ITT: Call out Sacred Cows for their shitty aspects

>Die twice
>Have to start the entire level over again

Problem with the whole series and a lot of NES games in general. Mega Man is particularly egregious though.

Attached: mega_man_2_title_screen.jpg (1280x800, 178K)

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Fucking casual.

>Die twice
You're not even getting that detail right. At least put some effort into it if you're gonna do this.

You're supposed to contribute, triggered Megafags.

just don't die bro lol

literally get good zoomer
stop being handheld by checkpoint systems

Get good

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yikes hasn’t even played the game

>Mega Man II

I guess, I'd say that the robot masters powers could be better balanced so that you have more reason to use all of them. Metal Man's power is amazing and the rest of them are situational at best.

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>defending home consoles aping retarded arcade mechanics meant to jew you out of your quarters

Five shekels deposited, goyim.

>*buzzword* *buzzword* */pol/ buzzword*
btfo by the entire thread and replies with this hahaha

Pretty sure every thread I've ever seen that criticizes Mega Man instantly gets shit posted into oblivion. it might legitimately be Yea Forums's favorite series.

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Have you tried learning from your mistakes and not dying as often? That's kind of the point. It's an action game not an RPG.

The stupid ass level, heat man I think it was
Where you gotta memorize where the blocks are is stupid af

This could have been a good thread.
I call out that one boss fight at willy's fortress in which you can't waste a single shot or you're fucked.

How fucking bad do you have to be at games to have problems with MM2's difficulty?
MM1 is total horseshit, though.

Eh that's a bit unfair. Mega Man often just throws shit at you and you learn from dying which makes it really fucking tiring sometimes being thrown all the way back. I think it was the Meat Boy dudes who talked about not liking lives because you've already proved you can get to a certain part so to punish you by making you redo parts you already know you can do isnt respecting your time. Something like that anyway. Seemed like a reasonable philosophy. Easier to say nowadays when games aren't meant to be brutal as part of the Blockbuster rental cycle.

Wasting the player’s time always bad. This is not debatable.

>The stupid ass level, heat man I think it was
>Where you gotta memorize where the blocks are is stupid af
If you have problems with the Yoko Blocks in any megaman game, you should just kill yourself.
For fuck's sake, if you're so shit then you can go play another stage and unlock Rush Jet so you don't even fucking need to bother with them.


This one? Yeah it's a piece of shit. Mega Man, as much as I love it, gets a pass for a lot of trial and error bullshit like the later boss at Wily's that you likely will have to kill yourself against because you won't figure it out right away and won't have enough crash bombed.

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MM2's problem is that it's literally piss fucking easy, even in a relatively easy series of games. Sorry you're some kind of mongoloid OP

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See It gives you a pattern over a pit of death and switches up the pattern without warning. It'd be one thing if you saw the pattern at the right of the screen and could prepare as you got close but this one specifically is only a single block on screen at a time. It's legitimately just a die and remember next time moment

user, you know if you go in the correct weakness order you're guaranteed to have Rush Jet by that point, right? Heatman's level is short as fuck anyways, so even if you gameover and go back to the stage select, you can just pick a different stage and come back later once you have Rush Jet, then speed right the fuck through it without any trouble.
Stop blaming the game for you slamming your head on a brick wall.

But your justification for an instance poor game design is that you can skip the shit part if you do something else first. The go to option shouldn't have to be Rush, it should just be well designed. This also implies you regularly use Rush at every corridor or pit if you chose to use it here without knowing about the trial and error spot in which case what's the point in playing a platformer if you're using what is essentially Mega Man's auto play mechanic whenever possible.

Stealth Airman ga Taosenai thread?

Theres a lot more shit you could criticize MM2 about.
>Metal blades invalidating most weapons 99% of the time.
>having to use 6-7 crash bombs on a turret and if you misuse a single one you have to restart.

This wasn't meant to be an only shit on MM2 thread

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memorization/trial and error isn't even required in the stage-hazard segment as it's fairly linear from the point where you begin traversing above the lava and so on. all except for the last couple blocks in which the only thing you need to do is just jump from underneath this block (assuming you're unsure as to what the pattern is) which should be fairly easy assuming you're relatively competent at platformer games

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Most early home video games were ports of, or based on, arcade machines. The whole limited lives combined with difficult situations was just expected, even when the quarter munching aspect was no longer an issue.

>Posts video of someone who already knows what's coming

For what purpose. The point is that the top block appears without warning, you bonk your head and die because the block under you disappeared. Or you jump into the abyss. But the only way to make the jump is to jump preemptively so you don't hit the top block but also already he pulling back to land on it because if you don't know it's coming you're not able to correct it. Your photo leaves out pic related

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NES games were mostly about turning a 1-2 hour long game into a 50 hour game.

you missed the point, i'm saying that you could simply jump from the block below on to the next one without actually hitting your head.

You literally can't though. Go try it.

What? Yes you can. It's tricky but you can do it if you're used to the mechanics. Also the game gives you an instant win for this stage if you don't want to actually deal with the blocks.

You can though.

Seriously? Many NES games had limited continues and you're bitching about having to start the level over?

Literally get good. If you can't finish the level without exhausting all of your lives then you're clearly not proficient enough to beat it.


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Pfff, you chose a good sacred cow to shit on and you couldn't even get that right. The game has both the most OP special weapon with metal blades and the most indefensible boss fight with pic related, either you don't know what you're doing and misuse your crash bombs or you do know what you're doing and it's still the most boring fight in the entire series.

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There's nothing wrong with using savestates after certain parts.
Using them to, say, beat a boss is dumb, but at safe areas to save lives? I think it's fine.
You're not a kid with unlimited time anymore, and neither am I.