Why didn't Human Revolution have moments like this?

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It was more focused on tech conspiracies like being able to control the population through stuff like implants and microchips.

Because writing about "what it means to be human" and garbage like that is a lot easier than trying to point out why the world is getting fucked and who's doing the fucking

Moments of what? Made up "facts"? It does.

And by easier I mean "less risky financially"

I cannot describe how hard I almost sperged out at this bait

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They wanted to make a cyberpunky future game and they did that.
I don't remember much of it, watch ross's review of the series.

I wonder what's with all the sudden influx of Deus Ex threads. Maybe they were always there but I never noticed. Just playing the game for the first time. Fucking love it. Navarre is a cunt.

It tried to be a mix of every conspiracy possible. It mashed them up together without any focus or deeper meaning. For every "deep" screenshot about a plausible conspiracy or social commentary there is 100 NPC comments about completely absurd shit. But they did their research when representing random conspiracies. It wouldn't be politically correct today to make a game like this because some of the conspiracies would ring true and make people uncomfortable.

To be fair, most of the things people talk about are completely absurd. For instance, look at the amount of off-topic waifu posting, foot posts, brap posting, and autism concerning others' opinions on this board alone.

Because its shallow trash

user, the game takes place in 2050. When he says "now", he's referring to a fictional future that was still 50 years away from when the game was made. Taxes were increased to help pay of WWII? What a shock. Do you know what the corporate tax rate was prior to the war? About the same as it is today. Go back to 1900 and it's less than half what it is today. It's bullshit.

Deus Ex has always been anti-capitalist, HR just explored different areas of it.

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tfw reality turned out much much worse than dystopian fiction

chlnito eyes need to hold expansion not quality

just koreans

mankind divided had it bc you can kill her in it

Because nu-Deus Ex is shallow QTE garbage with a "humin bad, robit good" story for retards.

This. There's some thought provoking stuff for sure, but it's mixed with obviously absurd shit like pic related.

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I love this, fuck you

I love how Invisible War turned this around on its head - people that don't like IW but like HR are faggots.

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Is IW worth a playthrough on PC? I played it a long time ago on xbox but don't remember that much.

>HR and MD both have toggle aim/crouch set by default and cannot be set to hold
>never see people decrying them for being shite garbage console ports


Gameplay is meh but it's worth it for the story. It's a much more reasonable exploration of the problems of governance and how there is no easy solution and technology doesn't really change that. Kind of shits on religion though.

Literally listen to chink barman you misseducated faggot.

I did
Still less painful consolitis than one in Invisible War.