>Stuck on Nosk
>Stuck on Traitor Lord
>Stuck on give knight
>Stuck on Dream Bosses except Lost Kino
I'll never git gud, lads
Stuck on Nosk
That's not a real boss is it??
Do you have the shade cloak and sharp shadow charm?
Use them.
>Do you have the shade cloak and sharp shadow charm?
>Use them.
Yes but I keep moving too much
Game completion says 85% and I'm still shit
Go into one of the fights, but dont try to win. Just try to dodge for as long as possible. Learn the bosses moves, learn how to move your character, you'll get it eventually.
>assume I'm shit for not being able to beat fifth pantheon
>there are people stuck to vanilla bosses
feel weird bro
It's fake, but can you fucking imagine a shmup Aspid boss?
According to Steam, only 34% of people who play this game make it to and beat the Mantis Lords. 15% get the basic normal ending (beat Hollow Knight without the Void Heart).
>literally just hiding in the corner below the platform
>90% of the bosses attacks miss while you just spam upward attack
just git gud OP
>Mantis Lords
doesn't say much since they're optional
I didn't even see the big hole in Mantis Village until after City of Tears
>>literally just hiding in the corner below the platform
% of the bosses attacks miss while you just spam upward attack
they buffed him in a later update
it doesn't work anymore
speedrunners make my semen boil
works on me machine
>speedrunners make my semen boil
is that a good thing?
>works on me machine
when he crawls to the side even if I hit upwards he still damages me when coming down from the middle platform
and the new shit he spews can fall on the corner too, so you need to keep moving and so it's not as cheese as before.
of course it can still be done, there's people that do absolute Destello Radiante Forma Verdadera with Todos Los Legamentos,
but it's not cheese anymore
don't play this one
>there's people that do absolute Destello Radiante Forma Verdadera with Todos Los Legamentos
no fucking w-m.youtube.com
was this necessary for the speedrun
this is not from the speedrun
also this one is a huge spoiler, don't play it if you have not cleared 100% of the base game
What the fuck is wrong with you
would you rather not free her?
Destroy the source of the infection.
doesn't seem too hard
except firing the balls, Radiance seems rather slow and telegraphic compared to other bosses...
it's just about rhythm and not wasting shade dash
>PV was never pure to begin with
dumb PK
Pale King was not the smartest
bugs cannot be saved once they're fully infected no matter what, they're basically already dead
>kill God to save a beetle
what is wrong with this game's fanbase???
>dumb PK
hetero couples are condemned (PK/WL)
gay couples are glorified (the grey thing/mantis, Nailsmith/Sheo, fat bug girl/her dead lover)
Shut the fuck up, Team Cherry might hear you
oh and let's not forget how Leg Eater and Divine's little love story ends with the former being eaten
but aspids don't lunge...
>oh and let's not forget how Leg Eater and Divine's little love story ends with the former being eaten
God I wish that were me
he banged before, right?
that's the theory
I can't fucking believe I spent one hour tracing back to Hive Knight every fucking time I died, dealing with millions stupid BEES,
and forgot I could set a dream gate.
Just saw this. Thought I'd share. There are spoilers, though, just so you know.
I think I will make some webms out of this
kek @ youtube subs
wtf people reposted this meme I made on r3ddit
I hate Yea Forums
why do you little faggots post on that site
why is Hornet so lewd?
this bothers me because you can tell the original context is a mad roastie mocking us enlightened neets
>Shut the fuck up, Team Cherry might hear you
they cannot comprehend NOT being consumerist slaves buying every frivolous thing their masters instill in their mind as "need"
I'm willing to bet that the healing is where you're going wrong.
Don't bother trying; for the first few fights, focus purely on dodging. If you fluff a dodge, don't immediately go into damage control; stop and just dodge the next one. When you get used to their attacks, you'll be able to figure out when and where you can get some healing in.
Having said that, it's best to not bother healing at all with traitor lord. You can, but it's easier to just blast him.
