Is she /ourgirl/?

Is she /ourgirl/?
>hates orcs
>puts humanity over all the weirdos in alliance

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Somefink muss' be wrong wit' 'er if she 'ates best boiz

No peace,just war

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>tfw playing an Empire campaign
>other than the Bad Moons I literally have to seek out Orks to destroy

Damn it I want to challenge myself against a green tide not search under rocks for some hint of green to squash.

Jaina went from my most hated character to my most loved. It's amazing how likeable women become when they stand up for themselves.


That's dandonfuga you fucking retard.

>helped orcs to kill her own father just to have a huge orgy on his corpse gobbling all these big orc cocks
Yeah she is /ourgirl/ and very redpilled

The Dwarves can get overrun but due to Pirate Coast I guess Orcs dont just get to take over the Southern Realms and became more of a threat besides Skarsnik as they once did.

no, but she soon will be

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Are you an idiot?

I don't know about our girl, but I do know who /ourguy/ is.

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She is not.

>mary sue
>all wrong doings swept under the rug
>beware...of me
>jk dont be mean

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They'll retcon her into a tranny in a few years most likely, also,
>goes from shitty npc to raid boss


I don't get why both Genn and Jaina have turned softer against the horde this expansion. I feel that after killing Rastakhan that they both should push towards a harder offence against the Horde

>paying attention to the story in nu-wow


If not being on the dumbshit horde counts as "redpilled" now then I guess I've always been redpilled

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>Baine is now a prisoner for being a traitor by giving jaina her brother back
Fucking good. Saurfang and Baine can go eat shit and die a traitors death.

tfw guild transferred to horde and I reluctantly followed.
I just wanted to be a qt night elf, bros.

You can be a qt blood elf now

Nightborne are cuter.

I don't know, but I really like that slutty outfit. I bet she loves getting stared at by all the horny soldiers in that getup.

Because they understand that if they stoop to the same level there's no difference between them and the Horde.

Greymane saw that there were decent people even among the Forsaken and that the problems with the Horde were specific people who needed to be dealt with, not everyone. Jaina has always been fairly restrained.

Genn is the best character in this God forsaken game with raped lore.
I hope they will at least leave him be making him irrelevant and not killing him.

>allows multiple different infestations of treenigger into your capital city
Kill youself.

Then be a qt nightborne

as if that would ever happen

>if they stoop to the same level there's no difference between them and the Horde.
look at the 12 year old eating up this comic book garbage