SEGA Weekend - Total War and CO 50%-75% off


(Now its time to get those DLCs!)

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Should I get warriors of chaos or norsca

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Norsca any day all day.

WoC sucks, sadly. They were clearly rushed and feel incredibly barebones as a result.

I already gotz everything. :/ Ratz vs Lizards soon.

WoC are fucking boring and likely will be until 3 releases.

Reminder that Nagash was weak.

Both are mediocre, but Norsca feels more complete than WoC. WoC will get an overhaul in a year, and the DLC will still be priced the same.

I wish Grim and Grave had unique starting positions, I want the extra units and RoR but those starting locations are just a drag

Is the medieval 2 warhammer mod any good, played every game apart from medieval 2 and I've heard good things.

Summon the electric cunts!


Norsca is one of the best factions though.

How is this even a fucking question

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Well i just added space channel 5 part 2 and nights into dreams into my account. I got all the achievements on the 360 versions back in the day. Nights is more well known, but for a dollar, you niggas should try SC5. Game is short, funny, and has great music

Yo, I serve Chaos, bro! You don't?

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Never played a Total War, which should I try?

Shogun 2 or Warhammer (though prepare for a metric fuckton of DLC for Warhammer).

You should try out Thrones of Britannia, it's the formular perfected with accesibility in mind.

Yeah sure bro

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Warhammer was the first game that actually had a sensible interface and didn't run like absolute dogshit (because all the other games only use one core).

There's a reason it's the most popular one.

Thats mean user

Warhammer 1 or 2?


Check the playable factions for each. They are both good and eventually you might want to own both since you can combine them into a massive campaign.

Both for combined map.

Doesn't matter, you'll get both eventually
Although 2 is better

This but keep in mind that for some reason WH2 runs way worse and the lighting is all kinds of fucked up. Also the post-launch content is abyssmal compared to the first one schedule-wisse because the devs got cocky.

WH2 runs better though

>lighting is all kinds of fucked up
Get this.

The Mortal Empires campaign (which links both games together on a fuckhuge map) is the end goal but start with the game that has the factions that interest you most. That would be Empire, Orcs, Vampire Counts, Dwarfs, and Bretonnia for WH1 and High Elves, Dark Elves, Skaven, and Lizardmen for WH2
People rightly criticize the fuckload of dlc but the base vanilla games have a lot of content.

>People rightly criticize the fuckload of dlc
You can get them cheap in keysites, on sales or hell, use cream api. If anything they should have put in more work into those dlcs.

>cream api
I keep hearing about this. What exactly is it, and how likely is it to get my steam account banned?

Not gonna explain it here, but you need to do some file editing and get some dlc files to make it work, you can find out more about it in Doubt you will get banned unless you do something stupid about it. I have been using it just fine, though I did buy some dlcs for factions I like, got cream api the rest just because I like to have full thing and dlc units for custom battles.

Fucks have mammoths with war shrines who are expensive but also OP as fuck.

Also because Warriors of Chaos is not really fun without mods and even with mods you will get bored before turn 300.

I would buy 1 first and 2 if you like it . 2 vortex campaign is just dogshit but if you buy both you get the combined map wich is nice

Should I grab any DLC for 1?

Is thrones of bongistan worth it at $20? I like the things they added but hate the shit they took away (like ambush battles)

Not soon enough. Fucking lazy CA.

Three Kingdoms needs to hurry up and fail so it can stop taking up attention and get them to start talking about TWWH3.

>Three Kingdoms needs to hurry up
not until May, sadly. And frankly i'm glad they've been quiet on TWW3, remember how fucking fast they rushed out 2 which was basically a glorified xpac? I'm hoping that 3 has major overhauls on everything to make up for how obviously little effort they put into 1 expecting it to flop.

norsca and king and the warlord for based belegar.

I wish the game would have actual bosses here and there. The keeper of secrets was a step in the right direction but it just wasn't that intimidating in the end.
Amanar "boss fight" was a big fucking disappointment. Damn thing wasn't even visible on the map.
Also kinda weird how this game doesn't have any daemon princes when it has hellpit abomination (which, lore-wise, are a LOT bigger and more dangerous) and the KoS.

>daemon prince wanders around the map
>it's just one giant unit with 3 unites of elites
>attacks everything it meets including other chaos hordes
>cannot be taken down by an average army

That would be cool.

If you're playing 1, get the greenskins DLC that gives you Nasty Skulkers as they're basically an extremely necessary early game unit for Orcs as they have no other way of dealing with Dwarven Armor until they get cavalry.

>Hellpit Abom
>bigger and more dangerous than a daemon prince
u wot

What, you can't just pirate and install the DLCs like Paradox games?

You misread that. They're a lot bigger lore wise than they are in the game.
Same goes for daemon princes desu

it requires a little fuckery via cream.api iirc but you can

I'm a paypig though so I don't.

Let us be fair here. 1 was something new for them and they didn't know how crazy they could get or what kind of reception it would have. You can see how things evolved over time with each DLC and how they were able to get bolder with the mechanics, even if some are straight copied from mods.

