Which one has better gameplay? Not interested in story since I'll be playing on the hardest difficulty.
Which one has better gameplay? Not interested in story since I'll be playing on the hardest difficulty
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torrent both and see for yourself
Pathfinder is a better game. Tristian is best waifu
I entered a cave and couldn't somehow kill a bunch of spider spawns. Literally couldn't kill them and it wouldn't let me leave the area, that's when I stopped playing Pathfinder. It wasn't too bad up until that point too.
Deadfire has turn based now so it's automatically better.
>Literally couldn't kill them and it wouldn't let me leave the area
>not saving before going in
That was your fault, thats RPGs buddy. They make it pretty obvious that not all encounters in that game are winnable, sometimes you just have to accept that you aren't strong enough and come back later.
Did they ever fix PF's glitches?
Pathfinder Kingmaker and Original Sin 2 are definitely worth playing, I wasn't a big fan of Pillars 2 though. The style of writing they went with in Pillars really just isn't that great, its way way too wordy and verbose and even dirt farmers write a fucking essay about everything they ever talk about, not a big fan of their weird custom stat system either. I appreciate the effort, but felt like the implementation was super sloppy and weird.
Shadowrun Hong Kong
Pathfinder is so awfully written that it made me hate my own character.
Not only they introduce a lot of bullshit (An atheist paladin... In a world with magic... Where Gods manifest their presence in many forms...) but also dialogs ("Hell no!" said the gnome...) and your options suck (Chaotic neutral? "I want to fight you!" Chaotic evil? "I want to fight you... and eat your entrails!").
Like one of your subjects interrupts you with terrible manners and treats you like shit and your only two options are say sorry (as a baron) or kill everybody that offended her even thought she was the one that talked back to you while the other people was utterly respectful.
Then building your kingdom is basically a cellphone grinding game. Very linear with no depth.
There's not much kingmaking in Kingmaker. Play NWN2: Storm of Zehyr, it's where they copied the idea.
>atheist paladin
Pathfinder is really not that good at all, some fights are just way too fucking scripted and cinematic that they're just annoying.
Valerie. If you talk to her there's a point where you ask her why she's an atheist and she starts talking about how she left the order because she needs no god to tell her what her morals should be. It sounded like taken from the interview Oprah had with Steve Harvey.
You talking about the videogame or the tabletop game, cause you just described both
She's a fighter. She's very specifically not a paladin because she's an atheist, and she very specifically can't be a paladin, both because of her alignment and because she has a hidden atheist debuff that prevents it. She was in paladin training before she got sick of it and told everyone to fuck off.
>TFW the shadowrun games are the best top-down rpg's we've gotten the past 10 years but no one gives them the recognition they deserve
Feels terrible, man.
I know she's a fighter and that she can't be a paladin. But she belonged to an order and she's claimed back by the same paladin order.
I consider her a paladin because that figure is represented in D&D in many forms. You can be an oathbreaker, a black guard, an ex-paladin... I know she didn't finish her training or whatever but she's still an atheist. Again, in a world of magic where gods let theirselves known through explicit manifestations. The character doesn't make sense (and the others are not much better).
She also goes from "You're a just and wise leader" during the entire adventure to "I didn't expect much from you anyway" when you prohibit a person to torture a troll just because she's super autistic about law (which is also weird that she's so obsessed with man made laws but at the same time she says no god can tell her what to think).
The guy that sends you to that cave literally tells you how to fight spider swarms.
Not the game's fault you skip the dialogue that tells you what to do.
>in a world of magic where gods let theirselves known through explicit manifestations. The character doesn't make sense
I always love it when people complain about a game they didn't play.
She's not an atheist because she doesn't believe the gods exist. She explicitly does believe in them. She's an atheist because she doesn't worship any of the gods.
I's not that she doesn't believe in the existence of Shelyn, she just hates her because her followers are kind of retards.
PoE 1 > PF:KM > PoE 2
Fite me nigger
Buff for monk when for all 3 games
The only reason the paladin order even claimed her in the first place was because she was pretty, and their deity was all about art and pretty things. Her entire character arc is that she never asked to be part of it and throws a tantrum because of it. She's an atheist in the sense that she rejects that specific deity's teachings and the concept worship in general, and that's mostly out of stubbornness and disdain for her order. It's not about belief, and it doesn't even need to be if you KNOW gods exist, but about whether or not you accept to submit to them, which she doesn't.
And yeah, she's retarded. She has like 9 INT. That's fewer than Amiri, a genuine idiot.
I don't even like any of the companions in this game but your arguments are just as stupid as they are.
Video game. Nothing annoys the shit out of me more than seeing a normal fucking human getting obliterated only for them to get back up and run away during a shitty cutscene. Also no actual kingdom mechanics or anything.
Valerie doesn't doubt the existence or power of the gods. She just thinks they're manipulative shits.
Hey I think I got Shadowrun Returns for free a few years ago but I never bothered playing it
How similar it is to Pillars and Divinity?
