Just picked this up on the Xbone store for $2. Never played an Saints Row game before. What am I in for?

Just picked this up on the Xbone store for $2. Never played an Saints Row game before. What am I in for?

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Want to recall that it was quite entertaining and an ambitious project trying to tackle GTA:SA.

It borrows and expands on the whole gang/territories thing from San Andreas and if you liked that you should find some fun here as well.
It is a lot more grounded than the sequels, at this point the series went in a more GTAlike approach before it realized and expanded upon its own identity.

I also got it dirt cheap a while back on xbone, but quickly dropped it because it's annoying as fuck that it forces you to play the minigames to do the main story missions.

saints row games are all dogshit once you peel back the layer of WOAHAHHAHOO OPEN WORLD WITH CARS AND GUNS DUDE

Are you so retarded that you cant use google?

Bad driving. I remember one mission in particular was a serious bitch. It involved one of the top members of the Los Carnales. IIRC, he was chasing you in a big truck and would destroy your car easily. After multiple attempts, I got lucky when he drove off the damn freeway bridge. Hardcore fans will get the subtle joke I mentioned in this post.

It's pretty for an otherwise literal GTA clone

2 and 3 are different enough to be okay. After that they went to shit

Op, don't fucking listen to this uncultured user . Saints Row 2 is honestly really fucking great; much better than the first. However, if you'd prefer stupid, wacky as fuck shit, check out 3&4 as well.

I dont but am curious

The driving is almost like gta 3 and vice city, if you ever played those before.

>the Los Carnales
It's really fucking dumb, honestly. In the original Saints Row, there was a running joke that characters would always refer to Los Carnales as "The Los Carnales" even though "Los" is Spanish for "The" and some character (I think Dex) would try to correct people. It was dumb, but I always thought it was funny.

>the Los Carnales.

Dex is going to slap the shit out of you for saying that

10 hours of gay porn

Newfag detected

SR2 is great. The first one is just alright.

what happened to the pc port bros?

Attached: whyman.jpg (707x641, 39K)

SR2 port? They outsourced it to interns from CDPR

So, do guys also consider Freckle Bitch's to be the Wendy's of the Saints Row universe?

Attached: FreckleBitch's.png (800x456, 808K)

a dead series

And then she comes back in SR2 sounding like the only thing she breathes is cigarette smoke.