Give him a new moveset

give him a new moveset

Attached: download.jpg (202x250, 8K)

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more dexterity

Let's replace him with Shadow instead. Shadow has way more moveset potential, is a better character, has a better design, and has cooler friends.

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Attached: sonic in brawl.jpg (934x1601, 157K)

Man, it was a different time

The concept of anonymity was understood back then. Now you have people who are so used to having a username attached to everything they say and do that they are afraid of being called out for it, even though you can say whatever you want and never feel any repercussions since no one knows who the fuck you are anyways.

You're alright, user.

Attached: ultimate.jpg (640x479, 60K)

>you forgot to add roman cancels



Man, did 06 trigger the classicfags huh?

should've been an echo

No. Should have been a semi-clone.

There's no way he wouldn't be an echo with a different up b.

>nobody has made this as a brawl mod

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How is that relevant to that image?

>super smash
I wanna go back

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we all do user

Attached: lucky smash.jpg (1680x1050, 533K)

Replace his Side B with Boost.

Honestly based

give her a new moveset and a new armor design.
PM Sonic is so fun to play, if I could just put him in Ultimate and change nothing else I would

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>those replies
Jesus christ even that small bit of sincerity is overwhelming compared to how anons talk nowadays

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Would zoomers even understand this meme? I had to explain what rick rolling was to an eighteen year old a few weeks ago.

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Homing Attack
Blue Tornado
Spin Dash

Literally all he needs is a new side B. I nominate boost, but I'm sure there are better options.

Honestly he needs some design tweaking too. Idk if it's just me but for a character who typically displays a ton of personality he feels like he has almost none in Smash

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Better yet, make Eggman playable

Attached: dr_eggman_artwork_from_sonic_the_hedgehog.jpg (1200x1200, 255K)

Better yet, remove all the FE characters and Pokemon past gen 2 and add the entire Sonic cast instead

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I think he's fine for the most part, but something like wouldn't hurt.

Samus really deserves better than her current bargain-bin tier design

Jab, ftilt, and possibly more a moves could be shooting attacks similar to mega man's lemons, to better represent how samus plays in her games, one could even use different beam types for some diversity
Fair and maybe bair could be melee moves from samus returns
Make Nair a screw attack move similar to pika or mewtwo's nair
Dash attack is a more faithful shine spark, similar to ganons dash attack
Neutral B should be ice beam, does less damage but gives you a large opportunity to punish someone if you hit it, scales with target's %
Side B remains as missles
Down b can stay the same
>smash attacks
Side smash is a charge beam attack, could maybe add plasma beam effect for the projectile itself
Samus can crouch in her morphball and crawl, Remove samus's double jump, replace it with 2 or maybe more space jumps, upB is similar to her regular SA upb
Grapple beam remaims the same
1. Super Metroid pose with gun pointed up and other hand on her hip
2. 2d Metroid Save pose
3. Metroid prime, either have her fiddle with her arm gun as seen in the opening, samus angerly swiping her gun to her side after seeing ridley escape to talon IV, or the thumbs up scene in the cockpit of her ship
>other shit
Victory theme remains the same i like it, add victory pose of her jumping off of her ship and striking an iconic pose, keep the metroid 2 one
As for colours, remove a skin to make room for a yellow power suit colour, same for a phazon suit recolour from mp3
Make her model a mix of supermetroid and the prime series models, similar to how zelda is a mix of the albw and lttp models

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I find it really funny how Samus in her current state is literally just Mii Gunner but worse. Her missiles are worse, her charge shot is wose, her bombs are worse, etc

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It always looks weird to me when Sonic punches things. He should exclusively use his legs, rolling and ramming.

wish granted, but now Sonic characters are now required to carry swords

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I'd take it t b h

god I love shota