Beautiful concept art, awful ingame model
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Dark Souls the thread
I agree with you about the maggot creatures, but the big cathedral knights were intimidating as fuck
2 being the worst offender
Not with that awful clipping and flopping on the mail
Literally every game ever.
Original idea > execution. Always.
I'd love to see a "Game of Thrones"-style tv show or novel of dark souls that does nothing but tackle the political climate of the various nations in the "real" world
etc etc
I fucking love FromSoft art
Vanillaware is pretty consistent
>A game with no story somehow getting a TV show
Hell if Mario could I’m sure this could too
Not so fast
The MGS games don't look like incomprehensible ink scribble
This is the most pleb post I've seen in my 14 years of Yea Forums.
Well, VW staff is like 90% artists, so they just animate their concept art pieces.
And then they make you see it over and over and over and over by making you replay the same scenario +90 times regardless of which of their games you play!
Gosh, that sounds really fucking stupid, boring, and completely pointless.
>Perhaps the most telling is found in the back pages of Dark Souls: Design Works, amid images of freakish beasts and ancient armour. In it, one of the handful of art designers of the game, Masanori Waragai, tells how he brought a design for the game’s undead dragon to Miyazaki. Looking at the sketch of a disgusting beast, swarming with maggots, Miyazaki chastised Waragai for relying on gross-out imagery: “Can’t you instead try to convey the deep sorrow of a magnificent beast doomed to a slow and possibly endless descent into ruin?”
what happened to Miyazaki's way of thinking in DaS3?
I don't see any majestic dragons in the OP pic.
Miyazaki worked on
Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Sekiro, in this order
what about Demon's?
>"""""""realism""""""" and """""""believability"""""""
That unused design at the bottom is kino.
I would wear that outfit.
What about it?
I've got my fair share of complaints about Metal Gear but you're a huge faggot if you're implying the art has no artistic merit.
It is in the game
If that was the intent then he horribly failed since the undead dragon is just ugly
nevermind it looks nothing like that
Oh? I don't remember seeing an enemy exactly like that.
her nose looks like it has gangrene
Sorry dude I dun goofed. I thought it was the priest dudes with huge axes/halberds but not only they look different they don't drop their sets
>A giant fucking lizard with wings
>"A magnificent beast"
I'll never get this meme that plagues Fantasy
Tell me this is not a magnificent beast
man they somehow made the darkwraith armor look worse
yeah, you have to HAVE fantasy to GET fantasy.
It's an ugly Digimon
clipping's really a limitation of the medium as a whole compared to a drawn picture
Holy shit
Man you what.
stubby legs
>No you don't get it this giant drooling snake is a magnificent and noble beast!
Remember when dragons were satanic beasts instead of scaly bait?
Wow it actually does look like a digimon
For some reason now the hair on the armour is matted with dung
>for some reason
They are in a swamp full of dung
And why is only the hair dirty instead of the entire armour
Either way even if it was clean it would suck, they changed it from a normal hood to hair
>And why is only the hair dirty instead of the entire armour
Time is convoluted
The flow of dung is convoluted in Lordran
if only you faggots knew how hard we were all freaking out at Dota 2's concept art when we weren't even sure the game was happening
getting upgraded from 2003 to 2012 in one fell swoop was amazing
gonna leave it at that, there's tons more out there though
This one hurts. Though the design used in the game is still 2D, anyways.
And then they fired basically all the old artists who joined Riot instead
That's fine. Better than what would have happened if Blizzard's legal shenanigans actually got taken seriously.
Imagine a world where Dota 2 by Valve never happened, Blizzard owned the name instead and put out a $60 Heroes of the Storm that would rightfully die within a year, and the Dota playerbase to this day was split between Dota 1 and fucking HoN.
I literally sigh in relief almost daily that things turned out the way they did. We were so close to this game getting cucked in its crib.
Should be Spyro Reignited thread
Dota has amazing fucking artists
Are those supposed to look good?
Looks like the most generic fantasy trash
post something good
>cries over ASSFAGGOTS
How sad is this board now
Wouldn't you rather... fight and kill shit?
t. 500000 hours roleplaying a faggot in new vegas
Anything else in this thread
you okay my dude
That looks a thousand times better than the dota garbage.
