He's right about Steam, you know.
funny how you never complain when it's a giant bomb thread
He's a pretty intimidating guy. The charisma and confidence he oozes really makes him sharp and endearing. I'd be pretty terrified of having to debate him desu
Here's your giant bomb:
we do though
he's just contrarian pansexual faggot that will call anything bigoted if it contradicts his world of view.
Stopped watching the biased fat fuck after he completely brushed off the Subnautica story and called a guy who's been fired a bigot in some short comment.
For me, It's the Epic Games Store.
He's probably gonna flop back when he realizes people are against it since he just parrots what the popular belief is anyways
no you don't
He's contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.
don't recognize the black-white square with M'aiq the Liar (also the picture below him)
ecelebs go in
What's M'aiq the Liar from. And who developed that game.
Replace Epic Store with qBittorrent logo (or Deluge, at least) and we're settled
it's vidya culture
>culture of any kind
I was going to make a Tiananmen Square edit, but that's pretty good.
what's the definition of "culture"
He's not
He still thinks of it like its a shop when it wants to be a marketplace
And he thinks it needs 'values' beyond selling video games
what the fuck are these ones?
Bethesda Launcher, Battle.net
i see, thx.
Battle.Net is particularly bad one, looks like some software kit from Microsoft
He has never been right. I remeber him being one of the faggots crying about weapons breaking in BOTW. How much more of a casual manchild could you be that a weapon breaking feature ruins the whole game for you because
>its too hard! my sausage fingers cant handle much more of this bollocks!
this one honestly can break the flow (haven't played botw but played a lot of portable SH zero + Book of Memories, and inventory juggling every three-four swings was getting irritating from time to time).
But the mechanic has its merits the same way conserving certain ammo for certain type of enemies in, say, Doom 3 does
He was right though. Its just not a fun mechanic.
Remember the time Jim dressed up as a faggy noble to "make a commentary about elitism" when everyone was making fun of video game journalists for being bad at their jobs?
Reminder that video has a higher like ratio because Steam drones are insane