>Game has way too many mechanics

Attached: all monster types.png (1096x801, 2.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I cant believe firewall is fucking dead

I can' that broken fucker along with Goukis were the only ones capable of making extra links so strong your board would have 7 monsters which often meant
>Opponent can't target your monsters with card effects
>Opponent can't summon their own extra deck monsters
>Opponents cannot inflict damage to you in anyway
>Opponent has to sit there and take the onslaught like a bitch after watching you pull it out for hte past `14 minutes

Links have killed the game with how bullshit they are, they never should have restricted the other methods so hard, especially pendulum and synchro, they're fucking dead without the ability to swarm.

>game let you ignore the rule

Attached: RankUpMagicBariansForce-JP-Anime-ZX-2.png (343x500, 335K)

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>links killed the game
I hate it as well man. The game isn't even fun anymore, it's about making sure your opponent can't play. The Solitaire memes are 100% accurate. No other mechanic fucked up as hard as links did. Killed SO MANY decks, made the game way too OTK focused, easy as fuck board flooding and negate effect spamming, etc. It's sad how Duel Links is more fun than the actual TCG.

>Being this brainlet

Speed Duel exist, user.

>this card cannot be used in a duel

At the very least they introduced a new format for the TCG based on Duel Links complete with character skill cards, and no Synchro/XYZ/Link summons.

Other, better card games exist too.

Nah, Pendulum and Synchros were when it all went downhill with spamming shit. Remember when your deck actually had to have good flow instead of it just being a way to get your boss monster out as soon as possible?

>Game has extremely deep lore that company made up on a whim
>Company doesn't do anything else with it

Attached: ChosenofZefra-CROS-EN-SR-LE.png (311x450, 402K)

>game has several mechanics that are only slightly different from each other

>mechanics invalidate older mechanics so you even have to bother with them anymore

>Games gets so broken the only way to keep on is by introducing shitty gimmicks

Buy Blackwings

>Ahh tribute summon. Now that was summoning
I unironically believe this. Fuck synchro and pendulum and other shit

No actually, when was this

everything about that and all the links are pretty goddamn insane. People like to point out Gagagigo, or Ha Des, or Marauding captain for cards with stories. But this is on an entire new level.

What story? Bunch of monsters with the same name get a bonus when together. There are dozens of cards like that.

Is Zefra the avengers of YuGiOh?

Yu Gi Oh is like 20 years old at this point, I refuse to believe Konami still haven't found a way to prevent these fucking walls of text in the cards.
Magic at alpha had less atrocious card rules than Yu Gi Oh after two decades. I get that it's probably a "you get used to it" thing but after the initial success and the GBA titles, I never felt any urge to play the game because a card with this amount of rules will inhevitably bring in lawyers and shit.
Doesn't help that the game seems to be defined on the first turn either, but I can't quite complain about that because before qutting Magic Arena, I would quit at any combination of U and W mana

Theres a lot of reading between the lines, but starting here there's this big storyline all taking place on one world. The Zefra stuff is at the end, but its all kicked off by the arrival of the Worms.

>people think that Links killed this shitty game
The game died as soon as Duelist Alliance was released. Shaddolls and Burning Abyss were cool, but Qliphorts was pure fucking cancer and only showed how little shit konami actual gave about balancing the game.
>a searcher that can be activated every turn for a +1 and can be bounced so it can be activated multiple times in the same turn
>piss-easy summonable boss monster that is unaffected by other card effects
Wow, good balance. Totally not trying to push a product or changing the metagame by force or anything like that.

If fucking Raigeki of all things is fucking legal and no one is fucking playing it because "it isn't good enough", then maybe its time to admit there's a fucking problem.

But why do those monsters have the same name, user? Why are they the Zefra?

Attached: OracleofZefra-PEVO-EN-SR-1E.png (689x1010, 1.42M)

Ahh wait, its this one that I meant to link

>The game died as soon as Duelist Alliance was released. Shaddolls and Burning Abyss were cool, but Qliphorts was pure fucking cancer and only showed how little shit konami actual gave about balancing the game
Qliphorts didnt come out in duelist alliance you dumb faggot.