Fun fact: concept art of Grand Battle can has been dated as far as 250 years ago!!
>if I put more spikes and glowy parts and details it makes it better and more original right?!
that's like every game ever. concept art is always nice
they're barely differentiated, sounds like you just have a hateboner for the genre. which is fine, not everyone can mentally handle the competition (or even presence) of other people in their gaming.
>well thought armor that could as well be real while still looking unique and valuable
>generic fantasy muh spikes and 5cm thick weapons with random details that make no sense
I'm sorry if you're retarded and can't tell the difference between good and bad.
>This was wasted on an ASSFAGGOTS game
>>well thought armor that could as well be real
>When it has a fucking superhero cape
Oh yeah, you're right. The cape make the armor unrealistic and impossible to wear.
In total war Warhammer concept art is usually ugly while the models are godly
Sorry your generic Yea Forumsirgin taste prevents you from recognizing good art just because it's from a game you're butthurt about
Better that than another 20-hour matthewmatosis-bait piece of shit adventure game
No not really, having sex with a table is a better experience than playing mobas
They should be categorised as a mental illness like gambling
Sorry I don't play western garbage so I don't even know what game is that.
You could also wear the shit armour you'd find on league of legends, doesn't mean it's actually practical or would be found on a battlefield
Spoken like a true solo-pussy, have fun hiding in your escapist trash while real games flourish
Good thing I'm talking about dark souls you fucking spic
You literally couldn't. It's impossible to move on them and the weapons are so thick they would just bounce sideways.
Shit western design that doesn't understand a concept and just draws random stuff without looking at the source.
Dark Souls is a japanese game you retard. Blizzdrones are absolutely hopeless.
Chainmail isn't rigid, you dumb fuck.
>Dying fad replaced by battle royale
>Have fun playing real games while I play my Korean cancer
>Dark Souls is a japanese game you retard. Blizzdrones are absolutely hopeless.
Yes, which is why I'm telling him it doesn't matter that he doesn't play western shit
You're actually flat-out illiterate, never reply to me again
It also isn't as light as silk to flop all over the place with the slightest movement.
>ASSFAGGOTS aren't hunted on sight
I cry at the state of this board
You don't play real games. You play the faggot manchild version of watching a movie and/or reading a create-your-own-adventure book.
very cute
Wtf is wrong with her nose
Go read the reply chain again you dumb faggot.
dark souls 1 had some genuinely beautiful in-game models
Strange that some of the items had such an insane level of detail that would never have been seen had it not come to PC later on
>Movies have combat systems
I guess the blame's on me, can't expect to have a normal conversation with a mentally ill Korean
>love the look of cathedral knight chestplate
>it fits my build perfectly
>the fucking retarded chainmail dangles coming off the elbow clip around, flop all over the place, and get twisted while the model glitches through itself
She's got the Tumblr
Not really, Demon's Souls, DS1, DS3 and BB all have beautiful in-game models. It's DS2 where everything looks like shit in-game.
It looks so bad in game it's almost a crime. Specially because it's behind an insane grind wall hat will inflate your soul memory to the point you'll find nothing but japs to play with.
There's probably a mod for it or something
Shinkawas art is possibly the best concept art in game history
Combat against a predictable AI is fucking meaningless. Even the gutter ranks of any esport game are harder to play than whatever trash you're autistically grinding at on infinite restarts.
Go ahead and dislike the gameplay of assfaggots but go to bed realizing there are filipino street-urchins who are dealing with monumentally more intensive mechanical/strategic demands than anything you're playing.
>dark souls 3
Banned second 1
Why did everything in ds2 look like it was made of plastic?
He didn't make DS3? Tanimura did, the guy who tried to salvage DS2 after Shibuya ruined it.
Miyazaki only helped directing the creation of 3 areas in DS3, everything else was Tanimura.
Yes I'm sure playing against lobotomized Russians is a much more engaging experience
Some day you will grow out of it, we all did, in the meanwhile I pray for your sorry soul
It looks bad in the art too, because it's a fucking jousting helmet on an infantry soldier.
Don't talk shit about the Kermit armour
That's literally the best part. Frogmouths are so aesthetic I don't even care.
