to steam
why does everyone have silver cars in NZ? so boring.
So how many mass shooters until /pol/ gets closed?
Why would they close the containment board they use to monitor these kinds of people?
They're not doing a good job monitoring them.
it metastasised already
Gonna be fun seeing the normies flip their shit
Aparently they don't monitor them.
obviously the containment isn't working dumbfuck
Reminds me of the "Grinch in a mask" report from a few years back
Cheapest colour
If the containment was working the world and Yea Forums included would be a much better place
can i get a quick rundown, i just woke up.
It's a breeding ground not a containment board.
Pewdiepie said the n word
Good fucking lord.
it originated from infinity chan
A guy from New Zealand overdosed on redpills and went on a muzzie killing spree.
Any games that promote an ethnostate?
Why is it that all the mass shootings with crazy body counts happen outside the US?
>all the /pol/ posters will leave if we close /pol/
that's liberal idealism alright
have many terrorist attacks until islam gets closed
He was from 8pol not our /pol/.
america has some p high body counts
For some reason I feel like this might be "the big one". Expect the chans in the news tomorrow. At some point the mainstream media will ask the question "why do we allow *chan to continue?" and politicians will get involved
I don't give a fuck if it's closed, I just go elsewhere. Community will persist even if platform gone.
t. sad that that nigger shoot up mosque and not a synagogue
Some kiwi posted on 4+Yea Forums that he was gonna shoot up a mosque, and he actually delivered and streamed himself doing it.
What I'm more curious about is the 3 man squad that shot up another mosque and made carbombs though.
>*pop* *pop*
Cringe and kiwifarmspilled.
Maybe I could finally move on with my life and stop being a virgin.
Do GoPros make everything seem like a videogame?
why are right wingers always terrorists?
Everyone has silver cars everywhere.
Crusader Kings 2
The power of the fisheye lens
That's because he wasn't from Yea Forums, he was from 8 chan
Yea Forums's /pol/ will definitely survive
Dynasty Warriors 8
Yea Forums and 8 chan have been blocked by a couple of my friends ISPs
mine is still fine though since i have a smalltime retarded isp
THQ Nordic on suicide watch!
>news says the gunman is Australian
>las vegas 2017
>58 people dead, 851 injured
How fucked up is the FoV you play with?
because the entire point of Yea Forums is to be the repository of all the "unacceptable" and fringe alignments ideals and moral codes. if ISPs began blocking Yea Forums, not only would be a violation of constitutional rights (at least in the USA and other countries with constitutions like it), but the internet would just designate some other site to be the new Yea Forums.
You can just google whichever board you want to go to and click the direct link. Only the homepage is blocked.
I didnt even think about this but that is fucking hilarious
He's an aussie that went to Middle Earth to train, then decided it was a good place to do it.
lol that about sums up this countries technological knowledge
help meh
help meh
>the gunman is Australian
Okay, now THIS is based
why do whites think that they're good people when they're actually psychopaths?
>/pol/ when the nigga posted this shit on cripple chan.
Although there are retards on /pol/ that are fucking celebrating that so many lives pointlessly ended today.
>MFW being a responsible firearm owner and all these fucking retards are making it difficult to own a firearm without being considered a fucking psychopath.
I just wanna shoot my boomsticks at clay pidgeons in peace.
because we created civilization
you're welcome
>Kiwis are blocking Yea Forums and 4*2chan
>demanding every fucking site take the videos down
I thought New Zealand was better than the US for free speech/press shit
Canada eh?
because they're psychopaths
keep poking that bear
wh*toids have no self awareness
we were till some fuckwit decided we should be more like your shit country
why do non-whites think that they're good people when they demographically invade and try to replace the very native white population that keeps them alive through the social programs that they take advantage of, that is entirely paid for by whites?
Whydo nonwhites think they're good when they get shot by whites?
>the entire point of Yea Forums is to be the repository of all the "unacceptable" and fringe alignments ideals and moral codes.
God I hate reddit migrants.
no, new zealand you fool
shame on you, you know white """bois""" are easily baited
>Ancient Greeks, Babylonians, Sumerians... were wh*te
lol fuck off we wuz boy.
not a migrant, dont have a faggit account, and dont go there.
you know im right. whether you agree with those opinions or not, Yea Forums is one of the only places on the internet where harsh truths and unpleasant ideas can be shared in anonymity, free of the backlash of SJW faggots IRL.
just have more babies then you stupid incel
another mass-shooting with dozens of deaths, with a guaranteed week or two of global repercussion
then what? what happens? nothing will change will it? people will just return to their normal lives and wait for the next big bloody thing
>tfw a higher ranked player joins the server
>retarded american thinks our society is anything like theirs
How pathetic do you need to be to think the only worth you have in life is to take the lives of others for a few weeks of internet fame?
>full name has 14 letters
>88 in user name as well
absolutely based
Who is this Basedlord?
No but the Aussies and Newzies are probably going to lose their access to Yea Forums and cripplechan.
I too pray for the victims and hope no innocent white people gets attacked for this. #prayforchristchurch
tough to do when our women are bombarded with a constant stream of feminazi stronk woman dont need no man families are dumb u go girl can do anything man can bullshit propaganda from the instant that they are born
the anti-male propaganda doesnt help either
neither does being an antisocial fugly self righteous prick, honestly
realistically, when would they drop MCC onto steam?
im a wagecuck and my i have things like "basic living expenses" and "bills" i have to budget for and i want to prep myself for the inevitable wallet-raping daddy gabe and daddy bill are gonna give me
>blames spyro three and fortnite for the shooting
this fucking guy.
Absolutely based
This. I’ve already heard fuck loads of calls for shutting down far right groups and websites but whenever islam pulls this shit we never discuss shutting down the mosques.
