Does the first Deus Ex game still hold up today or is it too old by this point?

Does the first Deus Ex game still hold up today or is it too old by this point?

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Holds up about as well as doom, so, really well. with the right mods, of course.

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>current events picture
Why are you fags so obssesed with discussing anything but videogames?

It does not hold up graphically, but you can play just fine it if you look past retro aesthetics.

Is there a link to the video?

You can't fight religions with bullets

Epic and 9gagpilled

why the long face

hide the thread liberal

go check /pol/

>too pussy to an hero

First week here newfriend?

help meh
help meh

It's weird, but actually Yea Forums is my main source for news. Not only videogame news. I was just going to sleep yesterday, then some fag posted "where were you when..." and I knew it was some breaking news.

Rather weird when you think about it, huh. Yea Forums - Breaking News

>instant load times on modern systems
It's never been better.

It's always "how can I shoehorn this grain of video games into my political/twitter/pornbait thread "

It holds up, probably better than some more recent titles like MW2

Attached: modern warfare new zealand.png (1305x693, 946K)

epic based and redpilled xDD

and it's always been like that since day 1
you can always spot a newfag by how they complain about "/pol/" threads on Yea Forums

Yeah let me make a DMC5 thread on /pol/ real quick. Have fun deciding whether this was /ourguy/ or a falseflag at the same time

Same. I actively avoid watching news and yet i'm never out of the loop thanks to this place.

hide the thread liberal

>videogames get discussed on /v

Fucking lel!! zoomer faggot get gone

die bitch

Yeah so are furry threads but people still complain about them.

Check this 6

What the fuck happened? Was the dude who shot up the mosque a Yea Forums memer?

okay newfag
i'm been at this shit site since 2008
im also not white
get over it

Is this real? Holy fuck channel 7 is a joke

hide the post autist
*dabs on you*

have sex

Someone said 8ch

Don't forget to subscribe to pewdiepie

Also, Whites exist. Get over it.

Fuck off discord tranny Yea Forums is a politics first and videogames second board ever since gamergate

Oh God I am going to hell.

Yeah and it wasn't some "I posted on /r9k/ with a timestamp and now I'm going to shoot a school shit" it was some nigga from 8ch who puts "REMOVE KEBAB" on his guns, plays Initial D music in his car, namedrops Spyro 3 AND PDP, and puts the Navy Seal copypasta in his manifesto but /pol/tards STILL think he might be a falseflag

>this guy unironically said Subscribe to PewDiePie
>he flossed on the corpses of his enemies
fucking kek

Attached: floss_flossing_fortnite.png (791x461, 77K)

Epic bro you trolled them hardcore, check my 4 and dab yourself into a noose


>getting a nuke without a ump45 and no air support

>not white

shareblue spread shill confirmed

That's false though faggot. I for one witnessed the inception of /pol/ (/new/) with flags, the "rebranding" of when m00t didn't like how it was going, the stripping of the flags (the ones that are there now to choose from), the small window where the board for around 8 months was semi decent for politics, oh and the dreaded election cycle when the entire world went braindead and that place became a hub for anyone who though they had slightly edgy opinions.

Far from a fucking newfag. But with all of that, I've watched /pol/ infect this board. It's hilarious when you fags get all defensive and pretend otherwise. Everyone sees it besides you guys.


maybe, maybe not, depends on how much you love Christ I suppose
but for sure those muslims are already there waiting for you if you fuck it up enough to get sent to hell

What did he mean by this?

Someone needs to do a version with counterstrike 1.6 sounds pronto

I sure do love Yea Forums - Politically Incorrect!

>but /pol/tards STILL think he might be a falseflag

A large reason of why I stopped going to /pol/ years ago.

Literal schizophrenics and teenagers who thing every single shooting is a false flag, and believe insane conspiracy theories.

You're right and wrong. Half the time this board reads like /pol/ lite and the other half it's like reeeeesetera-lite. What the fuck happened to this place? I mean I know why and how it happened I'm just asking rhetorically.

Top lad.
What's an eco-fascist though?

The /pol/shit cries as he strikes you.

There are a dozen off-topic threads on Yea Forums at any given time. Why do you faggots only bitch and moan about the political ones?

Kill Muslims to save the planet.

Discord trannies.

this was his playlist before he attacked. Rate his taste Yea Forums

Dipshit said he used to be a communist, now he says he wants to kill communists, but also current China is the political structure he most agrees with.

Guy was politically retarded but he's right that we need to stop non-white immigration into white countries.

fuck off to /pol/ mutt, you'll never be white


I'm convinced the "Why haven't joined the winning side yet Yea Forums?" guy is a literal falsefag unlike this

Delusional sociopath

Says the man who wants to be a woman.

Yeah because nobody has ever complained when a shitty wojak or pepe thread pops up. Woe is the poor /pol/fag though.

I capped this in 2017. I imagine it's just gotten worse

Attached: today.png (1352x395, 19K)

What happened is that you discovered a way to feel superior to both sides simultaneously

same, it's hilarious
>puts the Navy Seal copypasta in his manifesto
haha is that true

Go kill some people bro, maybe then someone will listen to your insane ramblings and you'll finally get all that attention you desperately desire

Incels are the ones who support this though.