>traitor lord
main issue is that I saw people dashing through him with shade dash + sharp shadow
but half the time I dash too early or too far and I end up finishing my dash still in his hitbox and taking damage
Yeah but cmon that place looks fucking pathetic. You realize the shit you surround yourself with reflects on you as a person right? This doesn't mean you have to buy a bunch of expensive furniture but there's plenty of tasteful functional shit out there that doesn't make it look like you just moved out of your parents house. Have some respect for yourself and your space, it pays dividends
It's easier to pogo him. If he jumps, he telegraphs it enough to dash away
I tried both.
I will keep trying, I'm not giving up.
DO dream gates survive quit to menu and game quits?
Will I find my dream gate still set tomorrow?
I don't need much, but at least buy a table and chairs for when the bros come in, it they come frequently maybe a cheap sofa.
because you guys have your bros come to your house right
>when the bros come in,
spotted the normalfag
If you're Sharp Shadowing, use Dashmaster and maybe Sprintmaster. Learn to use it defensively on cases like this- don't view it as a lunge you can use to attack from further than the nail, bait out an attack and use it at the last instant to slip through.
>traitor lord
cloth killed him for me last night when I only had one mask left
I haven't found him
only thing that can kill a dreamgate is another dreamgate
kinda like you're self
absolutely radiant
have some good art
I have one in my godmaster save set to dirtmouth whenever i want to fuck around with all charms and abilities.
Side note: Using dream gate inside a dream will take you outside the dreamer.
>hetero couples are condemned (PK/WL)
How were they condemned? Also Cornifer and Iselda seemed fine.
>fat bug girl/her dead lover
What is this?
>Also Cornifer and Iselda seemed fine.
it's clearly implied that BAPANADA fucks others behind his back
What "others"? Elderbug? Sly? Fucking Zote?
If it's 'clearly implied' then you should be able to explain where and how.
Bare in mind you're going up against people who consider three seconds of cutscene consisting of a single head movement to be significant character development.
The more you fight him, the more you realize that he's actually really simple and straightforward. The main issue is that he hits like a truck, but he only has like three moves, all with obvious tells. The main thing to do is dash through everything. If you have the sharp shadow charm, you could beat him just by dashing through everything.
I still can't do anything about this fucker. Somehow I didn't get stuck on any of the previous bosses like this.
read the menderbug diary
dodge his attacks and hit her with your nail and spells
Abyssal Shriek, fren.
> * breaks your game *
so we all agree this charm is too easy to acquire?
You're a cheeky cunt m8, nothing in here about Iselda.
Isn't life just the most beautiful thing. Fixing signs, mending posts, let them break I say! I'm a better mender for all that repairing.
I sometimes doubt there's a single bug in Hallownest happier than me.
Hello Again Diary,
Not long now till the next Menderbash! For a stealthy types, we're a riotous bunch when we get together.
And Mender Berri kept flashing me that smile! Might be time to muster my courage and act on it.
I love my home and my life, but sharing it with another, why that'd be the Berri on top!
My Lovely Diary,
Someone's gone and broke my favourite sign! Right there at the top of the crossroads. Keeps happening too!
But you know, I just can't get mad about it. I should be thanking them really! More chances to fix that beautiful, complex sign.
And I've stocked up on spare parts, so I've no fear it'll ever stay broken for long.
>primal aspid life is 35
>maximum one hit nail damage is 34
those fucking aussie cunts knew exactly what they were doing
>you can only see this if you brutally murder menderbug
if you consider all events in the game,
you were the villain all along
crossroads don't even get infected until you start wrecking havoc
So are those huge round shells on the spider people their heads or what? Neither Herrah nor Hornet have such huge heads. Also, why was Herrah so much bigger than her kin?
you mean the masks
Why are their masks so big?
Was that one spider person who ran away actually Hornet wearing a mask?
Spotted the friendless incel.
>Aspid Alpha
Team cherry pls no
And how do you know that it was reposted on reddit in the first place hmm?
>reddit spacing
and it seems you are familiar with the plebbiquete as well.
