I'll never understand this mentality. Nothing beats the feeling of owning a physical copy of Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence, putting the disc in my PS2 slim and playing with an official PS2 controller. And for what? A couple dollars, next to nothing. PS2 sets you back $30, 99% of the good games range from $5-$15 and if you're not a degenerate hoarder you're only gonna need to blow $10-20 a month on games to keep you occupied. After a year you have a nice collection on your shelf, complete with manuals and maps and all that cool shit they used to give you with games. For what your fat ass spends on fast food every week you could have all that.

If you've got 0 money, fine emulate, but if you can afford to have a physical collection and because of some pigheaded penny pinching mentality you don't...then you're robbing yourself. Keep your widescreen hacks and your upscaling, none of it beats the experience of a physical console, controller and collection with actual tangible worth. It's such a negligible cost/reward situation I can't help but think emulator only fags are the biggest miserly autists on the planet.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Lmao cuck.

Fuck collections, it's all about time. Nobody but NEETS wants to waste it looking for games physically/waiting for it to ship.

You know you have to be 18 to post here, right?

Go to watch chinese cartoons, cuck.


>Nobody but NEETS wants to waste it looking for games physically/waiting for it to ship.
You're not a NEET?


Buy multiplayer games. Pirate single player games. Simple as

I'm watching them right now. I'm not poor so I can afford a TV and a HDMI cable to play anime on my tv while I shitpost.

The mods should add a special report reason for anyone who posts with a Miss Kobashi's Dragon Maid image. They're nothing but awful shitposts.


kill yourself immediately, faggot. why don't you want to support simgle-player games?

Been saying since the new report system that they should add a stealth thread option. Not just for seasonal Yea Forums shite, but /pol/shite, news shite, the kind of porn shite that stays till bump limit since it had "video games" in the OP

Probably wouldn't do anything for Yea Forums specifically since mods don't give a shit but it'd make me feel better at least

'ate single player games

they should add a special report reason for you when you show your face in real life lmao, get dabbed on nerd

>Playing old games in 480p/30fps instead of 4k/60fps with advanced post-processing filters
ROFL console peasants.

100% agree with op. ps2 emunegroids will NEVER get pressure sensitivity.

I know this feeling except it's the feeling I get when I see my game has fully pre-loaded. I gave up physcuckery years ago, I've actually sold and rebought all my games digitally and it feels amazing. I could never understand pirating or emulating games rather than supporting the devs and getting a constantly updated, stable product.

>goyim spend money when you don't need to
>do it for the collections

In the last year I completed 25 full games and played but didn't complete about another 6-7 more.

At current prices, that could've cost me as much as 1920 dollars. Even if you work, have savings, etc., this is a lot of money for a hobby, especially when you add on top of that console and PC costs. A reasonable person saves money where they can, by pirating and by emulating. The people who buy everything 'cos it just works' are usually covering up how they, like women, go shopping to make themselves feel better.

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ya good luck hooking up a PS2 to a modern TV and having it look even close to acceptable faggot

i have a huge collection of old games and i never touch them
when i want to play them, i use emulators

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>digitalfags can't sell their games
>they also don't really own their games
Maybe don't use a word that so obviously applies to yourself

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use a CRT, goddamn mongoloid

>this is a lot of money for a hobby
...no it isnt.

>CRT in 2019
>sub 1440p in 2019
>dat interference in 2019

based as hell

My problem with physical is that it can only work if you play nice with the DRM. You have to use THEIR hardware the way THEY say it. It's just as bad as a digital game tied to third party software. A digital game without any filthy DRM in it is superior to both.

even if you hook up ps2 on 4k telly its not gonna alter the 489p analog signal

Enjoy committing suicide once your parents die. Please, make sure to stream it.

but you know what will?


I own a few modded systems since actually getting legit disks is annoying when a flash cart or hardmod lets me run anything i want from my 5+TB collection.
Emulating is very convenient though, I'll say that.

