So IGN remembered sex sells huh? Are we swinging back around to the 90's/early 00's mindset?

So IGN remembered sex sells huh? Are we swinging back around to the 90's/early 00's mindset?

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So they firex that blonde jew whore, hired a plain SJW and now hired a jew whore again?

I think she's half Mexican.

dude she is really weird
She may have nice tits but I wouldn't get near that AIDS/bacteria infested face

looks about 56%

100% would eat in bed with, she does look like she just ripped a bong

Wait, what happened to Naomi? She was pretty cool and not just some gamer girl.

>that outfit
>Not doing anything to her hair

Pretty odd

This is shopped. I can tell from the pixels and from having seen many shops in my time.

>She was pretty cool
she was the cheapest L.A whore they could find back then

Yeah, back then. But by the fifth year she pretty much had to be into gaming becAuse of how much time she spent around the industry.

>She may have nice tits but I wouldn't get near that AIDS/bacteria infested face

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that poor girl didn't even finish super mario world and the word is she never played any game for more than 3 hours

I noticed she often wears the same outfits, bitch is basic

She did a livestream where she played the entirety of Halo 1 and 2.

Calm down, reddit

After you learn how to control sex thoughts no amount of jewish pornography can trick you
I've met actually cleaner and better looking women in my life and I'm poor as fuck

Jesus Christ lads, who cares. It's just an outfit calm your dicks.
It's not some big political scandal aimed at you, the "gaming" viewer, she's just fucking wearing a dress or whatever.
You people are clearly bored.
Consider playing some video games

dios mio

>Consider playing some video games
We need a new DBZ game asap

Dont get mad I posted a photo of you user, just understand next time how you are an autistic basement dweller who is never getting vagoo in their lifetime unless you drop your standards down to your level.

>just an outfit

Outfits accentuate figures and excite the senses, autist. If everyone were always naked we'd get bored of it

There have been like five shitty games released in the past 5 years

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Shame about the goblin face

jesus cristo...

wasted digitsssssssssssss
Fucking normies

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Fucking ugly jew.

seems like the trips of truth to me faggot

>tips fedora
that's a cowboy hat

She looks pissed. You can tell a producer forced her into it in a desperate attempt to boost revenue.

if they hired some blonde virgin that isn't pretty (you know those with big glass and dirty hair?) they would get far more views

I see the whiteknights are out in full force today

more like hambeasts implying they could even talk to a girl like her let alone any girl, and she is basic as fuck and not even that hot.

she doesn't need them. you guys seem intimidated by her enough.


Who was the hottest IGN girl?

How does she look pissed? Fucking autists

Imagine getting assblasted because anonymous people call a girl ugly.

probably Alanah mainly cause her accent and big tits

Nah, it's the Mass Effect girl

not assblasted, could care less. just pointing out to austic virgins that they arent a sight to behold so they cant really talk about looks without it being extremely ironic.

>Consider playing some video games
you're INSANE

It's clear in her body language. Look at how she unconsciously tries to cover up with her hands and twists back and forth.

She always does that, idiot

>nice tits

I don't see any

>Are we swinging back around to the 90's/early 00's mindset?
I really want this to be true about everything not just games. Maybe its just rose tinted glasses but everything just felt better then even if I was a fucking nerd in high school.

it's actually going to get much worse.


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Do you not know how breasts work?

Literal goddess

shes pretty ugly compared to the other female hosts IGN has had

got me bud. it appears ive been epic roasted! he posted a picture back at me in a similar form of ugly hambeast. It looks like user has ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED me.

does anybody here actually know some 5/10 girl that is into video games?
it looks like there are two kind of girls: hot twitch thots and borderline/bipolar disorder attention whores

I unironically find her to be really and very beautiful.

I guess everyone has their taste though.

Roll the thing.

Doubt it. I watch her stuff on my snapchat story sometimes because she acts like a slut. She has no problem flaunting her body.

Pretty sure she's a bit nutty tho. She talked about how she finally found a good therapist. Aka she finally found a therapist who was telling her what she wanted to hear rather than what she needed to hear.

5/10 means average or plain looking right? user that should be hard at all.

looks like an AI facsimile of G4. complete with a fauxlivia moon

A lot of you lil' zoomies are probably too young to remember this but IGN used to have an entire section of their website dedicated to "babes" where they just posted pictures of models in bikinis.

How long until this one leave and suddenly thinks she has a strong presence within the industry? Everyone who hosts that show and quits gains traction for no reason
Chobot earned it
Naomi was there for a while, but way less that Chobot
Fuckin Alanah Pierce was there for two fuckin weeks before quitting

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They probably deleted them but tons of the old IGN youtube videos were just videos about models and "hot babes" as well

You really shouldn't assume, this is how you create misconceptions.

