It's not bad. It's just not for their audience

It's not bad. It's just not for their audience.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe that's intentional so they don't get pigeonholed and turned into the "Souls dev" for all entirety.

I love how ass blasted Sekiro makes you virgins

It looks good to me.

how would you know you haven't played it

Soulless Activision trash

It doesn't have features people bought their games for. Therefore it's not for their audience. But a new audience (Ubisoft customers for example) will be happy to share this game with those who insist on playing it.

Except it completely is for their audience. It's not for filthy bandwagoning secondaries who never understood their games in the first place. I thoroughly enjoyed all their games since DeS and this is right in line with my expectations of From. Also loved Nioh. Feels good to actually like videogames and understand game design and mechanics.

Ah man from is catering to a diffrent audience and souls fans are whining? Fuck off with that I still miss armored core.

they make you play as a giant?

I loved Tenchu, is it for me?

No, not really.


I don't know if I'll like it or not but it looks interesting. If anything it's closer to Souls than I would have liked to have seen.

Not if you're expecting Tenchu. Sekiro's stealth looks like a secondary concern thrown in for spice.

This is the stupid.

You're a stupid person.

If this is the reaction to a third person action game I can't imagine the shitflinging that would come from making something actually different. This would be like BoTW fans holding Nintendo at gunpoint for making Mario Odyssey.

You can play different games like Surge and other indie Souls clones. Sekiro is just not for you, if you supported the company for the past 10 years. You are not their audience. Time to let go

This is going to be the first Miyazaki game to fail. People are buying it expecting another Souls game but what they'll get is an action game with a weird, unproven, combat system. The success of this game rests entirely on people liking the combat system enough to stick with it for dozens of hours.
It's a bold gamble for From Software, I admire the bravado. But it will likely end poorly.

It's not Dark Souls and therefore it's trash. Only good games FROM ever made.

It just looks so bad bros. Thank god we've got DMC.

>It's just not for their audience
they can make games with different audiences in mind you smoothbrain. a single dev company doesn't have to restrict themselves to the same rut. also lots of soulsfags are loving this game.

Imagine being a part of the millions of players who stayed for the game they launched when they saw character creation and RPG stats with classes, but now you are thrown away, millions of you, so a Ubisoft audience can play their game instead. Very sad. But you still have Code Vein coming out this or next year.

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I don't think it will fail, even if people are disappointed. I think it will sell pretty well and have enough good qualities to have its fans.

Going to be fun in a few weeks, people expecting Dark Souls and they'll be hit with
>No rpg elements
>One weapon
>No multiplayer
>No character creation
>No builds

I'm not even a soulsfag and this looks too much like a souls game with everything else chopped out. It looks like they wanted to make their own Ninja Gaiden series except removed all the fun weapon types, weapon upgrades, etc. It might be a combination of the artstyle, presentation, and gameplay style that gives me that feeling.

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>removing content that's not unique to souls is fun

First From game I've been excited fir in quite some time. Really glad it's not soulsshit

>people expecting Dark Souls
you'd have to be pretty retarded to expect dark souls
every video, article and interview tells you that it's not dark souls
it looks nothing like dark souls

You know they're making another "dark fantasy" game that's described as something closer to what they're known for i.e. souls style. It will probably be their next new title announced.


I like Monster Hunter, does that mean I can't play anything else made by capcom ?

Yes it is? Literally every single person who was ever into Souls games is hyped for Sekiro. People who only played Souls for the PvP were never into the games itself, since the multiplayer was a completely unimportant, irrelevant side aspect in them.

It has better features instead
>Ubisoft customers
Doesn't make any sense. This game is harder than Souls games and nothing like any Ubishit game.

they were referring to sekiro when they said that.

