What are your hopes and dreams for the next Tales entry?
What are your hopes and dreams for the next Tales entry?
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Berseria 2 please
Year old, we all know its Crestoria
More censorship please!
Or fuck it, just rerelease it on PS4/PC/Switch with dual audio this time.
Come on, please.
More stinky mages
Crestoria is for mobile devices. It has been reported that Bamco are making a new one for consoles as well.
Why? Berseria was crap.
I really hope we get Xillia 1 and 2 remasters and Steam ports at some point. Tales of Graces f should get similar treatment.
No... just give me a game similar to Vesperia and we are fine.
Better have a female protagonist again. I couldn't fucking stand Vesperia.
We need to go edgier. Ys IX, Mary Skelter, Nier, Code Vein, SMT, Death End request. Outedge them all.
Put some effort in this time. It's not 2002 anymore, fuck off with your shitty hallways.
Please have yuri protagonists.
We just got Vesperia ports
I agree. Make the third person view over the shoulder and the combat system happening in real time with destructable and usable environments. Also, make the doors animated instead of static. Then, in addition to ladders, add ziplines and swingable ropes.
The new producer used to work on God Eater, so it likely will be very edgy.
Lolis. Everything is better with cute little girls.
That too.
I'm currently playing through GER, and that's not too edgy.
Am I the only one who noticed the decline in map/dungeon quality?
Did anybody else feel like this is all outsourced shit?
From the generic textures that look the same green/brown in different areas and the cheap ass monster sounds when they hit you before battle.
I mean vesperia or abyss etc. I would be able to tell which map from seeing a screenshot.
This screnshot I dont even know.
Like I saw it multiple times.
I think it was like this in xilia as well.
Maybe its just me and nostalgia, but it was a major factor why its hard to play beseria until finish.
That and the really boring characters + aim at fujoshi. I mean first act you dont even have female members.
And even if they join, seems like mary sue characters. Talking about romance novels in some skits for fucks sake.
Maybe I'm getting old idk, but I played vesperia and abyss recently. The difference is insane.
Do younger players who played the older titles see that as well? Would be interesting to know.
we got that, it was called tales of zesteria and it was fucking awful
As much as I'd love another game with combat like Berseria's, I'm afraid they wouldn't improve on it like giving back a "regular attack" string that doesn't use CC/Souls/SP/Stamina/Mana. Berseria's combat was really just missing a regular attack tree and it would have been perfect. Making every single attack an arte and having you manage souls was really shit in the beginning and only became fun mid to end game when you could start with 5+ souls and get up to 9 and shit out 6+ mystic artes per fight.
Oh fuck yeah I'd love a Xillia 2 remaster. I've got 200 hours of it on ps3 but the FPS really tanks hard in certain areas or when some spells are used, and the contrast seriously needs a fix, everything is so washed out and dark for some reason.
You're probably right, but I never gave a shit about map/dungeon quality I just rushed head first into the nearest enemy ASAP so I could keep fighting. Maps could be a straight line for all I care as long as the combat is good. I never cared about navigation.
Zestiria came before it and Berseria was the apology game, similar to how Xillia 2 was an apology for how trash Xillia 1 was.
We'll probably get another shit Tales followed by a good one that re-uses assets/lore/mechanics but makes them good. They may turn this into a formula.
God Eater isn't edgy at all outside of the premise.
If anything though, it means the girls will likely have skimpy outfits.
>all xillias and graces f with japanese voices
Yes please
It'll be hard for me to care about the girls if Inomata keeps designing them
A new Tales game with Velvet as the protagonist again but with Mass Effect-mixed-with-Bayonetta-style gameplay
Never played a tales game before which should I play and which should I avoid if there are any
Start with any that look fun, look up the gameplay before diving in because many games have radically different combat.
Best starters are Abyss, Symphonia, and Vesperia.
Ones to avoid are Tempest and Zestiria, everything else is varying levels of good to great. As far as I'm concerned those two I mentioned are the only bad games in the series and the rest are excellent, but I am far easier to please than most people on Yea Forums so your mileage may vary.
Have fun.
Male protagonist.
sorry yall, but the cost of a tales of game is too astronomically high unless they complete cut out the series staple of skits
This user here pretty much nails it. Some are worse than others, but really shit are only temptest and zestiria.