2 was something of a natural step but its biggest problem was technical stuff to begin with. Yes the content release was slow, but it was mostly solid. Their biggest mistake with it was not investing more in it despite this IP being their new cashcow.

Personally I don't want them to try and implement any of the new shit they are cramming into Three Kingdoms. I just want something that is functional like the first 2 TWWHs but adds the last few factions that we are missing and expands the Mortal Empires map east.

Tww 3 will be chaos centered so they'll probably put them

>jet set radio for one dollar
I feel kinda guilty

The Norsca hunt mechanics are probably the closest we will get.

And all the Daemons will be in TWWH3. That was more or less a given from the outset when they explained how the game was going to be broken up and the 3rd would be the Chaos focused one.

I don't think you have any idea how fucking dangerous a daemon prince is.

I havent played total war in a while, Enjoyed Medieval 2, Enjoyed warhammer I and II mainly for their setting at but thought the battles played out way too fast to be enjoyable. Atilla seemed good but ran like dogshit.

Is britannia worth or not?

Considering that he keeps calling a Lord of Change a Keeper of Secrets I would think you are right.

There are a bunch of mods that are aimed at prolonging battles. Even just base SFO does that to a degree.

britannia is very bad, not worth a purchase. Wait until 3 kingdoms (if it turns out good) or WH3

I almost always play empire. I love the Napoleonic era feel to their roster and can't bring myself to leave them, I love uniting my lands and holding out against an invasion.
What other factions are great and why!

Chaos to spice up chaos invasions, armies filled with chosen with halbreds gets boring after the second playthrough

>tfw my backlog keeps getting bigger since I became a wagecuck but I'm only excited to play unreleased games

I don't want 3 kingdoms shit because I don't feel it would meet Warhammers aesthetic - like supplies, when the fuck has anyone in Warhammer cared about battle supplies, or macro economics?

What I do want is for them to overhaul all the factions and make them unique and at lease somewhat more balanced. OG TWW1 races in particular need extensive work. Vampires are fine now jesus christ no more vampires, but Empire and Brettonia and Greenskins all need extensive reworks of their underlying systems. Dwarves are a bit bland but still strong at least and have more going for them now with the forging system.

Empire needs:

>Either Archers as a t1 shitty ranged unit OR hunters as a t3 skirmisher unit meant for fighting monsters, give them similar abilities as gutter runners
>Master Engineer hero type
>better offices
>A system for more easily dominating or incorporating the various elector states

Brettonia needs:

>A complete overhaul of the chivalry system
>The Green Knight should be a summon, not an army slot unit

Greenskins need:

>A complete overhaul of Waaagh
>Spear Chuckas

Beastmen need:

>Overhaul of Moon system
>All their fucking missing units

They're close, they just need to do this in addition to whatever content they're adding in 3 and we're golden.

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You know damn well that they won't fix Chaos up until Warhammer 3, it's just shit.

For me it's Lokhir Fellheart

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Fuck of Liu Bei

The worst campaign in the entire game

Brettonia is getting an update with the next DLC. They have said they are aiming to update the older factions alongside the DLC releases. It will take time though obviously.

In the interim just play SFO, as both Empire and Greenskins had massive overhauls that make them significantly more interesting to play.

High Elves are fun because the archers are the best in the game and delete units in seconds. The dragons are so good and the elite infantry can go toe to toe with just about anything.They also have very nice unit models. Once you unite ulthuan then you can play superior overlord and send out armies to accomplish tasks around the world you set for yourself while your home base is safe and near impenetrable.

Pff, that would be any horde faction.

>Napoleonic era
Wrong century, user

t. cao ahman

>boss fight
What is it you didn't get in that term....?

shut the fuck up nerd

Noctilus disagrees

Noctilus is a million miles better than Fellheart.
He can litterally go ANYWHERE from the start.
Lokhir is stuck in his shit-ass jungle fighting the most irrelevant factions in the game for the worst settlements.

And he can't even pilot the blessed dread himself

Do you have brain damage, user?

Do you?

Dwarves, for more or less the exact same reason
High Elves, for great flexibility and SWORD AUTIST
Dark Elves for chuuni fun

Mortal Empires in Warhammer 3 should try to fix the existing map for Mortal Empires too. Go south more, as the Queek and Kroq-Gar starting positions are way better in the Vortex campaign. Go West more around Mazdamundi's area, that whole Western fog wall is cancerous.

my problem with SFO is it adds a bunch of other shit

It will probably depend on how far south the base TWWH3 map will go before working out the scale implementation into Mortal Empires. Too far south and you will have to address Cathay and Nippon.

Bretonnia will get a Tech tree update within that rework. The whole Knightly Vow shit to confederate is stupid as fuck and pigeon holes you to teching that whole side ASAP. I would like to see all the Dukedoms share military access so your not punished for trying to get to places by trespassing constantly, since you already suffer massive penalties for fighting the other factions.