Don't even know a single female who is into let alone giving them numbers.

Whores are ok, certainly better than sjw

>5/10 means average

Miranda is CUTE!!!!!!

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Trips don’t lie.

Am I the only one kinda mesmerized by her rib cage?

She left to do her own thing, which is being a gamer thot. Her cosplaying is laughably bad. Not to mention how her social media reeks of an unmarried 30 y/o woman who lost her value.

women get paid 80k/year to pretend enjoy video games and they still claim they are oppressed

We should sell them to islamic countries as sex slaves for 10 bucks each

>those nips

Sydnee is a babe

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am I the only one that thinks shes not hot?
like very average she's kinda ugly

Fuck. Big and dark

I remember when Just Cause 4 came out, they had her livestreaming to shill it on launch day with some fat white knight guy who was awkwardly just agreeing with everything she said and trying not to stare at her. She couldn't figure out how to even get past the tutorial mission at the start of the game and kept dying. The guy looked visibly frustrated by her ineptitude yet also really blatantly attracted to her. All the while she went on some bizarre tangent about how her dad and brother had a Halo 3 esports team or something. She seems like a sweet girl, but totally ditzy and definitely not all there. Pretty sure they haven't tried to have her stream like that again since either because it was a mess.

Oh and also she's married to a Chad, and e-thots who aren't single are unacceptable REEEEEEEEE


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She was hot before with her natural dark hair color here

Dyeing it lighter like it is in the OP was a mistake, it doesn't look good on her.

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Oh god, you can see them getting hard and popping up in real time!

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Ditzy airheads and bimbos were a lot hotter and less crazy in the 80's and 90's before the internet and social media made them worse.

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I'm pretty sure it's all on her. The previous hosts wore less suggestive clothes.

Fuck off

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I felt bad for Naomi. She was becoming fat and ugly. Not even makeup and surgery could fix decades of drugs and casual sex damage

I want to grind my penis on her flat chest while making holocaust jokes.

Like the top but it does have a pretty deep neckline. Looking to challenge the norms of professional media presentation?

lmao what horrible taste you have.

That dye job is awful bro

imagine being this lacking in self awareness

clip is asking for the lower half to be taken away.

incels are not the target demographic of video game companies anymore.

boy o golly look at those HUGE hands!

I remember like in 2003~2004 all I wanted was a regular girl that wasn't a landwhale
Today kids want a girl with huge boobs and 30 pounds of facial make up

What went wrong?

>Today kids want a girl with huge boobs and 30 pounds of facial make up
So nothing much changed since forever? You sweet gay lad

Uh, that's what I always wanted though and I'm nearly 30? An emo/scene gf with DD tits was my high school dream. I wish those still existed.

>This is what libshit activists tell themselves to COPE

dude emo/scene girls are not humans. Trust me
They are the today's equivalent to twitch streamers

pen0r detected!

Respond fags

Alanah was there for 2 years. But they put her in charge of basically fucking everything within weeks of her joining out of nowhere and totally unearned. Like they made her silly Fix host, the host of two podcasts, an editor, and one of their main live hosts for shit like E3. Also, pretty sure she got Marty Sliva fired for no reason too.

Alanah makes more cash than Naomi
SJWs make lots of cash especially in the united states

It's tempting but not even this every single day will make me subscribe to fucking IGN.

>It's just an outfit calm your dicks.
That outfit isn't intended to *calm* dicks.

Her boyfriend got a job in LA and they weren't going to do the long distance thing.

That's just a typical Jew face. Very Jewish features. Also Goodman is a Yiddish name.

>having standards makes you an incel
Beta orbiters like you need to be castrated with acid.

>he unironically posts a reaction gif where the dude has an el goblino face

>need a new DBZ game
DBFZ is the only game you will ever need.

God lord her ears

Pretty cute desu.

Titties nonexistent

>emo scene girls
>not wearing makeup



This is DISGUSTING bros! I can't believe that in currentyear something like this could happen. We have to act NOW and stop this objectification of women!

>jew whore
>jew whore
great taste desu

Unironically looks like a trannie

>I haven't seen any

Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.

I unironically want a katana, if i marry a japanese girl would it be ok?

>tfw unironically owned several growing up

My favorite one is an actual factual replica of the Brides sword from Kill Bill. It's not just a replica ornament though, it's real and has that deadly weight to it compared to ornamental replicas i've had in the past.

I actually used it to kill a rattlesnake one time when my sister and her dog ran into it and the dog kept jumping around it. It's so sharp it cut through it's neck like it was slicing through air.

I keep it around for home self defense since I don't own a gun atm and it's Florida so anyone who breaks into my house is fair game.