I dont know why Symphonia|Abyss|Vesperia isn't known as the holy trinity of tales.
I mean thats a phenomena that happens in multiple series. Definitely the best games and for symphonia+vesperia there is a remake version for pc.
>mfw i got 8 fake gald in a single labyrinth run and one of them came from the room where you fight kratos
New game will be announced on June 15 or 16
Why not a futanari protagonist?
Those three do have their issues though. Vesperia in particular has a very, very slow start to the combat since it locks the skills behind a cost+learn system that doesn't feel satisfactory until halfway through the game, as the remaster made us all painfully remember.
NG+ makes Vesperia one of the top games in the series for sure, but most anons aren't patient enough to go through with that.
Please have Yuri as a protagonist again and have him fuck whichever characters mentally ill yurifags like shipping.
Start with Legendia, Eternia or Destiny and make your way from there; Symphonia is also a solid choice to begin.
I want a game with EFFORT put into it, I haven't had a game with overall effort put into it since Vesperia.
Wait what?
Didnt she die because of lung infection?
Or am I missunderstanding something. Is that an event where the voice actors appear?
Yuri is for Judith only
IDK if you hate Beseria, but It cannot be compared to how shitty Zesteria was. If you think it can, go back and replay Zesteria. You can tell within minutes.
I'm still waiting on an ecchi anime with a futa protagonist popping boners "comically" when her friends do sexy shit. The closest we've got is that bitch from Queen's Blade who wears a strap on 24/7.
Didn't they say they can't do Vesperia level content ever again because it sucked them dry and was very hard financially on the company?
This. After beating Berseria I went back to Zestiria to compare some of the locations and see what changed over the 1k years and holy fuck Zestiria is garbage. Everything feels like shit, from just walking, moving the camera, to even basic attacks. Everything is SO BAD.
More like they want easy money and make most costumes DLC.
Thats true.
I mean tales games always had their obvious faults and felt kinda amateurish.
It just felt that the series peaked with those 3 games. It was a slow downhill from there like with so many other series as well.
I'm really interested if we ever get destiny.That is praised alot as well from people who speak the moon.
>last tales of festival had all the girls wearing slutty sailor outfits
>annie, rita, edna, and pascal are going to be featured at this one
Oh man
The old va died. That's the new one.
Is Milla really a badly-designed character?
Why the hate?
She's not a great character at all but holy shit is she fun to play as. Spirit Shifting is a god tier mechanic and spells being melee attacks when you tap them is something I want more of in the next Tales game.
Also her summoned spirit artes are really satisfying.
Thats fucking bullshit and lazy.
>very hard financially on the company
Considering how well Vesperia did I'am pretty sure it was fuckin worth it. Besides Bamco is doing EXCEPTIONALLY well these days.
with FF taking another L and long dirtnap this is their fucking chance to put out a quality product to build and prop the series on.
Where else does this character appear?
Dont tell me they pushed an update for zestiria with a new voice or something.
Bamco is lying their asses off. Monolith made this with the majority of their studio working on BotW, Tales team is just genuinely too lazy to put any effort in.
what tales games are worth playing/
The chance of that happening is nigh impossible
Tales of Strangereal
That question is a really, really good way to get a flame war started.
I'll bite.
Abyss, Vesperia, Xillia 2 and Berseria are the best Tales games.
The anime and mobage.
Is gonna be radiant mythology 4!
Xillia 3 with a xillia 1 and 2 pc port, gotta milk this cow dry.
Zesteria was trying a new camera and battle system, but you can tell they weren't happy with it since it was scrapped in Berseria
Yikes. Male protag or bust.
Got it,thanks for clearing it up for me.
what about symphonia and phantasia user?
those niggas fight over everything
Berseria is the best in the series.
Not the same user.
But I enjoyed both alot cant go wrong with either I think.
I would play Symphonia first since its a 3d tales.
Phantasia if you want a classic 2d rpg.
Good times.
The fuck are you on? They weren't scrapped, it's the same camera and battle system in Berseria, just that now you can move the camera yourself and the battles removed the linear movement rails and let you fully customize the arte tree.
Velvet in Code Vein please
Yeah really deep.
