Have you ever been to a LAN party, Yea Forums?
Have you ever been to a LAN party, Yea Forums?
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Have you ever been to a mosque?
I was invited when I was young and dumb, but I didn't go because they'd want to touch my computer and notice all my cringe fan-fic and porn.
Back in the Halo Reach days yeah. All of my friends are gone
post it
do you only play 1 game or what?
Why are they wearing hats indoors?
We used to do it all the time back in high school.
Still remember one time when we finally got the suit and tie kid to join us he played flight simulator, london sydney in real time.
Nope, never actually. I had no homo sleepoever with bros many a time, but no "LAN parties".
All the ones I went to ended up devolving into horrible gay orgies and I hated it
It's cold. No central heating in merica.
I went to some back when I was in college when Halo CE was in its prime. I would walk into a room and see 6 different xbox's all hooked up with the system link. LAN parties were something else, nothing beats killing a guy and t-bagging him while he yells at each you from the next room over.
what do I have to search to find porn with guys like this?
Did everyone say no homo?
Well, I've been to Assembly which technically qualifies, although I was there only for the demoscene
not a real one. i knew people who would have "LAN parties" but they were just regular normalfag parties with few video games.
Me and about 4-5 friends would lug family-sized CRTs and XBOX-HUEG Xboxes across our small town every other weekend to play Halo CE on LAN either at my house or my friend's house. Our parents were chill with us taking over the livingroom all night. Man those were the fucken days.
hahaha what
Halo 2... Now that is BASED
First LAN party I ever went to was a Kirby Airride LAN. 4 gamecubes, 4 TVs, and like 6 or 7 of us. Shit was so cash
Yes, many. They were a lot of fun. Mostly in the ps2/xbox days.
It's a lot more fun when you can visibly watch someone get pissed off rather than just listening over a mic. Prime shit talking too. Straight to their goddamned ugly face.
Yes, every year
I had about half a dozen with my friends between the ages of 14 to 24.
All good memories.
Not an organised lan party but I a few years ago I went to some 6 month tech support training course which was a waste of time but me and a couple other guys got CS 1.6 loaded on all the machines our class room and had matches during lunch, mainly palying on pic related but also some ice map i forget the name of. It was pretty good
I don't have friends
Not a LAN party but a regular sleepover party where we setup a bunch of TVs and consoles and played all night. Had a bunch of Dominos pizza and some booze too.
I remember us playing split screen fps (might have been Resistance or Kill Zone) and I was half drunk and turned into a killing machine and it was freaking everyone out a little bit because I normally suck at fps.
We played a lot of Smash Bros Melee that night too. One guys girlfriend stupidly entered a drinking competition two guys were having and she had to go to the hospital and get her stomach pumped.
Boy was my best friend pissed. It ruined the atmosphere for a while, and in the future he ended up only ever inviting me over because we both just stick of a couple bottles of cider a night.
I have as part of a school tour. It was kind of shabby (poor building maintenance) and boringly quiet for the most part.
The highlight of the trip was the tour guy getting us all to try to pronounce "Allah" correctly.
He kept going "A-laaaaaaaahhh" slowly and deliberately in his thick accent.
Yes, it was awfully boring since they all played WoW on their own without teaming up doing fun stuff. Then half went to bed and i stayed up to watch a movie by myself before going home because it sucked.
For about ten years I went to a few of them every year, then the whole scene kinda fizzled out. None of my friends want to go anymore and all the parties I used to go besides Assembly are now dead. I was fun to get 10-20 people actually playing the same game though. I miss that.
pick one motherfucker.
Me and my friends have them regularly but it's dying.
I blame the weed they smoke
Literally everywhere here has central heating. Even in places where it's hot year round.
Yeah and i still do monthly. However now we mostly Play Tekken, so it is more of a "offline" party
For a period of a year or two we had LAN Parties every few weekends.
>being this autistic
Weed makes people lazy and paranoid to the point they can become antisocial.
From experience I know people who have done it and it fucks them up for years and it takes like two years of detox to get back to semi-normal state.
What me and my friend do is the "two drinks rule". No more than two drinks the whole night, just a little bit of booze to get mildly tipsy and soften up and get a little bit of goof going, but not enough to hinder you, and always with food first.