As much as you desperately desire to be a woman?

Imagine being so paranoid that everyone who doesn't agree with your insane viewpoints is your boogeyman

yeah he did and some australian news site said he claimed he was in the navy with over 300 confirmed kills lol

>operation Northwoods
>operation mockingbird
>Lavon affair
>Nayirah testimony
It’s not like governments haven’t tried to lie and manipulate us in the past. Don’t forget the feds monitor this site 24/7. They know how we talk and the memes we spout.

that's why you get incredibly upset being reminded you will never be a woman

Discord tranny is among the lowest tier of insults ever regurgitated here. Mostly because you know it's not even true when you say it. Whereas when I call you retarded, it's on full display for everyone else to see as well

Yeah you can see the gamergate bump in 2014. Rather than killing this site like a bunch of exceptional faggots predicted it led to a completely new era for better or worse.

But anyway the killer posted all his bullshit on 8ch not here and as usual neither the mods or any of 8fags did anything about it. Seriously if you can find the initial threads the killer posted, everyone there was cheering him on - and worse cheering him on ironically after it became clear that this was a legit shooting.

This is the best shitposters have to offer? Just spamming tranny shit?

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>its a low tier insult
>gets upset about it

doesn't seem low tier to me tranny

he intends to get out of jail later and get Peace Nobel Prize like Nelson Mandela.

Did gamers finally rise up?

I'm just farming (You)s you fucking retarded shitposter

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Fascist with an environmentalist streak. It's all part of the whole worshiping of the pure, natural state that a lot of fascists have. Hitler was unironically an eco-fascist for instance.

If he was really a /pol/tard why didn't he shoot jews instead?

not him discord trannies are a real thing though

t. tranny dater


>Ah yes with this falseflag operation shooting in NZ we will begin "Plan: Epsilon Pushback"
>But first we need you to play REMOVE KEBAB and also this song from Initial D while you're in your car to crash the price of the AE86's
>Name drop Spyro 3 in your manifesto too. Insomniac has not listened to our demands to make Spyro a dragon struggling with his gender. This will kill their company
>Epic Games has not agreed to our demands to sell China's collected data to us either. Mention Fortnite and floss on their dead bodies on camera to send them a message
>We also need you to put this "Navy Seals" copypasta in your manifesto to cement your relationship to Yea Forums and 8ch in order to silence the website from exposing our plans
There are schizophrenics on /pol/ who honestly believe this

I found out David Bowie die through here.

we're complaining about them all fag
waifu trash, eceleb trash, pol trash etc

i'd say you were just pretending to be retarded but you're a tranny so

that's kinda redundant

>waaaa I'm the victim
Man shut the fuck up, people complain about any off-topic thread

>everyone there was cheering him on
lies you fucking nigger. you had people wanting to close that thread down and others posting like they couldn't believe it was happening aka skeptics.

Not for long

It's great, especially with GMDX mod.
Nameless Mod is great mod, they created a new story using Deus Ex engine based on forums and when GameSpy was around

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>literally the only thing he's been brainwashed to say is to complain about a nonexistent threat

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>Ahmed is mad

I don't really talk to people outside this place so it would be almost impossible to find out elsewhere about things.

so you're defending a non-existent threat, discord tranny?


>Wojak threads
>Pepe threads
>Eceleb drama threads
>Reddit screencap threads
>Furry threads
>Shitty Yea Forums meme threads
>Cuck porn threads
Yes because nobody on Yea Forums has ever gave them shit

Because lewd threads make my penis happy and funpost threads make me happy. "Discuss current news events" is just rubbish. I'm here because I don't like the real world, fucking normalfag scum.

no they dont, retard

I can't believe they've done it. /pol/ has officially become more autistic than Yea Forums

Get some help bro, maybe ask your tulpa

/pol/ is confused

wtf based

i played it not too long ago and thought it was fine, but i'm not really put off by most older games in the first place

says the man who wants to be a woman

current china isn't communist in the slightest and you're politically illiterate if you claim otherwise
on the traditional scale it falls authoritarian mid-left at best- typically closer to authoritarian centre due to censorship and free market with protectionist streak

t. tranny

/pol/ looped back around into loving Israel

Ok, so you don't want the thread taken down because it's off-topic, that's just what you'll use to get the thread taken down. And you won't just ignore the thread because..??

/pol/ got memed into loving the Jews since 2016.

Literally every thread is plagued by you faggots. Just go the fuck away.

Well here's one of the """bait""" posts. Those replies are the fucking kicker.

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This is how you become indoctrinated.

They're on kiwi farms but it it's not loading for me right now also they (8) were cheering him on in the initial thread.

>kiwi farms
>attack done on kiwiland

Inb4 it's a big conspiracy to generate a new lolcow

TNM will never be popular enough to be discussed.
but i have played it quite a few times

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Yeah okay dude.
THQ has some serious egg on their face for this though I just remembered.
Does 8ch not have archives?

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