Holds up really well against for example vesperia and the whole subplot of not obeying the law and killing people for the greater good.
But you have your loli character and sexual jokes like laphi polishing his manhood. Not even joking.
For it to not be another low budget title aimed at fujoshi
Milla does a few things in minor ways that people commonly find annoying. She's a "mary sue" because she's all powerful (but in practice that's part of the plot, her being Maxwell is part of her and other characters motivations but I guess some people don't like one character being central?) and since she's a main girl, she gets marketed too.
Also the lisp is a thing.
I think she's amazing.
>loli character
bersaria has a loli?
Bring back Velvet, Magilou, Rokurou and Eizen.
im about 34 hours into vesperia, when will yuri finally get plot and an actual personality?
will he even get, or will the game keep spouting university degree knoweledge about aer, how to convert aer, special aer till the game is over?
>berubetto takes a bath
>puts on her pyjamas
>next morning she painstakingly puts on her rags to look like a scary demon pirate
Who thought this design was a good idea?
I legit don't know what character he could be referring to. Laphi is a guy.
She has to look scary user
Meant to write shota, sorry.
Might have been thinking about zestiria though. Or win10 is fucking with me.
Or I got the gay
Besteria is the first tales title where I absolutely think all characters besides the lead are shit.
I mean xillia at least had the badass butler.
Honestly interested, which tales games did you play? And whats so great about those characters.
>huurrr censorship!
beseria only "censored" 1 scene, and that was because of usk18 laws (no clue what its called in usa)
Why do people like Magilou so much? It has to be a waifuism thing
>Besteria is the first tales title where I absolutely think all characters besides the lead are shit.
How were they shit?
flat armpits tummy
Please don't go full retard with the belts.
please dont.
tales is known for having terrible second parts of the games.
just take a look at xilia 2
I like her, but I love Eleanor
Radiant Mythology 1 cockblocked you so hard it's sort of funny with that OC character.
>oh, I might have feelings for someone
>heehee, I never thought about having a family before, but maybe there is someone I want to do it with
>user...... I....... love..... y-
>thanks for saving my world for me user, bye bye, I doubt I will ever see you again
she was a funny character and a kind of good adition to the team with her banter and nonsense shit.
(even though she only became a real plot towards the end)
She's really annoying at first, and then still annoying for 10 hours or so, then you realize she's the knot that keeps the group together and you start to appreciate the morale she brings to the party.
Why is she such a crybaby
>canonically has a big butt according to Rokurou
Also homo for velvet
nah i fucking love beseria but it is a prequel to zesteria is what im saying.
In Zesteria, the battle arena was were ever you started fighting. You could lure monsters into a small hallway to gang bang them with AoE attacks. Now you get teleported to a generic battle arena. I assume dungeon design was changed in Zesteria to be more open and less confusing because of this.
Hopefully not pull a Berseria and connect it, story wise, to a shit game
have berseria on my backlog since years is it worth it? i just finished dragon quest xi and YS lacrimosa of dana and love thoese 2 , i will like berseria coming from the 2 mentioned games?
Is Ace Combat series the closest thing to Tales series with fighter planes?
berseria is the best game of the tales series, just start it.
you cant really compare it to dq or ys though, so no clue if you enjoy it.
berseria is not one of these
>it gets good after 10 hours in
games, so just go and try it?
I played the game in Japanese a voice wont make me like her she's fucking dumb.
Erika lindbeck is great, nigger. Also regardless of language, Magilou keeps the entire team from falling apart
Give me someone fun to play again, like Stahn from Destiny Remake/DC.
Will this new one still be developed for fucking PS3 and look like shit again or can they finally step up their game
I don't think I can handle pic related's death a second time around.
Put some actual fucking effort in it. Re-releasing Vesperia showed a bunch of people just how far Tales has fallen.
>inb4 Vesperia dicksucking
The game had it's issues like locking a lot of the story in sidequests, but the quality drop is fucking obvious
I am playing Vesperia for the first time and I think Berseria is still a better game. If anything the fact Vesperia PS3 finally got an English release has stopped nostalgia fags of swarming threads. Vesperia is a really mediocre game desu.
it propably doesnt even reach mediocre, its one of the first tales games i actually had to drop after 20 hours.
and i fuckign completed xillia 2
You guys have some really high standards
I think most Tales games are pretty enjoyable
You will never go brong whit smug
Speaking of Vesperia, the Burst Art tutorial might be the worst piece of game design I've ever seen in my life.
