Google about to drop their Vidya bomb

>Sega attending
>id software attending
>Ubisoft attending
>Boomers attending
Wtf, my dudes

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Crystal Dynamics
yep, I'm thinking he's back

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>yfw the console is free

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>ad plays every 5-10 minutes no matter what
>can disable by paying $9.99 a month
Google doesn't do anything for free.

>Google about to drop their Vidya bomb
Yep, it's going to bomb

reminder that if its free or you pay for it, you are the product

I think if it was another console, we would have hardware rumors by now like with the Xbox and PS5. Its more likely a streaming box since EVERYONE is about to jump on that shit.

>not jailbreaking it to get everything for ~free~

Can't wait to watch Google bury Xbox's corpse live on stream lads

>implying they will show ads
The real money is in your data. All they want is for you to not read their privacy agreement and click accept. That's the only payment Google actually wants.

Showing ads on YouTube and in your search results made up less than 1% (I think it was like 0.07 or something) of Googles profit last quarter. Google is literally just showing you ads so that normalfags won't ask "how exactly does Google make money?".

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>inb4 it kills PlayStation and sony is forced to file for bankruptcy

>always on
>listens and records everything you do

>Streaming console
When will they learn?

I'm trying my hardest to care but I just don't give a shit.

Like it stopped Microshits from dump on customers paying for XbuxLive(actually P2P)?

>people are refered to by their Twitter handle instead of actual name
I hate the future and I HATE zoomer web culture

No thank you.

It's not a console you dumbfucks, its software that allows you to stream games from a centralized server to your browser on any computer, from a beast to a literal toaster. If anything it'll have a subscription model for the service, but should work with almost any modern PC game, the subscription will just be for server processing power access. They're probably also partnered with at least one major store service (Steam) for cross-library compatibility. Steam Link Anywhere being Android-exclusive probably wasn't a coincidence.

At any rate, journos have confirmed it runs at 30 fps but is otherwise incredibly low latency and good. Most importantly, I'll be able to buy $400 netbooks for the foreseeable future instead of dumping k's on a laptop every few years.

>network service runs well for a selective audience before the general public has access to it
no shit

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inb4 streaming games

>Jade Raymond leading the google gaming division
>They probably roped in Amy Hennig's new studio
Damn they're going in hard. If Hennig's studio is in it probably means VR stuff.
Did they find a way to stream VR games?

>implying a company of Google's size rolls out tech without multiple case studies on services like OnLive

this shit will change gaming for the worse, but it'll work. prepare to have every f2p game flooded by the kids and poorfags currently quarantined to shit like Unturned, League of Legends, and other toaster trash

but of course this is Yea Forums so you'll all decry it as a failed experiment because that's cynical and validates your own failure at life, and besides a broken clock with a selective memory is always right

Dude I hear Grand Battle devs are releasing on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Google Console

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Just what I always wanted!
Giving my money to Google to not own anything at all!

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Amy Hennig and Crystal Dynamics attending,..


Just wait a year and everything they fund and get will be on other platforms as their console bombs miserably.

you wont be able to get games for absolutely free anymore
there will be a myriad of problems with your game experiences
this is your reminder to not support these streaming services in any way or manner

Woah no way man

It'll stream a limited library to your browser probably including at least a few VR titles. I'm not sure what the software architectural requirements are for compatibility, but from the journo's initial impressions, they aren't incredibly high or complicated and its likely that most modern games will work with the service.

I'm guessing it installs some files locally in your browser's temp folder to reduce latency, so you're probably just looking at a streaming version of the BattleNet / new Origin game downloader, more or less.

>he says as he buys games digitally through the steam client

>Google console still being posted

Sometimes I forget how uninformed and retarded this board is considering you all post about video games 12 hours a day.

THIS. Just like this user said, If it's actually console someone would have leak spec by now

You are retarded if believe google gonna make device that's not involve streaming

>Theres already console warriors for a console thats not out yet.

Good lord this place is dumb.