The difference between Magic(and other Richard Garfield games) and Yugioh is that Magic was designed to be rigid and keywordy, while Yugioh effects are all different and dont have keywords.


oh right, its the set after that. My bad.

The issue with synchro is there isn't many good synchro monsters as links are just as good but more generic. Pendulums got fucked when they moved the zones to the s/t zones. Lol at the crystal beast pends and d/d/d

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No. Have you forgotten about gorz, dark armed dragon, and cyber dragon spam? Dont even get me started on the meme meta that was original yugioh.

Pendulums didn't do shit though, aside from a couple of short-lived decks. That's why they rushed the last season of Arc-V out the door. They realized that everyone was still just abusing Xyz, despite having three seasons to make Pendulums good.

I think it's too late for Yugioh to introduce keywords. It took then over a decade to come up with piercing damage.

>Remember when your deck actually had to have good flow
>Hard drawing into Yata for game

Is this guy the strongest monster of all?

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Is it wrong I prefer how Yugioh handle their description and prefer it that way instead of symbols, bolded color letters and the likes?

>makes you go minus 3
it's shit

This guy vs Exodia who wins?

No because by the time you get around to summoning him you already lost 15 turns ago.

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I like how it allows for archetypes with a wide variety of playstyles and mechanics, but it's kind of a pain to read it all

>This card at least has a hilarious backstory and it isn't Neos so I'll take it
>Not Stardust so gay no matter how much you like BRD
>Okay sure
>Fuck off Firewall

>not Sangan into Yata

Lore wise, it either that or Exodia.

Attached: exodia.jpg (425x319, 48K)

Lore wise each of the Gods were stronger than Exodia.

The cars windows would break and the wheels would fall off since they're not made from the hardest metal


No it was:
>Summon sangan
>Summon chaos emperor dragon
>Use chaos emperors effect to kill all monsters on the field
>Sangan dies, and activates his effect to search yata garasu
>Summon yata garasu
>Attack your opponent directly because chaos emperor killed all their monsters
>You win

In the movie didn't the 3 gods just join themselves together like Voltron rather than take on a new form?

How would the modern anime handle the God cards? Would they be treated as incredibly strong cards or would they be treated like shit?

No, they are made of the hardest metal. They "wheels" have just been painted black, and the "windows" transparent.

I love YGOs whole flavor, but I can’t fucking stand playing it. Shit on MTG all you want but at least it’s accessible. You could hand anyone a pretty standard MTG deck and have them playing a game in no time with some simple rule explanations. Try doing that with YGO when the average card has a paragraph of text on it

No. In Pyramid of Light, Atem sacs the other 2 to Obelisk so it can have infinite attack.
I think Obelisk is the only one that shows up in DoD

Its both hilarious but incredibly mean that despite her popularity, Konami absolutely refuses to make DMG even decent in the actual game by always have her be kneecapped to be worse or be mostly ineffective support to DM, who will always be a meme despite their attempts.

They'd be cards that can be summoned the first turn by a series of convoluted plays

You mean like if the modern anime happened to just include the God cards for no real reason? Konami would do one thing with them that's cool and then put them in the storage locker forever.

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Rules are really simple in YGO, it's just when you start juggling monsters so you fill the board with shit that it gets confusing.
Likewise in Magic, new players would get lost when you try to explain Ad Naseum or Valakut

I'm pretty sure every season has had some kind of God Card equivalent that's treated like a huge, powerful force.
The thing about the original anime though is that the God card's effects were bullshit and broken, but now we have actual releases of the God cards with 2/3 of the effects being pretty shit, so it'd depend if they handle it.
Hell, fucking OG MIRROR FORCE was a hyped to fuck card in VRAINS

What new anime does Kaiba show up in?

The recent movie

That's from the Dark Side of Dimensions movie where Kaiba fucking loses it. As I hinted at in my post, Obelisk shows up for one scene even though the God cards were supposed to have stopped existing after Atem passed into the afterlife, and none of the other God cards do anything.

