Why is water commonly assosiated with healing in the majority of games?

Why is water commonly assosiated with healing in the majority of games?

Attached: Water.jpg (1235x926, 159K)

Other urls found in this thread:

aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&SearchText=water distiller

Because that's what human beings (aka not Americans) drink, and it makes us feel good and healthy

It is? I'd say more often water is a environmental hazard in video games than a healing item.

get away

cause water is the bomb nigga, it's that true shit

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>60% of people's bodies in the rest of the world - water
>60% of American's body - coke

I'm sorry, amerimutt. I will never mention wat*r again. Have a glass of refreshing Coca-Cola™

lol fpbp

Did You Know? Fluoridated tap water fucks up your brain and your reproductive health.

>Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in young adults, and has been observed in children as young as two years of age.[30] The calcified gland is often seen in skull X-Rays.[30] Calcification rates vary widely by country and correlate with an increase in age, with calcification occurring in an estimated 40% of Americans by their 17th year.[30] Calcification of the pineal gland is largely associated with corpora arenacea, also known as "brain sand".
>It seems that the internal secretions of the pineal gland inhibit the development of the reproductive glands, because, in cases where it is severely damaged in children, the result is accelerated development of the sexual organs and the skeleton.[34]

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3491930/ "Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis"
>Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas.

ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.361991 "The effect of fluoride on the physiology of the pineal gland"

If you want to defluoridate your drinking water, know this: Fluoride is not removed by most water filters as it is an extremely small molecule. The cheapest option to defluoridate tap water is to purchase a tabletop water distiller unit for ~$75 from AliExpress, which boils the water and collects the purified steam, leaving contaminants in the reservoir. There is no filter or anything to replace, although some people use tiny cheap carbon filters as well to catch chlorine (the only contaminant with a lower boiling point than water.)

This will also remove all other contaminants like lead. Chances are your tap water has a lot more lead than you're supposed to be ingesting.

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It's propaganda to make you buy $5 bottled water.

hot springs come to mind. it's just warm water in the real world but that shit will heal your fucking ass off in video games.

the answer is always religion

Fun fact:
Water fluoridation was developed by nazi scientists.
After the war ended, America pilfered nazi research.
America implemented water fluoridation in 1945, directly following the war's end.
Water fluoridation is not widely practiced across the planet.

Attached: fluoride in europe.jpg (962x566, 50K)

Drink up!

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You're wrong. Bread and chicken legs heal you. Water restores mana.

This must be why there's such a drinking culture in Ireland then

Staying hydrated is essential for survival, so associating it with vitality makes sense. Water also cleans things, so healing - improving the condition of something - flows (har) naturally.

See also

Fluoride ingestion during pregnancy appears to greatly decrease the intelligence of the child:

ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/10.1289/ehp655 "Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years of Age in Mexico"
>In this study, higher prenatal fluoride exposure, in (the general range of exposures reported for the general population,) was associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive function in the offspring at age 4 and 6–12 y.

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>plastic bottles will fuck me up
>tap water will fuck me up
>cans will fuck me up
Guess I'm fucked then. Thanks anons.

Drinking distilled water is a bad idea. There's many studies that show doing it in the long term has much more severe adverse effects than drinking safely impure water which has almost no adverse affects. You want minerals in your water supply. Distilled water does not naturally occur in our environment.

12 oz coke is a approximately 355 g and contains 39 g sugar plus some other minor constituents. So approximately 89% water

No, all you have to do to have clean drinking water is go to AliExpress or another Chinese retailer of your choosing and search "water distiller"
Buy one that looks good. Chinese make the cheapest and highest quality water distillers, because nearly every home in China requires one.

aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&SearchText=water distiller

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just fucking drink the fucking water lol
goddamn these boards are just getting shittier and shittier
also video game

Hello sheeple.

Amazon has cheap ones too

you had the answer already.

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once you add the sugar it's no longer water.