Lapp's set is the best set in the series
If you disagree you're a nigger
I fucking love helmet like this, it's so menacing and alien
>soul characters
>needing to see
Beastly idiot
I would agree if the gardbrace was properly animated. You two hand your weapon and your arm goes straight through it, absolutely painful. I mismatch it with Ruin Set to fix that. Looks great.
God I fucking hate DS2. Everything about it screams "not-Souls".
DS3 armour sets are all terribly animated
Hell Smough's armour breathes with the character
what the fug
half of these look like they could be out of the first game or demons souls
DaS3 is completely fine
Jesus fucking christ. Why is half of Dark Souls 3 just unused Bloodborne assets?!
Based user calling out the rearranged birdshit for what it is.
That's generous
Feels like they were making a bunch of different ARPGs and glued them together at the last minute.
If there's any justice in this world the one responsible for this is dead
Drakeblood looks good in-game though.
nice plastic armor, user
Thats not concept art, thats artwork
The clipping in DaS3 is unreal.
i blamde ds2 for fucking up. They went full safety pussy mode and reuse as much shit as possible in ds3 because they were afraid of fucking up like ds2 again
You could say that about a lot of armors in DaS2, but Drakeblood consistently looks good, even in your pic with the flattest and most washed out lightning in the game.
looks nothing like plastic
user it doesn't even look 10% as good as the concept art. It's all chunky and weird.
DS2 would have been 10 times better if they just reused the animations and models from DS1
they decided to make everything from scratch and just made it all worse
would have saved time and money, and made a much better game by reusing assets
'tis the concept art thread?
Just came in here to say that this is some fantastic enemy design and that this timeline may be ok after all
DS2 would be fine if Namco didn't put its stinky fingers on it and made the development a living hell.
>It's all chunky and weird.
Maybe if you make some fatass, but otherwise it probably one of the best sets in the series. It even looks better in 2 than it does in 3 because it doesn't clip as much and isn't all washed out.
>rags resemble bug wings
they look more like some high fashion sweaters that cost 5000 bux
I want the people who think sidecuts are aesthetic in any way shape of form to be gased.
ì like the designs
Imagine being an artist making beautiful concept and then some outsourced hack 3D modeler fucks up your idea
and I want you to suck my dick
*sucks it*
they do and are supposed to. but the form resembles the wings slightly, that's how you make a character kinda unique and it just makes her look more like a bug women
Excuse me user said he wants ME to suck his dick.
Can you fuck off?
It's so awful I couldn't even tell it was supposed to be a bug woman.
Please keep your western trash out of my thread.
Realism fags are fucking awful.
>I'm a retard please don't make me think
Why are you spreading misinfo
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Now take your garbage out with you.
not that guy, but if you cant see immediately what it's supposed to be, then it's bad design
>realism and believability
Aloy is possibly the least compelling protagonist of a game I’ve played in the last 5 years. They fucked up big time.
Hey guys.
What's going on here?
Yeah man, the game needed more Berserk references to catter to my edgy 12 years old taste.
Jesus christ I didn't know what that was until you posted the follow up
Because I totally said that, right? Oh wait no I didn't, you fucking dumb nigger.
How can you be so pathetic you resort to strawmans when someone insults DS2? You're actually defending that garbage fire of a game? Jesus Christ...
Absolutely destroyed
The whole damn game must have started as a really great concept - comepletely off-the-hook, stupid, silly over the top adventure that could have been really damn amazing.
You can see the good ideas being fucked one after another as the higher-ups worried it won't have enough of a mainstream appeal.
It makes you realize: gaming industry seems to still think that "mainstream appeal" means "taking itself WAAAAAY too seriously and combining really DUMB and REALLY GRITTY, REALISTIC elements in the clumsiest possible manner."
Samefagging your own post now because you got BTFO in the reply? No one asked for Berserk references you seething little DS2 cucklet.
Imagine being a DS2 fanboy. The poor fuckers probably have some brain developmental illness or something.
>Didn't even watch the post counter go up
Keep believing your own delusions because you need them to recover you gatekeeping manbaby.
>get BTFO
Yikes, calm down kid. No need to throw a temper tantrum because you lost an argument on the internet. It is not the end of the world.
