ITT: Kino moments in vidya

ITT: Kino moments in vidya

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Damn those graphics are bad, but yea that was kino

I love how people argue that Lady is ugly in DMC5 when she looked like this trainwreck in DMC3.

what are you even babbling about

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u r homosex

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Good game

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This is just the FMA scene but shittier

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Is this a "scenes women wouldn't understand" thread?

The final campfire scene from FFXV was unironically great

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Her render looks cute but the order is 4>3>5

DMC3 had a lot of kino cutscenes
For being a dumb fun game, these scenes were really well directed

It's a common trope you retard.

This makes it even worse

Imagine being this much of a faggot holy shit

i cried

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>Not Nero BTFOing the shitty manchild

Consider glasses or castration. Maybe even both.

The fuck? 4 lady is the worst. 5 mommy > 3 >> 4

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Fuck you, Lady in 3 is moe as fuck.

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I've always liked pic related. The game was pretty bad but styling over despair embodied was pretty sweet.

The acting/facial animation on Noctis was 10/10 in this scene. Greatest bromance ever told

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