MH are the only series who look and behave like MH amongst Capcom titles. Sekiro looks and behaves like an assassin creed DLC to dark souls 3

i guess zelda is made for the sony audience since it has different features from mario

Wrong. Sekiro is exactly for those who have been playing Froms games for 10 years or longer. Only DS2 babies have a problem with this because they are mentally retarded manchildren that want a million Dark Souls sequels.
Looks way better than DMC


Current results for Yea Forums's ongoing best franchise poll are out, do you agree with them?
> 1. Castlevania (Konami)
> 2. Rune Factory (Nintendo)
> 3. Bayonetta (Nintendo)
> 4. Devil May Cry (Capcom)
> 5. Shin Megami Tensei (Atlus)
> 6. Pokemon (Nintendo)
> 7. Resident Evil (Capcom)
> 8. Metal Gear Solid (Konami)
> 9. Silent Hill (Konami)
> 10. Monster Hunter (Capcom)
> 11. Rythem Heaven (Nintendo)
> 12. Animal Crossing (Nintendo)
> 13. Metroid (Nintendo)
> 14. Mario Kart (Nintendo)
> 15. Donkey Kong (Nintendo)

They meant Sekiro with that, it is a dark fantasy game

It will get a lot of preorders from souls fans. It will receive mediocre reviews from journalists but initially it will be defended by from software fans. The true start of the negative backlash will be one week in: people will criticise it for the lack of variety in enemy design and combat and for its lack of content, padded out with artificial difficulty.
It will sell well but damage the brand, I expect From's next game will have to be a crowd pleaser, like bloodborne 2 or dark souls 4, instead of another new IP.

Wrong. This game has nothing that kept people buying their games, unless the sole reason for you to buy them was "le prepare to die", then you are just stupid.

OP you can stop samefagging now. Sekiro has like 20 times more features than any Souls game ever did. It has nothing "chopped out", it quite literally has far more content to it.
You're the contrarian if you want From to make more Souls games. Literally everyone else is hyped for Sekiro and want From to do something new every time.

Since Tenchu is in a sort of "Never Ever" state, it's the best you're going to get.

If I've never played a soulsborne would I enjoy this?

>people will criticise it for the lack of variety in enemy design and combat
Didn't stop Bloodborne from being praised

Yea Forums has shit taste so no.

Wrong. Millions of Souls fans vs few contrarians-autists who are happy it's not souls.

Wrong. It does have everything that made people buy their games. Amazing combat, amazing exploration, amazing level and world design.
All the same core aspects are there, only minor details have changed, and to much better ones. Talent tree leveling is objectively superior for an action game than attribute leveling, which allows the player to trivialize all content by outleveling it.

>all this weeb console trash
no, I don't agree with that

Zelda BoTW have AC mechanics too, doesn't make it a bad game.

No, they weren't. Sekiro was the "reboot", because it was initially conceived as a new Tenchu game. There's still the "strange" game and the "dark fantasy action RPG [...] with a setting/feeling similar but different to Dark Souls" left unannounced.

It still had RPG elements, character creation and weapon variety, which meant a reason to explore levels.

If you like action games. It doesn't have similar combat to Souls, it's really a completely new kind of combat no game has ever had before.

since great level design, art direction and challenge was the appeal of souls games: what exactly is sekiro missing?

It really doesn’t look better, as DMC5 is magnificent and can only get better with DLC. Sekiro looks great though.

(Not the neckbeard you responded to)

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>If anything it's closer to Souls than I would have liked to have seen.
Same for me, I would have liked it to be even more different, specially in the art style.

Wrong. Without build variety and dresssup, exploration is meaningless. Don't fool yourself if you think that people want to explore these games for "beautiful environment"

No no, all the Souls fans wanted something else than Souls. Myself included.
Only pathetic PvP manbabies wanted another Dark Souls, you are 0.00001% minority.
>it was initially conceived as a new Tenchu game
Stop saying that, it's false. It literally started as Sekiro, it was never going to be a Tenchu game you moron. They have fucking addressed this in interviews and said it was always Sekiro.

>This would be like BoTW fans holding Nintendo at gunpoint for making Mario Odyssey.
More like Zelda fans holding nintendo at gunpoint for making BotW.

I like to explore games for their beautiful environments

>all souls fans
Wrong. Just look at the amount of threads saying it will suck compared to few drones defending it

>Sekiro was the "reboot", because it was initially conceived as a new Tenchu game.
It wasn't. See this video by Game Informer:

The "dark fantasy" game they were referring to was Sekiro.

Sekiro has RPG elements and weapon variety, and colossal fuckton of items you can find, so there is plenty of reason to explore, idiot.
DMC is a linear 8 hour corridor game where the entire purpose is to juggle your passive enemies in the air for eternity. It's fun, sure, but it is shallow as a game in comparison to Sekiro, which has insane depth to it.