>two drinks
>mildly tipsy
Yes went to many and hosted many. I now own my own LAN center and it is doing extremely well.
Yes back in the day:
>battlefront 2
>diablo 2
>age of empire 2
many more i can't remember
It fucking sucks every time they want to doob they come back tired and can't be fucked playing.
iktf bro
Speak for yourself.
Drugs affect people in lots of different ways.
My last true LAN party for a game release was Diablo 3. We all lugged our shit to a buddies house with aspirations of staying up till 8am but of course the game had server issues and only was of us was able to log in. Pissed still to this day.
Not since high school. Played Planetary Annihilation on the work computers once with some caps after hours but I wouldn't really call it a party. Then we got locked inside because we didn't tell anyone we were staying late and the bank alarm started going off. Good times.
Yes. At friend's house it was not as expected and not really fun. We had our own computers at schools too where we played the usual: cs 1.6, wc3, sc. The others were nerds so couldn't even try to compete. Pretty boring.
Fucking based
played a lot of rise of nation with my cousin and cs 1.6 with my school buddies back in the day.
We had LANs constantly, but I feel WoW kind of ruined it a bit once that came out
I wish I Straight tag?
Yeah I went to a LAN party but I didn't bring a PC so I just fucked around and eventually everyone else joined me and it turned into a normal party.
Yep. We'd play stuff like Diablo 2, StarCraft, RtCW, the very first Call of Duty, and Dawn of War.
I just don't drink very often and when I do its only two bottles of cider at most. Sometimes one.
Just something to take the edge off. Usually alcohol gives me heartburn so I don't often drink it, at least not without a zantac nearby.
yeah me and my uncle and cousins used to round up all the old laptops and shit lying around their house and play halo 1 off usb sticks
Yes we have one about once a year. Everyone brings their 360's and we play griffball and shotty snipers and zombies.
LAN parties were the highlights of my childhood.
Playing Brood War, Warcraft 3, C&C Renegade, Civ3, etc. with the bros never got old.
I used to live across from one. I never visited the mosque itself, but they had a little store where they sold all kind of Arab food and candy and shit and I went there all the time.
>LAN party, Yea Forums?
>lan party
>people play online on consoles
>not teaming up with your bois to wreck randos online
Do you even have friends?
>tried to do one some weeks ago
>Friend of a friend brought his god damn kids over
It was awful. Fuck I hate dipshits who don't use condoms.
why do you have the need to complain about what people wear indoors?
>two drinks
>mildly tipsy
Having one with some friends Tomorrow actually.
>that dude playing on the OG xbox
Yeah back in the late90s-early 2000 !
I'm also a huge lightweight.
My friends and I used to have LAN parties fairly often. We'd average around 6 people each time but the largest we ever did had 14 people spread across the ground floor of my parents house.
It's harder for us to have them now due to other commitments or people moving away, but we still regularly play games together online. We make an effort to have at least one LAN each year in the summer and have a barbeque along with it.
>4 visable 360 consoles and 1 OG xbox
Why are they weaing beanies and long sleeves? Guarenteed to be atleast 120 degrees in there.
Why would he bring his fucking kids
too soon
>last lan party with friends was 15 years ago
>no on left to play battlefield 1942, rogue sprear and serious sam with
Totally, I bro'd it up with my bro's while we played Call of Bro and Brolo and all sorts of radical things, dude
>not teaching your friends kids bad words
Its like you dont know how to have fun
It's pretty easy to get wasted even with two drinks.
a bottle of strong beer like Samichlaus or Urbock + a glass of brendy or vodka
Back in highschool during the last day before xmas break we had 3 xbox's hooked up to play Halo 2. Made some chad who dropped $600 on the then new 360 and controllers rage for an hour straight in CTF matches.
>me and 3 buddies playing as a team on my xbox
>somehow this black kid that was a shithead ended up playing
>couldn't shoot or aim worth shit but he could fucking drive the warthog like it was his purpose in life
>he would drift around the enemy base on coagulation with someone on the gun screaming "shoot that nigga! user get the fookin flag while hes shooting these niggas!"
