Uhm.....wtf is this shit

Uhm.....wtf is this shit

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It's a chicken dinosaur with a rock it found. Say hello.

birds in florida

She wants the BHC

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Kulu-Ya-Ku finally gets to become the chocobo he knew he was born to be.



Master Rank Kulu-Ya-Ku better use more items as weapons. His journal description states that they’re known to use weapons, emphasis on the plural. All he uses in the game are rocks, and he’ll sometimes steal herbivore eggs to eat but won’t use them as weapons. MR Kulu better be able to use logs, small monsters and shit like that as weapons.

>mfw i thought it was a new primal rage from the thumbnail

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MR Kulu whips out the Moonlight Greatsword
>cinematically cuts in to his face, half-cut with the MLGS
>yipping noises ominously and slowly

cute bird you wanna fuck

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That quest sucked ass.

>jumps on you
>one shots
>nothin personel

what the fuck, are they calling it "Master Rank" instead of "G Rank" now?

damn so this is what that magic cock vore sequence was referencing

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What is THIS

>Mirror match with a Kulu that somehow has makeshift replicas of hunter weapons

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>cock vore
my nigga, best fetish

Attached: suck it before it sucks you.png (526x237, 168K)

because they want to appeal to westeners even more. a bit stupid though with how iconic the letter G is to Monster Hunter and they could've simply called it Grandmaster Rank or something

>hip checks
>takes half your health
Um wat

They don't want to give more ammo to detractors by calling it "G Rank", so they came up with a new term because it's not going to fulfill people's expectations of what G-Rank/Ultimate would entail.

It will very likely be somewhere between 50-75% of what you might expect of G-Rank, probably not as difficult or as much, due to platform/having to do everything new, etc. Same as the base game.

why the fuck does this one image only get used by terminal autists

why would you hurt yourself so deeply? let it go, user. some dreams are never meant to come true

Anyone got that pic of the Kulu with a crystal and her titties getting bigger?


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They already said that Iceborne is on par with the last few G Rank expansionsin terms of how much stuff it adds. It’s literally just a name change for the international audience. Still, it didn’t really need to be changed. Could have just called it ‘Great Rank’ or something like that I agree.

I want to ______ this bird in it's _______

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I don't want to fuck that. There's nothing sexual about that design, and it's also not humanlike.

Is it a therizinosaur?

>he doesnt want to fuck giant reptiles
haha fucking faggot

Haha it's the epic "pretend that having an esoteric fetish is normal" ironic meme!
mutilate yourself

Found it

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yikes and cringepilled

Don't forget, no new clayfighter either!

Haha it's the epic "say horrible twitter meme speak just to be annoying" ironic meme!
consider flagellation

How? Its a giant kulu that actually does a fuckload of damage.

this but unironically

>His journal description states that they’re known to use weapons

That's just basic english. You wouldn't say they are known to use a weapon.

>was expecting anthroshit
>actually a nice cute monstergirl
I am glad to be wrong for once

If it was just rocks wouldn’t it make more sense to say they are known to use rocks as weapons?

>not sticking with your faithful rock

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Hey Mario look what I made!

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It'd just be more specific but as it is it wouldn't be wrong.

Wait, this guy is still doing stuff? Fucking where?

The continuous growth ingame was making me feel some kind of way. Thankfully, MoHun had me covered.

barely. just check his FA: cantstopgrowing

Huh, thought he abandoned FA years ago. Thanks, man.

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