Autism, because said environments are copy-pasted rocks and houses. Seek help.

Can't wait for the underage to post their max dragonrot world while stuck at the second boss. I hope there is a way to notice the dragonrot level from the surrounding world, so we get an idea how those pvp afficionados do when playing solo. As it stands now, they seem quite mad. Its a passive aggressive way of admiting that they suck and will struggle without multiplayer. These are the same faggots who posted screenshots of being stuck at gargoyles in das1, ruin sentinels in 2, and pontiff in 3. Wonder what this game's scrubstomper will be

It has build variety you fucking cuck. You explore to find items and secrets, dumbfuck retard.
You make all the hate threads you pathetic virgin. Look at the SALES, it is the best selling game on Steam and it isn't even out yet. God you're so fucking stupid to actually think anyone has fallen for your false flag operation, we can all see through you.

Wrong. The items you need in Sekiro exist solely to make some boss fights easier, like a tool to exploit their weakness. If you played the demo you would know.

Any idea on how long it is or if it's got decent replayability?

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Not OP dumbass. Apparently, it's too hard for you to actually elaborate and easier to spew buzzwords. Laughingly you wonder why this game gets hated on with your defensive behavior.

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>Look at the sales
You are stupid. Steam user base didn't check twice if it's a souls game or not. We speak about a user base that writes negative review for a game if it doesn't have the right resolution for their 10 years old monitor.

Just gonna wait for reviews. And even then wait til it's cheaper. No fucking way am I paying full price for a one time single player game.

Not at all.

You haven't played the demo fuckface. I've seen enough items to know they are usable all across the game, not just in boss fights. What the fuck are you even trying, your lies get more pathetic each time.
You're unironically trying to claim that items are only meant for boss fights? It literally has items you use for all kinds of situations holy fuck you are so dishonest.
It isn't getting hated on. It is literally a top selling game right now, and it will only get more popular once it's released. You are alone in your delusion and seething cuckold hatred.

You’re defending an unreleased game as if you know the full picture. Watch your depression rise as you are proven wrong.

Wrong. I was invited by Activision recently and played their demo. Public opinion vs anonymous opinion are two different things and you are delusional if you think your favorite youtuber is being honest about their feelings right now.

Not an argument. Steam sales are proportionally similar to sales on any platform.
How is it one time? It has more replay value than Souls games. Since it has better build variety and even better world and level design for exploration, a non-linear world you can explore in the order you want, and NG+.

>removed all the fun weapon types, weapon upgrades, etc
You have a ton of upgrades apparently, retard. Only one weapon yes but only if you don't count all the stuff you can do with the arm.

Nice roleplay.

>not an argument
Wrong. Sales don't matter because a shitty product can sell well (Mass Effect Andromeda), and people stop being clueless only on release

I'm not "defending" shit, I am calling you out on your LIES. You are blatantly lying, all I am doing is stating the facts. You're so fucking pathetic holy shit. How could I get proven wrong about stating facts they have already proven, such as the game having tons of items, great build variety etc.
All these things are already confirmed you mongrel.
No you weren't. You're a literal nobody virgin that cries about the game 16 hours a day on the internet. You weren't even invited to anyones birthday parties, ever.

good fuck rehash souls

>you are alone
>spouts buzzwords and fanatical claims
And I am glad I am not associated with your delusional ass

You will miss that in Sekiro
Irony that you are the one who keeps crying and defending the game you know nothing about while also calling others names, pathetic.

This. Nobody wanted another Souls game. They are really overdone, and thankfully From might never make another again. There should be no reason for them to go back to such simplistic combat after making combat like in Sekiro.

With the lack of weapons, souls, armor in this game, what will be the main driving point to explore and uncover secrets? Are there any secrets? What kind of rewards can you expect from them?

I'm not hating on the game i'm just really curious. Gameplay aside what I really loved about the souls games was how they were these huge labyrinth where exploring would always give you some unique equipment piece or other morsel useless or not.

Bloodborne still had PvP, coop, messages, bloodstains and a variety of different weapons. The setting was fresh (there's few things more stale than feudal japan), the cosmic horror twist was extremely interesting. It also used the souls combat system, which is what souls fans expect.