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The modern anime rarely references old stuff, but it's usually hyped up when they do

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Yu-Gi-Oh went to shit after Rituals

But... both of those cards are incredibly simple
>draw/reveal card, take damage, repeat if you want to keep drawing and taking damage
>if you have 5 mountains in play, play a Mountain for 3 damage to a target. Also you can tap for red

I think my actual problem with YGO cards is that not only do they have a bunch of rules for what they do, half the time they’ve got a whole section for what you CANT do with them

Speaking of anime, is Yugi still considered the best duelist or have other characters surpassed him?

>It's sad how Duel Links is more fun than the actual TCG.
I dunno about that. Duel Links is basically just OTKs and generic Backrow: The Game now
It's fucking boring and most of the boxes don't really change much about the game nowadays, and when they do it's just more OTKs.

I find it odd that we still haven't gotten 1 through 4. You would figure that 1 would have been a big deal in the anime or something, but nope.

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Is the movie worth watching?

Synchro was literally the most balanced and fair Extra Deck mechanic they ever made because you required tuners to make your plays. It started going downhill at Xyz. To put it simply:

Synchros are options you make for yourself.

Xyz are options given to you just because you happen to have two level 4s or anything else.

Then Pendulum and Links are a different story entirely. Synchro era was the golden age of the game.

The card was gone but Obelisk itself is always going to be tied to Kaiba as its rightful user, and the game they were playing didn't rely on real cards to work.

The fuck? Why is the show making Mirror force looks like its the best card ever when it fucking sucks now?

>no candy shota

It is just for Kaiba's autism alone. The movie is literally just 2 hours of him dunking on the rest of the cast

You're purposely ignoring the part where Ad Naseum is played with an effect that makes it impossible for you to lose so you just draw you're whole deck.
Valakut is played by searching it up with 6 other mountains that "see each other" to shoot you for 18 damage at once.

If anything, it Kaiba: The Movie. He, without a doubt, carry the movie.

Attached: Seto.jpg (1024x853, 163K)

The movie feels like it was written about Kaiba at first, but then slightly tweaked so it could be about Yugi. Kaiba moves the plot forward and gets the best scenes.

It's hard to say. Plenty of duelists have stepped forth and claimed to be number 1 since then, but nobody remembers Yugi by this point either. The main antagonist of Arc-V is supposedly the greatest duelist to ever live, because he mastered every summoning mechanic excluding rituals, but he still has a worse w/l ratio than Yugi. (2 losses vs 0 losses)

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>if this card attacks your opponent directly and reduces their life points to 0, you win the match
What did they mean by this?

Well Seto's past self was a pharaoh, so he has access to the God Cards, regardless. The main villain doesn't know this.

Pendulum Era at least gave us cool support for archetypes and didn't force itself into decks. Most decks that had Pendulum mechanics weren't even that good outside of a few. Really the worst thing about it is how it barely did much outside of a few decks and then got utterly fucked once Links rolled around

It's a two hour anime movie about card games so if that's your thing you'll enjoy it.

If you're a fan of Kaiba and his insanity it's a fucking treat.

>an unsearchable 1 off is sacky and irrelevant
Wow really who could have guessed?

A match is best of 3.

A match is multiple duels, m8

A game is just one game. A match is a 2 out of 3 set. So you win without having to play out an entire match.

>Be Odd Eyes
>get cucked into fourth place

I remember reading somewhere that Kaz wanted it to be a Kaiba movie but Konami forced him to include Yugi cause he's the face of the franchise.

I fusion summon Thousand-Eyes Restrict and activate its effect to absorb your Catapult Turtle!

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It's pretty fun. The villain is kind of boring but the movie is a lot of Kaiba running around being himself so if you like Kaiba it's worth watching. He basically captures and nullfies a reality warping, teleporting demi-god without doing anything himself, his goons just jump him on a rooftop.
>The puzzle? But how did you..?
>I know everything that goes on in Domino.

Every thread this is asked at least once. Actual tournaments have you play matches which are made up of 3 duels (maybe 5 someone correct me if I’m wrong). So if you use that card to take your opponent out, you win the MATCH, not just the duel. Every card that does this is banned though because too much fuckery with people surrending before the attack goes through so it doesn’t “count”

I'm fairly certain Numeron Dragon is canonically the strongest monster in Yugioh.

It's easier to make a superior retrain over trying to make a 2k vanilla viable

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Do all the animes take place in the same world or do they do a digimon type thing where they're all separate?

