What did this game teach you, Yea Forums?
What did this game teach you, Yea Forums?
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Excuse me /pol/tard, mental-defected people are now your reflection?
Keep my game disk clean and never lend my games out to fuck niggas.
Taught me that the first game and Spyro 2 were much better games
Ripto's Rage was better.
Spyro 3 taught me that invaders must die.
it's a wonder this game hasn't been banned.
Guess any discussion of this game is ruined now
Like the subway picture didnt help, but fuckin "anhero" mcgenocidal psychopath is the cherry on top
To put my games back into the case after changing them, my mom broke it because it was laying around.
wonder if this will be worse than Tomba 2, whatever fun game i guess
yeah, at least for a good while... I'm more concerned about whether or not Activision is going to shelve spyro because of some dumb /pol/tard
He was joking , he says those games made him that way as a joke to the question if video games inspired him to be like this. After the joke, he simply says no. Weird that he chose specifically spyro 3 though
doesn't matter that it's a joke, the fact that he said it at all is going to get the game unnecessary attention...
Even without the "no" it still sound too fucking absurd to be taken seriously.
He should have chosen something bigger and shittier, like Apex or Last of Us
that i want to fuck a bunny
people are going to still bring it up. same thing with pewdiepie. it's annoying but it's going to happen... Fortnite might be safe since the justification for that one would be "oh it's popular so he knew about it because of the internet" but Spyro is still a relatively small series despite its age, and him directly listing that is going to make some group be like "but what if it WAS responsible"
It told me to play Grand Battle on my sleep I just dream that Spyro said that and so I played Grand Battle. Thanks 4 ur time maet.
Fortnite deserves it
I'm looking forward to how the media is going to spin a story about how a Swedish man that plays video games on YouTube orchestrated a massacre.
the media has been trying to find ways to drag pewdiepie under the bus for years. this is just another piece of fuel to the fire... god all of this is stupid.
What's all this about?
some dumb /pol/tard committed a mass shooting and wrote a whole manifesto about it, that image was part of it.
Get fucked Spyrotards
Im just playing I love you dudes sorry you had to deal with Skylanders and this
Skateboarding minigames can be pretty fun if implemented correctly.
That I love platforming games just like I loved Spyro 1 and 2. Nothing more. Great games.
>Drives away
Wait, he wasn't killed by the police? The fuck.
There a navy seal pasta in there somewhere too
That's from his manifesto. I heard he survived and got taken into custody.
In Christchurch?
He gave himself up, he wants to see the consequences of his action. The police interview with him said he wanted a worldwide racewar to come out of this.
>Tomba 2
What happened?
Of course the one who does it just for the attention survives. Now he'll live it up in prison while faggot journalists and """psychologists""" put him on the spotlight. Fuck this gay earth.
He hoped the left would go full gun confiscation in the US.
Honestly, I can't tell if he's being honest about that shit, it sounds like more bullshit memespouting.
Actual answers:
Dragons are cool
That I'm a pathetic shipper at heart
That escort missions are horrible
If I have to clear rocks for those blind ass creole motherfuckers one more time...
The joy of single player games.
The pain of having to say goodbye.
I'll always have fond memories of this game.
Game of the year desu family
It showed me that Hitler kun was right
Is that you Cesar
It's funny, because in his manifesto he said he didn't do it for attention, but I kinda doubt that.
it's just that dumb GDQ moment he's referring to, it's impossible to talk about Tomba(no idea why you would anyway) without it being brought up
No shit faggot that's not the point, If some dude suddenly mentioned System Shock 2 or Dwarf Fort out of fucking nowhere in a manifesto after shooting up a school it's going to get some negative attention.
I'm also pissed at these hypocrites from 8 and 4pol covering their asses already by unironically saying some shit about "it's totally a falseflag bro, violence will only help (((their))) cause" while at the same time there's people thinking he wasn't a falseflag was was a totally basedxd guy who unironically played Initial D music.
If there is (1) good thing it's that Hiro is going to get fucked just from association.
Wasn't that shooting in Vegas October 2017 like the most devastating one in US history? Did he seriously fucking believe he was going to be the one that caused guns to be outlawed?
>He gave himself up
If this doesn't scream false flag I don't know what does.
These autists always have retard fantasies about being the spark that changes the world like they're the guy in the fucking Bane CIA scene
>Yeah dude but before we start this falseflag operation it's imperative that you namedrop Spryo,Pewdiepie, and Fortnite. It's important to the plan to silence Yea Forums once and for all...
