Chocobo Mystery Dungeon

Is anyone excited for this? Its a new mystery dungeon game, guys! it isnt pokemon, no, but I'm sure it will be just as good!

Dont forget to go to your local dippin dots and get your special classes with exclusive icecream moves! Please, I dont hear anyone talking about this. I want to like it but im scared it will suck since no one talks about it.

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It's not new, it's a port of the wii version.

>special classes with exclusive icecream moves
But those are base game classes, and did they really give them special moves?

was it good at least? it seems that friending monsters is a new feature, as is how movement works. in that it is directly copied from the pokemon mystery dungeon series. just interested is all, since I never hear anyone talk about any of the games

not sure the details on it, it might just give them the job the special move as an unlock

It was alright, it had challenge dungeons like being blind, level 1, empty stomach throughout the game as side dungeons, and a bit harder because you can't exactly stack up on reviver seeds because you get a magic orb from the first real boss irrc and maybe another boss drops a similar one

I've played the Wii one and it was nice. This one is more of an "enhanced port" of it.
Personally tho, I vastly preferred Chocobo's Dungeon 2 on the PSX, mostly due to the bigger variety in enemy attacks and traps.

can i expect an experience like red rescue team or explorers of sky? or are these games a lot more strategic based? hell, red rescue team got hard as shit in those end game levels like zero isle. Guess I should expect the same stuff here? My only experience with mystery dungeon games are the two i listed

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i preordered it weeks ago and can't wait to play it! and i think i'll be able to finish the game i'm currently playing (caligula effect overdose) just in time for chocobo to come out.

>40 bucks

call me when it's 20

There are lots of similarities, but this one uses a MP system for skills and it recharges when you attack. So you'll be doing a good amount of regular attacks and is not "skill spam" like PMD. There's also a class system.
What you shouldn't expect, however, is emotional plot moments like in PMD. Story and characters here are garbage.

it sounds mechanically sound, just not emotionally. Well Im sure its a light hearted adventure through and through so i guess it wont bother me much.

looking back, yeah PMD has uncharacteristically gripping stories. I remember my fav starter from those games was skityy, because she could just destroy bosses with status effects like attract, sleep, and paralyze. Hoping there is a similar job here for that stuff

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If it's anything like Chocobo's other games it will be adorable with decent production values, but with difficulty that will probably insult a 7 year old. I love the art of this series though, so I'll be getting it.

If you want no emotional adventure, emulate Chocobo's dungeon 2 on ps1. Surprisingly emotional for a dumpy little chocobo game.

If you want an*
Stupid phone posting

The Wii version is still the only game I got because I watched Yea Forums stream it.

Too bad it's a remake of the wii, I had a screenshot from my emulated playthrough I would had used to make a thread if it wasn't being a remake of the wii one

Pokémon Mistery Dungeon Copy Detected

Pikachu Mistery Dungeon you mean.
There were a bunch of Pokémon Mistery Dungeon since 2006 I think. omg. lol. a copy 13 years later.

I wanted a new game but I guess I'll take this. Not like a new one would come close to PSX Mystery Dungeon 2 anyways.

What I really want a new DQ mystery dungeon, but I'll take this instead.

The Wii version was really slow and I don't mean ran slow, things like the story it was like every character would pause in every sentience during the dialog. The gameplay was also a tad sluggish. Looking at the trailers for the new game though, they fixed both those annoyances.

You responded to the wrong one retard, stupid retard poster.