A match is best to 3 games.
So if you win just one of those rounds with that effect you win the match

There was nothing wrong with pendulum as a mechanic it's just some of the decks themselves being disgusting, Xyz is where the cancer started and Links is terminal cancer.

>mfw we get Real Numbers for 1-4 for the Numeron Gates

They're basically trophy cards. They are handed to winners of tournament. They're limited in number and has some of the best card art.

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Don't forget that he successfully makes an elevator that takes him to Egyptian Card Game Valhalla just so he can play against Atem again.

Thanks lads, sorry for the autismo question.

Will spell counters finally be good?

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I'm not going to say formats after Synchro were bad. It was just a slow downhill spiral after that. I liked Dragon Ruler, Performapal, and Nekroz. But those formats were just diamonds in the rough.

I disagree. The pendulum mechanic itself is honestly really fucking broken, but the archetypes they made at first weren't very good. Qli was clearly good, but it was limited to itself. The moment they made it generic like Pepe and introduced the Dracoslayers, it went downhill from there. They literally had to nerf the mechanic with Links to be able to only summon one from the Extra Deck (unlesss you have more arrows etc.)

So the cards are only complicated as part of a combo win condition? Yes, obviously. But that’s the thing that’s great about MTG compared to YGO. The cards can be as simple or complex as you would like.

They'll be absorbed as Pendulum Magician tech so I guess they'll be rogue.

It's supposedly the same world, but linked very loosely so you don't have to watch the previous series to stay in the loop. (Pegasus tying DM to GX, Oshiro tying 5D's to DM, Numeron Code tying GX to Zexal, Kaibacorp tying Arc-V to DM, etc) Though many inconsistencies from the writers not giving a fuck leads a lot of people to theorize they're alternate timelines.

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It just there to sell cards because people will buy them for that value alone.

Attached: Mana is best girl.png (476x694, 794K)

synchros was the games peak

I'm fairly certain it goes
DM > GX > Either 5ds or Zexal
Arc-V is an alternate universe
VRAINS is another alternate universe

Of course, Yugi didn't really do all that much in the film other than just duel.

Doesn't Mana have brown hair?

She was blonde in the manga

Where's my Yubel retrain with Neos Wiseman fusion then?

>a card that can give you a massive card and field advantage isn't good in a card game that used to be about card advantage because cards are now straight up immune to it
Yeah wow I wonder why Raigeki and a bunch off other generic removal cards like Dark Hole are irrelevant now.



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That's the exact same thing with Yugioh though. Some of the strongest cards like this are pretty simple. Once per turn during either player's turn, you can push something to defense and make it lose stats. If you attack a monster, you can take control of it. Hexproof. That's all of its effects.
Most often the most complicated single cards are too convoluted to be worth playing at all. The longer the effect text, the more restrictions the card probably has on summoning it or reviving it or something, which is gonna take up like 3-4 lines of text.

Attached: BorreloadDragon-CIBR-EN-ScR-1E.png (475x694, 815K)

user, that's a woman. Look at the hips

If you're anal about that, they made another version of her, just like Mahad and Palladium Oracle Mahad

Attached: 406px-PalladiumOracleMana-20TH-JP-ScR.png (406x599, 600K)

Who is the most beautiful card in the series and why is it Ghost Rare Black Rose Dragon?

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endymion has the potential to put a lot of negates on the field turn 1 without needing to go into the extra deck so i feel it can stand on it's own

But it's not 1st ed.

without needing to go into the extra deck isn't necessarily a positive. Extra deck is great because it's like a second hand that's always available.

Well course, you can't forget the extra texts.

Attached: Black Rose Dragon Ghost Rare 1st Edition.jpg (782x1000, 210K)

As much as I like YGO's originality, rules and flavor, this feels like reading traditional Chinese Hanzi. Makes you appreciate MTGs and HS simple descriptions.

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I haven't kept up with Yugioh since early pendulums. Does Jinzo have more support for a Jinzo only deck(fusion, synchros, xyz, pendulum, link, ritual)

Attached: traps are gay.png (400x580, 620K)

There you go. That, my 1st Ghost Stardust, Mefist, Ascension, and DT Trishula are my favorite cards. Supers, of course, I'm not that much of a fiend to go for Ultras.

