Could you recommend me good futuristic/Sci fi FPS to play on PC. I have finished DOOM and cannot find good ones...

Could you recommend me good futuristic/Sci fi FPS to play on PC. I have finished DOOM and cannot find good ones, when I google I just get call of duties recomendations. also don't want anything online, just a comfy single player campaign either killing aliens, demons, robots, etc. Please don't fail me Yea Forums

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Halo is coming to PC mate.

Never played any Halo, are they still worth? do I get the old ones or wait the remakes? are the old ones for pc, if so there must be cheaper? sorry so many questions, but just tried metro exodus and totallly dissapointed me and I have the urge of playing something like F.E.A.R. or even DOOM 2016 which I liked but I think is flawed.


I miss this game

Ok, I am gonna check videos if it, thanks kind user.
I feel you bro

Yes they are absolutely worth, although I'm not certain how well they'll translate to M+KB players typically accustomed to faster shooters. Wait for the remakes since they'll be on Steam.
Try Titanfall 2's campaign.

Hmm still feels very CoD-alike but with blue bullets, was looking for something with a little more crazy weapons and more technology as a whole, thanks for the suggestion tho.


Ok, I will wait for the Halo remake, and I will check titanfall 2 in the meantime.
Looked i on youtube, no offense is jsut not what I am looking for.


>they turned into a counterstrike clone
how about interstellar marines

Dead and rotted to the bone

Interstellar marines looks cheap, and cheesy, makes me wish a FPS based on starship troopers,or warhammer 40k, is heavy sci fi fps a very uncommon genre? Anyway I will check more videos to see if may I like it

i got nothing honestly. i assume you want some kind of replacement for blr but there really isnt one. no one is creative anymore

Oh im not OP. I was just saying interstellar marines is vaporware if there ever was vaporware.

T. Spearhead since 2010

I am very grateful for your effort tho, and I honestly didn't think It would be hard t ofind, I fee picky now, but Halo looks promising, is just weird to me that there are no more alike games.

Crysis 1,2,3,Warhead
Titanfall 2 I guess?
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars[spoilers]loved playing vs bots when I was a kid[/spoiler]
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for an RPG with really good FPS gameplay
Nu-Prey if you're desperate
CoD: Infinite Warfare had a good campaign, albeit in the predictable CoD fashion, but still.
Section 8maayyyybeee?

Hard reset is okay

Do I need to have played the other Deus Ex games? also can I shoot a lot or is one of those fps with very limited ammo?

Star Wars: Dark Forces
Hard Reset
pirate the Syndicate remake and get the online fix to remove all the lens flares/tone down the brightness
OG Prey
Dude Sex
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division if you are okay with 80s/90s mecha anime aesthethic
Blood 2 and F.E.A.R. are kinda scifi/futuristic

Already finished dark forces and Hard reset, good choices I have my doubts about EYE, I want action shooting, not rpg shooting, Blood 2 and Fear finished years ago, even all the expansions of the first F.E.A.R. and the not so good F.E.A.R. 2

Nah it has a brief intro cinematic where it sums the events of the series, plus it's not one of those RPGs where you import previous saves.
I'd say they perfected the FPS part of the game since it's so integral to the series. Given it's an RPG, you have many ways to tackle missions included but not limited to shooting shit up with guns and techpowers. Pirate it if you're hesitant and if you end up liking it maybe buy it on sale?

heavy gear
slave zero

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Pic related is pretty good.

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Fair enough, drop Deus Ex and EYE then since I would call them more RPG then FPS. I remember SiN being also kinda futuristic.

I wish I have know about shogo before, looks like something I would have enjoyed it, but I'll be honestI think it needs some nostalgia now, same as tekwar, slave zero is not a FPS ( But looks cool wil check it too) say whatever you want about nuDoom, but I enjoyed it, it is flawed and I hate glory kills and arena doors which open untill you kill everything, but the shooting was really good and fast paced.

if you can get the ps3 emulator to run fine there is killzone and resistance

I want to play killzone and resistance since forever, but I don't own a ps3 and I doubt there is a functional PS3 emulator atm.

Gunman Chronicles

I highly recommend Fallout 4, my fellow gamer.

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>still can't get this on steam

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I do too user, it was so good in its prime

SyndicatEA is actually pretty good.

Destiny 2 is fun but the sale's over

they weren't worth it back then, but it was all they had

Halo 1-3 are the best FPS campaigns ever made.