Buy game

>buy game
>don't even own it
defend this

Attached: 1ss.png (701x435, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>get pissed at basic contracts
>can't read
OP is a libertarian confirmed

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now you're beginning to understand that communism makes the most sense

At least you actually have it on your hard drive and can break the crypto in order to play it even if they revoke your license.

They are working HARD right now to make it so you can no longer actually possess the game itself, it only gets streamed to you.

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Hiro, what the fucking fuck is that thumbnail.

based thumbnail

You can't. Companies are being more anti consumer each passing day. There's a reason why they want a Netflix for games now.


Mistake number one

But this is just saying you forfeit your right to get a refund. What's that have to do with ownership?

what is that

Help me Yea Forums, what games can I play to take out my anger at a capitalist society that willfully prioritizes money over the sanctity of human life and development of the sciences?

Dwarf Fortress.
Play a elf adventurer and exterminate every dwarf civilization.

the game of life

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>boomers still worship Reagan
>after the undeniable fact that he killed us in every way
I hate it

Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

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>timed division 2 beta
of course it wont be playable forever you fucking retard

Im no commie, but I wouldn't feel bad if all the rich people died off one day

>Im no commie

Good boy. Keep not being one. Keep handing us 95% of the profits you generate.

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i take that back i didnt know this came out today

Which game do you think you "own", you literal retard? None. You didn't make it, you don't own the IP, you don't have the source code. You're buying a license to use it.

>Im no commie, but I wouldn't feel bad if all the bourgeoisie died off one day

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I own a hammer. Did I make it, do I own the trademarks, do I have the schematics? Yet I own it.

Retard. Dull, dull retard.

Jokes on you jew, I actually believe socialism would work in a situation where we were all unified and homogenous in one way or another and didn't let outsiders in

There's no copyright on a simple tool. Just like yourself. Shut the fuck up if you're too retarded to understand basic copyright.

Do you want to know the reason they're letting those migrants in? Because it naturally makes common people fight each other. It naturally directs the attention and aggression away from them. Exactly like what happened to you.

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Lets be honest, there are about a dozen influential self made rich people around the world. The other 99% are (((generational))).
Sometimes you have to cull a little more cattle than you really need to in order to ensure disease can't spread

Skyrim is basically a modding tool at this point. Your counterpoint?

>There's no copyright on a simple tool.
That's not correct, there are over 50,000 patents for specific hammer designs.

Of course. You don't add the onion to the omelet before you crack the eggs

Blame Steam.

Also, while the US companies try to enforce their AGBs, they are not legally binding in most of countries. Regardless of what companies want to TELL you the terms of contract are, reality is unless you are slave you DO own the game and can in most countries legally fuck them over if they try to impede your customer rights.

>unless you are a slave
Give it a few more years and we'll all be slaves

meant to write "US slave", because those AGBs are designed with its laws in mind. In general though, they are not worth the paper they are printed on.

You can write in contract that signer of it who blindly clicked on it to buy a cup of water from you promises to suck your dick for the end of his life, it`ll not make it valid.

>needing a contract to play video games
The things we come to accept in life...

>digital cucks

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you do know that physical just download the actual game file now and still can be taken from you via on your account

>break contract
>starve to death in a gulag
sounds great

>Children can buy videogames
>children can't be signed into legally binding contracts.
Is the loophole to bribe children to buy all videogames?

I broke the being born ABG and they took my foreskin as punishment.
Such is life in the US. So it goes

I see nothing wrong with capitalism desu very efficient system

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you know if your account gets banned you don't have to buy the game again

they needed it for stem cell skin cream for rich actors

please understand goyim

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This reminds me so much of Brave New World with the pills

>playing half-mmo skinnerbox """"games"""" that require live service access to function
I don't play destiny/division/anthem/etc. I play actual video games that have the entire experience contained in the box it came in. All that live service shit is designed to waste as much of your time as possible with retarded busywork and daily login, daily quest, weekly reset bullshit.

why do I keep seeing more and more shitty parts of dystopian/cyperpunk futures but there's still no Ray Guns, Flying Cars or Jetpacks?

you don't actually own any physical media, its all still a license

EA can show up and take all their games back if they want

FC5 is the last Ubisoft game I'll buy. Those Frenchies dont sit right with me.

user, that stuff does exist.
it's just not for you.