1. Right after you've used all your items on a boss and saved
2. Not allowed to visit a shop before you clear it
3. Solo combat in a game that's a barely functioning hitstun clusterfuck even with a full party
4. Can't even use Burst Art because they'll just fucking kill you
Was this game even playtested?
>Linear Motion Battle System
What the fuck is wrong with Tales Studio? Why can't they commit to a system?
I want more velvet but it wouldn’t make sense
I hope that Tales games will stop being PS3 games. We're at the end of the PS4 life cycle and Tales games are still PS3 tier, from graphics to map designs to everything.
Hell, i think Zestiria and Berseria both had PS3 versions right?
Time to make a true PS4 title Bamco, fuck off already with your low budget bullshit.
>fuck off already with your low budget bullshit.
fuck off with your dumb AAA worshipping
Guess this Tales character.
> it sucked them dry and was very hard financially on the company?
>financial problems
user, Bamco has more money than Square Enix. Stop falling for their bullshit, they could make a better looking game than FFXV if they wanted.
New setting, stop lingering on the Zestiria/Berseria line.
Don't add farmville-lite "wait until things happen" minigames again.
Switch up the art style. This is kinda weird to explain, but since Xillia the art style of series has been really "shoujo", with characters having huge as fuck eyes and very pronounced eyelashes. Also shading looks weird.
Most importantly, have proper fucking dungeons in again. Like holy fuck, starting with Graces they have just been fucking corridors with off-shoot rooms. Not saying that Abyss, Vesperia or Symphonia had best dungeons in JRPGs, but they were leaques beyond what recent games have had.
Except "mid-budget" is what Tales should have been in this generation, but it's not even that, it's mid budget title from the PS3 gen.
You're too used to the taste of SHIT to actually notice, that's fucking sad.
I don't want an AAA Tales title, i want a tales title with some effort put into it, i want it to be an actual PS4 title and not a mid budget PS3 port with limitations out the ass.
It's 2019 and you're fine with playing PS3 ports with upped resolution, YOU FUCKING RETARD.
>they can't do Vesperia level content ever again because it sucked them dry and was very hard financially on the company?
You might actually be a fucking retard if you believe that. Be sure to buy the costume packs.
why dont you jusft stop playing tales games and go back to your awesome graphical ff15.
>'s 2019 and you're fine with playing PS3 ports with upped resolution
yes, i am even fine with games like undertale.
fuck off, dumb kid.
no wonder you're a massive faggot
>its 2019 hurr
>graphic whoring
>pointing out spelling errors
it's a shame that millenials are allowed on this board
>Xillia 2 was an apology for how trash Xillia 1 was.
Xillia is great while Xillia 2 is the worst Tales of.
Avoid Xillia 2, Zestiria and Symphonia: Dawn of the New World.
No. Berseria is the second worst in the series.
hold on, user!
before you're allowed to make another post you should go and pay off your debt.
you didnt forget about your debts, right?
>Am I the only one who noticed the decline in map/dungeon quality?
No. Zestiria and Berseria are the worst ofenders.
No. Zestiria is.
>Best starters are Abyss, Symphonia, and Vesperia.
Best starters are the best in the series? It's all downhill from there.
The series need a fresh fucking start with a new world and new characters.
Why was Abyss' world building and lore so fucking great bros?
what lore?
all i can remember is 100 different dialogues about fonons
No. Unless it's made with Unreal Engine 4 with beautiful graphics and more interactable environments and characters.
>I fon. You fon. He she we fon. Fonology, the study of fon. Come on, Luke. It's first grade!
Yeah, nah. And it's hampered by how much you revisit the same places a million times - often without fast travel.
This. I don't even know why it gets to much praise, it feels like a downgrade in almost every way. Some examples: Ludger is forced into your party for the entire game and it insanely overpowered. They got rid of the ability to switch benched characters mid-combat and even mid-dungeon. Gaius and Muzet are incredibly bland in terms of gameplay. Character growth isn't really much of an improvement, it's still just as linear as before, except now you can't plan ahead. The incredibly pointless gald-gating debt system to block progress. The writing is even worse than the first game, throwing past characters into "What-if" scenarios like poorly-written fanfiction. And so on.