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Makes me sad how 5Ds sidelined the girl who used this

Jinzo has his GX shit which no one remembers for a good reason. Also everything Joey uses is being assimilated by Red Eyes so you can always hope for Red Eyes Jinzo

>he spent thousands of dollars on yugioh cards

Attached: 8nRqoXW.png (800x729, 48K)

*btfos you*

Attached: SOVR-EN081-yugioh-card-655x655.jpg (655x655, 104K)

>implying I didn't duel someone for their rarest cards
>implying I didn't win these myself
>implying I didn't just steal them

Nah, it's easy to get cards if you trade or have connections. The Mefist was particularly savage because I traded DT Lavalval Chains and DT Daigusto Emerals before they got banned/reprinted respectively, and Mefist was only 300 at the time.

Those are some nice cards. I doubt I would be able to get my hands on the Sky Dragon, but I love the design. I just follow the anime and collecting cards nowadays due to not having cards in general when I was a kid.

It sucks that she had everything going against, especially with that BUY BLACKWING faggot around.

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I'm just a fiend for Synchros. I need to get my hands on an SJC Dark End Dragon next. In due time.

There's like 3 or 4 Jinzo support cards and they're not thaaaaaaat good.

No one had protections in the first season.

This game badly needs an overhaul in regards to keywording things. Magic benefitted greatly from doing so, and YGO needs it desperately.

jesus those brds

The TCG should have adopted the OCG's numbering of effects and type of effect

Did you see VRAIN's attempt on Syncho and the Main Character/Rival's main monster counterpart?

Attached: SYNCHRO SUMMON.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)


Of course I did. I own every Synchro, lol. I like the design, even if it's not the best.

Black Rose Dragon.

black rose dragon

Count the cards you had to use to get the three gods on the board in the first place, it's not just shit, it's worse than 99% of cards in the very least.

Ah, okay. Ghost Rare Black Rose Dragon just looks so good. I'm tempted to get more after finishing off my check list, and I had an extra change jar just to buy one if it get filled.

Attached: Black Rose Dragon.jpg (1300x1158, 2.54M)

I have a nipland ghost BRD and it doesn't look nearly as clean. Wonder if the printing process or foil layering is different in the OCG.

Unlimited special summons were a mistake

I just want six sams and madolches to be contenders again.

I think that they crept links way too quickly, and that was their only real problem. They released Firewall with the first set and let him run wild for a whole year. Then by the time he was gone we had everything else to fuck it up, knightmares, borrels, gumblar, etc.
The game needed to slow down after pendulums, which everyone thought was the idea behind links. But they fucked it up royally.

Thats Japan for you.

Cards are printed differently in the OCG. They're not allowed for legal use in the TCG because their weight is different and you could potentially cheat because of it.

Probably a different printing processes. The quality of Ghost Rare, and the cost of making it, might be the reason why the States doesn't print out Ghost Rare anymore. I know the Jap still print out Ghost Rares in the newer sets.

They have tons of different rarities, just in their main sets alone.
It really isn't fair honestly. I want nice things too.

>which everyone thought was the idea behind links.
For like 3 seconds before you realize that any deck that can shit out any amount of monsters in one turn would also be able to shit out links. I don't know who was trying to pass around the idea that Links would slow down the game, especially when it was revealed that you can make them with fucking tokens

Isn't the new link for the 6 sam going to save them?

>The quality of Ghost Rare, and the cost of making it, might be the reason why the States doesn't print out Ghost Rare anymore
Basically. Konami stopped printing Ghost and Ultimate because they switched to having one foil card (meaning Super or above) in every pack, which made printing costs go up so they cut Ghosts/Ultimates to compensate

Except that only became a real problem as they released more powerful links, who were enabled by Firewall. We all knew they'd ramp up like every new mechanic.
Except they didn't ramp up, they came out at 100% as soon as Spyral format hit for firewall to abuse and set up tri-gate boards.
Without Firewall I don't think it would have gotten as bad until knightmares.

