Preorder Phoenix Point on Epic Store Now

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fuck off, chang

>fucking over the people who helped fundraise the project by willingly going to Epic, also to get the refund you have to go through a shady site.

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Who knew shilling would stoop to such low standards

fuck off shill

They still get the game, just on another launcher.
I don't see the problem here

It's not like the dev are forcing you to change your PC or anything. Just. A. Motherfucking. Launcher. Godfucking dammit

Get a fucking life, Valvecucks. You're blowing this shit way out of proportion.

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>Just. A. Motherfucking. Launcher.
Nope, it's malicious spyware.

Wow, they're not even doing it for a fat load of cash. Just a really onesided deal that if the game actually does sell, they'd have earned anyway.

That just means they really are not confident in their product. If the game was halfway as good as it looked in the trailers it'd sell like butter with Xcomfags.

Well xcom games are the best selling things out there. Let alone an indie style xcom game. I think they were right to go with the deal. What could have been better. Maybe talk to the community first but honestly it is their call. Too many people on here seem to think money doesn't matter to game studios for some reason. Of course they will take a deal

And I don't need to support them over taking such a shitty deal. I would have bought the game on Steam, now I'll probably just let my money go to Xenonauts 2 anyway.

And don't understimate the genre, Xenonauts sold well for its size.

They already had at least $2 million from backers and pre-orders and decided to betray them for epic bucks.

Get the fuck out, Sonyturd. You are NOT a PC gamer. Your opinion has no value to me. Go suck off Sony's tiny dick instead, don't you have "censored pedo games" to talk about and praise Sony about for censoring them?

It's not even a launcher, you just need it to download the game, whereas everything on Steam requires Steam to be running.

Not gonna fall for your blatant falseflagging, toddlers. PC is flexible, although Steam is the main launcher, there's nothing wrong with installing other launchers on PC like Origin, GOG, and Battle Net. Epic Store is just another fucking launcher.

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Epic is pure cancer that will never touch my PC, fuck off shill.

Haha, very funny OP, I got it. You must be vert intelligent to think of a joke like that, but my superior IQ helped me realized this poor attempt to advertise a game sold in a store that has an unpopular reputation with a certain population on this board, is in fact a very clever way to protest against to politic of said store and gain the approval of this population that really doesn't like this store by collecting negative reactions to a very obvious bait.
Hahaha, I can't stop laughing, it was brillant! I'll be sure to talk about it to all my friends!





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>everything on Steam requires Steam to be running.

Show your PC games library with a timestamp, faggot.

What if they have Linux? Epic doesn't support Linux unlike Steam.
What if they live in one of the 4 countries where the Epic store is literally unavailable?
What if they feel simply annoyed because they were promised GOG/Steam keys and now the deal is just being renegged?

I'd rather not deal with 500 launchers, fuck off

Fuck the epic launcher.

i was promised a steam or gog key on the day of the game's release, now they say i'll get my key only after a year. They lied to me.

Take a hint from halo and join steam.

>buying a game from a store known for hosting anti-semite games

eat shit motherfucker.


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>not gonna fall for your blatant falseflagging
>posts a falseflag

It's quite simple.
First off, they lied to their customers. They knew they would get shit on, but did it anyway for more money.
Secondly, Epic Games Store has piss-poor security. Not just if you were to get hacked by another user, but also by the company itself. The Epic launcher searches through all your Steam folders and browser information constantly.
Finally, even if these two things weren't the case, Epic Games Store has nothing going for it except for the games. No mods, no community, no reviews, shitty interface, barely any sales, absurd prices for people outside of the US. The list goes on.

>No mods
I remember the time before Steam when people were not tech-illiterate and could actually handle modding and such by themselves.
Now Steam users(Zoomers) are so retarded they need a DRM platform doing everything for you

>Welcome to FIG, where you're not just kickstarter brainlets but REAL investors!
>Ooops, sorry, switching to Epic.
>Thanks for the interest free loan btw
I'm not saying betting on their customers having the memory of a gold fish is a stupid move but I really hope people will remember. If that actually happens, they better get Epic to buy their next couple of games as well.

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No faggot they literally said this game will be on GoG too. Nobody cares if you host games on Epic so long as they're available on Steam/GoG. Fuck you, choke on a dick.

>mfw I buy Phoenix Point and there is nothing the Pcbro crybabies can do about it
Looks like a fun game, not going to be autistic about storefronts like you fags, sorry.