The only thing I can argue for it is that it has a couple good combat mechanics added, but are completely irrelevant due to how easy it is to lock-down and destroy everything you encounter. The game feels a lot closer to ToS2 in terms of execution, and I don't recall that game being well-received in the first place.
Never going to happen. They're lazy cunt that want to make easy money by half-assing the series and adding a billion DLCs.
You'll get your open bland looking areas, corridor dungeons, dull Sakuraba music and more.
The series is fucked beyond repair.
People kept telling me "Oh with Baba gone it'll get better!" but I know in my heart it wont because while he was a big problem Bamco themselves are a big problem too.
I mean fuck, just look at that bullshit "excuse" for no more content like Vesperia had.
holy shit grand battle is streaming
>nice hips
>cute tummy
She's the perfect woman.
Is Velvet a feminist propaganda like Captain Marvel is?
The main theme of Berseria is Emotion VS Reason and Velvet represents irrational emotions.
I can't read apparently .
What if Milla dyes her hair black?
I want another game where the main campaign is 25-30 hours like Phantasia, Destiny, or Eternia. Any longer and it starts feeling like egregious padding.
So, Velvet Crowe died at a very young age, didn't she?
Real level design
Combat that isn't centered around stuns and the return of normal strings
Gear customization that doesn't require obnoxious inventory management
That it won't be a PS3 Port
Another female protag
>a woman
>irrational emotions
Makes sense
Can I start asking for a Zesteria remake?
And the villains represent Reason, and they're all men except Theresa, who's emotions are her demise.
Yes. Remake it with a new engine, revamped gameplay, revised storyline, and Velvet's cameo at the end featuring her return from her deep sleep.
Wish I had a Tales fujo gf to play Tales of with...
Seeing Theresa have a portrait in the skits made me a little bit hopeful she'd join the party too
Spin-Off title revolving around these two's hunt for Yuri over the course of the story and ending with them becoming champions of the Colesium
the main villain also tried to create an orwellian nightmare. a strawman of reason created and observed through emotions. "look at how bad reason is! it creates communism!"
But why?
Is the Tales series having the same problems as the Sonic series?
Because then you'd whine about them using the same shit every time.
The best in the franchise
What do black gentlemen think of Velvet?
I want her to have my mixed babies inside her growing.
Why aren't there any black people in Tales series?
How about bringing the classic battle system back?
Zestiria. You're thinking of Zestiria.
ToX2 combat continuation and less gay shit. There, perfect.
I wonder if they will ever port more Tales games on the switch.
user,the tone of God Eater has them struggling for their lives and all the shit they did never really mattering, God Eater 3 just took a big dump on everything every protagonist up until now has accomplished from 1,2,resonance ops and online and even the ending of 3 is set to be undon because the planet literally is trying to kill them all, they didn't even solve the ashland and ashborn issues only our protagonists can fight those things because of their magic loli but how long is that gonna last?
Doubt it could run Xillia. Maybe Graces if they drop the res a bit.
because the games are asian-only universes with generic fantasy names.
Are you saying that Jude, Xillia, Velvet, Magilou, Eizen, Sorey, Rose, Yuri, and Luke are all Asians?
I doubt it, if anything they wanna be done with the whole Zestiria/Berserai universe and therefore abandon all the assets they used for both those games to instead start from scratch again, which is why its taking a while for the next mainline game yet to be revealed
I will only accept Berseria 2 if they don't make the gameplay boring as shit
How does Velvet's digestive system work after she became a therion? You know, her stomach, pancreas, small intestine, colon, and rectum.
It had one of the hypest Tales openings
>Tales of Orfellia
What about Tales of Arabia starring a Muslim Velvet Crowe wearing a hijab?
>June 18, 2018
Fuck off
Do UE4 able to imitate anime styled games ?
Well, Bamco devs had no problem with making Dragon Ball FighterZ, Jump Force, My Hero One's Justice, Sword Art Online : Phantom Bullet, and Ace Combat 7 with UE4.
Shes hot and actually the best Merged Tales studio character has ever done.