>won every CTF match with him
Yeah, I go to sponsored LANs occasionally. I usually wind up first or second at the Trackmania and TRON comps they have and I've bagged some neat prizes over the years.
>gaming mice
>a 750ti
Sold most of them, but I kept this mouse.
Yeah man we still do me ten years later
We playing Grand Battle atm
ive hosted one every weekend in my cellar when i was in highschool.
we started out with like 3 people but it became a regular thing with like 8. good thing my cellar was large. i bought an old ibm rack server to host game servers and provide iso files and cracks for games wed play. i was pretty much the only kid in highschool who had a megabit switch with 10 lan ports and a server that could do cool shit.
I never had that many friends
no, im a sad loner
I guess he couldn't get his wife to talk care of them alone so they all came over for whatever reason.
Their dad curses more than I do.
yes, been to a few back when i still had friends
Hell no. I don't play shooters, strategy or diablo-likes.
I've organized plenty of couch co-op/local multiplayer parties when I was younger though. One time I set up 4 consoles on different monitors, set the couches and chairs, ordered food and we all had a blast until early morning.
Nowadays we gather only for some light couch MP before some outing.
We had this local LAN party every year. Lasted the weekend. No sleep was encouraged, there was contests and tournaments. Was usually about a hundred people, but it started expanding one year, which is when it stopped being fun
Was super comfy while it lasted, everyone knew everyone and had a good time
yes, back in high school around 2005-6 on friday afternoons after school we'd have LAN parties in the computer classrooms, playing mostly CS 1.6 and Day of Defeat. There was usually around 10-15 of us each week.
Nah but it seems like a lot of fun. Maybe someday!
>two drinks
>with food
>mildly tipsy
>weed makes them too lazy to even game
What fucking after school special did you walk out of lol.
>I set up 4 consoles on different monitors, set the couches and chairs, ordered food and we all had a blast until early morning.
Did you not connect them to a LAN?
Sometimes after my high school C++ class we'd (including the teacher) play Quake 2. But then the IT guy found out about it and deleted all of our installs because they were taking up to much disk space on the network.
do gaming sleepovers count as lan party?
When I was like 13/14 Lan party at my local internet cafe overnight, I still look back on it with fondness, just a load of random under 18s together playing games for a night and getting pizza. Shame the community in that place died after it moved premises.
Yeah , i accidentally killed a teammate in counter strike 1.6 , he almost beat me up
i was playing for the first time
good ol times
No, it was 4 different consoles. If I remember correctly, PS3, Xbox360, PS2 and Wii.
I get drunk quickly, but I burn it off and sober up quickly too. I can handle my booze quite well, i can drink whiskey and take shots and i never puke, but I don't drink a lot because I'm reserved and like to maintain as much control over myself as I can.
I'm a funny drunk, but I don't want to become a stupid drunk or worse.
Just enough to take the edge off is all one needs. Laugh at me for being overly cautious but seeing my mother get so drunk one night from a works do that she became an unresponsive vegetable, so bay drunk I called in a Paramedic because I couldn't even lift her up off the floor because she was so out of it and was literally a incoherently rambling dead weight for hours.
It just made me release it's not worth getting that drunk.
no soul
When I was 12, Minecraft was the shit over LAN
>White people
>96 replies
>no gay/trap orgy story yet
Shame on you, Yea Forums.
I get tipsy on 2 drinks of pure vodka
black people be like
>pop black niggus and watermelon/chicken party?
have sex
they took their hats off and found a better way to warm themselves
What is it with faggots and wearing wool cap things indoors? I've seen it on more and more people, especially on youtube or during interviews.
I once spent a new year's eve on that map
You are a plague, can you please fuck off? That's exactly how it should be. Contained in the contamination chamber known as /lgbt/
Didn't even notice that, Viking bros get in here.
>console lan
prove it
>Playing Counter Strike Source with Bros
>Would stay up till 7 am playing CSS
>Would try to keep ourselves awake by drinking Redbull and Mtn.Dew
>For the first time in my life I felt as if I fit in
>I was truly enjoying myself
I used to go to them like every weekend and play Halo 2