ITT: Runescape memories/stories
I remember feeling happy
>hey wanna join our clan? its super social and we welcome all sorts of topics!
>join clan
>no one ever talks
>when they do, its only when that cringy furry guy who has to be overly positive about everything comes on
I remember when the actor graphics for this game were just flat fucking 2d jpegs and the endgame was the level 120(?) green dragon. When I beat it, it was a traded deathblow, felt like a fucking legend even though I couldn't get any of my shit back.
>hey guys, if you type your password it censors it! See! ********
>type my password
>it's such a common thing no one realized I fell for it
Remember the purple friend text?
Only one story, and not even that interesting.
>get silverlight
>some guy says it looks cool and wants to see it on his character
>drop it without a second thought
>he calls me a liar because he can't see it or pick it up
I was a naive little child. I think I cried a little too.
>hey want to earn some money?
>get that wine from the altar!
Fuck you I hate you
Lol retard you could’ve gotten it back by talking to the demon slayer dood
>Dude wearing full Rune Armor
>Free Mithril smithing! I just want the Exp
>Lose all the bars I gave
Me too dude...
Me too
>he wasnt lying
i once bought a fez for 100k because a dude had convinced me it was rare.
I used to be a big skiller back in the day. Good times, good friends. Lots of autists in the groups though.
Have a fun history lesson
Alot of people don't really remember him but Telmomarques basically is the Godfather of efficiencyscape. His gainz in 2009-2010 were something nobody ever saw before and everybody started mimicking him, the game changed forever after that.
I like the player aspect of the game just as much as the game itself.
>Want to earn some free money?
>Come with me into this cave, then follow the instructions
>Mfw I actually got free money
join osg clan chat
>such an antisocial faggot I was never able to complete shield of arrav because it required 2 people
Maybe my life's biggest regret
i used to be a bank for some dude got paid 1k for every inventory i took to a bank
i realise now that i was being ripped off
You can always make two accs :DDdd
Stop it D
Fishing lvls?
straight droooooooop
Fuck fishing
quit the bullshit man
>slaying skeletal wyverns
>draconic visage appears on ground, it's not my loot
>take it anyway
>guy next to me complains that he went afk
>Ironman btw
>cries about being there for months
>teleports out
I kinda feel bad for the guy but that was the easiest 8m ever
his own fault for being AFK simple as honestly
your right to the loot my dude
Anyone have the story about that user who got cucked on Runesape? He had to watch as some other guy e-fucked his e-gf or something.
>that time I took all my best gear to kill Green Dragons and got PK'ed
>the pit in my stomach as I realised what was happening and how dumb I was
>lost close to 1m worth of gear back when 1m was actually worth something
Hated brainlets ever since
>tfw didnt play much runescape when was younger and don't have a bunch of pointless nostalgia for a poorly aged game
>he was too poor to afford a runescape gf
lol pwned
>luring kids to zamorak wine
>trimming armor
>when alt+F4 worked and you could fuck kids in wildy
>drop trading in the upper part of varrock bank to your pure
Are you so unhappy you would go into a runescape thread to make a dumb post like this? Pointless indeed.
you sound boring
>be me
>message a bunch of people on my friends list to join my new clan
>about 10 people show up and we sit around varrock bank
>I decide we should march into the wildy (I'm lv 40ish, and we range from lv20-70)
>we go straight out of the north gate right into a lot of pkers
>almost everyone dies
>I message a bunch of them saying sorry and we never talk about it again
It's weird to say this, but I learned most of my life lessons from run escape
Epic leddit story broski!
I remember a moment like that.
>doing vampire slayer with a dude I met earlier
>I had only been playing for a little while and believed the password lie
>I needed to tell him to pick up some cheese, but my password was cheese (I was 11)
>I thought he'd figure out my password if it censored the word, so I said "pick up this ch33se"
i got me full rune armor taken and i tracked that man down back to draynor village 1 day later after he logged. he world hopped and i never saw him online again
I remember Plaing RuneScape when I was like 12-13 then the entire class had RuneScape fewer. Every boy in class played this, and everybody was F2P (because member was quite expensive in standards of Poland in these times, and no parent will agree to sponsor that), basically in school talked about RuneScape, best F2P farming methods, daydreaming about how having member will be awesome or we planned next wilderness journeys. And when we went home we turned our PC's logged in on RuneScape and played, sometimes we just leveled/farmed or we just went to hunt for some boobs at Wildy. Our Wildy hunting pack was basically 10 full rune warriors, 6 mages, 4 archers. In most cases we hunted some noobs but sadly most of them were just pures so profit wasn't great.
But there was a last one most memorable journey, we were very deep inside Wildy In multicombat zone, and our class squad, we were walking around for long time because there was nothing to kill but then suddenly we see some guy wandering alone, and he was wearing FULL SARA AND HE HAD A SKULL OVER HIS HEAD. So everybody was like "We gonna grab that free money bros" so we jumped on this guy, everybody got skulls. And suddenly we noticed that like over 50 just appeared and attacked us talking things like "Omg baited", "Baited lol". Everybody got ticket to the lumbridge. The next day in school everybody was sad or mad.
silverlight is a quest item
you can reclaim it whever you like
>safespotting fire giants in waterfall dungeon
>low level player is booking it to the door
>he accidentally uses the key on me instead of the door I am in front of
>gets instantly swatted for all of his health
>dies right in front of me
you stole this story from reddit you faggot
the thing that stole the visage was a bot as well
Me and my sister made a rsmv once. It was fun when we did it but fuck was it painful to rewatch a few years later
I got permabanned for making fun of someone who admitted to being jewish.
I had a dream that I got unbanned and turned into a Jmod that night, and when I woke up I was unbanned. I know it sounds like bullshit but it's still one of the most surreal things to ever happen to me.
the fact that you faggots know it's from reddit is unnerving
>me and my noob friend try pking
>run into really deep wildy
>we see white dot on map
>run towards it
>get close to them, right click on them
>mfw it's 4 people stacked on top of each other
>me and buddy leg it out
>they kill my friend
>never try pking again
I never wanted to go to the wild, but a friend of mine always did. He would always get a bunch of people together and get to that bandit camp place so that when we fought we could also cook pizzas with the ingredients that spawn. We always ended up just dying.