>Drinking distilled water is a bad idea.
No it isn't. I have been drinking exclusively distilled water for over ten years. I am in excellent physical condition and have no health problems. My bloodwork is exceptional.

>There's many studies that show doing it in the long term has much more severe adverse effects than drinking safely impure water
No there aren't.

> You want minerals in your water supply.
90% of human mineral ingestion comes from food, not water. Naturally occurring water is much, much purer than tap water.

You are repeating FUD. You are probably doing so unknowingly, which is the sad thing.

Neutrality, I suppose. For instance, wouldn't it be strange for a pool of lava to be a healing zone?

what kind of retard drinks distilled water? Didn't you go to High School?


I'm not buying your chinkshit user.

Enjoy part of your brain literally turning into a calcium deposit.

>trusting a chink filter
boy I sure love lead

>12 oz coke is a approximately 355 g and contains 39 g sugar

For reference, an adult human male is supposed to consume 40 grams of sugar per day maximum.

By the way, I just thought I would add this piece of information: almost every commercial soft drink is made with distilled water. And they don't add any minerals or anything. You're drinking distilled water plus corn syrup and some other flavorings. No minerals in there.

>No there aren't.

>Recent studies also suggest that the intake of soft water, i.e. water low in calcium, may be associated with higher risk of fracture in children, certain neurodegenerative diseases, pre-term birth and low weight at birth and some types of cancer. In addition to an increased risk of sudden death, the intake of water low in magnesium seems to be associated with a higher risk of motor neuronal disease, pregnancy disorders (so-called preeclampsia) and some types of cancer

Enjoy your early death, retard.

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Mexicans don't eat hard shell tacos.


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Water is important.

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Sorry, samefagging.
The association also tends to happen when we're dealing with the classic four elements, and water being a liquid makes it the most similar of those to old-timey/fantasy type medicines, both ingestible (like a potion) and topical (like a salve). Further, plant life (herbs and such) having medicinal properties is why you'll occasionally see the earth element (which sometimes encompasses plants) also associated with healing.

>Naturally occurring water is much, much purer than tap water.
Now that is complete bullshit. You can't even fucking taste city tap water, and you're going to tell me it's more "pure" then what I pull from my ground on my land?

>fluoride conspiracyfags

Go back to the 1990's

A distiller is not a filter. At no point does the water ever touch anything besides stainless steel and glass.
You are a very, very dumb American. I can see the fluoride has already exacted its toll on you.

What you have linked there is not a study, it is something called a "meta-analysis."
A meta-analysis is an opinion piece created by taking some data from pre-existing studies and trying to form conclusions from them.
Meta-analyses are rife with corruption and corporate interest because when you are making a meta-analysis you have the choice of which data you wish to include in your analysis.
So, for example, you may encounter 12 studies indicating that distilled water has no negative health effects, and 1 study which indicates that distilled water may be linked to osteoporosis.
If you were running a STUDY, and not a meta-analysis, you would not be able to exclude those 12 data sets that are hostile to your agenda. Your study would have generated the data and thus been obligated to draw its conclusions based upon it.
Since you are however running a meta-analysis you can just throw out any data that doesn't fit your desires.

Now, if you look up the people involved with a meta-analysis you will usually find they are not really your honest science types. In this case I looked at the names behind this meta-analysis and found
1) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K._C._Verma - Colonel - Indian spymaster who works for the government
2) A.S. Kushwaha - Lieutenant Colonel - No Internet biography, but probably his subordinate

Man. This looks like something out of Lynch film. She looks borderline CGI.

Go to your city's municipal web site and pull the PDFs containing water purification data. You will find insane lead contamination levels, especially if it's a city. The FDA recommends a maximum lead dosage of 0. All tap water across the US heavily trespasses this limit. They also cheat in their tests by running the pipes clean for hours at a time - your at home levels of lead contamination are much higher.

cool video games thread

>Everything will fucking kill you
i'm so tired of everything dudes
i just want to die already

Drink up! Mmm, lead and fluoride!