Admit it, you just wanted some upboats with it didn't you, but someone beat you to it.
Crossroads infection is going to happen regardless.
It's tied to getting monarch wings or your first dreamer kill.
They're masks, not all bugs have a good looking face, so the mask maker makes masks for them so they can interact with each other without being uinintentionally threatening.
Because they wanted a big mask.
And no, that's an uninfected weaver.
>>reddit spacing
>and it seems you are familiar with the plebbiquete as well.
you know damn well we were spacing here in 2008 well before it became a meme
I'd atleast need a coffee table to put some food or drink on. Also that cable management is a bit disturbing
>It's tied to getting monarch wings or your first dreamer kill.
it's what I said
it's tied to the actions of ghost
>I'd atleast need a coffee table to put some food or drink on.
spotted the american.
you should only eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
People say there's a magic spot near the center where Soul Tyrant rotating orbs will never hit you and you can heal
can anyone point it to me on a screenshot?
Arc-V had some damn good duels but man was the ending a bit weird. Felt like it was rushed because it did not feel great.
While pendulum seems a bit OP in the anime, it is absolute cancer while playing against it in the game. The opponent can just effortlessly summon multiple
high level monsters and bring them back from the graveyard without any special method.
It also was a bit lacking when it comes to chemistry or bonds between people in contrast to the other yugioh animes like 5Ds where you can relate and feel
the bond between yusei, jack and crow
>can't ride a stag or it will ruin the flower
>can fly at supersonic speed
this fucking game
Still dodging the question as to how you know it was posted there
I was searching for the primal aspid with sawblade pic and google images brought me to r3ddit where I saw my OC when scrolling
That's what i do, i just put breakfast on the coffee table while i watch some news.
Also i live in Europe
I hope Hornet at least had a statue built for the Knight.
And the monarch wings are not part of the seal, ergo, the seal breaking is simply a matter of time.
The white lady even tells you that the Hollow Knight is weakening.
Pretty sure it's just right in the middle
speaking of which
do we have any canon pic of the king with wings except the white silouhette of white defender dream?
The White Lady is full of shit regardless, since she tells you you're truly "pure" in order to get you to take over for the other knight and buy more time, when the ending makes it clear that you're no better than the first guy.
I'd pump her full alright
This sort of looks like he might have them on. Otherwise, no.
All she wants to do is pump out more babies
if anything, it seems he's canon armless from this
She can't sense any emotions from the Knight. Who can say why that's the case.
Funny thing is most of the other characters actually CAN sense something from it. Or at least, they claim to. It's probably up to you regardless. Someone totally void of emotions wouldn't go through the trouble of saving Zote or delivering flowers. Or sit one last time with Quirrel, watching a lake
>Someone totally void of emotions wouldn't go through the trouble of saving Zote or delivering flowers. Or sit one last time with Quirrel, watching a lake
what if it's someone with no emotions and full autism who wants to get a 112% badge.
He has some tiny arms on the statue in the soul vessel fountain.
>He has some tiny arms on the statue in the soul vessel fountain.
oh shit he has more than 2
The knight is the only one who didn’t die though— so that should count for something.
Always saw that as the Wyrm birthing PK
Minimize your movement and only move in reaction to things the bosses do. You want to take a reactionary approach not an aggressive one. If you really want to learn a boss don't attack at all, just stay alive as long as possible. Once you have the patterns down to avoid getting hit you'll know when it's safe to smack or heal.
Like the other user said it's directly in the middle of the arena
No, but i like them in this fanart.
>I implore you, usurp the Vessel. Its supposed strength was ill-judged. It was tarnished by an idea instilled. But you. You are free of such blemishes. You could contain that thing inside.
She's talking about the fact you weren't 'tarnished by an idea instilled' I.E raised like a son.
She's tied up, almost completely blind and can only feel shit through her roots and the fact you're her spawn.
She doesnt even know that her guard outside is fucking dead.
She is more than likely desperate at this point.