Take Berseria/Zestiria combat, and burn it.
Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia is a must.
Berseria gameplay is meh, but the characters are god tier likeable.
Avoid Symphonia 2 & Zestiria at all costs.
Not died. Just stuck with her brother for eternity
Outsourced to Arc System Works, the only dev in the industry that can pull off 2.5D in that kind of style. The rest of those are typical Bamco anime 3D models, very cheap but serviceable.
>I will only accept Berseria 2 if they don't make the gameplay boring as shit
This. I also want a Tales game where you can swim, run on walls, hang on ledges, use ziplines, swing with a rope, and perform stealth takedowns. In addition, I want Keiki Kobayashi compose the music.
And replace him with Keiki Kobayashi of Ace Combat fame.
Eizen as MC.
Aren't those ps3 games? Because the switch can do a bit more than a ps3
Berseria characters with Vesperia/Symphonia gameplay.
Thats all i want.
Ok where's the proof on that then
Make Magilou or Magilou-like character (Smug,Blonde long hair, Small tits, funny) as party member
A fate worse than death, then.
Like all animes, once main character kill non antagonist character, death flag will be raised to the maximum
Does anyone here think that Velvet was emotionally doomed in many ways? I mean, even if Artorius opted to take the Crowe siblings away from Aball instead of sacrificing one of them on a Scarlet Night, Laphi would inevitably die due to the Twelve Year Sickness, thus leaving Velvet alone and an emotional wreck but without the therion power, anyway.
She'd find a nice boy to impregnate her and live a normal life. People die, especially in the monster-ridden demon hellscape that is the Berseria setting.
yuri is for sodia
>a nice boy to impregnate her
Didn't she get that in the ending with Innominat?
Is she a lesbian?
What if Laphicet managed to explain to Velvet the reason for his sacrifice before Artorius proceeded with it?
So in the end, it was all Melchior's fault.
Is Xillia 2 better than Zestiria?
I watched some gameplay vids of Symphonia since it's so highly recommended here but the combat is basically a side scroller action. What makes this fun?
I thought Xillia 2 had the best combat system so far.
Anyone agree that this should be Velvet's song after the end of Berseria?
Do we get to play as Jude?
He's a party member.
That means we can have him take point and be controllable outside battle, right?
yes. everyone is asian in animu unless otherwise stated. if they are not asian, they have blonde hair, blue eyes, thick american accent, bad japanese and long large noses.
it had a pretty cheesy but interesting plot. it dealt with a lot of adult themes like racism, slavery, narcissism, etc.
>What are your hopes and dreams for the next Tales entry?
Not hiring Sakuraba for the soundtrack again would already be a giant leap in quality
So, Zestiria and Berseria are the only two Tales games where each of them has a story centered on one main character (Sorey in Zestiria, Velvet in Berseria), whereas the other Tales game have ensemble cast of characters to focus on or in other words, multiple protagonists, right?
>What are your hopes and dreams for the next Tales entry?
A team Destiny game, that's all I ask.
this please
Like said, it will probably be great if Bamco hires Keiki Kobayashi for the next Tales games.
did people forget about vesperia already and went back to talking about berseria?
So I just played through abyss, symphonia and vesperia, what other games could I play?
>play vespiria
>the endlag from your attacks is longer than the enemy hitstun
>meaning if you finish your combo enemies leave their stagger BEFORE you can even react
Never seen something this retarded
>Talking about Berseria
You mean posting waiifu garbage over and over again?
Let's be honest, Tales hasn't had proper dungeons since Symphonia. Vesperia, if you're being generous.
looking at this pic I really do miss the creative flair that went into Symphonia dungeons, except welgia, fuck that place
>don't want a Berseria 2 because the game itself was pretty stale
>want a Berseria 2 because the cast was top tier and I want to see them again
Just not a fucking female protagonist again. Skipped Berseria for that reason.
first post definitely not best post
Berseria was polished shit
Zestiria was shit
But still,
Velvet Crowe >>>>>>>>>>> Captain Marvel AKA Captain SJW
she still wouldn't accept it and possibly blame artorius for it afterwards. except she'd just be another generic villager.
and then upon realizing that she ended up with nothing, she'd be recruited into the Abbey as an exorcist.