>No you weren't. You're a literal nobody virgin that cries about the game 16 hours a day on the internet. You weren't even invited to anyones birthday parties, ever.

Holy shit you're a literal fanatic for this game.

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Virgin user, you aren't associated with anyone. You are a fucking hermit.
Again, no one is defending anything. We are calling you out on lying. You are flat out blatantly lying. Saying lies like "it has no build variety, no items, no reason to explore", even though all of the opposites have been confirmed, it's all there on video, you dumb cunt.
If you're going to be triggered about Froms next masterpiece, then try to come up with something believable when you lie. Not just straight up make claims against already proven facts.

>Sekiro has RPG elements and weapon variety
It literally doesn't. There's two weapons. One is a katana and the other one is also a katana.

It has weapons, and they've shown it has tons of different kinds of items to find.
You have actually more incentive to explore than in Souls, since you can find Esoteric Texts that teach you new attacks and moves. That will be useful 100% of the time.

You are silly if you think that even in this thread the amount of defending the game and amount of people saying truth are even close to being equal, because this is getting embarrassing for you. If you don't believe us, how about you just wait and see for yourself instead of being angry in these threads?

No, I just hate lying faggots. You're a lying, pathetic loser. I would call anyone out on lying about any subject.
You must be embarrassed, about being the most pathetic person on all of Yea Forums. That is quite an accomplishment.

>you're a hermit
>shouts the lone old man as he defends his brand loyalty to anyone who dares talk ill of it
>calls everyone names and parrot terms constantly
Yeah I'll let you have fun doing this all day.

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>That will be useful 100% of the time.
Don't over-exaggerate. In games with multiple moves you're definitely not always using everything.

Even if it hypothetically had more build variety, which I highly doubt it does, it's the same fucking PvE bosses over and over again. And exploring a world in a different order does not magically make more content.

The game might be really fun, but after a playthrough, MAYBE two, it goes on the shelf until I've forgotten enough about it that another playthrough might be fun again.

And a colossal fuckton of off-hand weapons. Therefore it has weapon variety, retard.
user, there are literally only two people in this thread crying about the game. There are way more calling you out on your bullshit.
How are you so triggered by this game? Are you ok? You sound a bit mentally unstable.

Would it have killed them to at least add cosmetic loot into the game? I mean in Dark souls 3 all armor was essentially relegated to just being cosmetics anyway and they still bothered to put in like a 100 sets.


>writes a paragraph to everyone defending a product
>thinks everyone is one person
>calls others pathetic

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All I did was humiliate you for blatantly lying, not defend some brand, don't act like you didn't get BTFO. Everyone reading this thread can see how pathetic you are.
Are you stupid? You sound really stupid. Of course they are all useful, just not for every build. It will be up to the player, for what kind of build they are running.

>No Doom

Are you sure this is Yea Forums's list?

>no you
And this is where you've lost the argument. Don't visit Yea Forums if you are so sensitive.

What is wrong with you? Go see a therapist dude.

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Sorry boomer, post-2015 Souls has been all about that Twitch eSports.

There are builds what the fuck man

>there are only 2 people in this thread crying about the game

>it's the same fucking PvE bosses over and over again
[citation needed]
The bosses they have shown so far look nothing like Souls bosses.
>The game might be really fun, but after a playthrough, MAYBE two, it goes on the shelf until I've forgotten enough about it that another playthrough might be fun again.
That's good for you kid. A lot of people play through these FromSoft games a lot more than just once or twice. You don't have to.

>literally just two butthurt virgins mad that it's not another cashgrab Dark Souls game with PvP
Wow, that is such a large amount of haters this game has. A whopping 2 guys on Yea Forums, gee.

Change your itchy diaper lil' zoomer

>Are you stupid? You sound really stupid. Of course they are all useful, just not for every build. It will be up to the player, for what kind of build they are running.
Look at all the good action games ou there with multiple moves. From ninja Gaiden to God Hand, there isn't a single one where every move is 100% useful as you pretend.

Get help. You clearly have stopped taking your medication for schizophrenia or something. I would advise against doing so.
You're getting increasingly pathetic with every post you make.

You are talking to more than 4 people at least right now. Seek help.

