/pol/ dun goofed, let's suggest hidden gems to oter anons while we wait for the inevitable shutdown.
I'll start:
>Strider 2014
2D action game made by capcom, it's pretty cool, if you like stylish games you may have some fun with it.
>Aviary attorney
It's basically phoneix wright with 1800 antropomorphic illustrations, it's not a masterpiece but it's quite an enjoyable game with an enjoyable story.
>Guns of icarus
I didn't played it for a while but it's the quintessential powerfantasy for somebody who enjoys steampunk aesthetics or naval battles, i just wish there was a ww2 version with a similar concept.
>Hyper light drifter.
Buyed it for the aesthetics, stayed for the gameplay, it's very simple but the enemies make you use it at it's full potential, the bossfights are amazing too.
Lads, it's over
Other urls found in this thread:
nothings gonna happen to pol bro
I cannot believe they actually did that. what the fuck is wrong with them?
Hidden gems please.
What did those rednecks do this time?
nigga we're good, this is 4chanNEL now, completely different website.
cultured city folk all voted hillary
only redneck trailer trash voted for drumpf
Our /pol/'s a shit smear but this was cripplechan by all accounts, don't damage control for them
Nz shooter was a pol tard
>Hyper light drifter
Awfully short, somewhat repetitive gameplay and a mediocre final boss.
Special thanks in the credits to anita sarkeesian and zoe quinn.
lmao you obsessive retard
We can finally be free
make an off-topic thread when something actually tragic happens
God please shut this place down.
Let me leave.
>implying this is the end
Lol no we are here forever. And there is nothing Australia can do about it.
Fuck you, just delete pol. Other boards are just fine.
hotline miami is pretty good and uhhh uhhh
illbleed is fun and uhhhh
Eh, i felt like the enemieies were different enough to make me enjoy the combat.
Spyro the dragon 3
You’ll just find another cage to whittle your time away on. You know why? Because you need it.
>subscribe to Pewdiepie
>Candace Owens radicalized me
Absolute madman.
Also Shadowrun: Dragonfall.
The shooter posted on 8ch you fucking idiot.
I mean is that not what happened?
Aren't they all?
i know my fellow human, the orange man is very bad and must be stopped!11
he is literally hitler!11
everyone who does not agree with our narrative is hitler!11
everyone is hitler!!11
Suburbanites also voted for Trump. Only hivers voted for Hillary, partially because that's where the brown people live.
i guess if you're gonna do something like this you should shitpost irl too
Obama got called the Antichrist and Hitler before so idk why Yea Forums freaks out avout this
Put the gun down and leave your local church/mosque/old highschool alone.
because God emperor Trump is flawless and any criticism levied against him is from crazed left wing loonie.
It was 8/pol/'s doing you idiot he even fucking posted there
Because they're either braindead neet losers or between the ages of 12-17
What about "Trump isn't radical enough, where are my fucking deportation squads"?
>Yea Forums's death is caused by its most populated and shittiest board /pol/
>let's suggest hidden gems
Battle Chasers: Nightwar
>90s style pseudohacking game
>you can destroy the internet
>The fucker recorded it in first person
They will blame videogames and gopro I tell you
>Megaman X4
Really good X game as X, but it's playing as zero that's the real deal
>inb4 the 4channel split ends up saving all the blueboards
those are glow in the dark deepstate guys posing as extremists
Chroma Squad.
>FPS games die in the west
this man is doing God's work
Boy this makes the THQ Nordick shit even funnier
but that post is satire as well
Serious question, is the site actually in danger of going down? I thought it'd be through gookmoot meddling, personally.
>i-it was just a prank bro!
>when he just blasts the main hallway with a shotgun like 10 times
pretty cool desu
>shoots some place up
Not really, but 8ch is. And when that goes down those fags are coming back here.
No. It's not the first time an user ended up murdering people. Yea Forums has spawned a few of these crazy niggers in the past
What games are you going to buy with your YangBux, Yea Forums?
>shoots each other
8ch is run by the feds so lolno
>Metal Max for the NES (or snes if you're a pleb)
Completely open ended RPG you can pilot tanks and modify em in a quite indepth way.