They really ought to do the Empire method of separating the stages of war so they can do justice to the new world/Ulthuan.

besides a rework of chivalry gain and it's bonuses and how the green knight is summoned, they need replenishment and an additional hero type badly

If they made a Harrimault/Faceless hero unit that functioned as a ranged hero with the assassinate skill (rather than the Paladin), and gave it a skill that boosted peasant replenishment, and gave the Paladin 'wound' and a skill that boosts knight replenishment, you'd be doing good

that would work well, yes, but it's unclear if it's possible under this new engine. Otherwise I could see 3-4 theatres of war

>The Old World
>The Southlands/Border States/Wastes
>that region on the eastern side of the mountains

Dwarfs and Empire desperately need a new lord, and greenskins desperately need a reason to ever use Goblin great shaman. They should probably add an Orc Shaman leader as well.

>Ranged Hero
Unchivalrous cur.

Play shogun 2

I played through WH1 many times, thinking of picking up wh2 only for mortal empties now, hope I can run it, will also buy tomb Kang dlc fuck vamps

>Check the store
>5gorillion fucking DLCs
Nah m80 i'll stick with my cracked copy. Maybe once they release a bundle with all the DLC on sale.

>not using creamapi

DLC is anti-consumer

Could be a Grey Mountain Ranger, those exist. Have it be so upkeep of knights is increased and their focus is on the core armies of peasant.

Can thst get your steam acc banned? I assume no but I've invested so much in it thst I'm nervous

Vampire Coast is fun though. All sorts of crazy shit and some of the best ranged capabilities in the game.

started since warhammer 1, still not banned

Sounds like some dishonorable peasant shit to me.

Norsca. Chaos is absolutely garbage.

My wife Queek is very cute

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Link, please.

Get it all

Ska please

I genuinely don't get furfags
Look at Queek, he's horrifying

remove ratto

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Nobody gets ratfags. Best to let them wallow in their own filth and avoid that corner.

warning /twg/ degenerates have entered the thread

The irony here is that Sigvald actually beat the fat fuck. The fat fuck had to resort to backstabbing a wounding Sigvald to win. Sigvald > fat fuck. Sigvald is undefeated in honorable duels.

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>Chaosniggers talking about honour

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Maybe if he'd spend less time throwing tantrums and more time paying attention he wouldn't become a troll urinal.

No he didn't. They never fought.
The timeline went
>Archaon forced them to work together
>Sigvald reeeed over Throgg being an ugly fuck, and Throgg took the piss
>Sigvald tried to fuck Throgg over
>fought Krell, got maimed but went apeshit over it and killed him for good
>Throgg survived the backstab and was a bit miffed
>found Sigvald weeping on the floor over his broken hands and face
>mashed him and pissed on the corpse.

Wut? If I can run WH1, does this mean I can run WH2 as well? My PC isn't very good.

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>Sent endgame unit of halbediers
>shoot the fucker with all your artillery/skirmishers
>when the halb unit dies/routs send the next
bad idea

>TFW my pc is so shit I can't run this game
>TFW pay in my shithole is so bad, that it'll take me over 3 years of saving whatever is left of my paycheck after food, bills etc. to buy a new PC
>By that time new games will require an even beastier PC and the cycle will repeat


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For real? Runs better? Most people say it's harder to run than 1, that's why I'm worried, downloading it now tho I'll see

post your /neverever/ factions that you want in

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>MORE vampires

more like the only vampire faction i like
i just want to have my army of vampire-gypsies

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just use the minor faction unlocker mod and roleplay it faggot

I want to buy rome total war but I'm afraid it won't match up to my great memories of it

Fantasy is gay af

Maybe if you'd stop having gay fantasies you wouln't be suffering from this problem.

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WH2 "runs better" in battles because it's slightly more optimized

campaign runs slower on either vortex or the old world because the map is fucking massive and there's a lot of shitty pointless graphical effects that serve no purpose and are massive

if your PC can run 1 it can run 2 though

There are mods for the game.

good to know, thanks, WH1 ran better than Attila for me, Attila is almost unplayable on huge sieges, WH1 was fine


>t. ratfag

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Does Warhammer stand on its own or do I need to be a fan of the series to enjoy it.

cringe and lizardpilled

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being a fan of either TW or Warhammer is fine I guess? Going into it I didn't know shit about WH fantasy but it helped me learn

Dwarfs also have a comfy feel. A dying race of honorable people. All their units are pretty strong. They only set out to do right what was wronged.

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>No Total War: Warhammer GOTY/GOLD edition
Look even with the discount it's still ridiculously expensive here.

I only play druchii desu. Maybe I will try out empire and vamps one day.

Orc rework when? I want better mechanics, a total overhaul for characters not named Skarsnik and some FLC troll variants already.

Get that abomination away from me.

>I only play druchii
My nigga.

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>He plays the worst elves
Malakith is a baby!

If you like fantasy settings in general it holds up, I didn't know shit about Warhams but played it anyways because I can be skeleniggas, most of the setting-specific things can be picked up easily enough because they tend to have some kind of generic fantasy version.