>Except that only became a real problem as they released more powerful links,
No it was a problem for the start. Links were never meant to fix anything about the game, they just made degenerate decks more degenerate and less viable decks even less viable, even being the final nail in the coffin for some. Links as an idea are the problem with Links. They're too generic, are required to play most decks that use the ED, and break too much shit with their own mechanics. Can't even flip the fucks face down because konami doesn't trust players to know where arrows point

>No effects
>Fusion + Synchro
>Contact Fusion with basic maths
>Synchro with equal levels
>Monster spells
>Synchro but zones matter

Only degenerate deck that was enabled out of the gate with links was Zoodiac, and they took it down soon enough.
Pendulum Magicians were an okay budget deck that became top tier after the switch, and weren't already degenerate.
What else would you deem as degenerate being more degenerate? Frogs?

The issue with links being too generic is again a problem with power creep. If you didn't come out the gate with a fucking "4 monsters" Firewall meme or other "2+ effect monsters" shitters and maybe limited cards to their archetypes it would be fine.

Or do what they finally decided to do with newer links like Platinum Gadget, and prevent you from linking them out in the same turn.

Not being able to be used as link material didn't prevent Rusty Bardiche from being ridiculously broken.

That's a shame. One of the great things about opening a fresh pack was the hopes of pulling an elusive ghost. Secrets aren't nearly as visually intriguing.

Isn't the point of being generic is that it can be shove in any deck that allows it?

I dabbled in YGO a little bit in middle school, what the fuck are these cards?

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what are games where the villain gets what the damage they've done can't be salvaged?

Attached: file.png (500x500, 424K)

I know she's cute but is she a good card ?

Attached: GhostrickSocuteboss-PRIO-EN-R-1E.png (307x450, 347K)

funny card

Ghostricks werent even good when they first came out and are now completely unplayable.

>it's a Red-Eyes gets "support" episode

Attached: red_eyes_alternative_black_dragon_by_alanmac95_dcx1f3l-pre.jpg (737x1084, 197K)

You already know that it's the danger engine allowing him to be abused that's the major issue.
They gave him every limiting factor that could be reasonably applied without making him useless.
2+ Dark so archetypes are limited
Requires playing 2-3 bricks in the deck that kill his combo if you draw them.
Can't tag out so you best be ready to use those arrow effectively.
In a perfect world he was meant to be used in things like actual phantom knights and burning abyss. Not the generic "dark warrior" or "Dark literally anything because I have infinite summons and draw power with danger" decks.

I feel sorry for Red Eyes Black Dragon. I blame Joey for this.

Attached: Would you?.png (479x700, 758K)

I would play it if the deck was actually good

I loved Ultimate Rares. Most of the ones I have are from tins or special structure decks, but I had a Black Rose Dragon ultimate I pulled from a Crossroads of Chaos pack and it's my favorite card I own to this day. That texture just looked fancy as fuck.


imagine if Red-Eyes was built around supporting Dinosaurs. Maybe then it would have been saved

>TFW your eternal favorite card will never be viable because rituals have been gimped since day one

Attached: MagicianofBlackChaos-YGLD-EN-UR-1E.png (461x669, 735K)

Too bad they had to make Rex the eternal loser and had to give up that card. Also these exist for DinoXDragon pairing

Attached: 61azasVwlXL.jpg (341x500, 65K)

I had fun with rituals in the old Yu Gi Oh games. Where I could have black Luster Soldier.

You do realize Impcantation is a thing, right? That set is one of the driving force for Blue Eye Chaos MAX Dragon ritual deck.

At least it isn't "Red-Eyes Jinzo." it's sad that I'm half-expecting them to do something that retarded considering some of the weird ass cards the archetype has gotten

That stupid wall of text could be summed with
>cannot be normal summoned or set. Can only be special summoned by sending one red eyes card to the graveyard once per turn. If this card is destroyed, summon one level 7 or lower red eyes monster from the graveyard, if its red eyes black dragon, double it's attack.
See? At least 3 lines of text are useless.

Seriously though, what the fuck happened to this game?