Yeah one time I said nigger in my apartment and the EA police came in, asked for my nigger license, and when I couldn't produce it they smashed my PS4 and took away my games.

They had the option to not take Soma. We won't.
I understand Dr Goldberg. I'm ready to donate my blood for free so you can sell it for $4000 a pint.

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Ok guys, I'm ready. Red pill me on the Jews. No memes. I want actual arguments and evidence

You'd have to make them play the games for you as well, since half the time the EULA states that using their software constitutes accepting the EULA. And bribing children to come to your home and play video games for you sounds annoying and very likely illegal. But I might be completely wrong since I'm no lawyer.

Sorry, there's no net to jack into or run in.
There's no lazguns or space travel
There's no weird combined cultures
There's no hope
There's just an endless seee of brown and grey

Cocksuckers downloading games for years because of their Σοylent bloated brains are too clouded to function in a store, have pushed the (((market))) so far up its own ass they turned games into a FUCKING RENTAL distribution platform. You don't even fucking own the product you paid a fuckton of money for, you pay for the right to rent their files. Fuck you, cunts!

The rich jews are a small group of tightly knit family lines that only want to advance their own positions in the world. The non-rich jews are all idiots who think they're going to change the world by listening to the rich jews.
That's it

They control everything. They band together as a race and manipulate their way to the top of every society they enter. They acquire wealth and use that wealth to acquire an ultradominant position. The most efficient capitalists in human history. Their religion, Christianity, purports the son of God to be Jewish. It asserts Jews as God's chosen people and Israel as the holy land. It is the most dominant world religion.

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A race of poor trodden upon victims. The evil evil goyim keep ganging up on them for no reason

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I think it's important to note that there are two ideals of Christians, with the idea that Jews are holy and must be protected to bring about the rapture being the most common and spread one.
There are small Christian sects that don't ignore the whole "Synagogue of Satan" thing Jesus talked about.
Both are passive and peace loving though.
Except the Mormons who may end up being right

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The existence of that slightly-less-Jew-friendly sect still bolsters the power of the overtly Jew-aligned one.

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Unfortunately so.

There's a whole load of legal wiggle-room there that if it ever becomes a problem, will seriously bog down some lawyer/court's times, I guarantee it.

The licenses are purchasable with a certain stated provision of understanding that owning the license allows you to do, and what is grounds for it being revoked. If it's hidden deep within T&C, an argument can be made for "common sense" being the boundary.
Namely, the big ones I remember from the back of a music disc being copy/reproduction/profit, if you done one/all of those things, then you are "violating" the purpose of the license. By purchasing the disc it allows you to play the music in a private venue.
Technically, according to the image I have stored up from a CD I found, the transfer of the disc and license to play it MUST be accompanied by written documentation (must be approved by the publisher before doing so).

If the copy I have is reminiscent of a "general" template regarding software copyright, then that last one is violated with such frequency and legally speaking "second hand" music/videogames should have been shut down LONG ago, and the fact that the practice still persists might (not a lawyer) have repercussions given the fact that "the industry" is not taking actions to prevent the mass violation of the terms of the license.

It's amazing to me how many problems with society can be traced back to jews.

It's commonly said that money is the root of all evil. Well, Jews are the root of all money.