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Here's a nice paper from the WHO discussing how distilled water INCREASES your chances of getting cancer.

Oh, look at this. Distilled water is so toxic to our body it can can kill parts of it on contact. This actually has applications in chemotherapy.

The nearest big city has 144mg/L Calcium Carbonate. My wells last test was nearly 12x that.
They've got 47mg/L Calcium, my well has over 15x that.
15mg/L Magnesium, I've got 8x.
They've got 5mg/L Chloride, I've got none.
Everything else is under .0005mg/L. Including lead.
The cities total dissolved solids was 212. Mine was almost 3000 last test.
The city doesn't fluorinate it's water either.

Like I said. It's tasteless.
Also, perhaps you live in a shitty, shitty city.

The first page you linked isn't a study either.
It arrives at the ground-shaking conclusion that if you don't get enough calcium and magnesium in your diet you have adverse health effects.
The paper itself explicitly tells you that water is not a primary source of dietary calcium or magnesium. says the same thing, explicitly.
Eat your dark chocolate, spinach and bananas and drink your milk. Don't drink lead and fluoride filled tapwater because that's not going to give you the calcium or magnesium you need.

>Everything else is under .0005mg/L. Including lead.
Link me your city's water PDF

I dunno, imagine being tired as fuck or injured after a battle, drinking some water will certainly help a bit at making you feel better.


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The fact that you think this means distilled water is bad for you is just amazing.
This is like those pop-sci articles with a headline that reads "RED WINE - A CURE FOR ALZHEIMERS?!" and their "source" is a study where some researchers observed red wine applied to misfolded neurons in a petri dish made them die slightly faster than normal neurons.

>Most of the civilized world outright bans the use of flouride in water
>Y-y-you're just a conspiracy fag
Shoo shoo CIA nigger

Have you ever been hot and tired? Water feels so fucking good in those moments. I can buy it as a health item. Go on a walk tomorrow, no run your ass off then sit down in the shade and drink some water. You'll see what I mean.

Like I said, not my city. Just the nearest large one.

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I'm American and a human and a water drinker.

No they don't

If you point to a random place in Europe on the map it's probably illegal for a municipality to put fluoride in the water there.

Yeah, them fat Americans amirite

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i read that if youre above 25g its too much. shit, i know one bottle of some soda is like 49g, and an entire bottle of this sake is 79g.
then again, my weight ligting friend is basically autistic when it comes to sugar and freaks out if there is a lot in it (he tries to keep it under 5g a day)

>The paper itself explicitly tells you that water is not a primary source of dietary calcium or magnesium

Yes, but they also explain why drinking water lacking in these minerals results in it being leached out of your body. Water likes to dissolve shit. Your "distilled" water is probably not event that pure anymore after being in the air for any amount of time because shit in the air is going to start dissolving into it. Carbon dioxide dissolving into distilled water is a big factor in why it sucks so much as it makes the water acidic. When you have water full of minerals like magnesium and calcium it doesn't a) draw that shit out of your body when you drink it and b) draw the shit out of anything else it touches including just the air. This aspect of distilled water is good in the short term for detoxification but it doesn't discriminate and in the long term it's just sucking all the good shit out of your body. This is why it's linked to such an enormous range of ill health effects. It's a bad idea to drink and you are an idiot who is going to die prematurely as a result of doing so.

>yes, but they also explain why drinking water lacking in these minerals results in it being leached out of your body.
They actually don't say that, it's a common pop culture misconception that you shoehorned into your post just now. The only thing that distilled water leaches from your body is salt, and it does so at only a marginally higher rate than hard water.

>Your "distilled" water is probably not event that pure anymore after being in the air for any amount of time because shit in the air is going to start dissolving into it.

This is so retarded that I won't even comment on it, or even bother reading your post. Please drink lots and lots of fluoridated water, I don't care about you.