It's funny that the one thing this alleged white nationalist didn't mention was jews
Most politically motivated terrorists give themselves up when they know they're done for because they want to admire the consequences of what they have done.
Real niggas suicide by cop, that's all I'm saying.
He bought into the whole "Israel is based" meme, and does actually talk about the Jews in his interview. He states he likes them as long as they stay in their country.
/pol/ really is fucked cucked when even their psycho shooters are Israel shills.
What's also great is that on the same day as the attack Israel killed more Muslims in Gaza with a bombing run.
What's worse, this recent happening or Skylanders?
THIS you fucking idiot
I dunno, I remember Skylanders being pretty bad
that was the best happening in a while
It's a tough one.
sure was. Dude's an S rank operator.
I thought he shot like 4-5 people at first, then he went to the corners and started double tapping bodies one by one
Spyro taught me not to trust Arabs
Oh please everyone says shit like that, he obviously wanted to be the centerpiece of a history changing event just from all the self-fellation in his manifesto.
PDP is unironically cringe and got hilariously clowned on hard with this and /pol/ is autistic as fuck for sucking this guy's dick for the last few years because he developed edgier humor with the heightening political climate because screaming at horror games funbux wasn't cutting it anymore. These Yea Forums fans have the same standing as the literal redditors who buy into that indian music channel vs PDP shit.
It made Trump ban bump stocks I think
Yeah, no hesitation whatsoever. Someone showed it to a marine and he said "he'd done this before"
there's something shifty about the whole thing. Could be a psyop for all we know.
Probably the event that left innocents dead you retard
I'm on the fence for this one. The manifesto claims he's not a CIAnigger or a mossad agent but seeing this came literally hours after Israel bombs Gaza yet again plus the twitter account just being made last month made me think.
Then again, the twitter could be a throwaway account too.
I don' feel empathy for the other, mate, sorry.
Mass importation of mudslimes to the west will lead to genocides. It's either whites or them.
Imagine being this fucking stupid. /pol/ unironically celebrates when this shit happens and you honestly think there aren't people on this site that would do it. Kill yourself before you shoot up a school.
When has a shooting NEVER been shifty to the autists on Yea Forums?
>sandnigger invaders
pick one
>to beat terrorrists we have to be terrorists
>the double digit IQ of /pol/
Epic my fellow /pol/bros when shall another event of such completely redpilled proportions occur
the guy has no association with us.
I literally stumbled on the video on Yea Forums last night.
He definitively has prior experience with this, he was way too calm and collected for the average reactionary lunatic.
Most /pol/acks are kids who would have shit themselves.
This guy was planning this for a while.
literally yes. its clear that voting isnt gonna get us anywhere
>b-but if you kill your enemies, they win!
Agent 9 is my favorite character. He is a fucking monkey and has a gun, just like whites.
Seem kinda defensive there. Sure there are people on this site who would do a shooting but they sure as hell wouldn't get 49 kills.
It's comical how /pol/ hates niggers, but can't help but act like them. Glorifying trashy criminals, killing random people, and being unemployed wastes. Drink bleach you fucking parasite.
>people who never go outside pretending they understand socio-political impact of events like this
I didn't say anything about right now. But if the importation of browns continues there will be civil wars and purges in the future, in a few decades maybe. Right now strict border policies could still save some western european countries but this won't happen especially because women vote.
Was wondering why so many threads of this game were popping up suddenly.
So now I guess we wont be able to discuss it unironically anymore all because of that mass shooter now.
>Normal people
>Talk shit get hit
>It'll make them angrier and more likely to run over shit later. Like women, human decency and not pointing towards mecca
If you're claiming you've ever seriously discussed a game on Yea Forums you're a bigger criminal than the shooter.
>we dindu nuffin
>da joos are the ones holding us down
Well before it was either subway shit or Soul vs Soulless trash anyway. This shitty site would rather talk about memes.
He specifically wrote in his manifesto that he wasnt going to suicide by cop and was going to let himself get arrested so he can become a burden on the system or whatever that means.
Wait, skylanders had casualties?
You forgot how nothing is ever their fault either. It's all The Man keeping them down. /pol/niggers.
holy shit
Sounds like how Yea Forums talks about /pol/
I wish. we have a long way till we are acting like niggers
btw if you're white, stop sucking up to shitskins who couldnt give a fuck about people of your race being killed, dumb cuckold
Thanks for proving my point, fucking children
The Spyro series.
stop being a monkey
Glad you admit you want to be a fucking nigger, /pol/tard. Truly high aspirations for the white race. I'd be a fool not to follow you.