You know the guys you are responding to don't even believe what they are saying, they are just baiting you.

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i don't 100% agree with your predicted conclusion, but i think you're right about the gamble they're taking. i believe however that this combat system will prove to be deep and rewarding, possibly more so than the souls-borne system. souls games combat while addictive is pretty simple and one dimensional. sekiro's system looks to be much more skill based and intricate. FROM are either fools or will be pioneering a new direction for gaming for the second time. only time will tell though.

>[citation needed]
>The bosses they have shown so far look nothing like Souls bosses.
Reading comprehension is difficult for you I see. We weren't talking about Souls, we were talking about Sekiro. Seriously, Seek help.

Can people only like one type of game? I like souls and this looks incredible.

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Jesus christ. Fromedrones are real, I'm out

I believe what I'm saying but this guy is clearly mental with how he writes. It's like someone just left a newborn on Yea Forums since birth and the board raised him and this is the end result.

There are two crying babies in the thread whose posts are exactly 1 minute apart each time, retard.
>imagine being this assblasted about From doing what they do best and not making another rehashed cashgrab
Sekiro isn't really like Ninja Gaiden or God Hand dude, those are pretty on-rails hack n slash games, while Sekiro is a very long game with a large world to explore. It obviously has less moves than 8 hour linear action games, and there's really no reason to assume all moves are not useful to some build, since it has great build variety.

So when is that other ninja game coming out? The one with the huge open world and ninja gaiden gameplay?

people don't play souls games because of character creation and RPG stats. there are a million games with those things. what souls games provide is deeper and more primal than simple builds and customizations.

>You're a literal nobody virgin that cries about the game 16 hours a day on the internet

user are you okay?

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This, he's even talking to people who are otherwise hyped with sekiro and who are calling him on his bullshit.

Who are the crying babies you keep crying about?


I bought both re2 and dmc5 on release and they got cracked less than a week after. Watch this shit not get cracked for months.

FF-15 has Barry, does Sekiro also have its Barry or it's the same person who goes insane defending the game?

>there's really no reason to assume all moves are not useful to some build
Dude, there's no reason to assume that all moves are useful. It just never happens why would it happen there ? And it's not even a bad thing retard.

lol no
There are literally only two of you, your lies get worse every post.
See? Samefagging retard. You're not "out", you are going to keep posting in this thread, pretending to be another person again. How do you have nothing better to do with your life than cry about a game for hours on the internet.
Imagine having this guys life, he's bawling his eyes out in his basement because Miyazaki didn't give him another cashgrab.

They're doing exactly what I hoped for when I played the soulsborne games, using the formula on different settings, replacing mechanics, keeping it interesting and fresh.

What level of retard is this board even on anymore I fucking hate all you niggers

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The off hand weapon can be used a maximum of 15 times per run, and you'll save all of them for the boss which will require that you use a specific one.

What are you on about? Plenty of games have only useful moves. It's only games that have a colossal amount of moves where some are inevitably useless.

>One person vs entire thread

Who we, the Royal we?

Baiting user is obvious

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Yes, 7 of the top 10 now are all Nintendo. It’s definitely Yea Forums‘s list

>Every game should play the same!
Fuck you. I want From to go back to making robot games you Soulsfags are such babies.

I think this game has both, some people are over defending it and some other are over shitting on it.

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>The off hand weapon can be used a maximum of 15 times per run
Ok, the lying has reached ridiculous levels now.
This thread is literally just two butthurt pvp cucks samefagging every 60 seconds.
Time to get out.

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Soulsfags should drown in a pool of their own putrid vomit

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Why does a game have to be the same as the last one? I'm a huge dark souls fan I would love another one of those but I'm totally ok with a different game.

>doesn’t think Dark Souls 4 will come out

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>Plenty of games have only useful moves
Like what ? Even in fighting games that have small movelists there's always one or two that you'll nearly never use.

Sekiro has overwhelming hype for it, and 1-2 mentally ill permavirgins on Yea Forums that are enraged by it not being another cashgrab.
One of them is the same guy making thousands of whining threads about RE2, DMCV, and Steam daily as well.

