How would you Rank the Post WW Zelda's from best to worst

How would you Rank the Post WW Zelda's from best to worst

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TP is the only good one there, and it shits on unfinished trash like WW.

TP is horrible & fails at every aspect, there isn't a single thing it does well like the other two that standout it several aspects.

1-skyward sword link
2-botw link
3-twilight princess link

Midna alone makes it better than SS and Ubishit

Awful taste

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it has the best fishing hole in the series
Great dungeon designs
boss fights(bulbin) that continue throughout the game and are fun every time, unlike the dogshit imprisoned fights
twin hookshots let you spiderman around
ball and chain so you have a new option for combat

BotW is unironically the best Zelda game ever made.

TP and SS are two of the worst.

Objective 3D Zelda ranking
MM > BOTW > SS > TP > OOT > WW
BOTW > WW > MM > OOT > TP > SS
BOTW > TP > WW > SS > MM > OOT
MM > WW > TP > SS > OOT > BOTW
MM > OOT > TP > WW > SS > BOTW
>overall ranking
MM > BOTW > WW = TP > OOT = SS

Prove me wrong

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BotW isn’t even a Zelda you faggot

>That high on exploration
Mate, it’s all the same enemies on the open seas, submarines, sharks, boats and lookouts. The dreaded ghost ships are filled with the standard baddies, and the tiny ass islands offer the same hearts and rupees

>BotW isn’t even a Zelda you faggot

Zoomer detected. BotW is one of the most 'Zelda' games ever made.

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>picture book
Lmao get a real argument faggot

All of this is objectively wrong, this is correct
> Dungeons
OOT > Power Gap > SS > WW > MM > TP > BOTW
> Overworld
OOT > BOTW > WW > MM > Shit > SS > TP
> Pacing
OOT > Power Gap > MM > WW > BOTW > Shit > TP > SS
> Atmosphere
MM > OOT > BOTW > WW > Power Gap > SS > TP
> Art Style
WW > BOTW > OOT > MM > SS > Power Gap > TP
> Bosses
OOT > SS > TP > WW > MM > BOTW
> Characters
MM > Power Gap > OOT > WW > SS > TP = BOTW
> Side Quests
MM > Power Gap > OOT > BOTW > TP > WW > SS
> Memorability
OOT > MM > WW > SS > TP > BOTW
> Villain
MM > WW > OOT > SS > TP (Zant) > Shit > TP (Ganon) > BOTW
OOT > WW > MM > SS > Shit > TP > BOTW
> Ending
OOT > SS > WW > TP > Shit > MM > BOTW
> Gameplay
BOTW > WW > OOT = MM > TP > Worse then shit > SS
> Overall
OOT > Power Gap > WW = MM > TP = BOTW > SS

BOTW is the only decent post-N64 Zelda. The others are all shit.

>good dungeons
>good pacing
>2nd best gameplay

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Fucking EVERYTHING other than the dungeons in BOTW is top tier.

Terrible, just terrible.

>get a real argument faggot

He says this without a hint of self-awareness.


I rest my case

Not an argument TP-cuck

>using a picture from a Zelda kid’s book automatically equals argument

>WW better than TP in pacing, dungeons, gameplay and characters
Cute but delusional, even fucking Aonuma admitted he fucked WW. WW shits the bed in all those departments, and no matter how they flaunt cell shading, it doesn’t make for the terrible dungeons, side quests or the entirety of the Triforce hunt.

Those books were written in the wake of the NES titles. They perfectly encapsulate what Zelda 'was' to people.

You think what Zelda later became is what Zelda 'is'. BotW deliberately strips that away and brings the series back to its core design concept.

>BotW deliberately strips that away and brings the series back to its core design concept.
>removes the meat and soul of the series for the same open world shit since 2011

TP is fucking horrible even Miyamoto himself said it was Souless

>but M-miyamoto
Fuck Miyamoto, where’s my new Pikman game you bastard

Idiot. Probably the same kind of moron who thinks a Star Wars movie needs to have lightsabers and Tie Fighters because that was the 'meat and soul'.

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Can someone tell me exactly why TP is shit? It was my first Zelda and I think it's a really solid game.

Nice Revionism you fucking faggot
> "When we finished Twilight Princess, i was looking back and i thought we could have done it in a better way, the environments got bigger and bigger and at the end some some people felt it was too big, with not enough things, and you could get lost, so looking back at Twilight Princess, but also at other Zelda games we examined what maybe we could do in a different way, and a lot of this improvements made it in Skyward Sword, so in a way we can say that Skyward Sword is kind of complition of 3d Zelda games."- Eiji Aonuma

>Can someone tell me exactly why TP is shit?

Its not. Don't ever pay attention to retards on Yea Forums. If you could only see what these people look like in real life....

BOTW > the rest

Official Zelda Tier list:



FS (4 players) > dogshit > TP > TWW > SS > TFH

>Skyward Sword is kind of complition of 3d Zelda games
A compilation of all the worst fucking aspects holy shit

OoT: 9/10
MM: 8/10
WW: 8/10
TP: 7/10
Okami: 8/10
SS: 6/10
BOTW: 8/10

> First Zelda game
That's why

>You think what Zelda later became is what Zelda 'is.'
Not really. Even the original game has a very different structure and focus than BotW does. That doesn't mean BotW is illegitimate, though.

Still didn't answer my question, Yea Forumsro.

Is it because it's too derivative of OOT?

> People were so excited to get a new Zelda game on the Wii that didn’t star big-headed Toon Link that they managed to enjoy this thoroughly mediocre entry into the genre.
> Giving Link the ability to turn into a werewolf added nothing to the gameplay, and the dungeons weren’t memorable in any way. Throw in the underpowered graphics from the console and you got a C-grade Zelda title that somehow ranked higher than almost any other game in the series on Metacritic - IGN
This was based

I still like WW. A BotW version of that game would pander to me perfectly. I'm not that asshole that would say WW "is" Zelda based on its original vision, but saying WW shouldm't exist is how you kill a series via stagnation. Just think if Mario never went 3D, or at best, 2D Mario never came back, and other things like Paper Mario and M&L never happened. Or, if 3D World replaced 64 styled gameplay forever, and we never got Odyssey.

Hell, if WW Link took the "standard" Link formula and Adult Link took the NES/BoTW style, I wouldn't complain either way.

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