>half mmo

Good aspects of an MMO:
>Large scale events
>Massive number of people seen doing their own thing throughout the world, potential to randomly bro-up with some rando to do some cool/hard/dumb shit
>Deep and meaningful customization of class, gear, appearance
>Large scale communities
>Guild halls/player housing where you can meet up with your pals and do some RP/dumb shit/etc
>Large sense of community creates interesting rifts between different parts of the playerbase based on ingame factions, choice between pvp and pve, even racial stereotypes
>Same sense of community drives RP events and social spaces being social

Bad aspects of an MMO:
>Grinding daily quests/daily login bonuses can't be missed make sure you do your chores and homework
>Weekly reset, gotta login on tuesday and get a jumpstart on your week
>Grinding the same shit over and over and over again week after week to maybe get the loot you want
>Loot treadmill keeps on rolling, your previous progress may as well have never happened now that the new shit is out, go kill that new boss a hundred times now

I wonder which half they decided to choose for all of these live service games

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>commies on Yea Forums
Absolutely disgusting. Video games only exist because of capitalism, but you are trying to cut off the hand that feeds you.

Also, renting games and subscriptions are good for people who don't have a lot of time to play, or who would like to play a game only for a little bit because of interesting mechanics, but know that they won't play the game for more than 2 hours.

Mormons are smart
>make an insanely secluded sect
>make a place your holy land
>murder anyone who tried to take it from you
>basically just live out your days in your holy land surrounded by people like you

>break law
>get sent to prison and become a slave
sounds great

I think the amish have a higher power level.

Many mormons despise the lifestyle but see no way to get out. The Internet is filled with groups for "ex mormons". Amish people seem pretty content. It may be because, other than the respect your elders thing, they have a fairly flat power structure. Your barn isn't owned by H.G. Barnhamfitz WeinGoldSilverStein Inc., it's owned by jim, the guy who lets you put your hens to bed in there because he has the space and he wants you to marry his daughter.

I bet you want to own your car too lmao.
Nothing wrong with renting something and then returning it when you no longer use it.


For reference, the license details I found on the back of a CD at a second hand store.

Attached: LicensingSmall.jpg (3364x2841, 3.27M)

Renting is another business prospect.
The industry conflating "sale" of license with "rental" of license is a problem, because it muddy's the waters around a business transaction and what you are actually getting the rites to, in favour of the publisher/developer who can claim violation of terms of use and revoke your license, by taking advantage of the lack of transparency in the rights owed to the consumer when they purchase "the license" to a product.

>You are either a communist or a extreme capitalist
You have the political views of a child.

Capitalism is killing video games.
Gigantic budgets = zero room to take risks

The industry has been surviving, despite this, because of mods. Every popular videogame today is derived from a mod or a free indie game. Most of them directly so.

Minecraft - Dwarf Fortress (per creator's own word, before you protest)
CSGO - Counter-Strike
PUBG - ARMA battle royale
Fortnite Battle Royale - ARMA battle royale
TF2 - Team Fortress

All are derived from mods or zero budget games. Mods are quietly the creativity engine for the video games industry, which cannot within itself create anything new because the budgets are too high to risk a loss and the management is too corporate.

But you know what? They're even going to ruin this. They're bringing paid mods, oh yes, it's coming soon. Mods will now be created with the classic wageslave mantra in the back of the modder's mind: "If I take this risk and it fails, will I be able to eat next month?" So they won't take that risk. And the industry will die. All because of capitalism.

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If you're not one of those things, then you're a fence sitting dullard who's too timid to decide whether 2+2 equals 4 or 7, so he just refuses to answer.

You people are pathetic.

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Keep sitting on that fence while Goldberg rifles through your pockets. Tonight two million children will go to bed with aching stomachs, and tonight ten bankers will pay $60,000 each to receive a champagne shower in Las Vegas. I hope that fence feels comfortable, coward.

>the sanctity of human life
Truly the biggest meme of all

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>publisher/developer who can claim violation of terms of use and revoke your license

I agree that legal issues should be clear, but I also understand making contracts open to interpretation on purpose. But why would any publisher or developer revoke your license without having an actually good reason? Their business model relies on being a reliable distributor, they'd harm that by revoking licenses without a good reason.
To me it sounds like that stuff is in there so they are protected from lawsuits or refunds on case something out of their control happens.
For example, let's say the US and EU government suddenly banned all games with guns in them. The vidya market would go belly up and most publishers or resellers like Steam would be in huge financial trouble. They would also have to pull all games featuring guns, and without a stipulation that they can revoke your license, people might be able to start legal action against them.