Attached: resident v schizo.jpg (1213x362, 119K)

>third person action game made by FromSoftware not for fans of other third person action games made by FromSoftware
how stupid do you have to be to believe this

I feel like it's more that most of the shitting on it is literally just "It's not Dark Souls!" and that's causing people excited for it to get overly pissy.

The ironic part is your accusation of 2 people shitting on sekiro is how many are defending Sekiro. Hell that screenshot is probably you as well. See I too can claim everyone is the same person without any proof.

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I personally bought their games for build variety and ability to beat the game as a Mage or warrior or a dex character than the "git gud" part, so I know why some people could be upset.

wow you're retarded

Yea Forums manbabies are sickened by the fact that the soulsborne games are in the legendary tier of gaming with zelda, mario, metroid, GTA, metal gear, FF, etc... sekiro will soon be joining alongside those. let everyone get the crying out of their system.

It was going to happen. DMC5 just came out and the hype is dying down. It's around this time that he moves to the next game.

>bait&switch tactic where he pretends to hate the game and then defends it

Shut the fuck up Barry

So glad I got out of this this From fandom after 3. All I see is one venemous fanboy being overly defensive about his product and literally no discussion can be done with one cancerous underage kid calling everyone retarded or samefag.

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I've seen that post in your picture used in tons of different threads about different games, it doesn't prove anything.
The arguments are retarded on both sides. Good thing the came is coming out soon, it will probably make people finally shut their mouth.

Fuck off Barry

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you're fucking retarded, kys

Epic retort

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IDGAF about your e-celebs

LMAO this is what Barry resorts to when he's proven wrong with his lame-ass screenshots

When he's not there defending the discussion is better in any way though. It's all the same retarded arguments against the game. I've only seen one fucking thread in all those months talking normally about the game. And it was asking if there were any waifu in it lol.
Because I don't believe the baseless arguments you're making ?

I don't share your optimism. With souls combat there were multiple ways to approach each attack, you could dodge into it, dodge away, block, parry or keep your distance from the enemy. The first impression is that Sekiro has all those and more (you can jump). But it seems to me that in practice the game will just tell you what you have to do: if it's a low swipe you have to jump, if it's an unblockable attack (signaled by the red kanji) you have to dodge away, if it's a thrust attack you have to dodge into it. Everything else needs to be deflected.
Do the wrong thing and the enemy will recover posture (which is basically the equivalent of health in this game).
Combat in this game won't be about finding the strategy but just about doing what the game tells you to do and learning the timings. All the strategy is relegated to the shinobi prosthetic, of trying every one of them until one works.

>the discussion is better
isn't better

I feel pretty confident that this game is going to review well and 90% of the FromSoft fans on Yea Forums will love it.

Personally I like the slower combat of the older Souls games but I feel like I'm in the minority.

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have you ever thought that people are defending the game so fiercely because they're sick of these shitposting threads

Objectively incorrect.

Is there lock on in Sekiro ?

I know. I see gamefaqs constantly compares the game to souls so I don't know why people get so upset that it happens here as well.

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i see where you're coming from. it's like dark souls combat is the equivalent of open world design vs sekiro which is more like the combat version of linear world design. it all really ones down to how fun it actually feels though. from videos it looks very engaging i'll say that.

Because retards keep shitting on the game for not being Souls and don't want to try something new. Is it that hard to understand?

Anything this is leaving out on differences? It seems fine to me. I can see how no stat upgrades would bother some people, but other than that it sounds like it could still be solid.

Do you know if there's lock on in the game ?

Is this a shitty variation of 'it's a good game, just not good souls game'?

havent looked at any of the trailers/webms? but yeah there is. like any good action game.

You are right user!
This and DmC!

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>like any good action game.
Are you trying to bait me ?

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name 500 games


Die fucking Sekiroshill ACfag. Just fuck off.

I can name a few.
God Hand
Ninja Gaiden
Monster Hunter
Draong's Dogma kinda count
I can't name 500 action games without lock on but every single one I can think of is fine without it.

yeah alright good enough

PvP autists are the scourge of the earth. I hope From never makes any souslike with PvP again

It has lock on

Monster Hunter always had a soft lock-on and as of MHW it also features a perma-lock on if you're into that

>shitposting scapegoating another shitposting to try and cover their shitposting
This board is filth

This game will sell over millions no doubt.