Samefagging again, sad
Samefagging again, sad
>he's this butthurt because everyone acknowledges that DS2 is absolute garbage
gave up samefagging i see
>having to fight that faith bitch while avoiding the painting
I hated that fight
gave up replying i see
That helmet is god tier fashion, 1 had the cleric helmet and 2 had pate's helmet, both kind of look like that
Practical too. Your face is pretty much immune to stabbing blows that aren't coming from overhead. Unless you're a manlet, or fighting someone with a heavy striking weapon, you're pretty much invincible.
>while avoiding the painting
I mean, it doesn't take up half the room
You only get cursed if you literally plant your face on it for a good 10 seconds
The corporate suits have this mentality when they think that individual aspects of one successful product can be applied to any other product to make it more successful.
But games, like any form of art, are gestalt creations.
Don't mind them, they're blinded by their love for Dota and/or Valve. Dota 2 art style is an embarassment.
So what exactly happened during Dark Souls II's development, why did it end up the way it was? Was it corporal meddling, the new director's fault, all of the above?
The only real problem is the cathedral knights and their floppy clippy chainmail especially on the player's version of their outfit.
The maggot guys look fine though and are creepy as hell and the guy on the bottom is Ser Not Appearing In This Game.
2 however is a real crime in how the models don't do their concepts justice, though the same can be said for the entire game. Pretty much everything is an alpha-quality asset.
it's mostly jim murray actually
What are some games that perfectly captured the concept art?
DS2 is painful to see especially since I have seen older builds of the game in action that actually had much of the missing content people lament about
Why do people hate DS2 so much?
I'm playing it rn, actually quite enjoying it.
The run to the smelter demon is absolutely horrible tho.
I don't believe you
they've just been complaining about it for so long they can't turn back and have to double down
Rushed development, along with an incompetent director at the start who couldn't decide what to do, then having all of it scrapped and started from scratch and rushed AGAIN.
the enemy placement in the iron keep in SOTFS is pretty bad.
I don't like i-frames being linked to stats and not weight and the dependents on life gems in the early game
Believe me or not, I don't care. I will just forever be sad that DS2 didn't live up to half the potential I saw when it was in development.
did you know the memory version of the fort in FOTFG is actually NEWER than the present day version? Both the present day and memory versions were supposed to be mostly identical with only some differences between which areas were accessible, but they cut it down severely as part of the move to current gen from next gen, they pretty much reverted the present day version of the level to much older rougher block out version and then hastily spliced in choice detail geometry from the original map.
this is what happened to the vast majority of areas in the game, reverted to older versions or kitbashed from the 'completed' levels
Most things about it are awful. It was also massively downgraded in every single way from E3 to release, and they kept marketing it with the pre-downgrade material AFTER the games release.
>I don't like i-frames being linked to stats
Now that's what I never understood. People always say playing DS with a shield is easy mode, when
>you need enough strength to use the shield
>you need enough endurance to use the shield and not fatroll
>you need enough stamina so you wouldn't get guardbroken
>you need to upgrade the shield to increase its stability
>most shields still let through chip damage, especially elemental damage
Meanwhile, simply hitting the roll makes you literally invincible for a second, regardless of your armor, remaining health, or any of your stats even.
But when in DS2 they made rolling less broken, at least until you invested some stat points in it, everyone started whining how it's bad.
Well, how is it bad? What's wrong with having to invest some points into the relevant stats to make your character perform better in an RPG? That's what they're all about.
in-game model is better because it's poor, bleak and colorless. Just like it would have been if it was real.
>Most things about it are awful.
oh fucking shut up
Is there any vidya as aesthetic as sark douls?
DS2 is peak fashion souls m8
>imported set
>heide knight set
>ironclad turtle set
>forlorn set
>alonne knight and captain sets
>judgement set
>royal swordsman set
>dark set
Nobody said anything about realism or believability you dumbshit.
Enemy placement goes against the core combat mechanics of the game
Linearity and senseless level design. This one would be a bit more forgivable if it wasn't trying to trick the player that its world was just as connected and open as DaS 1's was
Worse lore
The positive of more bosses is ruined when you experience how lazy most of them are
Shut up yourself, it's a total shitshow of a game.