My impression on races based on what I've seen ingame-
>High Elfs=fancy elves
>Wood Elves=typical tree hugging elves that ree if you violate the NAP
>Dark Elfs=edgelord elves that seem to have beef with high elfs, (remove on sight because they're faggot raiding niggers) (Also their king has a stupid hat)
>Brettonia=Knightly France
>Empire=HRE but heavily balkanized, though I assume this is due to gameplay reasons
>Lizards=lizards that ree if you violate the NAP
>Chaos=edgelords and raiding coons, though the ones I ended up becoming homies with in the northwest corner of the map have been bros
>Ratfags=backstabbing rats, (though ironically I've never had an allied/NAP ratto betray me, maybe because they know I can crush them)
>Tomb Kangz=mummies and skellingtons, have beef with Vampires
>Vampires=never really interacted with them ingame so i dunno, presumably edgy empire types
>stinky beast niggers=raiding coons that are an excellent source of canopic jars

He's my baby.

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>play Alith in Eye campaign
>stack missile units
>boost ambush chance
It almost feels like cheating. Then I remember the Chaos hellcannon faggotry and don't feel bad anymore.

Shouls I get WH2 for ME? I really dont care about the new world, but WH1 doesnt get updated with new toys

If you want new experiences with your old factions, go for it.
It was a bit barebones on release, but now they've done a decent job of making the campaigns different. Though get used to dealing with vampires a lot.

when are they going to announce the skaven vs lizardman DLC, the original 3K release date has passed

Not this fucking month because fuck you

>For me, it's the Druchii

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Fuuuuuack played the pirated mortal empires shitton was thinking about buying them on sale now but the DLCs are quite expensive.... Which ones should i get?

What's your favourite play style?


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>gay bdsm elves
>gay elves
>any elves at all

throw yourself into the void


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>Thrones of Britannia 50% off and not 90%

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Elves are a tumor of fantasy except for the druchii, they're based

I conquer everything with Karl or elfs in mortal empire till i get bored and quit before the whole map is mine

Whats chaosbane?

>go back and play rome 1
>really easy because barbaric units are trash compared to organized militaries
um romebabs?

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Sounds like Tomb Kings will be up your alley.
King and the warlord and Pirate coast are the other two top tier DLCs

Diablo like arpg but set in WHFB world.

Am I able to understand WH40K lore from the game that are on Steam? I really want to get into the series.

Either next week or the week after, most likely going to be released the first or second week of April. That's the area that falls between the old TWTK release date and the new one (they said it'd be after the old date and before the new one), and gives them three weeks of leeway to focus on marketing TWTK.

Generally the later the DLC came out, the more polished and enjoyable it is. Vampire Coast, Tomb Kangz and Norsca have a widely different gameplay from other factions and are really fun. King and the Warlord is a challenge pack with the two toughest lord starts in the game, really fun. Queen and the Crone is kinda scummy because they locked the crucial AP High Elf archers behind it, but Hellebron is a good campaign. Wood Elves are currently totally unbalanced for Mortal Empires and not fun at all until their rework. Warriors of Chaos, Grim and the Grave, and Beastmen are all a hard avoid, they're terrible in almost every way. I think that covers all of them. If you're buying the game legit make sure to add all the free DLC and do the TW Access thing to get the 30th anniversary RoRs.

Grim and the grave is a bit shit, but it does unlock empire/VC regiments of renown, so if you play either of those factions a lot it might be worth taking the hit.

>army is summoning lord, morgul, haunter 4 polearms, 14 handgun gunnery mobs
>literally nothing can touch me without getting obliterated by gunfire

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It's okay to be intimidated by superiority. Maybe if you're nice you can serve as a puppet state in nobodycarescorner.

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Since those games are about Fantasy which has nothing to do with 40k.
If you want 40k then youd want Dawn of War 1-2, Space Marine and Battlefleet Gothic 1-2.

Tfw cant justify paying so much for the both games DLCs might just continue playing it pirated, fuck it

>duelist LL
>gets shit on by regular lords because of his pathetically small hp pool

Some shitty diablo clone

Shame about the tww witch elves


>batter motherfuckers with artillery
>send in a horde of crabs for mopping up
>yohoho my way to victory
The fact CA fucked up implementing keeping vampire coast factions as regional powers despite having the mechanics to make it viable annoys me, but I love their gameplay in battle. There is nothing more erotic than gunlines and crab battles together.

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>Hellstorms u

>Fimir have to rape human women or elves to reproduce
>They're 8ft tall
So how do

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just buy the base game and use creamapi for the dlc

>Closest representation we have for our one true lord at the moment
>Not the most based race
Do you even slaughter entire villages because they don't have clean enough mirrors?

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>or elves
Pretty sure only humans were mentioned.
>So how do
smaller peepee, like gorilla

It's mentioned that they used to fight elves so their babies had to come from somewhere since humans weren't a thing yet

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Mmmmmmmmmmmm where is that stake gonna go Kruber?

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Maybe, but female Fimir are a thing too, maybe they lost ability to have many babies by themselves some time after humans showed up.

You're going down same as everyone else, harlot.

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Don't know, the hags are said to be sterile

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Whatevery you say, Pepe'kek

fuck me I am glad to have a new PC but my backlog is immense now

Based & reptilepilled.