Attached: 1536734684390.jpg (400x424, 23K)

>That stupid wall of text could be summed with
>cannot be normal summoned or set. Can only be special summoned by sending one red eyes card to the graveyard once per turn. If this card is destroyed, summon one level 7 or lower red eyes monster from the graveyard, if its red eyes black dragon, double it's attack.
Even then it could be smaller but YGO just absolutely fucking refuses to implement keywords. Half the cards in the game say "cannot be normal summoned or set," why isn't that a keyword? Half the cards in the game can only be summoned by something specific, why isn't there a keyword for that?

yo FUCK atmos

it has evolved from mvc3 the card game to battlefield 3 64 player rush metro the card game

Power creep was very unfortunate, but that's what happens if you can charge a ton of money for some cards with drawings on them.
I'm just wondering why people don't play vanilla or only to a certain point.
I miss beating people with my Maha Vailo deck.
The anime also sucked after GX.
Any recommendations for video games? Maybe PS1-PS2 era?

It's about the interactions though.
While everything you said is not necessarily wrong, it also is missing very important information.
If it just says "If this card is destroyed" then fuck it I can dark hole and get out my double attack red-eyes that I just sent to the grave.
By the way where did I send it to the grave from? My hand? My field? My deck? Am I to assume that it can be from anywhere since it's not stated? Or do we now have a keyword defining "send" to be hand or field?
ALso sending one red-eyes card means I can send spell or traps too, like Red-Eyes Fang with Chain, Red Eyes Insight, etc. etc.

Basically you didn't simplify shit you just made a new card.

Shut up retard you don't know a damn thing about this game

butthurt black weebs detected

Based. I hate how everyone overlooks how generic xyz are and ignore how stupid 2 level 4s can get because "just detach these materials as a cost lmao". For fucks sake, ANY 2 level 4s can give you an unstoppable 5000 ATK monster with the lightning and 10000 with utopia double. Even with 2 shitty vanillas, this is retarded and shouldn't get defended.

DM, GX and 5Ds are all in the same timeline and reference each other with their movie. Zexal is out of place with only mentioning slightly referencing DM and GX but it's nothing noteworthy. Arc-V references the older shows but for the sake of the plot and it's not the "real" ones.

Hey, I'm just saying the new card you came up with is way way better than what they've actually decided to print.
Also that's not an official translation to begin with, although for the most part it seems like it's using proper problem-solving card text.

That's not me

>it doesn't specify to where the red-eyes has to be send from, so can mill a red-eyes from the FUCKING DECK to summon it
>not once per turn and doesn't specify where it is summoned from so you can spam it except from your deck
good job brainlet you made a shit card completely fucking broken

Yugioh's problem isn't the mechanics themselves (even though some of them are trash), but how awkwardly and overly verbosely they're worded and how small the font for rules text is.

where does vrains land?

YGO was shit until GX. There is no debate

Bardiche is a retarded card. ANY 3 dark monsters shouldn't get you 2 fog blades for such low effort or be able to lock out monsters with the RUM. The card was a massive mistake. Literally every single dark deck plays it and the "cannot be used as link material" is a shit restriction. Should have made it more restricted to PKs.

Well either way
Has it exactly right. They only limiting factor you overlooked is the fact that you slightly nerfed in that it can only be special summoned by it's own effect, rather than "first" by it's own effect which is what they printed there.
Otherwise you could infinite loop summon 2 of them since you took out the limit "except alternative black"
Cannon Soldier where we at?

cards like Flame Swordsman and Blue Eyes were literally never good
Blue eyes only became useful later due to support but it's not a good card by itself
The best cards in YGO have always been either simple staple cards or cards with some crazy effect

No one knows in which timeline it exactly plays since it hasn't made any direct references to old shows. It's probably its own thing.

You're not wrong I guess, but I still feel like Bardiche is a victim of circumstance more than anything. Compared to other searchable negates, fog blades aren't that bad right now. And Azathot being the other big mistake doesn't help either.

But overall, I think if you compare that to something like, say, frogs, dealing with 2 fog blades really isn't that bad if they have to commit up to 3 resources into a link monster for it, where frogs just give you a negate, give you a steal, and give you pluses on the tribute.

Azathot a bitch though.

By the way I was referring to frogs pre-link in this scenario, when you could just shit them out with paleos and not care.

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How can other cars even compete?

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Just want some YGO autists opinion on this:
should they produce new archetypes over new archetypes or try to buff "old" ones with new support?
like idk Genex or some shit.