Considering the amount of mass shooters and general subhuman trash that ends up being /pol/tards, I wouldn't be surprised if they were more dangerous per capita than the Blacks, and by a serious margin.
Slavery was a problem America created for itself. Blame yourselves before crying about invasion. You could probably make a case for stealing Texas from Mexico too but that's more about greedy shopowners taking advantage of poor people.
I hope more Euros take note and follow suit tbqh.
That music, if done exceedingly well, truly makes the experience.
Yeah they also try to subvert local board culture and invite "friends" from reddit to dominate population wise
Sound familiar?
fringe whitoids are a drop in the bucket compared to nogs.
I dunno man, Skylanders killed a fuckload of characters...
And it's all just a conspiracy theory because you can't take responsibility for your own actions.
holy fucking shit dude, stop living in 2015
report /pol/fags
gas /pol/fags
shoot /pol/fags
tell /pol/fags to go back
>hear about the shooting
>hear about manifesto
>watch video
>didn't hear about Spyro 3 being on the manifesto
>play the remastered version of Spyro 3 because they got rid of that vomit inducing motion blur
>now hearing about this
The feds won't take this seriously enough to put me on a watch list b-bros?
lmao, you child, go back to retardera
Reminder you brought blacks to your country
I'm not talking about whites, smoothbrain, I'm talking about /pol/tards.
>There a navy seal pasta in there somewhere too
God bless Australian media.
Blacks are caught more often. News at 11.
Will Spyro Remastered be affected by this? Never played a Spyro game, I'm a little scared
first day here?
I know reading is your strong suit but you should learn to read nigger.
Skylanders made me dead inside.
he's white dude. white people don't get killed by the police when they go on mass murder sprees. its only niggers
Gee, maybe it's because they're not actually /pol/ then, retard. Literally use any ounce of critical thought you can muster up right now
This is the special kind of nut that puts pol to shame. The one that buys a hundred copies of The Turner Diaries and gives out hand grenades to his family every christmas in case of social upheaval.
Fuck off. This board has been in eternal 2016 mode because /pol/ took it upon themselves to be a propaganda arm. Once a month they choose a random fucking thing to meme into being "white" to dab on the libs and telling all their pals from the wannabe 4channers on reddit to help them spam it.
It's called fighting fire with fire.
They are already doing it, user.
One of these disgusting piece of shit journalists is literally comparing dead people to his fucking twitter mentions. How fucking mentally deranged do you have to be to joke about this.
Grow up incel.
YotD was my favorite of the original trilogy. Fight me.
This is Yea Forums, no truth allowed. Only newspeak.
Yeah I guess the site as a whole just happened to get a lot more redditors around 2016
I won't. It was good. Fixed a lot of 2's problems
Right, completely mentally fucked white boys shooting up a place and killing on average like 10 people once every 5 months is comparable to niggers shooting eachother daily and stacking up kill counts in the hundreds every year for their city alone.
Mostly to eachother. There's a big difference.
t. the board that's more /r9k/ than Yea Forums
Good question... Can't say for sure
I swear allegiance to Pewds, the immortal Leader of our Race.
I'm talking about how YOU have never had sex.
Unfortunately for your non-argument that's not true. I'm sure you won't believe me though since it's just an basedboy tier post.
Don't the autists at /pol/ get triggered when instagram thots call them incels and default though?
how is this thread still up?
Only one person is getting triggered by being called an incel.
And only one person is triggered at being called out for being Yea Forums mudslime equivalents
Fuck off /pol/tard
Thanks I wrote it
Because I allow it.
kill youself
life yourself
it means he has good taste.
>allow yourself to become an alt-right meme
>some loon shouts your out before he kills innocent people
Test. Posting should be disabled.
How the fuck does a memer become a mass shooter?
Same way /r9k/ turns memers into sad doomers with constant blog threads about how shit their lives are
is the spyro trilogy actually worth playing through
Sorry user but you failed.
Thanks to that edgy faggot it's gonna be impossible to discuss about this game.
Like it was possible to discuss games in the first place
It is possible.
can you please be quiet
nah, it has to be skylanders.
It taught me that a game developed in under a year can actually be really fucking amazing in the hands of the right studio.