Has some pretty badass tunes too.
How is 8ch cpnnected to this shit?
lol no. Way worse stuff has happened here that people barely even remember.
No, the poster was from 8ch. Really has nothing to do with us this time.
The dude was a cripplecuck
>whitey actually snaps for once
>the Jewish press reports on it for years
All I wanted to do was talk about pop culture and sports. RIP, you're nuts if you don't think this is the end of days, probably for social media altogether.
The Wild West days are coming to an end.
Shooters post on Yea Forums and /r9k/ all the time, why would it get /pol/ deleted?
It won't work this time either Thad.
Not until laws forbid free speech I guess (but that would take time), unless hiro wants to take it down personally
>where did this come from?!
Holy shit, what an absolute brainlet
/pol/ is a cancer to this site that spreads everywhere. Containment boards do not work and Yea Forums as a site would be 10000x better if /pol/ was banned.
god i hope so, means i'll be able to be more productive and finish leaning moon to start.
Does anybody have a link to the original vid? All I’m finding is edited clips and I’m not gonna settle for some grubby news channel censorship.
Zuckerberg and that Saudi prince who owns Twitter will have to go down too since the shooter was streaming on their platforms. Not ebaum's world.
Reminder he was captured alive so all you "funny" guys cheering him on will soon get a visit from the nice men in black vans.
He's not wrong but he is naive. Zionism only works because of the diaspora and Israel working in tandem.
just accept it fag lmao
Hiro is desperate to make Yea Forums more marketable. What do you think?
>I thought we were all just PRETENDING to be Nazis!
"Any community that gets its laughs" you know the rest.
>The Wild West days
haven't been a thing for over a decade and officially died with Net Neutrality.
Nope, it’s gone.
lmao the site is down
/pol/ being shut down will absolutely decimate the rest of Yea Forums with /pol/ retards shitting up threads 1000x harder than ever before since their board will be gone.
We won't be free, it'll just get worse.
The site managed to get through the Fappening, which had direct involvement from Yea Forums and got the FBI on moot's ass. I doubt we're gonna bite the bullet from a shooting mostly instigated by 8ch.
4 arrested, two absolutely confirmed shooters at two locations. Main shooter named Brenton Tarrant, was a pure ethno-nationalist, with a heavy emphasis on environmentalism and a return to nature. Wanted this to be a the catalyst for war on non-whites in white countries. Urged copycats to do the same, called out for the assassinations of Angela Merkel, Sadiq Khan and Erdogan. Used /pol/ memes and music. Posted on ate chan about him doing this earlier today.
Livestreamed incident, 16 min vid is all that exists, it's out there. Summary as follows. Began livestream with "Sub to pewdiepie. Walked into mosque, shotgunned some people, switched to AR15 and began firing into piles of people cowering in the corner. Was rushed by one guy but subdued and shot him quickly. Left mosque, fiddled with his guns in his car then reentered mosque and shot at the piles of bodies. Left mosque, shot woman far away from him, he approached her as she kept repeating Help me, Help me and he put a round in her skull. Left the scene in his vehicle. Tried to shoot muslims through front window of his car, but was not successful. He repositioned and shot them successfully through the side window. He drives off and video ends. Again, 4 arrested.
I fear what comes. His manifesto will be convincing to a lot of people. He called for war, for the preservation of white society at all costs, for the rejection of democracy and law and the embracing of violence and force as true power. I don't want to live in fear of being in a public place for either Muslim reprisal or to be caught in the crossfire of a copycat.
Damn, well you're not missing anything. I must be getting old because it honestly made me feel sick to see him bust in and start spraying people down.
>Nz shooter was a pol tard
Burger here, aren't guns banned in non burger countries?
Because he is a channer, faggot. You think the cops are going to distinguish between Yea Forums and infinitechan when both are full of the same mentally ill vermin? Someone somewhere is already writing up a warrant to seize all these servers.
did you just become progressively retarded up to this point or were you born like this?
Don't forget they split the site, this is 4channel now
They already do that, though.
The dude who rushed him was a fucking hero, what a tragedy.
it really wont matter to anyone else in the long run
I don't think they're going to allow us to be hateful period. Get ready for bans on racism.