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based and ratpilled

>new RTX 2070
>giant backlog
>keep playing Empire Total War and Bad Company 2

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>hide your forces
>put Maz out in the open
>they converge on you
>use ruination of cities, then upgraded net/comet anyone left standing
Is there a better feeling?

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You stop that

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Daemon Princes are shit in Fantasy.

>The smile that saved the Reichland
also the games the other user mentioned
also this

not enough dick in that image

The more interesting thing is how do these women manage to lay those huge eggs afterwards. Fimir are reptilian are they not?

You could at least have linked him a fantasy wiki and then link to mega with armybooks....

Imagine how these eggs must smell haha

Is atilla worth it?

Yeah but some reptiles bear live young

That's like expecting a man how to swim by throwing him directly into the ocean.
Let 'em down easy, its a long plunge.

yeah. /twg/ and the more mature boards like totalwarcenter are devided between warhammer and atilla being the best TW games.

I didn't need any meme filled wiki to get into it, just used regular one (if I want quick look at something) and then armybooks and other stuff.

based and orderly

You're not user. And today 1d4chan is more up to date with its info than the lexicanum and 40kwiki(which is a shitshow on its own).

>lexicanum and 40kwiki(which is a shitshow on its own).
I don't use either, I use this.
And at any rate, I don't like wikis, but especially meme ones like 1d4chan. I want unbiased info without jokes. Which is frankly why I read material itself. Like for example, 1d4chan mentions that Dark Elves and Skaven have some times have temporary deals/aliances but I have not seen anything about this on dark elf armybooks or some other material, and since it doesn't have source quotes (unlike wiki I linked here) I can't check up on this information. So yeah, I wouldn't use it. Now, that wiki doesn't always use all material (it's mostly armybook based) but frankly that's even better for me since I like to keep armybook, RPG, novel and other material separate because of lore differences and retcons between them.

i'm not into fantasy stuff. should I get rome 2? looks decent now. pic unrelated.

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I want to buy TWWH2, but every time it's on sale I see all the fucking DLC and then remember you have to buy TWWH1+DLC to get mortal empires and all the content.
And then I just go play my pirated version with all DLC and ME instead because fuck that. Steam Workshop would be nice but I can live without that.

Nobody cares go blog somewhere else.

So when will they pack TW:WH into a GotY version with all the DLC included?

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I'll stop when they put out a TWWH bundle that includes everything.

Prove that you're not a brainlet Yea Forums

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Right after they do the same for R2 and Attila. Never.

Can't do it, boss.

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>That'll be four hundred thousand dollars plus tip

>get on skullmuncha
>make it fly the wrong way
>crown gets angry
I dun get it boss.

Are you fucking with me.

Take it seriously.

>About 50 eurodollars for the whole TWWH1 pack
>Base game 15 €
>DLC 35 €
>Not a huge sum per se
>Still feel conflicted about spending more on DLC than the actual base game

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i've never played any game similar to a total war game, i also don't know shit about warhammer but the Bretonnia faction looks ballin. how new player friendly are they?


They exist to take vamp, beast, and welf dick.

man i was kinda hoping that i could make them good if i wasn't a shitter, are they that bad?

Do you like cavalry?
Because that's all they do

i like the aesthetic of them because knights on horseback with over-top helmet ornaments is a top tier but seeing as i've not played anything like total war i can't really say, i'll just have to try them out

Next dlc when

>are they that bad
Nah, that was an exaggeration. Their cavalry is great and so is the supply line bonus but they have to make it out of the early game to shine. A player can pull this off but the AI usually can't from the many games I've played. They really get hit the worst of anybody by the vamptide. They're doable but I wouldn't necessarily say beginner friendly.

>want to buy Vampire Coast
>previously decided that today I'd get more paints and models

next sale I suppose

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>giving money to current CA
lol, do it yourself fantasycucks

They have trouble early game because their infantry absolutely suck balls, so sieging is a pain.
You're basically stuck with either sending wave after wave of your own men until they hit their kill limits and shut down, spamming archers to wipe out the people guarding the walls, or battering the gates down and choking the enemy to death on horses.

That'll get you banned eventually

Just go extinct already.

You don't play Bretonnia because they're good.

You play Bretonnia because they shit on the fucking faggot ass high elves.

I enjoy some turn based warhammer games
Will I enjoy this?
Which one do I buy?
I like night goblins, can I play as them?

Please help me I haven't played RTS since the first age of empires
And you guys seem to have a lot of fun with this one

I still don't understand how is Bretonnia supposed to shit on HEs. They're not exactly lacking in anti large.

Seems half decent, try overclocking cpu since its the biggest bottleneck there. Comfortable medium settings.

Yes you can, there are greenskins but the night goblin faction its dlc, also can you recommend me some turn based warhammer games?

Skarsnik is one of the best and most fun campaigns in the game, but anyone sensible is waiting for the Orc rework.

>can you recommend me some turn based warhammer games?
Yes, but they are boardgames

Online boardgames? Dont have money to buy tabletop things

Ok, I'm lost, how does this work? I have both Warhammer games, but I need Warhammer 1 DLC to play on Warhammer 2? I'm a bit drunk and on a bender, so forgive my ignorance.

