Why are Japanese character action games so much better than the western ones? I doubt it is a difference in budget, but when it comes to character control, it seems like western devs only put out the bare minimum for the game to work
Why are Japanese character action games so much better than the western ones? I doubt it is a difference in budget...
>Why are Japanese character action games so much better than the western ones?
There haven't been that many. The older God of War games are great, but even they have a broader action-adventure focus (in that sense they're closer to DMC1 than DMC3), and the others aside from DmC like Lords of Shadow or Dante's Inferno are just lukewarm God of War clones.
The new God of War is pretty great. its combat is aight although far from 'cuhrayzee'
>The new God of War is pretty great
It has a few cool ideas but falls short pretty hard.
Autists VS a committee is basically all it boils down to.Western developers are mostly design by committee and by money grubbing suits that don't understand the things they are messing with. Japanese developers are usually primary designed by a few or a single autist whose vision the game will follow. There are also money grubbing suits in this situation but they have to go through the particular autist or autists first.
Western games are designed in a way that unless they are a triple AAA massive flop like Anthem they will get their money back. Its really not that complex. Someone who has a vision of a game and then makes it will naturally be better though than a group of people who are just looking to maximize the amount of people will buy the game and then trying to hit every consumer base and making it bland and accessible as fuck in the process.
They aren't. I think the superficial smoke and mirrors are a little better in Japan if you are a weeb but it comes at the expense of gameplay. Western games, for example, are far less inclined to use the i-frame copout. They are also less inclined to have low effort, high reward. Button mashing is also generally not as reliable in western games as it is in Japanese games. Western games are all about deliberate planned action, Jap games are about push a button, something awesome happens. This is why they have seven thousands combos. You can't go wrong with that because no matter what you do some amazing attack animation is going to play out. Only a retard considers the latter to be "so much better". There are exceptions, for example God Hand and Devil May Cry 1, but stuff like Bayonetta is brainlet tier.
What are some Western games you think have better combat than Bayonetta?
Any average western game is better than Bayonetta on the sole basis that you can't button mash to win like you can Bayonetta. And don't even bother with that "But after you beat Bayonetta twice and unlock the hardest difficulty button mashing isn't as viable anymore" bullshit. Bayonetta is so brainlet tier it won an award for being accessible for handicapped gamers. Tell me again about how a game that even the handicapped can play well requires a skilled gamer.
What do you think of DMC3-5 and Ninja Gaiden? Or God of War (old and new)?
>What do you think of DMC3-5
>Ninja Gaiden
Pretty good. It does have some of that "I didn't do much and yet every enemy is dead anyway' crap in it though. What is up with that "nothing personal, kid" instant kill to every fucking enemy in the area, for example? It's a bullshit win button.
>Or God of War (old and new)?
Haven't played new. Old is meh.
So what are some Western action games you think have exemplary combat?
>character action games
As opposed to what? Object action games?
I wish I knew. The west in general has an unending obsession with minimizing gameplay complexity. It sucks because there are great western devs who could be doing great things but they want to turn every action game into a movie.
Fuck You.
>character action games
Stop this shit you autistic fuck
name one then you stupid faggot
don't dodge the question
It's literally the correct term, it's been used since the 80's.
I think it's a fair subgenre label, but it disguises how significant the differences between the games can be. Ninja Gaiden and DMC are very different from each other.
>Stop this shit you autistic fuck
why tho?
you typed a lot but didn't name a game, imbecile
Bayo and MGRR... and that's pretty much it
western games as a whole died after the early 2000s
as a person who loves nip games, most of you haven't played a lot of western games. you have to, you know, know about something to talk about it
>doesn't name a single one
name a good western action game then
better than bayonetta
he can't because they only make shooters
or trashy bamham clones
chirp chirp motherfuckers