I have a ps2 with SCART out into a CRT and just wish I could care about ps2 games again

while breaking stuff on the sidelines.

breaking what stuff?

I hate selling games. Never once sold a game I didn't regret selling afterwards. If the PC master race has been just fine buying every single game digitally for well over a decade, I see no reason why the console experience isn't remarkably better once you go digital. A physical game is literally just a license key, nothing more or less than that. If they don't want you to play that game, you won't be able to. And it's a particularly poor one considering you need to update the game as soon as you (lol) put it in the disc tray. That's another thing, I vastly prefer just loading the fucking game and being able to switch titles instantly while sitting on my ass. The act of ejecting a disc, grabbing it, putting it in a case, then grabbing another case, pulling out that disc and then inserting it into the disc drive, is so last decade compared to just pressing the center button, selecting the game and watching it load rapidly direct from the HDD. I still have PT working on my PS4.

>A digital game without any filthy DRM in it is superior to both.

See, this guy is a rational and reasonable human being who can make sense of things.

These. Also: loading times, PS2 controller vs anything you like, patches/translations, storage space, etc. OP is a physicuck.

Are you sure that's not working yet? I only remember MGS2 using it anyway, and even on PS2 it was a gimicky, over-sensitive feature.

If the PS2 wasn't built with a shitty lid sensor you'd have a point. My slim stopped working because the stupid lid sensors fucked up with regular use. A terrible design flaw that prevents me from buying another one. Fuck that when I saw more people had the same issue. I either emulate them or play PS2 games on my hacked PS4.

flickering or downright missing visuals, spirite edges not being aligned, stretched muddy low rea UI etc. you know the usual hw renderer stuff.

>the casual can only fathom PC and emulation master races as being full of problems that don't actually exist
>sour grapes

this attitude is killing the industry

Most of note worthy games got remaster/port on PC or prev/current gen consoles.
MGS3 is more faithful to original visuals on RPCS3 than it is on PCSX2 piece of shit of emulator.

>Nothing beats the feeling of owning a physical copy of Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence, putting the disc in my PS2 slim and playing with an official PS2 controller.

*your controller breaks*
*laser dies in your ps2*
*disc gets affected by rot*

what are you gonna do now, physicalcuck?

>Are you sure that's not working yet?
even if it is working they need to buy a ps3 controller to utilize it. or ps2 controller but I'm not sure if those ps2 to usb adaptors transit pressure sensitivity.

>Ps2 breaks down
>copy of Metal Gear Solid is useless

>Ps2 disk gets scratched over time
>your game is now a paper weight

See the problem here OP? What's so fun about emulation is that the data can always be transferred without any hassle.

>usb is getting old
>transfer contents to new USB before anything happens (usually have a primary USB and a backup just incase)
>data gets transferred losslessly

Imagine if humans were like that. When our body got old and frail, we could just take our brain and put it in a new body, and for the sake of the analogy, there are no complications or issues with the process.

>When our body got old and frail, we could just take our brain and put it in a new body

that's what having sex is for

I have both a pc capable of emulating up to ps3 and a ps2 hooked to a crt. but enjoy your broken visuals I guess.

Yeah, it is, especially if you can easily avoid spending it and get the same/better experience.

Fine for you. But you don't have to understand opinions and preferences, retard.

>the data can always be transferred without any hassle

not technically true everytime a copy is made that copy has a chance to be slightly less perfect and over time copies will become more and more corrupt till they are unusable of course in the time this happens millons of years will have passed so we will all be dead

>Nothing beats the feeling of putting a disc in a disc tray
What a sad life you must live if that is the height of your existence.

>actually being a physical body cuck
>not digitizing yourself to become immortal data

I can't imagine what it feels like not being able to play a given game that piqued your interest simply because it's not on ebay or it goes for too much
Having to hope for badly put together retro collections or some HD remaster, not realizing the original is at your fingertips for free
Buying a given system yet not necessarily having access to its entire catalog

>Nothing beats the feeling of owning a physical copy of Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence, putting the disc in my PS2 slim and playing with an official PS2 controller.