Chaos is fucking lame, get norsca allthough at these prices not sure why not both.

>Online boardgames?
Yeah. I play Warhammer Underworlds with friends over the internet with Tabletop Simulator the mod is not on steam workshop because GW lawyers, so I can upload the savefile if you want to
Other than that, my favorite will always be Blood Bowl. Blood Bowl 2 on PC has solid and alive community, and FUMBBL is a free online client with no graphix

If they commit anti large to defend the archers then you should have enough to brute force through their line. If they don't commit anti-large to protect the archers then you get to eat them alive and pick away at the line units. That and your own archers are actually pretty fucking good since the grand majority of elf units are unshielded. And drags can be outplayed.

WH2 comes with four factions that you can play both their own unique campaign and a combined map called mortal empires.
Every faction you can play in WH1 is playable in WH2 in the mortal empires campaign.
If you buy it for 1, it carries over.

yes please upload it, I really wanted to play warhammer tabletop but like I told you dont have money because poor

That's the card game, isn't it? I wish I could find people who played 40K and Fantasy on Tabletop Simulator.

Reminder that the Kangs are not good guys.

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Not even worth the mud used to build it.

Here you go senpai

There's deckbuilding, but it's mostly a miniatures killing each other game
And you can find people playing WFB and 40k in TTS. Me and my pals play Kill Team mostly because it takes less time and there's not so much setup, but we played a couple of WFB games too.

Interesting to see delfs and tom kings working together. Were is this from?

So whats annoying me is that we MIGHT get an announcement next week and then it will drop either 2-3 weeks later because CA will give it to youtubers to play and advertise for them.

Its so fucking annoying.

I only like wargames, it WAS hard to find people who played those on Tabletop Simulator. Maybe there's a website somewhere that sets up games, but I haven't gone and looked in quite some time.

next week? user, grace the CA PR bitch said that no warhammer news until next month at least, no news this week or the next one

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thanks a lot friend, can you explain to me what do I do with the file? I dont have tabletop simulator but I will buy it tomorrow, so I need some instructions on how to set up a game

Why does shogun 2 and fall of the samurai are two different things?

What a fucking liar.

Settra what the fuck

Pyramids don't build themselves.

A lot of people play warhammer on tts. You should probably try to find some forums or Discords for organized play. I'm in one where we arrange TTS Age of Sigmar games I know WFB is better but I really like the jules verne dwarves, but it's an italian community, so unless you're a pastamancer you'll have to find somewhere else
Have you tried Kill Team? It's really 40k but for small skirmishes. I like it a lot.

It's a savefile. You drop it in Documents/My Games/TabletopSimulator/Saves and load it in game
If you have a pal to play with then you create a server, load the save and invite the other guy. If you don't, you can probably find someone interested in playing by asking in the general chat, but better get familiar with the rules first.
The savefile has starter decks for 4 warbands for you to try the game, and then has bags with all the cards to build your own but buidling decks in TTS is fucking retarded, so just use and export yours with TTS format for easy importing
Here's the rules btw!PsZX3C5A!8Eq41d8y3ozTdhexxDIbzn33cOK7QKchiVpQIOCLt9k

Skarsnik gets special goblin buffs and troops but he's dlc, also green skins got no love

>not pirating the DLC's
I'm with morons

Models and paints are way for expensive than $12 who are you kidding.

>some stuntie jerks off in some street corner on a child
>tell him to stop and fuck off
>Raze the entire town, killing everyome
They're delusional monsters

Medieval 2, especially since it has a decent nodding community

Well shit so April + 2-3 weeks of youtube "influencers" playing it before us.

Brettonia are fun but not new player friendly. They have a lot of mechanical oddities and quirks, as well as features that haven't been updated to parity (though that is coming soon, in April)

>Dogshit infantry with bad morale, requires leaders to buff them or they blow off in a stiff breeze
>Multiple different kinds of cavalry that requires you to understand how TW cavalry works
>Wierd mechanics related to the games logistics and economy

On a tactical level they aren't bad but getting them into gear is hard and you need to understand the game to play them effectively. However, late game they are terrifying, Grail Knights and Grail Guardians are literally super humans who never get tired and you can field an army of almost entirely cavalry (barring maybe a handful of archers and 1 or 2 trebs)

I refuse to play Age of Shitmar or learn Italian on general principle. I guess I'll give it the ol' college try again.

It's a decent arcade strategy game, it helps a lot if you know the lore. However, knowing TW is almost a detriment due to all the stripped features

oooh I see, warbands are like factions right? there are only 4 but the website there are 14, where can I get more? also another question but is there another file for wfb or age of sigmar?

hopefully he gets a new starting position in WH3, Ind or somewhere else in the east

I can unlock Mortal Empires with CreamAPI, right?

