What games do you play at 4am

what games do you play at 4am

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go to bed

lets just go to bed user. tomorrow you can play all the games you want.

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persona 5


Im wide awake I cant sleep

Titanfall 2
Osu/any other rhythm games

Download f.lux and use it whenever the clock strikes 10pm or just adjust it

Please fix your sleep schedule, user.

i dont i usually just cry

i play the sniff user's hair game

Existential crisis 2: electric boogaloo

tell me why does she sniff the hair

>he's never spooned a girl and noticed how nice her hair smells

sage for this sft thread

I might just stay awake all night and sleep at like 7pm
i havent cried in almost a week
what does it smell like
I never really played that game
answers the universe will never know

>tfw woke up at 22:00 after sleeping all day
4am is video games time

>spooning with a g*rl
No thanks Jeff

>I might just stay awake all night and sleep at like 7pm
That's not healthy, user. You're making me very worried about you.

Here is how you sleep while gaming

Play an idle game

don't be. not worth it

If you're up til 4, binding of issac

If you wake up at 4, go to the gym.

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Orange Juice in the rare case i'm still awake at such late hours. That or one of my masters forces me to get out of sleep for some cleaning duties...

Jetset radio

Everyone is worth being worried about.

>what does it smell like
death and decay
and some doritos

the one where i jerk off until I pass out fron exhaustion at 7am

I wish I could play dress up everyday and relax for once life isn't fair baka

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None because that's the time I have to get ready to go to work.

I sincerely hope you don't wake up one morning. You'll get your rest and we'll be one less RPing faggot.

I dont rp

this is cebruz, isn't it

Stop being a self-loathing faggot and accept the fact that people can care about you.

Seeing this shitty thread every single fucking night makes me wish I didn't have crippling insomnia.

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I try to fall asleep and see faggot shit like this and stay awake

fuck social failures
pay up tax reeeeeee

Im not a sandnigger
maybe. barely feels like it most of the time
Heh. You love it

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I feel you. It's not even a fun offtopic thread, no lewds, nothing.

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Do you know what insomnia means

based animegirlsniffinghairdab poster

>maybe. barely feels like it most of the time
Constantly dismissing others will have that effect, yes.

another discord tranny...please off yourself.

I love cock!
Not these you perverts... the cute birbs, taste pretty good if well prepared.

based based poster
gotta since they do first
there is no tranny here

Dota 2 for maximum retardation

>gotta since they do first
I didn't do it and yet you told me to stop caring.

porn games

haha, cock gobbler

Grand Battle atm

oh right. Well i meant like bc my personality is ass cancer if you knew me

The sleeping game.

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What makes your personality "ass cancer"?

Does it have demo senpai?

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Yh I am pretty sure


Cook Serve Delicious. I only make chocolate pudding.

Gonna play some pokemon emerald
why is she sniffing her hair
honestly idk if its self loathing or if im actually a negative influence like ive been told
nice im hungry

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Woah thanks can I use controller?

4player controller support or ofc just single player

>Pokémon Emerald
Good choice.
>honestly idk if its self loathing or if im actually a negative influence like ive been told
You just can't go straight into self-loathing mode whenever you meet someone. Most people don't want to put up with that kind of person unless they're already friends.

I figured I wasnt gonna talk to anyone in these threads in the future so

kys dumb discord tranny also if I ever see post on this board again you’re done

Thanks I will play

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but im not a tranny

You never know.