Name a better piece of music than Nightmare King Grimm's theme.
Protip: You probably can because there's a shitload of great music in this and it's hard to pick one above all others.
Mantis lords
Crystal Peak, that being both the normal and action versions are top, same with Greenpath
>Fully expect Cornifer to end up dead or infected after you get all his maps
>Just goes home for a nap
What are they saying here
The chocolate says git gud
I-is Gorb a godseeker?
He's better than a Godseeker since he actually ascended to godhood
Gorb is a he??
my DS4 is here
tonight I'm gonna consume the hell out of my thumbs skin to beat this goddamn game
If they just fixed spells hitting multiple times on some enemies/bosses it would be fine
Does void cause autism?
The game would have been a 10/10 for me if not for those fucking dream bosses and orbs to collect. Just more reasons top backtrack through the entire game. Fucking hell.
Actually, eating 3 big meals and 3 small meals should be better
Being fair it's much better now that the dream gate is a thing, means long, awkward trips are one way rather than two, once you have it.
Well, as long as Popuzote is still fake, I should be fine.
Thanks I hate it
she's a wasp of great renown
Herra was a spider, Hornet's name comes from Vespa the bee queen, she gave it to her while she was training Hornet.
What's your favourite sad OST in the Hollow Knight soundtrack.
Shade theme I head it so much because I'm a scrub and now I'm attached to it ;_;
I really like kingdom's edge
It just feels heavy and intense to me
I just discovered Kingdom's Edge. The game world just never ends. When I beat the Mantis Lords I bowed back to every single Mantis that bowed to me. Feels good man. Love this game.
With that being said, ahem.
>When I beat the Mantis Lords I bowed back to every single Mantis that bowed to me. Feels good man.
one of the most Kino moments in the whole game.
Kingdom Edge also has a secret sub-area, be sure to explore everyfuckingwhere
You mean like the battle bobbles?
>go to mantis village
>forget you have defender crest and shroom spore
>mantises choke on your spores and die
Theirs was an ancient people that had endured since times immemorial when others failed. I hope you're proud of yourself, Vessel.
The truce stands
Our vigil holds
The beasts are kept at bay
literally my favourite line in the whole fucking game.
Hollow Knight but you have 3 days to save the world like Majora Mask.
Would you play it?
So let me get the timeline straight.
The King of Deepnest dies -> Herrah needs an heir of noble blood -> she becomes a dreamer on the seal of binding in exchange for a child from the Pale King -> after Hornet is born, Herrah heads to sleep, bebbie Hornet is given to the White Lady -> Hornet grows older, is given to Vespa to train -> she comes to be a protector of ruined Hallownest
There's a few huge open questions here. What does Hornet do after Vespa dies? When does the seal fail and the infection start to ravage Hallownest in this timeline? Why does the White Lady go into seclusion and does Hornet know about her? Why was Hornet trained by Vespa in the first place, you would think that training directly under a Higher Being like the White Lady would be more beneficial for her, no? How long are these timespans? Hornet still seems juvenile even though regular bugs have lived out entire lives since the fall of Hallownest and it seems to be an almost mythological event for people like Lemm and Elder Bug.
Why can't I have a huge, loyal wife?
How is this different from a speedrun? Is there a time-travel mechanic added or what?
I can’t tell if that’s actually chocolate or just stone.
>>How is this different from a speedrun?
missable events and collectibles each day
> When does the seal fail and the infection start to ravage Hallownest in this timeline
After everything I think. And I think being born of a god and a great being would give her something of a longer lifespan than regular bugs
Sounds interesting. I never played any Zelda
Metroidvania thread?
I played this the other day and I feel it is overlooked.
>and a great being
Herrah is just a regular spooder.
Don’t get it. Is that a picture of the voice actress?
What exactly do you think "weapon" and "stretch my legs" even mean buddy?
what a slut
>ride the bug cock carousel for 15 years
>decide to set down and marry some beta provider
>open a shop
>still miss Chad dick
there really is no winning with whores
Fuck off NTRfags. Iselda is loyal. LOYAL!
