>your IQ must be 140 or higher to play
No wonder Yea Forums isn't talking about it
Your IQ must be 140 or higher to play
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw too intelligent to play videogames
>tfw too stupid for puzzle games
how do I be not so dumb
>your IQ must be 140 or higher to use the catalog
no wonder OP made a new thread
it's a new kind of logic game, people are just getting used to it's nuances
God i've been wanting to play this game but I'm flat broke, and there's no torrents or downloads for it yet. Can any Yea Forumsirgins hook me up with a download or something?
Based as fuck, thanks anons.
Cringe. Become a pirate or GTFO.
heIlo reddit
>Yea Forums isn't talking about it
A thread is up already you nonce.
Shill is you
>tfw "Baba" is russian for "Thot"
>devs are literal cock-loving commies
forgot to put up a warning that IQ must not exceed 150
doesn't "baba" mean something like "chick", like "I fucked that chick over there"?
Baba is grandmother.
Remember Baba Yaga?
In my country it means old woman.
fuckin idiot
the chick who took over the nosferatu clan and cast the iron curtain spell over russia to keep out other kindred?
it can mean all those things. as street slang, it's more used for chick. or at least it used to, i don't really know what the kids say nowadays
Evaporating River is literally impossible. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
You need to get the cog over to the left side first and use elimination to complete the puzzle
it’s fun until the third world. now it just feels like I’m programming for free
I just started. What are the things below the regular flowers? Does each level have a hidden one or something, or are they only on certain levels?
>i have no arguments
>"hurr durr fucking ad hominem"
babushka = grandmother
baba is closer to "broad" - i.e. a woman, in more of dismissive, rather than derogatory tone
isn't baba father in some middle eastern language?
It is in Chinese
Turkey seems to be using it for "dad"... Which, of course, means that devs are both commies and muslims
it's just "ba" tho (single syllable)... or not
K, devs are definitely red bottom lickers
Nigger, BABA is a written sound effect for a sheep making noise. Baa Baa.
Then why does baba look like a little horned person in the free version?
>No wonder Yea Forums isn't talking about it
That's not bipedal
My IQ is 147. Baba is You is pretty cool.
I'll never understand why people engage in illegal filesharing, through fucking google services.
Played that game yesterday with friends, each taking a turn and it was the most fun I've had with a video game in quite a while.
It's a furfag game, what do you expect?
The amount of languages that use Baba to refer to (old) women is interesting.
It's the same in both jap and polish.
I'm fucking struggling at some puzzles that look simple at first, holy fuck.
Also this game just begs to have a level editor.
They give the fastest internet speeds. Ideally you're supposed to password protect them and not use an obvious filename so Google won't be able to know what's in them but people are lazy.
>drown Baba to complete "Bridge Building?"
nothing personnel kid
>Finally figure out Submerged Ruins
>map immidiately after is the same map except they removed the solution that worked last time
Cheeky bastards
you realize that making a game that only appeals to less than half a percent of the population could be considered pretty dumb?
and, is it just me, or is a citation of a high IQ requirement usually a code for "I dont understand this, so it must be really smart"?
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Flag is win
Baba is you
most babies' first intentionally uttered sounds are permutations of "baba", "mama", "dada", "wawa" etc. it is really not that surprising considering that most noises coming out of a human throat when relaxed sound like "Aaaa".
before language, sucklings probably already looked at their mothers and said "bwuawua".
>post yfw this motherfucker starts phasing through skulls
The dev said in an interview that it comes from a psychological test where the characters were Baba and Keke
more precisely this
I literally just did that. The solution is much longer and slower.
>drown it
>Empty IS Push
This shit is getting wild
Wins the award for most pretentious game of 2019
There is literally no pretense whatsoever
okay i've made it up to the volcano area, but my brain is starting to hurt
ill finish the game later
How? It doesn't even have narrative or a hint of lore.
christ you're a paper tiger
>Do the first three areas
>check out the level behind the 3 gate
My brain just shut down, I don't even know how to parse this.
finished 100% and got the secret ending
It's actually not that hard to get the Win. Try not to overthink it.
I have no idea what the End block does though. The solution doesn't involve it. Judging from the level title, I think it's a secret ending if you somehow manage to get to it.
The best place to hide something is in plain sight
google is too big to curate every single file uploaded. many other websites have this problem so shit like CP trading actually happens more often on regular websites
It's not enforced by the police, user. The rights holder has to discover the violation and then take action. Chances are the Baba Is You devs don't have a legal team trolling Yea Forums for pirated copies.
>pixel shit
Dropped so fucking fast. In fact dropped before even watching a single trailer. Every pixel shit dev needs to be hung.
Bababased and orwellpilled
Pussy here, can this get my account banned?
christ, that's the ponciest excuse I've ever heard from such pretentious faggots