Damn. They really fucked up, huh? lmao

Damn. They really fucked up, huh? lmao

Attached: THQ-Nordic.jpg (400x245, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What did they do this time?

Checked the news lately?

Yeah, they're fucking destitute now kek

Nah, just outraged legbeards are outraged (as always)

They wanted attention, got it, and now they are forgotten again. Can they just remaster battle for bikini bottom and fuck off?

Yeah I don't care anyway. I just here for my Timesplitters HD, Destroy All Humans! HD, and Desperados 3

What are you on about?

They did an AMA on 8ch. Now 8ch is in the news because an 8pol poster shot up a mosque in New Zealand while blaring meme songs with meme imagery all over it. At the start of the video he even said "'member lads, subscribe to PewDiePie." I'm thinking this might pull THQ Nordic deeper into some shit.

you are not snarky fuck off

I too saw the latest Scott the Wozz episode, brother

I heard about the shooting but I didn't read anything about the meme imagery. Got a link to any posts about it?

How much shootings till they make imageboards illegal.

Yes... and?
Why should I give a shit?
Also stfu about the drama and tell me what others game to buy off this bundle maker. I'm getting TQA since I loved the original, but I can't figure out what else to buy. I'm usually a big weeb if that matters.

They might get a bit of a "told you so" snark but honestly the THQ AMA stuff has already been forgotten.

They need to fire their marketing guy now.

You can watch it happen from a GoPro. Kiwifarms is hosting the video despite take down requests if you wanna see it. He listened to Gas Gas Gas as he fled in his car. It's literally just like watching an FPS. Crazy shit

Is it worse or better than ours?

Back to >>>/resetera/ faggot

The guy basically wrote a 70 page long manifesto with the most blatant bait ever made by man.

His 80+ page manifesto was posted online. It was almost entirely memes with a bit of white nationalism/nazi shit sprinkled in, at one point the entire Navy Seals copypasta is told

Define "worse" and "better." It's even more radical than ours.

Anonymous posting isn't permanent. I don't know what it will take but the internet we got is nothing but a flash. I'm glad we got to experience it though. It's been shit for years anyways, take it away already. Doesn't fucking matter anyways it seems.

I haven't been there in a long time. It became total schizo central and way more radical.

They deserve it along with Mark. What a bunch of fucking retards.

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Somehow, far worse.

its usually where the people that get permabanned from this shithole go, so that should tell you what level of shithole that has to be

Carmageddon and Gothic

I mean they're oldfags from Yea Forums that emigrated after GamerGate, so you decide for yourself.
at least 8ch Yea Forums can hold a good discussion on vidya even if its slow as shit, unlike Yea Forumseddit

lmao you're finna get fired.

>going on any /pol/
8ch has a better imageboard system (multi image posting and a 16MB fs limit is wonderful) but the userbase is worse since /pol/ spills out everywhere to an ever worse degree than here.

the community's a lot smaller and more tightknit so you'll get more people enabling each other's psychotic behavior as opposed to getting told to fuck off like you probably would on normal /pol/

8ch is conflicting. Every popular board is a significantly more radical version of a board here, but they all actually have coherent discussions. They're extreme through their own understanding, not just meming. I disavow everything they stand for but in some sense they're better in that they actually talk to each other, and have extremely thought out beliefs, whether they're correct or not.

Mark is just spineless everyone in that thread was shitting on him after that

I doubt they are oldfags most of them.

Also we fucking report our mass shooters all the time.


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plot twist, he was their marketing guy

Cripplechan Yea Forums sucks ass, dude. Its tiny and obsessed with SJWs even more than Yea Forums, it has absolute garbage for content. The only people who like it are the handful of retards like you who visit there, and you all come crawling back to our Yea Forums anyways.

>just a prank bro
what the fuck were they expecting?

Exactly. Now can we just kill ourselves and end this addiction?

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8ch is terrible because their entire identity revolves around not being Yea Forums.

The idea that it's just supposed to be a larp is laughable. He's not connected with his own community at all.