>0 refuting claim
right, ignored then. you're either retarded, underage, or a faggit redditor yourself.
How pathetic do you need to be to think the only worth you have in life is to push people to this point?
>851 injured
Mossad operatives are really well trained
He's parodying the retards who warn of anti-muzzie backlash after terrorist attacks, fuckhead.
>/pol/ gets nuked
>/pol/ rapefugees starts shitting up all the other boards
You might be on to something with your last point here champion
I didn't make Year of the Dragon.
atleast they wont take down kiwi farms.
>Las Vegas
>when you're too stupid to resolve anything with words so you just shoot people
based, death to islam and it's followers
>/pol/ rapefugees starts shitting up all the other boards
>implying thats any different from now
>Canadian Mountie wojak.
>Literally lives in Canada.
So... we have the lolcow for the rest of the century. The absolute madman
What resolution is real life in?
pol is a honeypot, it will never get closed
White Bois and murdering unarmed bystandards. Name a more iconic duo.
So what happened to the shooter? Did he kill himself? Is he still out loose? Was he captured or shot?
Maybe this site will finally be usable again.
I nean, their people have to eat
well you guys were planning to leave for cripplechan when moot nuked your terrorist factory of a board before he brought it back up
Exposed yourself normie reddiotr.
>armed muslim
I think we need to be worried
Just fucking end it all my man
cops claim to have 4 suspects in custody, 3 men and 1 woman
Good one m8
snipin's a good job, mate
Supposedly caught. We won't know for sure til they release names or they sentence him.
>no more aussie shitposting
Yea Forums would increase in quality 10 fold
what the fuck is the difference?
>lives in north america
>shit opinion
How will muslims ever recover?
>muslims have 5 kids each
How harsh are New Zealand prisons?
THey'll just close Yea Forums, 4channel will be safe and this website can go back to being a place for just anime lovers.
Will it be up-scaled to 4K? Or was it native 4k? I don't think it was made for that, I think the max was HD unless they remake it somehow.
pretty much hotels
i hope they get killed in there
dont be naive, discussion will just continue on a different board
>muslims commit dozens of terrorist attacks in europe every year
>one white guy kills a few muslims
>mudslimes and globalist traitors get physically removed en masse
It won't though, you kill the board and you kill the people, they can't organise themselves enough to select another board to take over, you'd just see an increase in /pol/ shitposting everywhere.
He killed 50 of them. The net benefit is in his favour. There's no way he could make 50 kids.
They're not US prisons but they'll defintely find a way to make him fucking wish he was dead
>Another white guy shot up a place because of his superiority complex
Stop being stupid.
Nobody said ever that terrorist attacks are ok. Just because "muslims" do it doesn't mean it's okay for "white people" to do it. Nobody is okay to do terrorist attacks.
misconception. trust me when i say word of mouth will get around. ive seen it before several times.
Prisons are full of Maori guys. They're no american prisons but they will fuck you up.
Remind me to fly to NZ and personally thank this man
he says in his manifesto that he expects to be released in 27 and hailed as a hero like nelson mandela was
lemme know when you're coming, i'll get you at the airport
/pol/ should send him a card
>Nobody said ever that terrorist attacks are ok
Leftists openly celebrate when it's against white people or Christians.
Aren't you doing the same thing right now?
>Muslim terror attack
Ree kill all browns
>White boi terror attack
He did nuffin wrong he's a good boy white is right
Like damn nigger maybe we should just agree that murdering people is probably not cool.
>Nobody said ever that terrorist attacks are ok.
except every time we have a muslim terrorist attack people treat it like it's nothing and white people are the ones who should apologize
>lol how are armed rebellions real just nuke your own country to get rid of them lmao
>he says in his manifesto that he expects to be released in 27 and hailed as a hero like nelson mandela was
He also thinks this will start a race war, I think its safe to ignore what he thinks.
i was in vegas during the shooting. about 5 blocks away. listening to the police scanner that night was fucking nuts and did not line up with the official report. shit was popping off all over the city
>No but the Aussies and Newzies are probably going to lose their access to Yea Forums and cripplechan.
>American army killing their own civvies
political artists are really clueless
>showing your power levels to normalfags
Dumb kiwis
That's stupid and you know it. You just willingly let your brain rot by /pol/.
Watching the world burn is kinda fun.
any extremist can do that, left or right
you're missing the fact that there are almost 400 million of those rifles sprinkled across the USA.
there are enough armed citizens in the usa to overwhelm the standing army through sheer force of numbers alone, and the USA will never nuke its own because if it does, the rest of the world will immediately move in and dismantle the country
Because right-wingers have a purpose.
All the left-wing mass shooters are called just mentally unstable.
>Onigger drones
>still existing
get ready to get out leftshit
He’s as good as dead
To be honest without the aussie shitposting I think this site will become kind of boring.
Everything's chrome in the future
How did this clearly mentally ill man get so many guns in a place where gun ownership is illegal?
a terrorist is a terrorist, prick
>implying the state would want to bomb down its own infrastructure
See: sand niggers. They are still rocking even though amerifats keep dropping bombs on their head with nothing but AK-47s, IEDs, and pick-up trucks.
yes it's stupid
but that's what happens in reality
Do you personally hold every single Christian personally responsible when one does a terrorist attack?
Probably ordered individual parts.
I'm surprised that no one, the killer, or anyone on /pol/ brings up the violence whenever Muhammad is depicted for any reason
We effectively in the west are forced to obey Islamic law or face violent retribution
Literally the only person you can't make a video game about
If you don't follow orders your buddies die and you die. Always follow orders.
The USA will never nuke its own for the simple reason that nuking what you are trying to rule over is fucking retarded.