There. Is. No. Hardware.

It. Runs. On. Any. Computer. With. Chrome.

Jesus fucking Christ you guys are retarded.

It's probably some mobile-tier trash.



They need to nuke this entire website.

so geforcenow basically?

Where do you read anything about a console? The news is that a bunch of devs are attending the event

So you're saying it's Jade's console?
Will she personally "convince" me to buy it like AssCreed

runs on your browser using minimal processing power, rumor has it that it works fine with shadow of the tomb raider at 30 fps on intel integrated

so yes, but better. it will ruin gaming but it will probably be a good solution for poorfags. expect br's in every game included in its library.

>single player games with latency
Piss off.

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My verification can is ready.

How the fuck are they going to make streaming games profitable?

I'm on a 2009 macbook right now and would love to test this out. I use geforce now atm but if this is better I'll be stoked.

Holy shit no way this board is this fucking dumb. You especially blow my mind dude. I'm criticizing people for posting about a console when the details of the project have been leaked for a hot minute:

I don't know Yea Forums have bot

What the fuck are you even on about lmao

Winnie the Pooh

i hope this is a parody post of some kind

What, you thought Google has to solve its own captcha?

>inb4 it's just a new API to target on the latest Android specifically for creating games, and a new standard for Android-compliant gamepad, and Google announcing a list of partners that does the dirty job of building the hardware at third world price for them.

I don't know, why don't you try reading literally anything before opening your mouth.

You can't be this stupid
I understand your point but nobody is taking about a console in this thread, mong

The seething newfag: compendium

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sick list of summer intern projects with a few major blunders that didn't have nearly this kind of talent investment, incel

>thing that nobody asked for in an already oversaturated market

Most people will have 100-150 ms of lag which is unplayable.

Just astounded by how uninformed you fucks continue to be year after year despite doing nothing but shitposting about video games.

Do you not know how to Ctrl+F or?

There are tons of game subscription services in the making at the moment.

>There. Is. No. Hardware.
We've all already seen the controller.
I know that doesn't necessarily mean there's a console but that alone is why people think there is.

I hope they make a free GeForce now, desu

The only post about a console is your triple rant post

It's a streaming service
That means a new launcher for PC, and a console
Wonder how Steamfags will react

>things that nobody asked for in an already oversaturated market
Added the s to thing.

>A bunch of loser developers

who cares?

you're so fucking retarded it hurts

this is the greatest website ever

It's going to be just a Chromecast app
V3 already includes Bluetooth and the just added switch controller support to chrome
Add Valve literally debuting the same yesterday, but for personal cloud
This stuff will let you steam whatever you want that runs Chromecast. I hope they provide a free hardware cloud, though

The same way Netflix is, except it isn't. Project Stream for AC Odyssey worked, but on my connection it would frequently go blurry as fuck and already didn't seem to be 1080p. Latency/input delay wasn't that noticeable though.
Its a pipedream that will hit a wall when data caps and general internet speeds not being able to handle this type of content.

You can assume Google will throw out money to get licenses of publishers like Ubisoft to not be on PS Now, XCloud, Amazon's future game streaming etc but Ubisoft can physically and digitally continue selling games.

console is still years out, not an announcement for that. just project stream and maybe some talk of yeti

>Google VR

All those post are defending the no console argument, pal
Like, wtf

that's yeti, this is project stream, hardware cloud for browser play of AAA tier games

>The same way Netflix is
So bargain bin games that everyone already played 10 times.

where? show us the numbers cocksucker

>yfw the console is free
>defending the no console argument

regardless that's quite a leap from "your post is the only one talking about a console bud"

just go to sleep, this is your last (you), you psychotic, delusional faggot

No, games they will get exclusive rights too if not whole catalogs of a publisher. Something like what streaming service GTA6 will be exclusive too will be huge. None of these huge TV shows or old movies are on every platform, Netflix/Hulu/Amazon etc buy up rights and have them for years.