Imagine Velvet in an exorcist uniform doing exorcist jobs.
I've got something she can exorcise
hearts r, xillia 1+2, eternia
dumb frogposter
Too bad Eleanor's panties wasn't designed like that.
>Be hyped
>Get Vesperia Remaster
>Stop playing 15h in
It's so boring and formulaic
>He doesn't like Vesperia
yes please
All I want is a battle system like Symphonia's where you can set party members Artes to your buttons. That and cute girls with big boobs.
>the gameplay loop freezes my cortex
Finally, I can see Form Destroyer at a decent FPS count
No you are not alone, user. I couldn't even bring myself to finish the game because of how terrible the dungeons are. The game is so monotonous, and it doesn't help that sakuraba is getting rather stale. The game, its design and its soundtrack have lost its charm.
Abyss remake when?
do you seriously want a remake by the same team that did zestiria
>sakuraba is getting rather stale
>its soundtrack have lost its charm
This is why Keiki Kobayashi needs to compose the soundtracks of the next Tales game.
I want a Tales game made by EA.
Wonder why they started cutting corners. I mean all thing considered the Xillia games were pretty fun and I love the cast, but lots of things were lazily made, mainly the world and dungeons.
I unironically want Go Shiina back, his music was the best part of Zestiria
berseria but we play as the good guys instead. i want teresa-sama in my party.
> aim at fujoshi.
>And even if they join, seems like mary sue characters
why do people just make shit up when they don't like something?
I can't remember a single tune of Berseria. At least Zestiria had good music. And a jrpg can't be good without good music.
Velvet's default outfit is so messy. If only they had the pristine version of it from the ufotable anime.
Indeed. What kind of underpants does Eleanor wear, anyway?
The only tunes I remember in Besteria is the Dannan Highway theme, Titania theme, the first battle theme, and the boss battle theme when you fight a prominent members of the Abbey, Eleanor herself included.
wicked sense of humor
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>went to Pixiv
>searched for any Tales characters
>found lots of drawings
>some of them are about futanari Velvet
Not even close
>why is a bitchy assertive demoness given a cock in hentai?
you clearly haven't been on Yea Forums long enough
hopefully they'll still allow for creative freedom when it comes to customizing attachments and costumes, this is the one thing Tales has been getting better at doing
Xillia is better than Berseria?
I want to be garbage and get eaten by Velvet!
It seems that Santa Claus managed to rescue Velvet from her sealed state.
>people complain about Velvet
>Pixiv artists improve her
>people still complain
You make no sense.
Do lipsticks even exist in all Tales universes? I haven't seen any female characters wearing lipsticks throughout the franchise.
Berseria is one of the best ones out of the series.
Because the game's lore 100% revolved about fonons and how they interact with the world. And miasma.
Berseria 2 or Vesperia 2.
Zestiria is Berseria 2
What about Hearts R? Is it worth? It is almost never mentioned here
its fun but no one has a vita or ps tv so no one has played it
if they just ported it to ps4 and/or pc it would be more liked
It's fun. It has one of the cutest girls in the series as well.
It's pretty great as long as you like team destiny games.
I still remember how cute the Tales protagonists are in this show.
I unironically love Velvet more than anything.
Symphonia (GC)
Xillia 2
Symphonia (PS2)
Symphonia 2
Twin Brave
Reve Unitia
Asteria SF
Innocence R
Narikiri Dungeon X
Radiant Mythology
Radiant Mythology 3
Asteria SoLaD
Destiny 2
Radiant Mythology 2
Why did Velvet consume Ix after he yanked her telephone at 2:43 mark?
>graces that high
>xillia above xillia 2
>berseria only mid tier
Fuck outta here
Milla best girl
Literally google the specs. Instead of straight up believing what i have to say. You had 3 hours so i assume you already did.
She blushed when she held yuri's hand.
Fuck that, why aren't there any BALD characters in the series besides Destiny?
I hope they make dungeons good again, playing the Xillia series and Zest/Beseria those dungeons were trash compared to something like Vesperia atleast those dungeons have thought in them and have varied looks, I would like the fixed camera back to in some cases it just works better.
Kongman ain't bald, he shaves.
What if Velvet pilots a fighter jet?
Mileena is cute ! CUTE !