I see bunches of European countries that are just fine with flouridation. Maybe you shouldn't try making claims that are disproved by a wikipedia page.

You are just plain wrong. There's dozens upon dozens of studies that link the long term drinking of distilled water to many ill health effects and ultimately your only defense is to claim a conspiracy to mislead and poison people for... I don't know, you've never actually explained why that conspiracy would even exist.

>There's dozens upon dozens of studies that link the long term drinking of distilled water to many ill health effects
Actually there are literally zero studies that arrive at that conclusion that you made up just now. Congratulations on your scientific fanfiction.

>you've never actually explained why that conspiracy would even exist.
It does not necessarily need to be a conspiracy. For decades leaded gas was making children retarded and adults violent, and we noticed and took lead out of gas and within one generation there was a near 1:1 fix.

It could be a conspiracy however and you don't need to be a genius to think of why. Water fluoridation was invented by the nazis. They had every reason to find ways to surreptitiously make people more docile and easy to control. America implemented fluoridation directly after the war ended, and directly after it had raided nazi research. There is no apparent link between fluoridation and dental caries incidence (see image). The government has every reason to want a population that is dumber and easier to control, and reproduces faster (remember, fluoride also hastens sexual development)

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>make distilled water
>manually add minerals so it doesn't take mine
heh, nothing personnel gubment

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Life on earth would not exist without it. It is the medium of life

>Actually there are literally zero studies that arrive at that conclusion that you made up just now
There's several links in this thread already. You even admitted one was a meta-analysis, i.e. an analysis of the results of multiple studies.

>For decades leaded gas was making children retarded and adults violent, and we noticed and took lead out of gas and within one generation there was a near 1:1 fix.
Exactly. We tend to get rid of the things that are bad. So what is you explanation for the contaminated water conspiracy? It's the Nazis? You are legitimately nuts. And not even in an entertaining conspiracy theory loon kind of way. Just in a complete fucking moron kind of way.

>There is no apparent link between fluoridation and dental caries incidence
>In this large study, county-level estimates of the percentage of population with community water fluoridation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 's Water Fluoridation Reporting System were merged with dental examination data from 10 years of National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (1999-2004 and 2011-2014).
>The analysis showed that U.S. children and adolescents with greater access to fluoridated drinking water were less likely to experience dental caries. Counties in which over 75% of the population had access to community water fluoridation saw a 30% reduction in dental caries experience in the primary dentition, and a 12% reduction in dental caries experience in the permanent dentition, compared to counties in which less than 75% had access to community water fluoridation.
>The findings are consistent with evidence from the last half-century showing that community water fluoridation continues to provide a substantial dental health benefit for U.S. children and adolescents. The current study boosts the evidence by showing that the benefit is most pronounced early in life, in the primary teeth of 2-8 year olds.

A meta-analysis is not a study and is more or less worthless scientifically. Most of them don't even get an impact rating. I thought I made that clear with my post but I guess I am dealing with a fluoride drinker so I should be sure to restate everything 10 times to make sure the information is absorbed. Because, remember, fluoride is scientifically proven (by ACTUAL studies that generate and use their own data, all of it) to cause decreased intelligence and ossify an organ of the brain. See

>Because, remember, fluoride is scientifically proven (by ACTUAL studies that generate and use their own data, all of it) to cause decreased intelligence and ossify an organ of the brain

Excessive amounts of anything will fuck you up. Even excessive water consumption is lethal to humans and that includes you beloved distilled water.

>tfw alaska
>tfw no fluoride in the water
>tfw it doesn't even matter because I also have a well

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>A meta-analysis... is more or less worthless scientifically

>tfw Finland
>tfw land of a thousand lakes
>tfw very strict health regulations
>tfw some of the cleanest tap water on this planet

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Don't alaskans also get free money just for existing? And a lot, like $2000/mo.

Fuck you alaska