You guys are so mean!
Why did people have trouble with this game?
Just stack health upgrades and hit until the enemy dies, only boss that gave me trouble that way was the last one.
What the fuck was the purpose of the five knights? It's not like Hollownest was having major enemies to cause war or bad crime syndicates so why were they even around?
Posting true best girl.
loyal to the BSC (Big Spider Cock)
To throw poop
She'll never love you if you don't have that Pale Dick.
se te voles la paz, prepara las guerra
I don't need her love, I just need her to haughtily taunt me while she tramples my dick
>only 1 weapon with 1 basic move in the whole game
what were they thinking
True best fetish girl coming through.
So the combat could be more movement focused than some weapon switching shitfest.
I want to mate with Joni
>wanting to fuck a cart animal
Primal aspids.
No one said anything about fucking.
>tfw have like 50 hrs in this game and have NEVER heard of menderbug
wtf is this
free exp
>>only 1 weapon with 1 basic move in the whole game
t. didn't find the nailmasters
>wtf is this
he fixes the signs you break
It actually is tho
Winged sentries for that. You don't need five individual knights for basic animals.
linguistics is not your strong point huh?
>movement focused
with a ground speed and air speed that slow?
>linguistics is not your strong point huh?
helicopter is not your basic nail move
Why would you break signs? What kind of miscreant are you people?
>>Why would you break signs?
Sharp Shadows breaks stuff when you dash or crystal dash
Fetish means you want it involved in fucking.
"Battle of the black wyrm."
Yes. Now think long and hard about that sentence again.
Not necessarily, I want to see Hornet flattened, that doesn't mean I want to have sex with her smushed body.
what is the difference between sitting in one spot like deepnest failed tramway and farming geo for 20min,
and opening cheat engine and giving you the geo?
Serious question.
Money in the game is broken (for unbreakable charms, lol) and "farming" does nothing for the game itself.
Literally no other context given besides the name? Battle against what?
Primal aspids would eat them for breakfast and you know it
Search for "vore" in the catalog of /d/ and tell that to me again.
To keep mantis niggers and spider chinks at bay, obviously. Also a status symbol for the kingdom, and the Pale King seemed to be vain as fuck.
I HAVE a job
that's why I would rather fight bosses than farming geo
Sealed Vessel. After the fighting music, it gets a lot more sombre
user, he literally doesn’t have to. Didn’t you read the comment.
Yes, and some people actually want to fuck that.
Pale King made an agreement with the Mantis bitches to keep the spider monsters away, so again there's really no reason for the five knights to exist.
How can you be stuck at so many bosses at the same time? Like do you even try fighting some of those or do you just give up after a couple of tries and continue playing the game?
>if you signed a non-agression pact you no longer need an army
Not how it works. Also read my second point.
I keep rotating them every 10 or so deaths.
>winged nosk has bat wings and not bug wings
Is nosk even a bug?
>stuck on radiant lol tyrant
>stuck on radiant Zote
>stuck on radiant normal fucking Grimm, what the fuck is wrong with me
>haven't even tried shit like M*rkoth or PV yet
It gets worse.
you're so scared you can't even name him
>five knights is all the kings army
Should have kept the original concept art look.
He's a shapeshifter. He can look however he wants.
In fantasy settings five pimped out knights > an entire army.
They are masks. The huge ones that should themselves have a split mask they also use to shield themselves, o guess they hold it in front of their face
You have a bunch of crazy bugs running around even before the plague, some of the ghost boss's have fucked up events surrounding them.
They could have extrapolated on some of it though, maybe make a termite vs ants war and make the Antz movie cannon
Apparently not anymore.
>someone saved my Kingsmould dab edit
Dark Souls homage.
Standing army with ranks led by generals and Lords> mary sue magic can kill anything "knights"
Those ghosts like elder hu and Xero were already infected which made them do the crazy shit they said. Though yes to justify the five knights existance they should have created some type of actual external carthage level threat to Hollownest that was always attacking trying to conquer.