>t-t-the jews!
Yes, many rich people are Jewish.
Yes, many rich Jewish people use their wealth to stop the lower class from attaining similar wealth.
However, many rich people are not Jewish.
The disgusting thing isn't that there are rich jewish people who do scummy things to the poorer classes, the disgusting thing is that the system lets them do it. There is nothing illegal about avarice, greedy people exist from all sorts of backgrounds and cultures.
The problem is you idiots look at this as a solely jew related thing instead of a universal human condition and both sides of the political spectrum are doing absolutely nothing to address the issue.

the right only knows how to blindly attack the culture, the left only knows how to blindly defend it. Neither wants any sort of serious systemic change to the system to stop wealthy people from doing these things.

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>Tonight two million children will go to bed with aching stomachs

>The disgusting thing isn't that there are rich jewish people who do scummy things to the poorer classes, the disgusting thing is that the system lets them do it.

And the Jews conspire to preserve the system and quell any other system that is proposed. They will shit all over you and your "rights" if it gets in the way of their money.
See: CIA and mossad agents literally spying on and imprisoning Americans for being suspected of being communist sympathizers.

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The system is made by and maintained by people. The people who benefit from it are the ones keeping it in place. The Jews are at fault, not the system, which is an intangible thing without agency.

Go back to /leftypol/

Not an argument. I don't even know what that is. I have never been on pol.

Make a fanatic egalitarian/xenophobic empire. Implement perfect utopian communism while conquering all the bourgeoisie aliens and throwing them straight into the gulags, letting them work to death to provide the resources for your glorious revolution.

Capitalism created video games. Capitalism created huge platforms where indie devs can publish their games without much red tape.
Capitalism created early access, Kickstarter etc, allowing indie devs to develop even without large publishers backing them.
Never before have there been so many indie games like there are now, and everyday there are more.
Capitalism allowed companies to publish game engines FOR FREE so anyone can learn how to use and work with them.
Capitalism allows you to earn enough money in a few days so that you can eat for an entire month, giving you the free time and wealth to play videogames in the first place.
Capitalism is literally the reason anyone of us is here right now.
Are some big corporations or companies acting against the supposed interest of the gaming industry? Of course. But it's capitalism that allows those corporations to be challenged by anyone with an idea and the skills to make a game, and to outperform those evil corporations by a large margin (PUBG, Ark, KDC, etc)

Grow the fuck up and get a job.

>not an argument
Why do you fags always say this? I wasn't even making an argument you fucking retard

>And the Jews
Israel does it, America does it, everyone does this shit because this is what rich people do.
This is a capitalistic problem, not an inherently Jewish problem. the jews are just a symptom. The cause is because the system allows for it. If general American culture (if it even fucking exists) had as much of a priority on education as Jewish culture did then you would see more American people doing the same shit. It's just that most of your country spends its time actively killing its own education system, allowing more and more corporate shitters to muddy the pool.

Look, you don't need to convince me what the Jews do is shitty. The thing is that 90% of rich people all do it, not just the Jews, your fury is being channeled into attacking a false target

>The system is made by and maintained by people.
The jews exploit the system. Anglos exploit the system. Spics exploit the system. Indians exploit the system. All rich people exploit the system.
If your system lacks checks and regulations then eventually people will exploit its lack thereof. This has been observed time and time again

>Capitalism created...
No, people created. Capitalism just decided where the rewards for the creations went (hint: not to the people who made the creations.)

>your average American's level of economic understanding
>what are uncompetitive business practices
Jesus christ

What is Steam for 500

Jews disproportionately exploit the system and have warped it into a state that only allows you to survive if you yourself exploit it. Misery loves company after all.