>linear world design
>hideous copypaste textures everywhere
>rooms are empty boxes with no detail or design to them
>gameplay feels like shit, movement is floaty and attacks don't have hitstop
>enemy designs are boring
>most bosses are forgettable, large, slow humanoids
Ever played Dead by Daylight?
Here’s the ingame head
>opinions and cherrypicking
>opinions and cherrypicking
Are you fucking retarded? How are any of those opinions or cherrypicking.
I stated objective facts that apply to the entire game, every single aspect and location of it.
I get a feeling that some "concept" art pieces are drawn based on the already existing in-game levels.
>literally being too stupid to tell when you're posting your opinions
Holy shit DS2 fags are delusional
Pointing out how the game has a large amount of similar boss fights and ugly copypasted textures and empty rooms with no detail to them are objective facts. That is how the game is, it's not an opinion. Retard DS2 cuck.
ah yes
that picture is what the game is based on
it wasnt drawn afterwards
I hate that haircut as well but imagine wanting people dead over it.
Jesus that level is and will always remain the ugliest looking area in any souls game ever
the problem I have is the implementation of i-frames in ds2.
more adaptability = more i-frames
compare it to other stat requirements in the game.
min stats to use a shield effectively
min stats to use a weapon effectively
imagine if ore stats allowed you to swing your weapons a percentage faster or make your parry window longer and recovery shorter. Or stats that improved you mobility like run speed of jump length.
I like a moveset that you can use from the beginning to the end of a game so that I feel myself as the player gained mastery of the game
Different directors have different tastes
Str/dex isn't just about minimum requirements to use a weapon. The scaling improves their damage gradually, just like AGI improves the roll iframes. Both simply boost a numerical value. I don't really get what point you're trying to make there.
Also, I believe jump length is tied to your equipment weight in DS2. Not 100% sure on that one though.
>Enemy designs are boring
Except not
>Most bosses are forgettable, large, slow humanoids
Oh fuck off with this shitty argument, dudes in armor and always the more memorable bosses in the entire series, yet you fuckers always cry about with DS2
>dudes in armor and always the more memorable bosses in the entire series
In the other games, yes, humanoids are the best bosses. NOT in DS2, in that game they are slow and dumb, the easiest bosses in the whole series. In the other games they are insanely fast and intimidating, like False King Allant or Gael etc.
You're being dishonest by pretending like humanoid bosses in DS2 work the same way than humanoid bosses in the other games do. When in DS2 they are slow and boring copies of each other with 3-4 moves.
I wasn't taking about damage I was talking about animation. why don't that weapon animations get progressively better after min stat requirement like rolls.
also why isn't jump length tied to a stat like AGI like rolls? it would mean you would have to invest to get those hard to reach items
AGI doesn't make the roll animation faster. (it does speed up the estus/health gems though)
Also, making too many things depend on one god-stat is never a good idea. That's why END as split into END and VIT.
>What is Alonne
>What is Velstadt
>What is Ivory King
Allant wasn't even that fast, it wasn after BB tha souls bosses started going batshit fast, and all of them have like 4 moves what are you on about?
the very first proper boss in the game was considered ornstein & smough tier by people on Yea Forums when it first came out
Just fucking stop. It gets worse and worse with every concept art.
i like these a lot but the models and bad mocap is really annoying
Makes sense since one of the biggest complaints about the game is how it feels taped together,
why don't weapon stats progressively reduce the frames in which they are parriable
cheaper than you think
You're just posting examples of exactly what I said.
Velstadt is one of the slowest bosses in Souls game history, he literally can not hit you if you just keep walking around him.
>Allant wasn't even that fast
He is way faster than a single DS2 boss.
>and all of them have like 4 moves
lol no
Yeah it's called being blinded by hype. When DS2 released I too thought it was great, until the hype died down in a few days and all the glaring flaws became obvious.
>Yeah it's called being blinded by hype
you're a fucking idiot lmao
What could have been.
Have a shit load of artbooks, better to have them in person than have scans (this is not my picture though).