The website source code for project stream included yeti references. It's the same thing, and the "console" is probably just a new dumb set top box with the last Bluetooth and wifi standards, and a gamepad for normies

steam will be acquired by google eventually

regardless, it's not "just a chromecast app"

Follow your own advice
I feel you on your fight, because the other day the thread about a console was pathetic, but it seems like people are already understanding what is all about
Anyway, remember Google has dosh and trannies to release a console and can it in a year, anyway

I tried that google stream thing with odyssey and it was ok. Didn't look close to 1080p at high like they said. Super blurry and i have gigabit internet. Also used about 10gb of data an hour.

yea a guy who who bought a build off me said he couldnt stand the lag on it anymore and was just going to buy a pc


No way fag

Oh, Xniggie, you're in for another rude awakening.

don't you have some censored games to play, negro?

Game streaming will never take off as long as data caps are a thing.

Are you retarded?
You know there’s a character limit on Twitter? They could not have mentioned all of their names + Twitter nicknames

It's gonna bomb alright.

>Googleshit presentation will be the unveiling of next gen games
Fuck this planet and fuck white people

It's most likely an excuse for Square to have a trailer for the Avengers game.

Wouldn't know, DOA6 and Metro weren't censored and DmC2 was censored on the Cuckbox too. Whoops!

Because every video game streaming service has succeeded before. Has google magically eliminated input lag?

so, what exactly are we hyped about? we are supposed to be hyped right? the journos say so

>next gen anything
At best they'll do like Amazon and sell a game framework that is a modded UE or Unity. Google programming teams is abysmal.

lmao this guy got baited so hard

just get hyped already, geez.

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>implying it's a console not a platform that plays on devices you already have
Who buys a console, grandpa?
*dabs on ya*

Report the netbot shills

but I already have my Android phone and Alexa for that

Video games are a massive market, this was going to happen eventually

oh cool! I was thinking the same thing word for word. I'm glad their are people with a similar perspective on google products

knowing Google desire to steal and abuse other people's creation, my guess is that they are gonna open a "free" gaming stream service where you only have to submit all code source so they can just get all the industrial espionage they want for free. All plyaers input will of coures be recorded too, and it will be ready (aka : installed and running by default) to use all your capture tools like webcam or eyetracker.

Free but it steals your personal informations.

If google wants to get serious about video games that are not a glorified ouya android platform, they need a different brand. this "wholesome", serious white, light, clean google style doesn't fit hardcore gaming at all.

i am 100% sure that this is just another failed project, like googe waves, or google glasses.


>buying google products ever

Google Game Store

Do you really think they'll announce a current gen platform in current year? Do you think the next Tomb Raider will be current gen? This is it folks, this shitshow will go down in history unfortunately

Why can't they just make regular games? Why invest all that time and energy into making some "product" that they'll just abandon down the line like so many of these Google experiments?

They could easily fund 5-10 dream games of ours, without concessions, and they could even be commercial successes. Instead they're going to try and create a new "games ecosystem niche" or some such buzzword, and it won't create anything of lasting value. They could literally light the fire under all the major publishers' butts by just making some good games, and take whatever risks they want on inexhaustible budgets. I just don't get it.

It's just going to be their official release if project stream. I was in the beta for it, nothing special. Worked about as well as parsec, still had lots of artifacting and pixelation.

>talking to a friend whose a history buff about some shit
>mentions something interesting about a 13th century slavic king
>take my google pixel out of my pocket to look him up
>autofills the name of some fucking king I've never heard of who has no similarity to the rest of my search history after the first letter
>mfw my phone is always listening to me so google can profit off everything I say

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Imagine Amy and CD coming back together to make a new Soul Reaver game

Oh yeah guys there actual is a console for this. The cheaper version talked about here might have been canned but there will be a console.

>amy hennig shit talks AAA cinematic games for a couple days
>partners with google for their new system
What did they mean by this?

> Steam Link Anywhere exclusive
Steam Link app got stuck in approval on iOS store. Valve made it but Apple rejected it.