There is no reason such a tiny race should occupy every single seat of power in virtually every powerful corporation

You talk about capitalism like it's literally your god. Holy fuck, wageslaves are beyond delusional.

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>your average European's level of economic understanding
>what are unrealistic solutions to economic classes
Jesus christ

Because their culture prioritises education, and they were in America relatively early so they got to set their nepotism in first before all the other cultures that actually give a shit about having professional qualifications. It's the same shit with the Indians and the Chinks, except not so much the Chinks in America because of the (unironically real) bamboo ceiling

>every single seat of power in virtually every powerful corporation
Now this is just delusion

>buy game
>own it
>registering for the warranty also registers you as a sex offender

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Imagine working for your masters every day in your 9-5, giving them 90%+ of the profits you generate, then going home and defending them online.

Just imagine being so completely, utterly owned, body and soul.

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>concept x is bad in situations a, b, c
>therefore concept x is bad
NPC, please

Sorry user, I'm not the one who wrote a paragraph on why communism is somehow the reason for all of our existences

>Now this is just delusion
It really isn't. Media and banking is ALL jews, see .
Tech is 95% jews, and the 5% goy are proxy owned by jews through funding.

>But why would any publisher or developer revoke your license without having an actually good reason? Their business model relies on being a reliable distributor, they'd harm that by revoking licenses without a good reason.
The argument I see presented most is that the "good reason" they revoke it is in order to promote good reputation, particularly in online environments. Because games are bundles singleplayer/multiplayer, not holding yourself to an "advertising quality" standard the publisher approves of online can lead to revoking of the license for the "good of a community", and therefore your "public" presentation, has caused them to take your ability to utilize the license in private.

I'm sure that the intent is for examples like in your case, so publishers can issue a "recall" much like one would do with a car part that violates safety standards.
The problems I see are twofold,
1) Companies misusing and abusing this right, in such a way that is "socially acceptable" enough that they feel safe in doing so.
2) The use of an online distribution method means that there may be no choice on behalf of the purchaser in circumstances like your example, for expectation of refund. Ordinarily you would issue a recall on a product and the purchaser gets a notice making them aware, and then they "turn in" their object and either receive a replacement or refund. In your example, the current set up (and the way the precedent appears to be forming, anecdotally speaking.) is that I will wake up one morning to have portions of my gaming library revoked because a law was passed overnight. Therefore leaving me up shit creek without a paddle as far as the state of my "investment" into the industry.
It is a little bit "worst case scenario", but I'm not terribly optimistic regarding the industry in general.

shut up, boss told me to come into his office today and he patted me on the head and said if i keep this up i'll make good boy of the month
i love master. fuck you commie. i'm gonna be a millionaire

> but there's still no Ray Guns
>Flying Cars
energy hogs / cost
safety hazards

>people created
Because instead of working on a field all day harvesting enough wheat to make a bread, they were able to accumulate enough CAPITAL to follow their ambitions and create entertainment.
But tell me, who is it that supposedly got the reward then?

Also, please show me some successful soviet, North Korean or Venezuelan games.

I'm not American, and I literally admitted that some corporations or companies do bad things. That can be attributed to capitalism giving them the freedom to run their own business as they see fit, which is a good thing, but the same capitalism also allows anyone else to compete with these companies. I don't know of any market where that is more obvious than in video games desu.

Can you present an alternative to capitalism?

I think you might be a dog.

>implying you own anything you buy digitally
read the EULA of the next game you buy off steam and realize how much of a cuck you are for not switching to Epic

Are you having a fun time in your mother's basement?

>Because instead of working on a field all day harvesting enough wheat to make a bread, they were able to accumulate enough CAPITAL to follow their ambitions and create entertainment.
I don't think you understand how economic systems work.
Do you think communism somehow doesn't allow you to use resources?
You realize that under communism the workers own the means of production, right? So they're not renting the wheat harvesting machine from GoldBergCo for some extortionate $5000/week fee, they just have the machine and it's theirs because they need it.