>Lurien and Monomon
>Jellyfish and Watcher Knights
>Sentries, including the Great Husk Sentries
>huge mining golems
>Five Great Knights
>Moth Tribe before they all died out
>could probably even call on the Soul Sanctum if the City were endangered
Hallownest under the reign of the Pale King was powerful as fuck.
Amuletos usados:
-Ganância frágil (obtem mais geos)
-Corte rápido ( Ataques mais rápidos)
-Elergia de Larvamosca (ataques mais distantes)
-Enxame de colecionadores ( geos vem até você)
-corpo firme (Fica firme quando ataca)
>lost to peasants sleeping
* hits the last spike *
>enter white palace
>atmospheric as fuck
>great looking
>great music
>the lore
>suddenly big fucking sawblades everywhere
pfffhahahaha what shit is this
Why are there two threads up tho?
>A Valentine's present
>Be grateful for it, okay?
>This is a custom wherein females give males sweets to express their love and gratitude
>So she unexpectedly had this side to her too, huh...
>box: latest creation
>What in the world is this thing...?
>crunch crunch crunch
>crunch crunch crunch
>crunch crunch crunch etc.
but who was mouth?
Alright, somewhat redeemed myself. Zote still feels like complete fucking bullshit I can't do anything about. Guess it's a keep trying until RNG lets you win episode.
>El Salon de los Dioses in English
we don't do that here, ese
Put it this way, all that snow/ash in kingdoms edge is actually the dead skin of ONE (1) Wyrm's decaying shell.
And the knight's fought one and all survived.
or Barmoo or how he's called was ashamed to say he farted
>Hornet grows older, is given to Vespa to train
This isn't canon anymore. It was just an early concept
>Defensor Blanco
>Hornet still seems juvenile
What? Between her cryptic speeches and refusal to just openly tell you what the fuck is going on despite the fate of the world relying on you, she seems senile.
>refusal to just openly tell you what the fuck is going on
That should remind you of a certain female age bracket, user
They do that at all ages though.
To the Ghost, she is not being cryptic. She only comes off that way because the player has not seen the Abyss cutscene.
I just got to white palace.
Help the Saw blades are in my mind
Just wait till you do the Path of Pain, user. You are gonna do it, right, you're not a pleb after all?
it's white palace
No cost too great
>tracks every move and snipes you in a spectacular way
>you have to time your dodges VERY well
>Shade Cloak is almost a MUST
What would a fusion of a primal aspid, a crystal hunter and a mantis petra play like?
Its a metaphor duuude. Get with it.
Me. I did it. It felt really bad. But oh, well, I teleported back to the dyke bug and I managed to get there right then.
Well, those are perfectly fin-
>Vasija pura
>one bad translation
I envy those who haven't experienced the senseless terror that is the russian localization of HK.
Elaborate for us, user, you've made me curious
Idk I’m a vorefag and I would still be interested in sex. Albeit, weird sex. But sex.
I’ve given up gittin’ gud. Just seeing some of the end bosses is pleasant enough. I can save victory for my dreams.
>Ponderous Wombdude
>Jail Warden Hornet
>Clean Vase and Shattered Vase
>Guru of Nails Sly
And then there are things that are just impossible to translate back because they are just senseless amalgamations of root words.
>Ponderous Wombdude
These can't be real.
Thanks for the kek if they are, user
>Ponderous Wombdude
I can't even begin to guess which boss this is supposed to be...
Brooding Mawlek.
it is! and here's why...
Why the hell did they feel the need to translate "mawlek"?
Gotta flex them philology major brain musles.
You gotta admit. That sounds dope as fuck.
>Clean Vase and Shattered Vase
Is it the two Nail Master brothers?
It still hurts
pure vessel/broken vessel would be my guess.
Oh yeah, silly me. That makes a lot more sense
> Jail Warden Hornet
We already have enough lewdbait, thanks.
wtf, how'd he get a 2nd hit? Can you even attack explosions?