But he posted his manifest on 8ch, not here. I don't get it.
>likes mosley
>doesn't know what corporatism means
Shit on capitalism you idiot, you'll get some commies to defend you
Containment has never, and will never be real. Containment is a just a excuse stormfaggots use to justify their shithole. All /pol/ accomplishes is creating a platform for this kind of shit and it resulted in an echo chamber than reinforces their shit beliefs.
/pol/ literally did nothing wrong.
Prove me wrong.
50 and the faggot gets shooted/stabbed during trial by a guy screaming in arab
Which /pol/ celebrated like fucking retards.
>N-no officer. My name is... uh.... Jock The Ripper. I-I'm not that other guy!
>The dude who rushed him was a fucking hero
No, he was a muslim.
You just know this is one of the memers that /pol/ posts in Yea Forums threads when ever someone says one of their keywords.
there's plenty of countries where you can obtain firearms after some red tape, even britain and germany
judging by his kit, new zealand laws are better than california's
Mark always was retarded. 8/v/ was actually a great board until then the second /pol/ wave hit the site. Every thread was a Stormfag circlejerk and he refused to do anything about it because he liked being called "based".
Go back to larping on cripplechan, user
I have stayed in this site since 2015 and i have never ever got a single (you).
It was nice while it lasted senpai
Only the plan-trusters.
Inviting Reddit in was a mistake, I admit it.
Yeah they already do that, but it'll only get worse if their shit rhetoric board is taken away. Yea Forums will become actually unusable.
ok im sure nothing will happen like usual. this isn't the place for outrage m8 nobody cares.
that one girl
shot, bent over in the street
"help me!.. help me!!.. help me!"
*bang* *bang*
He just runs over her corpse
I dont know why this bothered me the most out of the video. Jesus christ, this world is so fucked. I dont even know how to respond to this one. He killed so many innocent..
hero's don't die like a bitch
>Psychopath Political Extremists aren't smart
Holy shit you're onto something. They're almost all insanely dumb. Especially Malcolm X who got conned into thinking Nation of Islam was the same as Islam.
You do your 3rd prayer today?
these people are a few shoves and couple of cuckings away from being school shooters themselves holy shit
The shooter made a thread with a link to his livestream on 8/pol/
I heard that one of the muslims at the 2nd mosque had a gun and fired on the attackers, forcing them to flee. That's pretty impressive, to be honest. Muslims living in the west will probably start arming themselves after this.
>that camera shaking sound in the video
its cripple /pol/ that did the shooting
Plenty of them do, though. What a retard you are.
Sorry user but I'm an atheist :^)
>The dude who rushed him was a fucking hero
On one side we have people who shouldn't be in NZ and on the other side we have some sperg who thinks mass shootings against brown normalfags will advance the political situation in a positive way.
>Hyper light drifter.
Story's a half baked combination of Evangelion + Dev's battle with heart condition, exploration is a chore, regular enemies are piss easy and require no thought to combat. Music's passable but nothing compared to the trailer music.
I will absolutely agree that the bosses were 10/10, it's why I played through twice despite everything else.
The only reason he didn't post it here is because the traffic here is far higher and it would have been enough to thwart his plan
>On one side we have people who shouldn't be in NZ
Why not?
Also the dude was randomly gunning down people in the street so he's an immense fucking retard.
believing in losers isn't very realistic for a man of logic and reason now is it :^)
As they should. Gun rights will never be respected until they apply to all races.
He could have gone with “trans rights”
What the fuck environmentalism and "a return to nature" has to do with white ethno-natiuonalism
Members of the nation of Islam are all fucking retarded niggers. I may not be a fan of Islam, but if you're going to be something, don't be a fucking poser. Actually be part of it instead of making a knockoff
>Sorry user but I'm an atheist :^)
What a coincidence, so am I.
Thankfully, I'll never be going to a designated shooting zone (Church, Mosque, Synagogue)
Is that Lindsey Graham?
Can a get quick rundown?
most cripplechan anons post on Yea Forums
Yeah, whites shouldn't be in NZ, Europeans should stay in Europe.