RS3 designs are trash, stop posting
Its part of the text in the picture they're talking about, brainlet
Dramafags are subhuman
I only recognize the darkwraith and i've got no idea who the other 2 are
We already idealize creatures like an eagle, tiger or lion. An actual dragon would be worshipped, especially if it was intelligent.
tumblr nose
The second one is the enemy from the cathedral of the deep, they removed the ghost arms because they're lazy
No idea about the third one, might be the lycanthrope from the swamp
It's because action game posers who don't have the drive to play a better action game. I hate how they ruined Souls games, where unless a boss is another humanoid knight moveset, they say it's shit. I love those quirky bosses that were easy and had a lot of flavor. Especially with Demon's Souls, where I'd say the only dud was Dragon God.
I'm one of those weirdos who loved bosses like the Deacons of the Deep. Great atmosphere, good theme, and I liked how it wasn't another "big humanoid with a moveset you have to time your rolls through or parry cheese" boss.
But dragons are fucking evil, they're basically super snakes which are obviously associated with Satan
Nevermind how in Christianity dragons are evil
>Unironically liking Magus and the congregation 2.0
Oh no, it's retarded
Its th most open of the 3 relevant games
rooms are full to the brim with clutter and enemies
your mother has shit gameplay too but here you are asshole
>swing wildingly like it's Magus 2.0
>get splatted by the fat clerics
>all the deacons can use spells so you need more situational awareness
>don't get tot he Archdeacon fast enough he drops a heavy hitting AoE
>large arena with monument in the center gives you more mobility to encourage you to not get surrounded
Yeah, totally like Prowling Magus. If anything it's Magus done right.
Because it wasn't consistent. The idea that your roll is effectively a dodge rather than invincibility was a good change until you got hit by a grab move with tracking. B team was just incompetent and it hurt the few good ideas they had.
because changing the way your character's movement works in nigh imperceptible gradations feels like shit because you never develop a clear understanding of what you're able to do, especially if you have multiple characters
She has a cold
A woman drew it.
Seriously, any time you wanna know if art was done by a woman, look at the nose.
They put an excessive amount of detail into noses.
I reckon that's where the tumblr nose thing comes from.
Male artists and faggots LARPING as women don't generally draw noses the same way.
because it is obviously a rushed job
Tumblr noses make me think they're alcoholics
Tumblr nose
Bloodborne's extra content was cut so they could get Dark Souls 3 out next year. They had to scrap one of the DLC's for Bloodborne to make DS3. Makes me mad.
Are you a literal child? You can just spam r1 and kill the boss as soon as he spawns, there's no actual challenge
I mean if you're a mumbling moron I guess it could be somewhat difficult
i hate how half the fucking armor in dark souls 3 is some variant of the elite knight set. i get it, i like it too but fuck off.
>The same Allant that edgy slow-walks everywhere and whose only fast move is a dash with auto-track
If you weren't a fucking shitter you could have said Gwyn or Artorias
wtf i hate das3 now.
Cos you can't just hold down left trigger to roll, like a dunce.
The Archdeacon doesn't show up until halfway through the fight if I remember correctly. And you can't swing wildly because on hitting the deacon with the red aura hurts the boss health. That alone makes it more interesting than Prowling Magus.
>only fast move is a dash with auto-track
All of his melee attacks are fast combos. You haven't even played Demon's Souls obviously.
He literally has slower attacks than Allant you retard LMFAO
Lie. DS2 is a fucking arcadey ass world full of empty rooms and nonsensical world design.
No argument then, huh? It is what it is, the only reason anyone thought dumb shit like that at release was the hype for a new Souls game. After that people snapped out of it.
DS2 fags might be the most delusional group of people on Yea Forums, even more than Kingdom Heartfaggots.
Yeah for the first half you fight a horse of senile fragile casters who attack extremely slowly and barely do any damage while cutting your way to hit the glowing one, barely a boss fight
>More interesting than Prowling Magus
That's really, really, REALLY not an achievement
Then what would you have done to make it a better boss fight?
Neil Richards posts a lot of the Rs3 concept art online, and honestly, the actual in-game models aren't that far off when they actually have the good textures they originally designed, and not what the engine was using for so long.
>large arena with monument in the center gives you more mobility to encourage you to not get surrounded
the arena may as well just be the space between the fog wall and the giant cube, exploring the rest of it is just a good way to get cursed, do the deacons even spawn away from the front if you run around? I like the fight too but the arena was a waste
I think the concept art for the enemies in DMCV is great, and none of the actual models look as good.