>always had a soft lock-on
Wrong, it didn't had that until it came to 3ds. It still isn't lock on, just repositionning the camera. And in world it proved that it was a bad idea, I don't think anyone ever used it.
Which game in that list ?

The trophy list leaked with full pics abd no one on Yea Forums is tslking about it

Yea Forums was always garbage bur at least it used to have discussion, not be 100% baitposting all the time

But ubisoft fans like games that offer no challenge, so this game isn't for them.

Oh sorry, I meant Sekiro.

What the fuck are you and every retard who tries to say this isn't a Souls clone on about? This is as much Soulshit as Bloodborne was, don't delude yourself into thinking Miyazaki is anything but a hack who will do anything but make the same game 6 times in a row.

Yeah, I saw that, I prefer games without it or with a soft lock on in general though.


I could see parrying being a difficult mechanic to keep from being frustrating without lock on. That being said I remember Onimusha 3 having a sort of parry and I don't member lock on in that game. It worked fine though it was very generous.

I'm glad they decided to not call it Tenchu. Tenchu games had a lot more depth than this, it would have been insulting.

>It's not bad. It's just not for their audience.
so like dark souls itself then?
so it doesnt have mechs?

fucking casual zoomers and their limited frame of refference

You had parry in onimusha 1 too and no lock on. I dont' think it's problematic, you just need to time it right.

You say that like it's not all they make anyway. Their games all have similar combat systems.

>You say that like it's not all they make anyway. Their games all have similar combat systems.
but they dont? lmao

>a deeper stealth system is the Ubisoft audience

we Splinter Cell again?

>Imagine being a part of the millions of players who stayed for the game they launched when they saw character creation and RPG stats with classes, but now you are thrown away, millions of you
so like armored core?

Not him but basically since 2009 from software has been trying to make zelda games. They've openly talked about zelda being the biggest inspiration for souls games and the same year demon's souls came out they released 3d dot game heroes another obvious zelda clone. The made souls to be like zelda but also its own thing with the online elements. Sekiro to me is the closest they've ever brought their zelda clones to being like an actual zelda game. Which to me means, they are changing, and they are making something new in a new direction. Sorry short version is that I agree with you but also for about a decade now from has been inching their not mech games closer to zelda.

yeah haha lets forget about the entire prime series amirite XD?

Idk I liked Nioh and think it's 100x harder than any souls game. I don't use cheese it with 999999 damage talismans like every other person I summoned to help
This just looks meh. I'll get it on sale half price at most

>since 2009
>Sekiro to me is the closest they've ever brought their zelda clones to being like an actual zelda game.
except it's more tenchu than zelda at this point

>Sorry short version is that I agree with you but also for about a decade now from has been inching their not mech games closer to zelda.
that's fair i guess it just pisses me off when soulsbabbies screech when a studio historically known for producing good games in other genres makes a game other than roll + r1 with DEEPEST LORE

>Amazing combat
>R1 R1 R1 R1 R2
Fucking lol.


It's a good thing it's different from Souls and Bloodborne. So many people, including myself, have played those so many times it would have made Sekiro too easy if the gameplay was similar.

But it will be easier than DS.

>Dev makes a different game for the first time in like 4 years that they seem pretty passionate about.
>Nooo it’s not a Souls game I’m being PERSECUTED!
God you fags are just like the insufferable SJWs.

He's saying it's not bad, but he also doesn't say it is good.
It's just that people criticise it for things it doesn't have but dark souls has

>Most of them are nintendo titles
Talk about shit taste

don't think it has denuvo

soulsfags are the dumbest cunts on earth, I pity you retards and I pity fromsoft for having to put up with you forever

Non-retards actually look at their game before buying them

All the longtime DS youtubers and streamers that they flew out to Japan to play all said it was pretty damn hard and can’t be played like DS.

Note that it's a publisher paid trip so they're advertisers and can't be relied to give an unbiased opinion on the game. That said, I watched Lobosjr's stream on Sekiro and while he was excited, his commentary on the mechanics was pretty fact based and neutral in tone which I liked. While his opinion may be biased as hell, he gave a decent fact-based lowdown on the mechanics.

People like ENB and Vaati though, total shit-eating shills full of fake hype.

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