I wish i could feel something. But all the terrorist attacks done by muslims over the years has made me numb to another terrorist attack. Diversity + proximity = conflict. Whites will chimp out and kill muslims, muslims will chimp out and kill whites. All while israel secretly gets billions of dollars in the shadows and expands their shitty wasteland of a country
I havent kept up with the story but seems fake
people die everyday. deal with it.
The trolleys were in 2 though
This. It's just part and parcel of living in a major city now.
Some are blaming that girl who died in the Stockholm truck of peace attack too. He did mention her in his manifesto.
Kill yourself.
How pray tell is Isreal getting money from falseflag attacks? Especially when most lefties side with the dindunuthin palestines?
Along with many other games of the time, that the Playstation/N64 era was the beginning of the end for gaming because of style-over-substance crap games that treat gameplay and controls as an afterthought.
Look either you can drop the attitude RIGHT NOW or I will take matters into my own hands. DONT TICK ME OFF
>tfw this part will be taken out of context despite him literally saying it was satire
>right after spyro finally comes back the series is getting permanently shelved due to controversy
least i have dmc back
umm back the fuck off?
It's gonna have to be Skylanders for me, bud.
>That one guy who killed his father, and quoted one of Jim's videos in court as a defense
I would really prefer if you'd be quiet, guy I don't know
>gas gas gas
FUCK OFF, seriously can he fucking not associate Initial D with this shit.
I dont think user meant that. Its like this is chumps game while big business is happening overhead.
Kill yourself.
It's pretty much Spyro 2 but worse and more bad mini games.
Yes. Tho Spyro 3 is buggy but they patched out the game breaking ones.
Glad you enjoyed it.
*grabs you by your throat*
I told you to watch your tongue
*effortlessly throws you across the room*
Spyro 2's minigames were way less fun than 3's
>Cutting off the 'no' at the end.
Worst Spyro. Collectathon + dynamic difficulty makes it boring
poor dog
Also now people are going to have an even worse stigma against this place most likely, even though this shit started on 8ch.
The fire rises.
They expect one of us in the wreckage brother.
Taught me to protect my dragon race against disgusting rinoc invaders
Yeah that's the one.
That Americans got the lame cover art.
>Tomba(no idea why you would anyway)
>No idea why you'd talk about the single best PS1 game
/pol/tards are no better than the terrorists when they condone this and cheer it on
Was getting offended part of your master plan?
What did he mean by this?
Sure the skateboarding was wicked, but we also had to endure a lot of really bad minigames.
for what purpose tho? what do you gain?
How can one game be this based?
Being this stupid.
That one was awesome
Tomba 1 and 2 were really fun platformers though. If you like platformers then you'll like Tomba.
Dude I love bagels
It's all part and parcel of living in a multicultural society user.
Bubba's nice, but I love Magnus.
/pol/tards are also not white
Call of duty: mosque warfare
I hope you're all praying for the white Christian males who will be getting unwarranted backlash from this. Not all Westerners act this way!
Why is this the line I've seen /pol/ spit over and over again over this? You're acting like if I'm not with you I'm with the other side. Both /pol/ and that Mayor are retarded. As are resetera trannies for that matter
It taught me that shoehorning in a shitton of minigames and playable characters doesn't instantly make a game better.
Spyro 2 had the same problem, but to a lesser extent.
This is why Spyro 1 is the best Spyro platformer. No minigames or multiple characters bullshit, it's just you and excellent and memorable levels. The only bad thing in the game are the bosses, because you're mostly chasing them throughout their stages.
I'm so stressed out bros I can't stop eating.
But Khan was right. Like it or not, this is the way the world works now.
Sounds like the same exact problems Sly 3 had, weird.
It doesn't have to be. Join a small town community in rural America.
This. The Trump memes were bad enough.
Imagine forcing a whole bunch of people with no common relation to one another to live in the same house. Sure there will be a few fights now and then, a few spats and shankings, but it's all part of finding a new equilibrium. It's the growing pains of a multicultural life.
In the end it'll all be worth it for the noble cause of having a whole bunch of misplaced people living in the same house that none of them really own except the banks.
Then why is Canada, one of the most multicultural nations on earth, so peaceful and relatively nonviolent then? Pro tip: It's because we're not spergs who get indoctrinated by /pol/ propaganda.
Also, what's your favorite Spyro 3 level Yea Forums? Icy Peak for me.
>Andrew todd
100% cuck
the one with the ASMR birds. the remake butcherd them sadly.
Canada is a fucking shithole and full of cucks who suck invader cock like the treasonous parasites they are.