I am glad calling people retarded here has a positive effect on the site.

>be australia jr
>go outside
>get shot

I'm pretty sure he's just damage controlling, had he shown his true colors THQ Nordiq would be utterly fucked beyond help.

And they still come here

Attached: cripplecucks.png (974x748, 174K)

Thanks for the help. Found it on Kiwi Farm
You two weren't kidding this thing is fuckin huge loada garbage

as long as you're not mudslime you're good

stop replying to yourself

He replied to me, you dumb fuck.

>an 8pol poster

he live streamed on facebook and was a twitter/youtube user

>all this 8cuck damage control

>host an AMA on one of the VERBOTEN sites
>moralizing outraged they don't have total control over every developer and publisher
>everyone who isn't a brainlet already doesn't trust journos since it's been proven time and again they only use their platform as a soapbox
>all their pissing and moaning is just giving THQN free publicity

Attached: [autistic screeching].jpg (1280x720, 90K)


Anything else?

The guy was deranged but to write that you need to actually understand how to trigger people off, it reaches the level that I dont know if he was merely pretending or not.

>the average 8/pol/ user spends hours fantasizing about murdering minorities and posting your favourite excerpts from mein kampf on a taiwanese basket weaving forum
>surprised when some retard actually takes you seriously
>basically saying "i-it was just a prank b-bro" on top of all that
have these faggots never heard of poe's law

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Do you want a screencap or are you going to bitch about that too?

>I am dead...

>The purness of white falls around my soul
>And the hunter within loses control
>Gotta let it out - gotta let it out
>Gotta let it out - gotta let it out

>This NatSoc inside has ahold of me
>Clenching its power - trying to break free
>Gotta let it out - gotta let it out
>Gotta let it out - gotta let it out

>Move fast, baby - Don’t be slow
>Step aside – reload – time to go
>I can’t seem to control
>All this rage that’s inside me

>Pullin’ shots – aimin’ dots – Yeah I don’t miss
>Branded by Fire – Born in the abyss
>Red hot temper – I just can’t resist
>All this vengeance inside me

>All of these thoughts runnin’ through my head
>Arm on fire, veins burnin’ red
>Frustration is gettin’ bigger
>Bang Bang Bang – Kill thesse Muslim niggers!

>Embrace the darkness that’s within me
>No hiding in the Mosque anymore
>When this righteousness consumes me
>Nothing can save you and there’s no way out

>I’m a wildfire you won’t tame
>Igniting my temper, can’t put out my flame
>There’s no way to contain
>This storm swelling inside me

>My car's a bomb you can’t defuse
>Might just accept you’re gonna lose
>Can’t turn down, I refuse
>to hold back anymore

>All of these voices inside my head
>Blinding my sight in a curtain of red
>Frustration is getting bigger
>Bang Bang Bang – Kill these Muslim niggers!

>When the firefight ends it’s not over
>We fight through to get closer
>Like a silver bullet piercing through
>I rise up to kill the jews

Attached: ee5.png (1876x1200, 123K)

that's not pol that's Yea Forums

>Poe's law
I think thats rich coming from this site, but it seems that here at least we self regulate our idiots.

nice work you fucking retard
>expecting a gamer girl to talk to a bunch of console-warring platform-warring spergs

Attached: you daft cunt.png (1552x344, 66K)

self moderation is a beautiful thing

Titan Quest
Red Faction games
Neighbors from Hell
Jagged Alliance 2
Darksiders if you into them
And Silent Storm

What meme songs? I don’t want to watch the video

the remove kebab song
/pol/ anthem
gas gas gas

two others I forgot


Today I will remind them

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I heard people said it was Initial D but I didnt watch the video either.

I like to think that no matter how hard shitposting on this website has fried people's brains, they still have some semblance of common sense floating around in their dense skulls.

It wasn't entirely memes. It was almost entirely white nationalist rhetoric. The memes were him saying that Candace Owens inspired him to commit violence and that she was even too radical for him. He also said that Spyro 3 taught him ethnonationalism, Fortnite taught him to floss on the bodies of his enemies.