Pssh, nothin personnel kid

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They should make archetypes of cards that weren't an archetype, like they did with Thunder Dragon.

They're already doing both of those though.
The problem is that the new archetypes almost always being way better than the buffed up old ones.
There are a lot of rogue decks out there that are doing well right now, but the top decks still tend to be things like: Slamangreat, Orcust, Sky Strikers, Altergeist
I think like Thunder Dragons is one of the few exceptions here, and really there was no archetype there to begin with they had cards before.

I agree.
Sealmaster Meisei archetype when?

Giant Scorpion of the Tundra archetype filled with tsunderes when?

>Slamangreat, Orcust, Sky Strikers, Altergeist
never heard of any of them, last i checked it was shaddolls or similar, then i lost interest, gained it again and have no idea whats even going on
i miss when you could do an archetype deck or just straight up run with a dragon or water deck. but maybe i've just been a shitter back then

If you hybrid his deck with Infernoids he becomes tournament competitive.

I only play duel links

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is legacy of the duelist worth it, if i want to play with friends a little?

Now and then something breaks and you can get away with generic decks.
Last year there was a period where generic "dark warrior" decks were really big because of some broken new cards. Just a bunch of good warrior cards mashed into a deck.

Just download Percy YGOPRO.

It hasn't been updated for a long time now and its completely dead. Either wait for the Switch version or just play on ygopro.

thanks, buddies
we're both out of the loop tho. is ygopro noob friendly in terms of UI and understanding card effects? can i switch it to german? my friend hates playing games in english.

Legacy of the Duelist is good if you want to have at least some level of singleplayer.
However, if you're just trying to play with friends ygopro is the correct choice.
On that note
No idea about languages but everything is pretty simple/automatic. If you've played Duel Links you can expect something similar to that in a way, where it'll ask you if you want to use cards and you can just press a button to use effects.

The UI is slightly clunky but the game is fully automated and does a good job of resolving complicated effects for you. You can also tell the game to remind you if there's an effect you can activate during you or your opponent's turn. As for understanding the cards well enough to build your own deck, you'll just have to read the descriptions and learn. It doesn't come with a tutorial package or anything.
you used to be able to but I don't know how it works in the new build

i used a ygo simulator once where i had to do everything by hand. like click on deck, click search for card, look at entire deck, search the next fucking tomato, click on tomato, and so on.
or th enemy typed "[random monster] eff" and he did a bunch of stuff

most annoying card ever

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Yeah you just described Dueling Network/Dueling Book.
This is automated, so if you are searching for your tomato, it'll automatically pull it up for you to pick which tomato to summon (because yes sometimes it matters which tomato) then automatically brings him out

Tee hee, counter trap

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oy hol up lemme see

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Making one foil card in every pack is a way to combat pack scaling.
OCG still has Ultimate rare, Ghost Rare (only for cover box) and now introduced 20th Secret rare (secret foil the entire card + red text name + 20th logo embossed in text box)
Pic is 230$ plus tax :^)

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I almost bought one of the WCS 20th Foil Dark Magicians for $150
Still kind of wish I did.

It wouldn't be so bad if the later mechanics didn't go against the core design philosophy of the game

This game was in a good, fun place before Links came in and shattered the entire rulebook. I had come to accept all the new summoning mechanics until now, but this is just too much to cope with. You want to know how badly Links fucked this game? Before Links, competitive extra/side decks had a healthy balance of synchro, XYZ, and maybe one or two Instant Fusion fodder. Now if you don't have 10-15 Links in your extra you're playing the game incorrectly.

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yo seconding this question. I'd love to play this game how I remember it, in its prime. Whats the best game that I can fuck shit up with time wizard and summoned skull? GBA? ps1?

I'm playing a fan translation of pokemonTCG2rocketattacks for GBC on my phone and its so fucking fun and addicting (highly recommend because it captures that early meta very well) . I think I'm ready to step up to the yugioh big boy leagues

mvc3 card game sold me. shit sounds so cash pls tell me theres a GBA game or something I can play

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You just suck

>game gets updates
>game has depth
>people complain

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give me a good yugioh game to play OP