Comfy pokemon thread

what do you want for the next game

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You know what's comfy? Taking this to /vp/.

Holy fuck which game are they from I love kogal

More characters with pantyhose/pantyhose option for character customization.

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Human on Pokemon breeding

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I want to dress my character like a Delinquent or a Gen5 Ace Trainer.

cry moar faggot

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team rocket as the main characters

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is the gen 5 girl the Mysterious Transfer Student?

those socks are stupid

>Australia region
>Professor Eucalyptus who is just Steve Irwin in a lab coat
>Pokemon based on koalas, platypuses, kangaroos, wombats, dingoes, emus, snakes, bilbys, spiders, quokkas, sharks, possums, jellyfish, echidnas, etc

There's nothing wrong with being Scottish, it's those pesky English and their annoying accents you gotta watch out for.

what about Irish people then? Do i have to watch out for them as well?

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The Irish are the niggers of white people, steer clear of them.

>what do you want for the next game

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Man of exquisite taste right here.

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My brother.

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>Legendary is a normal type with an ability that makes it immune to the previous attack type
>Cutest fluffy ball rat until the forme change into an eldritch being

>what do you want for the next game
Where do I start?
1. Following Pokémon to make a comeback
2. Pokémon can appear on the overworld as well as random encounters in tall grass
3. Pokémon World Tournament makes a comeback
4. A quick key/favorite menu system identical to gen 5's
5. The carnival shit to be banished to the depths of hell and PSS to make a comeback
6. A region that's actually F U N to EXPLORE, not just an assortment of linear fixed camera setpieces
7. Legendaries you have to hunt down and capture, that actually feel mystical and hidden, none of that "here's your free Lati@s" shit or boring ass "repeat this Ultra Wormhole shit X times until you've caught them all!", I mean stuff like the Regies in gen 3 and 5, or Mewtwo at the ass-end of a long dungeon, or trying to intersect roaming legendaries and whittle them down, shit you actually have to work toward
8. POST GAME CONTENT, and not just battle facilities (though a decent Battle Frontier would be nice), I mean more of the region opening up for exploration after the League (or God forbid, actually allow you to explore an old region again, Galar must be close to Kalos, right? Why not get a train ticket to Kalos after defeating the Champion and try redeeming the fact gen 6 never had a third game?)
9. Either make the games actually challenging in post-game or give us a difficulty option FROM THE START, none of that coward BW shit
10. More regional variants, and this time pick mons that aren't genwun
11. No dumb new power creep gimmick like Megas and Z moves
12. Bring back Secret Bases or the Underground or some kind of fun sideshit to do that you can share online or something
13. Have more NPC Trainers that challenge you in double, triple or rotation battles.

>koalas, kangaroos, snakes, spiders, sharks, jellyfish, echidnas
Komala, Kangaskhan, Arbok, Seviper, Serperior, Ariados, Galvantula, Sharpedo, Tentacruel, Jellicent and Typhlosion already exist

Though the fact we haven't had a Poison/Water Platypus Pokémon yet is a fucking blasphemy. Also no dolphin pokémon.

It's a fackin' Doduo, an' 'e's an arsehole


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Just give me X/Y character customization back. I don't really expect anything else out of Gamefreak than the usual.

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Tapu fini

I was playing Heart Gold the other day and when I got to ilex forest I found her in it but something strange was going on. What the fuck was going on there?

Go back to /vp/ you stupid idiot.

You've really gotta work on your insults

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My brother, what is it about pantyhose that does it for you? I like the idea but I just don’t get it.

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text can not accurately portray how unintelligible scottish people are

More dancing when doing moves.

Let me play the main game in double battles
C'mon, at least give me a little bit of team building depth

Following pokemon

For it to actually have some semblance of difficulty

This. Should be a base feature

Platinum was hard I played it a few days ago. I lost twice to the fucking purulgies.
To be fair I was using a zubat and ponyta and a very underlevelled starter.
Fuck crits

Forgot image

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cheeky arse

yuri romance

right > left > middle

There better be 3ds tier online stuff like wondertrade, that shit was great.

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Yes please

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