The rest is the same you would hear at a serious ethno-nat conversation, except measured and calm. He basically said violence is the only means by which the white race can survive, invaders must be expelled, white traitors must be expelled, democracy is broken, violence is power. Also called for the assasination of Angela Merkel, Sadiq Khan and Erdrogan. Also, your local leftist and drig dealer.

I don't condone that shit I'm just laying it out.

The Aussies just cannot help themselves, can they?

>everyone who isn't a brainlet already doesn't trust journos
You're forgetting that a LARGE majority of people are brainlets.

>invaders must be expelled,
Wasn't he an immigrant though? What a dipshit.

Attached: you bumbling idiot.png (351x96, 4K)

if you post on /pol/ you're automatically white regardless of ethnic background


wow PROOF, legit. die samefag

>Now 8ch is in the news because an 8pol poster shot up a mosque in New Zealand while blaring meme songs with meme imagery all over it.

>look this up
>Mosque is a town called Christchurch

so he did the right thing then.

Yeah, they're pretty fuck by association now.

Attached: 1478837228741.jpg (720x720, 48K)

Makes sense

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love you too user

There's a vid?
Anyone have a link pls?

Attached: 1552530751228.jpg (560x451, 69K)

All of 8ch is almost like 4ch except even more SJW obsessed.
It's literally impossible to make a thread without it derailing into /pol/

He addressed this pretty easily. NZ and Aus are very similar culturally. Aus is also an offshoot of Europe, and so he is ethnically Euro. He's a faggot, but right on this point.

>what a dipshit
He's literally proving his point himself that invaders need to be expelled.

Read the thread fag

Nah he's a hypocrite, but that's a bigot for ya.

I laugh whenever I see this pic because that's me in it (the guy directly to the right of the guy wearing the islanders hoodie).


16 minutes. On kiwifarms, probably still on LiveLeak too.

Just like Yea Forums.

How fat are you now?

Half of them arent white, good to fucking know /pol/ is still multicultural.


Attached: dirty todd.jpg (1070x1196, 300K)

everyone is a bigot, especially SJWs

When was the last time you went on Yea Forums? This just isn't true.

Where's the reset era bay bay copypasta with all the "Thing didn't cater to /pol/! Epic victory!" greentext lines?

Fuck off cripplecuck, he's totally right. You guys still have fucking Gamergate generals.

same weight

And that attitude is what allowed this to happen. Never go full irony

Not any more than people beyond this site have. Which isn't much. People are retarded.

Generals yes, but every thread being a GG SJW hate frenzy is just inaccurate. It's mostly Vidya at this point.

So you're still a tub of lard, how embarrassing.

If you have questions about the manifesto I can answer. I read the entire thing but skipped the white nationalist poems. I'll be impartial.

No amount of shootings make imageboards relevant to them. It's just not a feasible link to make.

8chpol is Qtard central, basically it's a boomer infested shithole

vocaroo when

Post a pic of your self, we want to see your neon hair.

I’m pretty sure he said Subcribe to PewDiePie because it would cause the mainstream media to go after him, which always results in a massive shitshow across the internet

When are they going to blame video games?

I don't have neon hair, though. I'm a brunette.

Well, there's less blatant bait and shitpost threads. You won't find any Wong Dongs or blacked.net copypasta. Unfortunately the Australians don't seem to be able to access it so you don't get wonderful shitposts.

lel no
They go off on /pol/-tier tangents 10 posts in.

unbased and yikespilled

>Well, there's less blatant bait and shitpost threads.
Yeah that's because those retards are dead serious about how GAMERS RISE UP

it's literally just a meme with no context to it


He wrote the number 14 and the names of victims of Muslim attacks all over his guns and gear.

Glad to hear they dropped the 88.

Wait, and you're not serious?
Clearly you are not a true gamer then.

They are probably gonna blamed the Swedish dude for this.
So, not us this time, lol.

Why did you read the whole thing?

Who is he even trying to fool?

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Just wanted to know the thoughts of a fellow white nationalist.