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How come none rages against Valve with their exclusive games that are only available on Steam?
I've never bought a single game on Steam and just pirate them all, because I have no other choice unless I want to agree on their ToS that lets them sell my Data.

Doesn't fit the narrative, nobody is bringing up the fact Epic store is drm free.

Wrong, it has optional DRM like Steam.

>Hides the basketball character

Actually based

They're not paid to be exclusive you filthy nigger. They can host them whenever they want to and Valve won't interfere.

has steam ever explicitly paid for exclusivity though?

>Epic store is drm free
You're retarded.

>epic is moneyhatting games to become the sole supplier of them
>epic is bribing ubisoft to pull division 2 from all other online stores eliminating price competition
>client literally sniffs your entire pc
it's okay when epic does it!

But why does that matter to me as a consumer? I don't care why they are exclusives, fact is that steam has tons and tons of games that are exclusive to the store.

>Valve with their exclusive games
games are """"""""""""""exclusive""""""""""" to steam because devs are too lazy to go anywhere else. there is literally nothing stopping them from putting games in origin or uplay. why don't you go ask them why they don't?

>Giving a studio funds to continue running and even staff up, while also being on a storefront that has no asset flip garbage on it and only 10% goes to them
>Pcbros somehow keep insisting Epic are somehow worse than Valve

You're an idiot. You redeem them on Steam but you can BUY them from various other stores, meaning you have access to various possible sales and deals. ON EPIC YOU DON'T.

>China > Aliens

Objectively logical, morally wrong

hard pass

Why the fuck does that matter if I'm still forced to use Steam and accept their ToS that allows them to sell my information?
Buying Steam keys from people that got them from stolen creditcards is not a positive thing you retard.

Don't change the subject you disingenuous cuck. You lying piece of Chink shilling shit.

>stolen keys
You're an idiot.

show me where publishers were paid and signed deals to put their games only on steam

nice strawman. now address my points.

lol nah I don't think I will pcbro.

>keys from people that got them from stolen creditcard
nice meme. there's are numerous legit stores that sell game keys for ALL platforms EXCEPT epic.

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in this case your point of contention would be with individual developers who dont see fit to use a distribution method outside of steam. with epic the chinks are literally money hatting exclusive to there store to force their spyware onto people.

>unironically trying to defend consoleshit exclusivity deal cancer
hard yike

Just put game both on epic and steam. Exclusivity is fucking cancer. Even Microsoft understood that and halo comes both to their shitty store and steam where it will sell like hot cakes.

So like, there is a actually a shill in this thread. That's silly, the evidence is out there. Its almost maddening even, by responding you're fueling anger.

you won't because you can't. thanks for conceding the argument.

>arguing against the workshop

it's a good system, quit being a sperg

shilling? lol, this is just some seething faggot who backed this pile of shit


Who does this? It doesn't even come out 'til June.

>trying to turn pc into consoles 2.0 electric boogaloo
>literal spyware
yea, i dont think i care about MUH 18%

>Turn pc into consoles
Didn't know you had to buy the epic store in a box with its own dedicated hardware, I thought it was just a storefront no different from steam, origin, gog, uplay or humble. Silly me, my mistake!

No you do not understand. It's ok when VALVE DOES IT but not anyone else.

Still fucking mad

>buying games
l m f a o

>redditors getting mad and forcing the developers off the moderator team

i'm enjoying this shitstorm

Convenience is more preferable to people over more work. Most people need to work outside of workshop for any sex mods still.

T. Randy

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I did


Ignore the steam shills. Its paid marketing agencies doing damage control in futile effort to sway public opinion in manufactured "outrage".

>Epic swipes up flavor of the week indie trash
>Steam gets Dwarf fortress and Halo with Halo infinite coming
>didn't even need to pay anyone for it

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>don't listen to those shills!
>listen to these shills instead!
well which is it?

Why not just get a publisher deal at that point.

Outer Worlds will be Epic Exclusive
Granblue fantasy versus will be Epic exclusive
Psychonauts 2 will be Epic exclusive
Shenmue III will be Epic exclusive

>It's ok when VALVE DOES IT but not anyone else.
I don't give a shit what valve are doing, faggot, or epic for that matter. Gamers are rising up once more over faggot ass shit that doesn't matter. One side has queers blowing off BASED GABEN the other side is crying about MUH DATA while posting on reddit, googling everything, using discord and crying about the big scary trolls on facebook.

You're all faggots.

>He thinks Gabe didn't pay Microsoft for Halo