Before I built I PC I played on consoles exclusively and I never got any sort of autistic pleasure from simply putting a game in my machine. Certainly not enough to trump the experience of not having set the bloody thing up every time I feel like playing burnout or whatever.

>After a year you have a nice collection on your shelf, complete with manuals and maps and all that cool shit they used to give you with games.

I have enough tat as it is, why do I want more clutter in my home? Even without all the advantages emulation brings over vanilla just being able to save space by having everything digital is a huge advantage.

Have fun playing your PS2 collection after your discs eventually rot away and never work again.

I'll take minor emulation errors over dying lasers any day. That fear when a loading screen or battle transition takes too long, and you know you haven't saved in a while is something I can do without

And I know you can have softmodded fat PS2s running off a hdd, completely circumventing laser faggotry, but that's hassle

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if I can't hold something in my hands it is not worth spending money on
you lose the value and attachment you have to your games when they don't actually exist

yikes, this post flopped

cunt i've got 90s pc games that still work fine
disc rot exists but its rep is a fucking meme

$2000 a year for a hobby isn't actually all that expensive. I'm not even all that rich. People spend more than that on booze and drugs in a year easily. I'm not saying don't pirate, but if you're thinking $1920 for a year's worth of entertainment for something you like is "a lot", I'm certainly saying you're silly.

>gamecube doesn't read discs anymore

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dolphin reads isos

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I don't have a pc

i want a real answer to this

why support shareholders who don't even play games? because that's who you are supporting when you buy the majority of games. they're the ones who tell publishers to tell devs to dumb everything down and make is accessible to everyone because this is the only way to get max profits

There is literally no reason to use a gamecube over a modded wii with external HDD
Wii are probably cheaper than gamecubes even

so why dont you buy shares with all that money you save by pirating?

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Tsk tsk, Yang2020 nigga. UBI will Make American NEET Again!

Broken visuals are not the norm, and you have other options (different system emulators) in those cases.

You're understating the comparatively massive advantage of 4k, 60fps, gfx effects and filters, no loading times, storage space/availability, any hardware/inputs/outputs, patches/cheats, etc you want.

I use my wii now, but it's seen it's better days too and the SD card with all my mod files on it got corrupted so I'd have to do it all over again and I really don't want to

Because shareholders are investors, their job is to be good at investing, not to understand all the stuff they invest in.

Business is a medium itself, respect it, even if sometimes it's at odds with your hobby (on the whole the opposite is true).

It doesn't feel like anything because I'm a grown adult who can cope with not getting something I want.

But games are turned to shit because they demand them to be for everyone. They need people who don't play games or a specific genre to buy it for profits.

why should they cater to a niche that mostly pirates games now?

>games are turned to shit
Not everyone agrees. Usually this attitude is just people associating nostalgia for their childhood with the misguided idea that the games themselves were better then.

So you agree with pirating because they don't cater to the niche that does? Sounds good.

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Hi Redner Group shills.

>Buy shitty microtransaction multiplayer focused Skinner's box games
>Pirate good single-player
Holy shit can a man be more retarded

pirating what? games that you loathe but still pirate and play them?

>paying collector retard prices for a shelf of plastic cases
Kill yourself. If you have money, you buy flashcarts, a nice CRT, and enjoy some lightgun games. Only a retard buys fucking games, especially ones that would be considered abandonware.

>not technically true everytime a copy is made that copy has a chance to be slightly less perfect
A digital copy is a perfect copy. If there's even the slightest difference due to hardware corruption in the disk drive it would just fail the MD5 hash check and wouldn't spread further.

this is why hitman reboot had online single player.

I want access not fetish idols.

Why was Tohru so underrated in her own show?

In what way? Show focused on her a lot. Fans liked her. The other dragons just had their own traits people liked as well, so no overwhelming love for her. Is that what you mean? If so, then it's just because the characterization of the other characters is just that good.


