Gaylo Reach will shadowdrop on Sunday

Cap dis

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i'll screenshot this

lies for the weak, beacons for the deluded.

Why though

that would be neat

No shit. They'll announce it at SXSW.


Ruh roh raggy

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It's free. It's just a Microsoft account for XBox Live on Windows. You probably have one already and don't know it.

Xbox Live Account =/= Xbox Live Gold

343 already confirmed on leddit that there will be no gold subscription to pay to play

theres no fucking way they'd release it on sunday
then again everything's super fucking weird right now so that might actually happen
or we could just get a release date

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Just an account, nothing else.

A Sunday release would be incredible
I WANT to play Reach right now, not wait till December or some crap.
Was hoping when they made the announcement, they'd do the classic "and it's available right now!" move.

Come on 343, get Reach here ASAP. Like in the next days/week. Not fucking months

i feel like we're going to be monkey pawed if its this sunday, didnt MCC on halobox have a godawful release?

Who cares about Reach, 3 fucking when

It's not a paid subscription, retard.

Just you wait.

thats nice but do we have any word on 3 having multiplayer?

bait, blind, or incredibly stupid

its literally as easy as a free gmail account. in fact i used my gmail account to make one in a couple of minutes

Do you realize the massive backlash this would bring?

>every game sold separately
They're all going to be 30$ at least.

>I'm okay with getting fucked in the ass and needing a different account for every game I play
Console refugees are the worst.

Please tell me you got good reasons. I don't want to get my hopes up.

That'd be swell but come on - be realistic.

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If not a release at least let us start testing. I want to friggin play!!!!!!!

The game has been in steamdb for like 3 months without a name so its not impossible.

That's why they're doing a gradual rollout, game-by-game. They don't want to fuck up the steam release, and they want to take the time to make sure everything's working right.

They're going to be $10 apiece, or $60 for everything.

If you ever owned an xbox and played online you already have one, it is literally a non-issue.

That honestly sounds too good to be true.

Don't think I'll buy 1 and 2.

you clearly have never played halo before if you dont have an xbox account

God I can't wait until Halo 2 Anniversary drops. Holy shit. Hope it has some leftover Halo 4 tags to exploit.

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Itll drop at MS e3 conference. Theyll show a trailer and be like, "and you can play it... right now!"

That would suck if we really had to wait that long for the first release, especially since we know that the games are going to be drip fed.
Having absolutely no release date is such a bummer.
OK I'm hype, but without release date I can't be too happy it's just whatever.

If you just use the same email and password for every single account you have it's not an issue you idiot.

so will it require win10? Cause im still not going to install that botnet, halo won't change my mind.

based. retards will cry BUT BUT THATS NOT SECURE, but its literally a nonissue if you don't get viruses. Just don't install fitgirl.repack.latestAAAgame.nosteam.denuvoCRACKED.exe and you'll be fine.

I don't think so, they're working on DX12 for Win7.

The hint we got was "very exciting" news will come on or after Sunday. They have heavily implied like two or three times that whatever they say will basically be "MCC is releasing extremely soon"-tier news because what else would it be? They've revealed everything already and released the trailer.

If you need the xbox live client then yes. If you just need the account and nothing else then no.

Better hope your universal password is a bit more creative than YourMom69 or else everything you have is a walking vulnerability.

Based. I will never use that shit, even if Bill gates would give me a blowjob I would use W10.

>Just you wait.
Don't be fucking stupid. You haven't needed Xbox Gold when playing crossplay Xbox games on PC, ever.

what's wrong with fitgirl?

It won't, reach is releasing "later this year"
So probably around September sadly

literally just enderman12 been using it for 7 years without getting hacked.


Sunday is technically later this year too.

imo if it's that far into the year, they wouldn't have given us "coming soon" on the Steam page and gave us a release window when they announced it

Sunday is St Patrick's Day. Master Chief is green. Therefore it's coming out on Sunday. it's irrefutable proof.

I have a question, will I be able to play the MCC when it arrives on Steam without having W10?

They want to create a hype and want people to order as much as possible.
They will most likely drop gameplay footage and give a release date of may or june.

and if not, how ez is it to pirate and dualboot win10?

What if he was a pro?

I'm sure it'll be win10 for sure, as for pirating it's high profile enough that it'll be cracked quite quickly

It was $40 at launch for the main 4. ODST was DLC later (I think?), and now Reach.

It won't drop this sunday because they will want people to preorder for at least a week first.

Also releasing a game on a Sundae? wtf

you can use your skype account too.

You sign up for tons of shit every year, how is that even a fucking issue

Sunday will be the news of release date, not the release it self.

I mean, I'd take it but I highly doubt we'll be seeing it until around fall at the earliest.

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based digits, halo 3 online in it's prime

>PCfags pretending they play anything that isn't F2P, meme BR fps, or tranny filled MMO's
when will developers stop trying to cater to people that don't buy games or have any good taste?

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>snoy seeth

>has steam account
>has ubisoft account
>has origin account
>REEEE consoletards and their accounts

jump under a bus mate, if you can make it outside that is fatty

>install that botnet
You're just now figuring out windows is spy shit?

Assuming the game is even in a playable state upon release, if not maybe 2 years later like MCC on console, I can't wait for the aimbots and PC elitists to flood my favorite games and flex on me with their wiki quick searches about lore. I'm ONLY buying this game for H3 customs, the match making is going to be the biggest shit pile shooters have ever seen.

Will it have modding?

>343 Industries has revealed that during a competitive Halo event taking place Sunday, March 17, information will be revealed about how community members can assist the MCC's developers in bringing the game to PC, just as they were able to last year when the Xbox One version of the game was being fixed. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled if you're interested!
we aren't getting a release on sunday

probably not even a release date. if we're lucky we might get news on a beta

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why would it not be playable? MCC has already been completely fixed, they just need to port it over and make it a good PC port.

>releasing games on Sunday

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In a perfect world you would be right, yet they have showed just how incompetent they are as developers. The PC market will gobble it up just lke Nintendo does when they get old ass titles finally ported over, releasing the game(s) at the quality of DayZ is pretty much a guarantee and they won't lose a dime to it.

Embrace, extend, extinguish.

you retarded fucking apenigger monkey you need a microsoft account in the first place to use winblows 10
and don't act like you don't fucking have one your hotmail counts as one you retard

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>Dropping on a day nobody at 343 is working

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I played a little of Halo 1 and wasn't that into it. Are they all this slow? Explain the appeal. Right now I'm just plodding along shooting aliens with my rifle.

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No it will not. DX12 is compatible with windows 7 and steam has never released a game that requires windows 10.
I will continue to post this until people stop asking this question. The info must be spread.

Nicely done. Subtle.

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i want to play halo now

is dewrito still alive

You are only setting yourself up for disappointment. Play something in your backlog instead of hyping up unreleased games.

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yes, and Halo 1 and 2 are already on PC.

MCC PC isn't being handled by 343.

Yes, that is generally the appeal of first person shooters, shooting enemies while avoiding getting shot back.

>you need a microsoft account in the first place to use winblows 10
But that's wrong tho

fuck outta here achmed