I'm run my own business and still have enough time to shitpost in this commie ridden shit hole. All thanks to capitalism baby

That's because upper management roles have a lot of overlap, you illiterate fuck

Half of those names appear multiple times in their same row, not to mention this infographic is almost without a doubt cherrypicked to some extent. There are a lot more companies than you think, which are more powerful than you think in the world than just household names
>Oh no zuckerberg is actually four positions at once, that means their upper management is 80% JEW!!!!

Get banned, still have disc, make new account, dont have to buy game again. Please stop being retarded on purpose.

It's very plain from your posting style that you are a Jew who sees the facts but is, for simple political reasons, unable to acknowledge them because that would be contrary to your interests.

I think you are not investing your time wisely. This is not the average arena where accusations of anti-semitism can save you.

Attached: wages compared to GDP.png (600x384, 147K)

>you can determine someone's ethnicity from their posting style
Jesus christ, I'm a fucking bugman, I am well acquainted with how rich people hoard wealth
inb4 >chinks are just yellow jews

Sure thing, Goldstein.

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Literally just bring back the gold standard.

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are you really this stupid or simply pretending

This is your brain on communism; literal, unmitigated spite for anybody who has more money than you

>Father was in the military during Reagan years
>Loves Reagan because he pushed for military pay raise, as the military was getting shafted year after year for pay
>Regardless of everything else that's brought up about Raegan, he'll defend him because of said pay raise
Yup, definitely hate it.

Attached: income changes.jpg (580x450, 103K)

>The argument I see presented most is that the "good reason" they revoke it is in order to promote good reputation, particularly in online environments.

I honestly see no issue with that as long as it's stated in the contracts. I can sell a product with obligations. For example, a car manufacturer could sell the cars but stipulate in the contract that the cars may not be driven under the influence, and breaching that clause entitles them to retrieve the car without compensation.
I would personally not sign such contract, but if I did, I would take no issue if said clause comes into effect.

Going back to the games, if, for example, Steam had to pull half your library because a law was passed, that's unfortunate but ultimately not their doing. The lawmaker is at fault here, Steam has only protected itself from being accountable for actions outside their control. They are protecting themselves. Let's say clauses like this did not exist and a law required steam to pull half their games. Millions of people could sue them for compensation, possibly causing Steam to go bankrupt. Or they'd have to sue the government who passed the law so the government would pay the compensation their law required. Decades of legal battles and millions in legal costs could also bankrupt Steam.

In the end, people should read the contracts they sign and don't sign anything they don't agree with.
Obviously it would be preferable if contracts were actually written in such a way that the average normies could understand them tho.

You're speaking to someone that has been banned multiple times on PSN. It's the reason why I always buy physical.

>literally nobody will hire you if you haven't spent half your life in school doing thing barely related to job
>stuck wage slaving away 40 hours a week for $8.75/h
>live paycheck to paycheck
>haven't been to the grocery store in months
>almost out of toilet paper
Nuclear holocaust when?

I like communism but I despise the bundle deal that comes with it (refugee imports, denial of sexual and racial differences, lgbtqbbq, etc.)
I instinctively feel that rich and powerful people deliberately attached identity politics and immigration to the financial left in order to make it undesirable to commonplace voters.

>muh npc
libertardians get heated every time

Move to alaska, survive for a year, collect free money for life.
Alaska has a roided version of Yang's freedom dividend.

>they just have the machine
Classic communist economics.
Where did the machine come from?
I founded a business and bought all of the equipment with my own capital. I own roughly 30k worth of computers and other IT equipment. I employ 4 people who did not invest anything into the creation of their place of work.
I pay them for their time and effort, while I carry all the risk and provided the work in the first place. Why should they own the means of production?
Whats stopping them from making their own studio?
Whats stopping you from owning the means or production and creating your own game? There are many free tools out there for you to use.

I just moved into my place last year and I don't have funds to move again / travel.

>haven't been to the grocery store in months
Are you spending your money purely on fast food?