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>Nothing beats the feeling of
Except actually playing games. I literally do not give a fuck about the experience of receiving the game or the fact of ownership, even if it involves hunting down separate patches to fix bugs because you pirated it. I do that a lot. I have the time.
But I don't mind. I actually have fun playing vidya. I don't need your imaginary "feel" of authenticity, especially if it's an objectively inferior way of playing.

I dropped physical the instant digital became faster, because I don't give a damn about sentimentality.

nice try sony.

I agree OP, piracy is for my personal enjoyment, everyone else needs to support the industry to give me more free games.
>Physical collection
>Contains digital code
>Requires massive download anyway
>On-disc DLC

report for off topic

OP you just suffer from what is commonly referred to as mental retardation. Emulating a game such as MGS3 is the way to go.

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>the characterization of the other characters is just that good
They didn't really have any besides Kanna though. The real answer is that /ss/ and loli fans are louder than people who prefer balanced girls like Tohru.

But MGS3 runs like fucking trash on the PS2. 512x448 interlaced resolution and ~20fps average framerate. Why would I want to play the "authentic" way if it's an objectively worse experience?

emulating the ps3 collection like someone said above, sure. emulating ps2 version is just embarrassing.

isnt tohru yuri bait herself? didnt watch the show for more than maybe 5 eps but thats the impression I got.

No matter how much you collect it will never be enough.

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It's not bait when she flat out wants to fuck.

>Harmony dragon turned into an officer worker because of her love of sweets, trying to balance studying the world she's in to see if Tohru can harm it while also trying to get Tohru to go back home
>Magician boy who tries summoning a demon accidentally summons a dragon formerly worshipped as a deity, doesn't want to keep her as a familiar but does so because his family feels morally obligated to care for any familiars that they summon
I could write more, but meh, they do have characterization. I guess there's more in the manga than in the anime though. Still, they are cute characters. Elma is my personal boner fuel.

I know, it's great.

It gives me something to distract myself from the meaninglessness of life.

She is also in love with Tohru.

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Literally is dtf. So is the loli.

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I wouldn't really say love, just a strong desire to be friends. She's a really lonely gal since she's socially awkward.

The quality loss is so minimal that, like you said, it would take millions of years to happen. So for the sake of viability, it'll last you a lifetime, and your kids' lifetime, and their kids' lifetime. And with the strides in computer compatibility software, we may not need to rely on microsoft for windows anymore. Thanks to Wine and linux becoming ever more useful by the way. Infact (and don't quote me on this) I do believe that wine has better compatibility with older windows products than even windows itself.

lmao just use opl. it's easy as fuck to install.

Linux will always be a meme.

No one wants an operating system where you have to install every basic software component yourself. It's the autist platform for the mentally ill.

trash taste, paypig

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t. has never used linux

well yeah, that's my point. Nobody does.

>Thanks to Wine and linux becoming ever more useful

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imagine being proud of your own ignorance

Booze and drugs aren't hobbies, they're dependencies. But either way you want to classify it, if you can get something for free and you instead choose to spend large amounts of money (yes, 2000-3000/year is a lot of money especially considering how that could be invested alternatively), that has to be taken into account when considering the value you're getting. Constantly overpaying for something is a bad financial decision, whichever way you slice it.


She could already be friends, but she wants to go further and monopolize her.

>99% of the good games range from $5-$15
Not the stuff I care about. And that's not even considering the dream of arcade stuff, but that involves dropping $2000 on a single PCB.
So emulation it is. also recently got an EverDrive for my NES too and it's pretty great. At least I'm playing on real hardware and staring at a shitty CRT.

>File deleted
The hell was wrong with using a Dragon Maid picture for the OP?

imagine using fucking Linux

Dragons are too lewd for Yea Forums. Only off topic thread starters allowed are those consisting of sissy boys.

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like you are? android is an variation of linux.