Returns itself is not very good, Dragonfall and Hong Kong are where it's at.
>Atheism is, in the broadest sense, the absence of belief in the existence of deities.
Then the game shouldn't point that she's an atheist or they should use a different term because being atheistic doesn't mean "not worshiping" it means consciously denying the existence of gods. I guess it was a bad translation from the russian or maybe just poor word choices.
>which is also weird that she's so obsessed with man made laws but at the same time she says no god can tell her what to think
She pretty much explains it in the shouting match she has with her mentor. She's simply wants to be able to choose what doctrine to follow and if they gods feel like they can make that decision for her from birth, then they're not worth following.
My argumentS or just the one you're focusing in? Atheism is denying the existence of gods, we can argue all day if that's not what the devs meant I don't care.
Go past the fact that she doesn't deny the existences of the gods, her character is still obnoxious and inconsistent. The game's premise is about building a kingdom and it falls terribly short. There are very few options, quests are very one dimensional and anything that strays from the path marked by the game usually results in failure to complete the quest or just ignoring completely what you did. Kingdom management is really generic and superficial. But I guess I'm wrong because a character who was branded as an atheist doesn't actually reject the existence of gods, she just thinks they're assholes. My bad.
Maybe you should try actually playing the game and base your opinions on that, rather than getting upset because the only thing you heard about the character is that she's an atheist.
Kingmaker has pretty crappy character writing for the most part, but of all the things to get butthurt about, you just had to choose one of the dumbest ones.
That seems like a really dumb hill to die on. If you spoke to Valerie even once you should see that she doesn't question or doubt the existence of gods. Her athiest trait on the otherhand is something you don't see unless you specifically try to give her paladin or cleric levels. It seems like you're arguing from a wiki rather than personal experience with the game.
>buffing monk in POE1 and 2
your insane, your a madman
Monk is by far the strongest class in both games, and not at endgame either, the whole game. But they get even more broken endgame with empowered [ INNER DEATH ] essentially 1 hitting anything non boss level, with crits obliterating anything.
Napalzca monk can huff drugs and do infinite combos soloing the entire game.
I played the game. I didn't finish it yet but I did play it. You are the one getting butthurt about just one of the things that I mentioned and being all autistic about it. So much so you forgot everything else I said.
The atheism thing was just a single example that I gave from the top of my head and you decided to build a mountain from it. Was it inaccurate? Or did I interpret that particular thing wrong? Fine, no problem. So she believes in gods. Everything else still stands.
Learn to read, lil' zoom.
>buff Monk
Nigger Monk is like the most powerful class in PoE 1 and 2 and unlike the others, it never gets nerfed. Mid-tier classes like Cipher and high-tier classes like Wizard got nerfed but Monk was left completely alone.
>it never gets nerfed
It got nerfed in PoE2 actually, so it can no longer generate infinite extra attacks.
It's still easily one of the strongest classes in the game though.
You're still chasing your own tail. I don't speak to Valerie much, I just asked her that question ("So why are you an atheist?" or something like that) and then got a letter from the paladin order. All I'm pointing is that maybe "atheist" is not the right word for it and moving on to everything else but you keep sperging about it for some reason I don't understand. She's not an atheist? Fine, scratch that from the list. I free you from your obsession over one single anecdote. You can look out the window and try to obsess about something different now.
Buff monk or gtfo
Are you the same fag that started the same thread yesterday ? Havent you had your answer yet ? What are you truly looking for?
It's just kiddinity-kun stirring the pot and trying to force more arguments. He's made this thread at least 5 times now with different wording from what I've seen.
PFKM is way better than POE 1. Spirit seeing got very dull very fast in PoE and the story was very boring.
If Divinity had good dialogue and story it would be worth talking about at least.
>T.wuxia twink
Monk is the strongest class in poe, you know ho does need a buff? poe1 chanters, and poe2 ciphers.
paladins are lame but also unkillable tank gods.
warriors can be made to be powerhouses with tweaking
wizards are possibly the 2nd best class
rangers, and barbarians need those buffs, always have. poe1 barbs were great because of that pike that could inflict prone proc chance on hit.
so you get a warrior frontline then big int barbarian proning everybody from behind and they cant do shit.
>Not interested in story since I'll be playing on the hardest difficulty.
Too bad for you, because the hardest difficulty doesn't come with an option to remove the story. Do yourself a favor and pick a tactics game instead.
Wow I kind of want to play it now, Shane the first game still sucks though
t. magic niggers
how do i make my ears not bleed evrytime i hear someone say agracima ?
There was an original thread yesterday where the OP asked the same question but said he didn't care about gameplay and would be playing on the easiest difficulty. That thread seemed genuine because he was actually responding and getting asspained for being called a shitter. These threads where it's been reversed seem to have been co-opted by the autist in his latest autism scheme.
They're both terrible so you should really find different games to try. Don't listen to these tasteless faggots claiming either are worth your time. Everything about both games is so beyond mediocre