>did you know the memory version of the fort in FOTFG is actually NEWER than the present day version?
Then why does the memory version look worse?
Hell if I know I don't make videogames but literally anything would be better, maybe some kind of deep accursed beast?
Pretty much happened with DS3
>Empty rooms
Stop being a brainlet, many complaints have been stated towards rooms having too many enemies which makes them not empty
Completely missed the point of the helmet.
Frog-mouth helmets only purpose is for jousting.
So they really DID more or less ship an alpha version of the game instead of a gold one.
Au Ra from FFXIV. The original concept art completely outclasses the dogshit final design we got
>Battleborn will never be fixed
Hardly anyone gives a shit about classic depictions of dragons though, and dragons weren't exclusively evil across all cultures and mythologies.
No. What happened was
>Miyazaki begins work on Bloodborne with Sony funding him to create a AAA exclusive
>has a ridiculous budget and enough time to do whatever he wants
>goes fucking crazy creating a shit-ton of assets
>game releases and it's incredible, still contender for game of the generation
>"oh kuso, boku wa still locked into Namco contract to create more Dark Sourusu"
>"fakku it, justu slappu together a linear experience with whatever Bloodborne assets we have left, then fill in the gaps with the remaining production time desu ne"
"now to sign a contract with Activision"
The non evil depictions of dragons are never used, the classic European one in fantasy is evil
That fucking delusion. Give it up, sony cucks, you're NEVER getting another exclusive that isn't a cinematic experience.
>never used
They're significantly less common, but to say never is false.
I have yet to see a Chinese dragon in anything that isn't Dragonball
It has problems big fucking problems, but a cult grew out of the initial reaction to it and never fucked off.
it's a good game
it's just much worse than the other soulsborne games
it was a huge disappointment after dark souls 1
Has there ever been a game where the concept art wasn't leagues ahead of the in-game models?
>linear world design
Are you fucking high?
>linear world design
2 is the least linear in the entire series
They look about the same
>even in her original design she looked like a trashy gutterwhore
She's specifically made to be a trashy gutterwhore
that doesnt make it any better
Doesn't make it any worse either.
Why would you care so much anyway? It's not like any of this is real.
Remember the Quiet controversy? How the hell did DMC get away with it?
There's nothing slutty about Nico outside the womb tattoo, and even that is just "Expressing her femininity" or whatever.
Nico has like 3 inches of fabric for "pants"
Nobody worthwhile hates any of the souls games, it's just memeing.
>glowy eyes and chunky detailing for everyone
The Warcraft aesthetic is rubbish.
Holy shit 2 really was MMO tier.
No, YOU'RE delusional.
>Ghru and Demon Ruins beasts
>Catacombs skeleton
>Pontiff beasts
>Spider bois
>the entire Undead settlement
>the shrieking crucified Lycantropes
>God only knows how many environmental assets
And that's only a list of things I can guarantee were lifted from Bloodborne: I'm almost certain those Centipede ladies and the stone gargoyles were recycled, too: there are versions with and without heads, just like scrapped Bloodborne enemies. There are even fucking videos showing cut Bloodborne enemies using movesets that made it into DaS3, check out Lance McDonnel's videos.
what does that even mean
Daisy dukes are mainstream and completely uncontroversial. Yes it's a little silly but it's just how it is, they've been socially acceptable since the 70s
>wow look at all these DS3-exclusive enemies that have nothing to do with BB, they're totally lifted from BB
Wishful thinking.
And From have been reusing the animations since DS1. Guess that means BB is made from DS1 scraps by your logic.
It has the enemy design of an mmo
nice buzzword
Buzzword is a buzzword
Was there a justification for Mithra carrying her fucking severed head like that?
The first time I saw that I thought it was the dumbest thing I'd ever seen in a FromSoft game, and I saw what you had to do in Armored Core to beat some levels with tank tread mechs.
>linear world design
What? you had like 4 choices of where to go out of the gate
The Commander was easily the hottest girl in that game by fucking light years. Fuck 2B.