Why are you this paranoid?
You're in ristelle territory, little boy
>What are your hopes and dreams for the next Tales entry?
Realistically I'd like for them to at least change artstyles for the graphics in game instead of using the style they've been using since Xillia, and at the very least make Yuri and Leon the battle cameos instead of shoving them in as costume dlc yet again (I'm glad they didn't with Berseria). As for personal hopes and dreams that I didn't see anyone else mention yet:
>old lady party member
>fully fleshed out game with important details actually kept in it instead of taken out to sell extra guides with Xillia/2
>At least 2 fun in game costumes for each character (or even just DLC costumes sold separately per character instead of packs again since I rarely like every costume in a set to justify paying for them all)
>Xillia 3 with Elle protag but that's very self indulgent and I still would rather have a brand new game/setting first before this
Has a gacha like XC2, but bamco lets me spend real money so I can get the waifus I want faster
I love Velvet when she's in maniac mode.
Yuri Lowell is awesome in this video
I'm good 240 hours in.
What about having the same artstyles as Borderlands?
This meme genuinely used to be funny before it literally became
>"you disagree with me"
Maybe you're being sarcastic, I can't tell, but why don't you just play the actual Tales gacha games like Rays?
That doesn't sound good.
It's the current year, Bamco needs to leave archaic game design behind and give the fans what they REALLY want. No one has time or patience for a 60 hour JRPG anymore, just let me sink some money into rolling Magilou and flail around while playing some comfy ps4.
You can do that already. Do you not have a phone?
Particularly you can see the characters actually start as random assholes that just happen to be helping eachother for a common goal. The victory quotes show it the most.
Why not do it on both my phone and my console?
He proposed at zaude.
going back to the symphonia/abyss combat model and refining it so it isn't just cookie cutter combos
fuck no, berseria is shit
>give me something like Berseria
You're a shit taste catamite that should kill yourself forthwith. An embarrasment to humanity, your opinions of are no consequence.
>give me something like Vesperia
You're alright, but obviously an EOP and it fucking shows.
>give me 2D Tales like Destiny PS2
You have impeccable taste, women throw themselves at you, and you should reproduce with as many people as you can to at least kill off the shit-tasters.
Berseria gang vs Zestiria gang game. You choose which crew to play at the start. Secret unlockable Zaveid campaign tying it all together.
I would choose Zestiria, it has Rose, best girl of entire series.
Give them a chance to fight back.
Can't I just pick all the girls together?
Kinda got bored half way through Zestiria. Is Beseria story better? I bought both at the same time
it starts off good but turns into schlock very quickly
Berseria is the best kind of edgy shit.
>post-game dungeon has a cliffhanger insinuating the celestial seraphim were the ones who cursed the earthbound malakham to become dragons because they sided with humanity
>third game where Velvet rides Dragon Laphi and Sorey & Etna ride Dragon Eizen up into the celestial realm and call them all fagits
Why is flynn playable in vesperia?
Zestiria is trash due to various gameplay and fluff issues. Berseria is at least consisten and fixes some of the biggest complaints (like getting stuck on bushes and Armatization being OP). It also has a fun story that's different from other Tales. The protags are unapologetic anti heroes with great chemistry.
he is the light to yuri's shadow.
Nice. Will probably start Berseria later today.
Honestly Berseria's a pretty mediocre story on its own, neither good nor bad. What made it funner to me was knowing everything about Zestiria and how it all worked together. You can play Berseria without finishing Zesty but it definitely loses its luster. Also the second half of Zestiria has the only good parts in the entire game, but if you still wanna drop it despite knowing that I can't blame you since outside of the ending the good parts aren't even particularly great.
Well they shoehorned him in pretty hard all things considered.
Zestiria is easily one of the worst Tales, Berseria is definitely in the upper half of the list.
Sodia's the one who suggested he go with them to Tarqaron, you should thank her.
A friendly reminder that Richard in the f-arc is unironically the best Tales character ever created.
Really decent
Not the best yet no the worst
Well, I'm just getting home from work, checking my (You)s, and already I get to call somebody a retard.
No, retard, I wouldn't.
Wish we had that Richard for the main game or better yet as the main character.
It's not just there though.
I liked him a lot during F-arc but his out for it is still terrible.