>Where did the machine come from?
It was made by some people who make machines, same as in capitalism

Why are extremely simple things confusing to you? Are you going to suddenly ask me what 2+2 equals as well?

No. I usually fast or eat something that gets thrown out at the end of the night. No I don't mean out the garbage. I mean stuff like the hotdogs that don't get sold, or individual salads that expire that day. Alcohol also fills me up.

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What does it mean to own the means of production though.
Do you actually own it or is the government fucking you in the ass over regimented farms, Kalashnikov factories etc

>Decades of legal battles and millions in legal costs could also bankrupt Steam.
With the nature of online storefronts that's already recently becoming a bit of a problem.
Consider Steam's recent engagement with with ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) where it turns out Steam is liable for failing to represent the rights of the Australian consumer in using their storefront. By my reading, Australian consumer laws are already in a vague way regarding software licenses, the main question being whether or not a software license is a "product" or a "service", and there is no precedent for a "product" being legally revocable by the distributor based on the ACCC website, that the concept of having a license "revoked" rather than being refunded seems like it causes more problems.

>In the end, people should read the contracts they sign and don't sign anything they don't agree with.
>Obviously it would be preferable if contracts were actually written in such a way that the average normies could understand them tho.
This is also a big deal, and I agree. Nowhere growing up, despite many purchases of games and movies, was I ever made aware of the "contract" I was entering into. I purchase a game the same way I purchased a VHS, why should the contract be any different? To use another user's example from earlier in the thread, I buy a hammer the same way I buy a videogame, what reason does a consumer have (especially for a single-player game who's online online connectivity is DRM) to assume that any further thought goes into it? How much sway can a contract have, when I am willing to believe that most of the population who "sign" it, don't even know it exists?
I'm no lawyer though, and am wholly unprepared as far as research (even into my own countries) systems in place for this kind of thing, so I can only offer my own thoughts and opinions based overthinking things with my limited knowledge-base.

As a follow up to my comment I threw a quick google search asking the question regarding software license being a good or a service (+Australia), and ended up on a law-firm website article from 2015 with a little bit of insight (tackling the notion from a vendor's point of view).
>Software as a Service
>Software as a service (SaaS) typically describes software that is licensed to users. This is most often the case for software downloaded online or software that may have the capacity to be used solely online or via cloud services

>Software as a Good
>Software as a good requires an actual tangible product that can be physically moved. For example, the sale of a CD-ROM. A key consequence of computer software being considered a good is that the vendor must guarantee “undisturbed possession”. This is similar to the concept of purchasing and owning a book and having exclusive possession of the book. As this is a consumer guarantee, a computer software vendor cannot contract out of providing a customer with undisturbed possession of the software.

Reading this, it REALLY puts that whole "No disc-drive Xbox" thing Microsoft was trying to push in an even worse light. Like, seriously. And still doesn't really explain anything, considering the (relatively) recent proliferation of using CD-keys too.

For reference: "Legalvision, Computer Software: Is it a good or a service?" is the name of the page, a google search should get you there.

well yeah. you don't actually own any game you buy.

Its been like that since the first vidja.

This is null and void under EU law. You have a right to refund.

no it fucking hasn't you god damn retard
selling software licenses/software as a service vs tangible software has only been a thing for 20 years or so

I own all the games on my shelves made before the year 2000 or so, fucking idiot. I didn't have to sign or implicitly agree to any stupid fucking contract when I bought games for my SNES or my PS1.

patents are not copyright

>steam offers refunds instead of "if you start the game you forfit everything"
>blame it anyway

>Tonight two million children will go to bed with aching stomachs
Their parents probably shouldn't have had kids if they couldn't support them.

amish people dont go crazy like the mormons because they dont believe god lives planet kolob and if youre a good enough amish man you become god too

>buying digital

You know there has to be a box full of these wasting away in some warehouse, owned by a guy that doesn't even know that it's illegal.

>he didn't read the manual that came with the game that says, every single time, that the game is licensed to you and you have no rights to nor "own" the game
You fucking dumb child.