Nico would have been 10 times better as a brown girl, change my mind.
The whole game is like this, how is that cherry picking?
Ah, I see. You're one of those "trolls" my nephew has warned me about. I have a cheat sheet that tells me how to deal with your kind, son.
>How do we make this generic Lamia not generic
They failed
>Fuck 2B
God, if only.
>change my mind.
Nice bait
It's literally impossible to make a good looking bosmer in all elder scroll games
I can see a short comic book series about that. At least putting in more detail on Gwyn and how he interacted with his family and what his ruling of Lordran was like, akin to the 40k novels about the Emprah.
And although I don't rank Souls particularly highly in this particular scale, there legitimately are a number of character-focused series with settings that could be an amazing basis for something more politically focused like a strategy game like a Total War or a Grand Strategy, like Ace Combat and Tactics Ogre or even Final Fantasy. Hell, somebody went and made a Total War mod out of Zelda, after all.
They still had to strip detail from all the levels to get them within their given perf budget. Past FOTFG still has plenty of shit cut from it but it's more complete than the present day version which has half the level stripped out. The only reason the fort in the memory wasnt totally gutted like the present day version is because it's a separate level and each memory has its own separate load list for its used assets, meaning everything that doesn't feature as part of the given memory segment is unloaded, further segmenting it.
Pretty much. The least gutted levels in the game were the DLC ones (which, except for Eleum Loyce, were repurposed base game content with a smattering of polish), also the Shulva temple section got actual puzzles instead of just traps (mainly because the traps were meant to complement the cut trap detection/disarming mechanic that ADP replaced)
The only problems with in game Au Ra are the available faces and the inability to choose horns independently from faces.
I came here to post Shadow Demon. His concept art looked so cool, it's like his head is incorporeal, has like a Halloween-y or almost cat-like look to it.
We got a skeleton.
They're terrible either way.
>We have to make a new fantasy race.
>I know!
>Let's take a human being-
>Yes, yes, of course!
>And then glue shit on some parts of their skin!
>It's really like something from another world, huh?
>You've done it again, you crazy bastard.
>except for Eleum Loyce
That one always struck me as the most "was planned but ultimately cut from the final release" one along with Brume Tower, since having a random Shrine of WINTER in the vanilla game that ended up as the entrance to the snow-based DLC seemed a bit TOO convenient.
honestly the bandage warriors from the jail area and the green hammer fuckers from Earthen Peak aren't that bad, though the rest of the designs look like shit you'd find in FF14 though
any dots character
Its one of the selling points: Its suppose to look like higher poly Warcraft III, with some extreme design changes.
And as a byproduct it looks somewhat generic, but it doesn't look as generic as WOW is.
The general adaption of materials/smoke/particles turned out to be really weak.
Pre Source 2 80% of everything looked like plastic, and Source 2 added a lot of cool materials. But also turned down saturation and contrast, which has again been muted quite far compared to Warcraft III.
Okay so the lead platform is PS3/360. That has a fixed performance, that improve as technology and method improves.
But generally it doesn't improve a lot.
So for a material to look a certain way, it needs to be processed in a certain way. This is what is called a shader.
Which leads to:
Terrible choices in how their shader stack worked.
So the idea is: You take Dark Souls, but you add a expensive illumination system
So you need to alter how the shaders works, which means materials now behave differently. And because of the illumination system, NPCs and enviroment objects needs to have more expensive shaders to work consistently.
So the game looks fantastical whenever you pull out a torch. And it looks like plastic without a torch, since there is no additional system to add light sources to weapons or armor.
If they had gone further with forcing in the light system, it could have done wonders
Could someone mod Dark Souls 2 so that global lighting is set to 0, and instead insert a shit-ton of dynamic light sources in the maps?
They didn't give a shit about it.
there was a relatively recent comic (not this one) about a silver knight who gets wrongly credited for a dragon he didn't kill. but the characters are just lame OCs including an executioner who looks like bart simpson
Anything is possible.
But Dark Souls is the kind of game where contrast is important. Its very obvious there was suppose to be a lot of very dark areas, and a lot of dimly lit areas. But there is a lot of extremely bright outdoor areas as well.
But development ended before whatever they planned was feature complete.
jesus christ
this a million times