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>or learn Italian on general principle

Yeah, warbands are the factions you can pick.
All the warbands, cards and tokens you could possibly need are in the savefile, it's just that there's only 4 pre-built decks. You're supposed to build your own for the rest of the warbands (or get a pre built one off the website I linked)

Here's AoS:
WFB should be a google search away too

Yeah, you need creamapi to pirate the dlc

>Game going well
>Get doom stacked


I know that, but I'll get the full package of Mortal Empires, right? Like, all of the DLC that's available for Total Warhammer 1 and is playable on Mortal Empires, for example.

thanks a lot friend, I can finally make my dream of playing warhammer tabletop true, now I just need some friends, but thats the easy part, the AoS file includes everything too right?

No idea I'm a paypig.

Any news about Warhammer 3?

I only heard that we'll get a Bretonnian update with all of the old units and the Rat and Lizard DLC for May.

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I'm hoping they nerf Vamp upkeep reduction next patch. Just make it 90% for zombies and 60% for skeletons because free spearmanii is retardedly good.

Allegedly, yeah. If there's anything you can't find in there you can probably proxy it using other piece. The most important part are to know the rules and have the battletomes for each faction, which you can probably find in the OP for /tg/s aos general: You're welcome user. Have fun!

My attempt

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Only that they're working on it, I wouldn't expect to hear anything until later this year at soonest as they'll want to launch and milk 3k before hyping their next title

>I wish Grim and Grave had unique starting positions
At least Kemmler now starts in Bretonnia. His campaign is pretty fun if you wanna spread vampirism in France

Oh fuck I might get spice marine

Post Dark Elfs

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trash desu

It's a decent action game. Not amazing but good. Shame the MP is dead cause that was fun-ish

Knights of Gryphone represent boi

More like dork elves

Thanks a lot user, here have this picture I saved the other day, I cant repay how much you helped a brainlet like me

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So i'd like to buy warham, do I just get warham 2 and the dlcs or get both warham 1 + dlc and warham 2 + dlcs or can I skip out on some?

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Anytime man. Have fun!

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Does anybody play the multiplayer? Is that a better experience than single player?

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I don't but there's a lot of youtube channels dedicated to multiplayer so it's alive and well

It was orks and bretonnia simultaneously

its a much harder experience but to be honest its pretty fun, dont play skaven in MP tho

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Must be one hell of a commitment to play this online unless it's private.

Don't play Skaven.

why do you say that?

Its okay to play skaven they are THE best faction after all, just not in MP, they are very underpowered and they lack their fun guns

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Do games not take almost a thousand turns to end in multiplayer?

Community is full autism/WAAC fags

Anyone remember that ever chosen invitational where the dude playing dwarves tried to corner cheese with rangers and got fucked by Beastmen? Funny as hell
>Also empire fucking deleting noctilius before he can even get into combat

ooohh, I thought you were talking about battles MP, not campaign MP, campaign MPs are dead, if you want to play one you need to find a friend

Multiplayer matches are literally army vs army tac battles, you're thinking of co-op which is slow and buggy yes

>tfw made that last night and its already made its way to Yea Forums

I really liked it user, you should make more edits

I'm fucking terrible at the battle portions. Most of the time I just select all infantry and send them forward. Only giving specific units like artillery or flankers special commands.

This is prob next when I figure what to do with it.
If you got something you want done, I guess I’ll take requests. Keep it mspaint shit tho. I don’t like spending more than like 20 minutes on this shit.

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then you are going to get fucked in MP, I completed 3 campaigns in mortal empires but I sucked in microing units, playing MP taught me how to micro well because if you dont know how to micro then you lose instantly

I didn't know they ate people in battle

>the virgin warhammer
>the chad atilla
make the right choice

Watch Zerkovich's guides on YT
I found it really useful

can you make this but with a halberd stormvermin on the left and a dwarf on the right? I would really appreciate if you could take my request user

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>be tyrion with all the melee stat upgrades
>always get caught up in chafe like dreadspears like clanrats and dreadspears while hunting for enemy lords
>maybe get a couple hundred kills over the course of a 5 minute battle
>be chadlis
>can be wherever the fuck i want
>can get hundreds of kills with one chain lightning on top of all of my other great spells
>can turn the tide of the battle in literally instants
how can any lord even compete?

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its actually
>shogun 2
>fall of the samurai
>rise of the samurai

Last two are standalone expanasions.

they also do a crocodile deathroll

Anything specific for the text?

You don't have to get any DLC, the way the DLC works is that it just unlocks the faction for you to play, so if you don't care about playing that faction there's no reason to buy the DLC. The exception is the lord packs which have extra characters and units for existing factions.
>German humans with guns
>French humans with horses
>Vampire Cunts
>Evil humans
>Evil vikings
>Goat people
>wood elf hippies
>Dwarf+Orc lord pack, Human+Vampire lord pack
>good elfs
>evil elfs
>lizardpeople with dinosaurs
>Egyptian Mummies and Skellies
>Vampire Pirate
>High Elf + Dark Elf lord pack, Lizards+Rats lord pack coming soon

WH1 and WH2 have totally different maps, but if you own both games you can (mostly) combine the two maps into the Mortal Empires mega campaign

What are the essential dlcs for both WH1 and WH2 ?
I am thinking of getting
Grim and the grave
King and the warlord
Tomb kangz
Blood dlc
Is there something else which is fun? And where is that lizardmen and skaven dlc?