It was only posted as a beacon for Yea Forums crossposting shitters, should have deleted the entire thread to be honest

Get a cheap laptop then. Dolphin runs surprisingly well even on integrated graphics assuming you want to play games as the same resolution as the gamecube puts out aka 480p I wrote a guide awhile back about numerous games that can be played on my old notebook and the majority of games I had ran smoothly

>should have deleted the entire thread to be honest
>Most of the discussion is regarding buying vs. pirating & emulating
>Some side discussion on the show
I'll only agree with you if you think ALL OP pictures should be vidya related. So no Pepe, no Wojaks, no non-gaming comics, no Twitter caps, etc. If you think those should go as well, sure, no problem. That's not the case though, and instead this one random picture was deleted. It's just a really weird bias on the mod/janitors parts.

why would I do that when I could just play them on my wii
I don't like playing games on computers or emulating anyway

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You sound like one of those cunts that reads books just drone on about them when the movie or show is relevant. No one is going to argue with you, but you completely missed the point that they’re supposed to be different.

Just plug in a gamecube controller into it.

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It absolutely is. Based on your post I can tell you're not very financially educated. Especially when you consider playing the same games at higher resolution with the same controllers and additional features. Nearly 2K of discrete spending reinvested is a lot whether in a 401k or an IRA

gamecube controllers aren't usb and you have to install drivers and configure shit
I don't think you fully understood what I meant when I said I don't like games on computers

They were wearing bikinis which is haram.

That's because the only good mgs games are the ones with snake in it, 3 was decent, but the others being clunky grindy shit doesn't help

Literally just have to buy an adapter. It's plug and play.

pc is not plug and play man
I play vidya on machines made for vidya

>i still think pcs are the way they were in 1993
Dumb child.

>I'm not poor so I can afford a TV and a HDMI cable
fuck the rest of this gay ass thread, this is a golden god damn post. god bless you for affording an HDMI cable.

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the only computer still in my home is on windows vista so it might as well be

No it literally is mate.

>So no Pepe, no Wojaks, no non-gaming comics, no Twitter caps, etc
Well yeah, that's how it should be, at least for OPs unless entirely on-topic (e.g. vidya announcements made through twitter). Otherwise you get shitposters using other user's earnest discussion as a cloak for the off-topic shit they wanted from the beginning

go back to resetera, smoothbrain

You're the one who needs to go, can't go one thread without bringing offsite cancer here. Leave it at the door or fuck off

The PS3 version has less content and looks worse, and emulating it gives you bad performance. Not ideal at all.

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>MGS3 is more faithful to original visuals on RPCS3 than it is on PCSX2 piece of shit of emulator.
Haha good one.

The HD collection is missing bloom effects, PCSX2 is faithful to the original's visuals, the only visual bug comes from the widescreen patch and it's minor.

I'm actually 100% onboard with him thinking all OP images should be board relevant. Only anime on Yea Forums, only animal&nature related shit on /an/, etc. If that were true the boards really would be better. It's just weird how powers-at-be randomly decide to nuke some things over others. Like how Yea Forums mods blasted Monster Musume off the board for literally no reason, even when new manga chapters came out.

Why would you not want to play a game in it's best possible realization?

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So is it completely playable then? No glitches on Cemu?

I've been here longer than you've been confused about the contents of your undies.
Go thought police your own shitty dilapitated forum, faggot.

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user my PC cost me 1000$. I would rather upgrade my components for a better experience than buy the games.

>2012 shitter dickwaving with filenames
Bit sad

I've had 2 crashes between cutscenes in 20-ish hours. Self shadows have an ugly pixellation in most cases, apparently it's a bug in newer CEMU versions, I haven't been arsed to see if an older versions looks better. Otherwise I haven't encountered anything. I'm even playing the restored version with all the shit that got censored in the west.

Attached: Cemu 2019-03-12 22-48-22.jpg (2880x1205, 897K)

I think what he wants to say is we should be able to transfer our memories and experience into the next body which is not the case about sex

If you can't discuss video games because you're autistic and an image stopped you, that's on you.

Thank you for always-online in singleplayer games.

Its shit for home use but preferable for developers

Yeah, Fuck Pirates!!

Parent killing Faggots!!

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