10 years later...

10 years later, would they have the balls to remaster MW2 and include pic related with everything that's going on right now?

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Absolutely not, I will bet money this scene will not be in the game.

They better or they're fucking pussies. The game lets you opt out anyway.

What game is this scene from? ive seen it reposted like 40 times in the last hour

After what happened today in New Zealand, fuck no. This is the end of FPS games and fortnite.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The mission is "No Russian," and it involves shooting up an airport. You're an undercover US agent infiltrating a Russian terrorist group who orchestrate the shooting as a false flag operation to justify an escalated war against the US.

You're a white man shooting white people with other white men, nobody could possibly get offended by that in this day and age.

Damn i didn't know Activision was so redpilled

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that's some poor timing m8

Of course they would. It would generate SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much talk about it. And not just from uptight soccer moms but also you /pol/ incels that scream and cry about everything. You will post THOUSANDS of no name twitter responses and act like the world is gonna end unless you support free speech and Buy Call of Duty.

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>"remember, sub to pewdiepie"

Man if only MW2 had a developed protagonist with personality like Black Ops, the game could actually be amazing

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It was somewhat controversial when it came out in 2009. They put a warning before the mission and allowed you to skip it since obviously a lot of people would find it distressing. Oddly enough it's probably the most interesting thing the story does, considering it only gets dumber from there.

We never got to burn Moscow to the ground.

takes me back

All those wasted years sitting around and shitposting on Yea Forums. And I always come back for more.

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You fucking zoomer. Get off this board NOW!


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fucking schizo just accept that white people are crazy fags l o l

that would explain his unusually sharp aim. Why would he livestream it though.

Same reason ISIS puts out videos and Al Qaeda picked some of the tallest buildings they could pick. Video has impact. It's visceral. More real than real.

Reminder that in the German release, you actually fail the mission if you kill any civilians yourself.

Looks like New Zealand made an oopsie.

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Reminder that you are here forever.

>remaster MW2
>campaign only
>don't include one of it's most pivotal scenes
Might as well not even bother releasing it at that point.

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>Protag shoots up mosque
>Gets run over by muslim during escape
>Who gets shot by a latino transwoman police officer
>That's under investigation for the shooting of an unarmed black disabled combat veteran
>Whose lesbian daughter has autism
>Directed by Steven Soderbergh
>Epic Store exclusive

Jesus, that's one hell of a trip.

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>formerly kickstarted for steam

>tfw watched the whole video and the only thing that shocked me was that Hellfire by Cunninlynguists was playing when he got back in the car.

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What game is that ad for?

That image is from when MW2 was released.

I'm waiting for the edit made entirely of DOOM sounds.

why was the mission called “No Russian”?

There's already one like that

fuck dude that's edgy man you're hardcore

They were false flagging.

when he shot that woman on the ground was when he truly became the god of hellfire

how are people this stupid?

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Okay, now this is epic

No I'm just desensitized to violence from 6 overseas deployments to the middle east where this kind of shit is normal.