Grimgrave/kingwarlord not that important unless you really like any of those factions. Kangz is great. Blood is vital. Rats dlc before the end of may. (Only 2 years late!)

vampire coast is also fun

not much different, just ''a skaven ms paint comic!, you sure look stupid now-now!''

I hear Norsca is great,

Beastmen have a good roster and it also comes with Boris todbringer. It is good.

You won't go wrong in picking any of the dlcs except the warriors of chaos one.

All the total war 2 dlc is actually good/vital. The stuff that isn't was free.

I'd buy it but it runs like shit on a okay pc.

>Beastmen have a good roster

Give me one good reason my entire roster shouldn't be giant crabs.

Yeah this is key it chugs on anything without a high-end cpu because ca cannot optimize for shit, also a SSD really helps. Even then turn ends can be brutal I recommend the decline diplomacy mod

Lacking good dmg but crabbos surpass everything head to head vs AI. Since the AI is so braindead you can get away with all crabs and some guns

They're working on it.
They keep teasing chaos related stuff, dark lands and fire related stuff, and undead stuff.

wish they would give a southern realms dlc instead of rattos and lizzies.


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>undead stuff
Jesus Christ they really are going to make Nagash faction

I can't play this game because the battles are always over in 5-10 minutes on average.

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Play SFO dude.

Crabbois lost.

I really want Estalia/Tiles and Araby

unironically just mod it, there are tons of mods to make the battle much longer

Sadly it doesn't play well with my Brettonia redux mod and also is full of extraneous shit

I wonder if that works as intended. Either way i'd have to make room on my SSD which i dont feel like doing at the moment.

I have napoleon on there with 40k+ unit battles that can take like 2 hours sometimes.

I guess ill have to try that one day.

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Chaos gods are all chumps
Slaanesh never went to rehab.

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>tfw bought all Sonic games

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yeah, I don't have the money to spend on Vamp Counts cuz I spent it all on models and paint

>TWWH with all DLC costs 100€
What the fuck CA? Lower your fucking prices.

>finally retook the realm as the dwarfs
>obliterated the orcs and vampires
>killed clan Skyre and took the Hell Pit for myself
>using Hell Pit to produce gyrocoppters cause Chaos cannons need to be stopped
>been pushing chaos' ass for the last 40 turns
>Update happens, can't access my save file
I renamed Hell Pit to Kazad Ginit cause it's my chokepoint.

Last TW game I played was Rome1. Will get everything of WH, because I'm a fa/tg/uy. Also interested in Medieval2 and Napoleon. Is there something inheretly wrong with the latter 2?


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No, they're just old, Medieval 2 more so. They both have great mods, Napoopan for the historical mods, and Medieval 2 for Stainless Steel and the LOTR mod.

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Bray bros wy@? I heard about that Malagor dude, maybe we should gang up and blindly charge people to help him.

>play dorfs
Goddamn I wish I had cavalry
>play Bretonnia
Goddamn I wish my infantry wouldn't break the moment they engage in combat

Still new to the game tho. It's fun but everything's so slow compared to TW:Rome, the last game I played in the series. Even the cavalry takes forever.

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Something wrong with medieval? No medieval is objectively a perfect game. For the time it was released. Especially when you look at the even still surprisingly current mod scene.

The biggest problem with it is despite it being 'old' which some people might have a problem with. It cannot make full effective use of anything more then a single core. The engine is by and large the same as Rome TW. So you can mod the battles and units to be huge but it will turn into a slideshow.

But the mod community is great. I've spent many thousands of hours in the Third Age Total War mods and submods. I really reccomend it.

Napoleon is Napoleon, but can mod it to have tens of thousands of men in the field to a more realistic scale because it was designed with quad+ cores in mind.

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define ''fun''

just play high/dark elves, all of their units are good, cavalry, infantry, archers, crossbows, even their weakpoint their lack of artillery is good

I only got warhammer 1 right now. I'll get to 2 eventually but I haven't even played all the faction in this game yet.

Wood Elves are a pain in the ass to fight as a dorfs, I can tell you that much.

If you think wood elves are a pain then you havent seen high/dark elfs armies in the campaign, those are true terror, but good luck tho

10Million dead rats!

Is it worth getting tomb Kings, Queen and the crone and curse of the vampire coast? Haven't played wh2 yet as none of the factions really interested me and the vortex gimmick didn't sound fun

tomb kings are definitely worth it. haven't tried the others

What makes tomb Kings fun?

IMO it's infinite skeletons + huge constructs that wreck shit makes for a fun combo. they also have absolutely 0 upkeep which is nice because that's what fucks me up 9 times out of ten. also able ally with virtually every race means you're not as railroaded into fighting certain factions and different playthroughs can go a lot differently.

for 10 million dead rats 100 million more rats will appear, you cant kill rats forever

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Thanks it sounds fun although upkeep was never a problem for me playing as dwarfs with all the gold mines you could get and chaos that you don't have to pay upkeep for later.