It's up

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Other urls found in this thread:

I saw it, i know he will get more advanced later on, but if there is a single person out there that doesn't know about locking on or rolling i have lost faith in humanity

Cool, waiting for him to upload advanced stuffs like JC because I'm shit at them

to be fair since inertia is gone and we don't know what glitch fuckery is in this one it'll take awhile for advanced tech vids

How do I unlock Nero's bubblegum taunt?

>but if there is a single person out there that doesn't know about locking on or rolling i have lost faith in humanity
you're in for a big surprise

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Compared to the average action game being put out nowadays, DMC's controls are fairly unique. To the point where people complain that there isn't a one-button universal dodge roll.

Anybody know what the 1.05 patch does?

Hopefully it brings back reversals and if on PC it fixes the cutscene stuttering

You have to kill all the enemies during his credits fight.

how many are left after Judecca?

Have you already unlocked V's ex colour?

That was the last one on Devil Hunter, I think as long as Nico compliments you you should be fine.

You ONLY have to kill the Judecca. More Antenoras and Cainas spawn after it's defeated, but you don't have to defeat them.

>you can move the left stcik to move your character
Cool Ill just skip this one then, let me know when he gets to exceed timing and jc shit

Ive beaten Judecca a lot (SOS and DH) but I dont see the command in the move list. Is it not available on PC?

The green one? Yes I unlocked it.

>You need a fighting game's worth of muscle memory and mechanic knowledge to play this single player game
Why would anyone waste this much time on this shit? Autism?

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Faust Dance is a bad cutscene. Every weapon acquisition cutscene is there to demonstrate the weapon's abilities as Dante tests it out, sometimes as a lone kata. sometimes using it on enemies. The cutscenes use the weapon's actual mechanics in their choreography to show the player what they can do with it and entice them into using it. Faust doesn't get this, instead it's just a dance, and not even a particularly interesting or funny one, Dante just does the most basic thing any MJ impersonator begging on the street can do. He could have done a more complex dance dodging around a group of enemies while firing off orbs, using the orb shield, putting hats on empusa and caina forcing them to dance alongside him before doing the hat pull and dropping meteors on them for the big finish, with strobe lights and fanfare, but no. I hate to use such a gay buzzword but it's completely soulless. There I said it.

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I wonder if he'll address how awkward style switching is. Dante seems so daunting compared to Nero and V because unlike them you have to get let go of the left stick to swap styles mid-combo. I just spent the entire afternoon making the perfect control scheme for the DS4 on steam.

Half Press L2 is Royal Guard. Full Press L2 is Trickster. Releasing L2 at any point goes to Swordmaster. L3 is Gunslinger. Gun switching is Right touchpad (L2 input). The best part is that I programed it so that you toggle the controls back to normal by holding Select when you want to play the other characters. I'm currently debating how I could apply these controls to Xbox gamepad since it has no touchpad. I'm thinking making the Start button switch guns (LT) and Having you hold Select for the start input. Maybe clicking both sticks will toggle between modes.

If anyone is interested, look for the control config called Super Seamless Style Switching. I'm really interested in the opinions of more skilled players, because I personally feel like I've perfected Dante's controls.

Reading the news on bloody palace makes me think it won’t have co op.

Which is fucking disappointing.

Ex-act is easy, you'll get used to it easily, Max-act on the other hand..

Might I suggest something more adequate to your basic skills then?

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Where are you reading them, i am almost certain they will be in due the datamines, but maybe may just be left over code

Weird, I only got them at the same time. For me I had to do both ending challenges, kill the Judecca with Nero before Nico speaks, and get more kills than Vergil.

The datamine in the older thread seem to suggest 3 new modes - BP, Online BP and Divergence Mode

>Divergence mode
tell me more

Just looking at a few sites with the news of bloody palace coming in April 1st.

I mean if the mode did have co op they would have mentioned it.

wow where would i be without this guy to tell me to move using the thumbstick and press the melee button to attack

very illuminating video

>you have to get let go of the left stick to swap styles mid-combo
you have five fingers on one hand user, i don't know why you wouldn't be able to leave one of those for the dpad

Doubt they have any info about it besides the tweet we all know already

Why the hell was he left out?

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Well shit I hope I’m wrong then. Online BP would be a dream come true.

Is there any info on BP at all concerning character selection? Would fucking blow if only one guy could play as Dante at a time.

>he doesn't know about the datamines
We're also getting playable Vergil as DLC soon, since you can hack the game to set him as the player character, although certain buttons will crash the game

Somehow that cover has even more shit on it than I remembered.

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Only japanese people will understand that reference unfortunately

Watch him show up as a boss in the Vergil DLC.

Too spooky for normies

dante is usually slow enough to buffer the style and weapon switch, but what do I know I'm shit at him

I’m shit with v.

Vergil doesn't like spiders

Thanks for the Punchline bro, to show my appreciation i won't blow that enemy away from your Showdown
Overall a really nice coop session

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Reminds me of MGR where few people managed to catch onto how parrying worked until a couple months later.

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I'm pretty sure that only exists so he can function as a character in the credit's sequence. I don't think it's a necessary indicator that his DLC will come soon.

You could play as him in vanilla DMC3 too if you pressed start on a P2 controller during the arkham fight.

>you have five fingers on one hand user, i don't know why you wouldn't be able to leave one of those for the dpad

Realistically, you're only able to use your thumb, index, and middle fingers, unless you have something with paddles like the Xbox One Elite controller. Having to claw to do SWORDTRICKSWORDTRICK leads to cramps. Having three styles on one button is really fluid. Hold down L2 to chase/dodge, release to do swordmaster combos like Aerial Rave on rebellion.

>the most directional input required is back -> forward + button
>the timing on it is extremely forgiving
That's not an entire fighting game's worth of muscle memory, and even if it were, the game has difficulty settings that are adequate to play/learn on if that is difficult for you.

It makes me sad Cavaliere cant be ridden indefinitely, I tried to make a clip of Nero arm-surfing and V Shadow-surfing with Dante riding the bike but Full Throttle lasts too short

>still missing health and DT

Come on, man.

I didn't play the demo, was tablehopper not available for some reason?
Because I feel like it does the job fine.

so is dante and vergil done? I was hoping they'd get a team up game to find dad and kick mundas' ass permanently

They think lock on+jump+left/right is too complicated. Table hopper 1 is just perfect dodging

It's funny how the mock-up versions aren't that exaggerated compared to the original.

Also, don't laugh at 9/11

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fucking nerds

>I’m shit with v.
He doesn't have a high skill ceiling, it's just a matter of rebinding controls. I have no idea why he has Enemy Step.

Shut up bitch

I wouldn't say it's too complicated, but it is a fair criticism to knock it for requiring three buttons when there are functions you will use less often that get a button all to themselves. More experienced players will know it's tradition, but that doesn't give it a free pass for everything.

So you can chain air taunts while your pets go ham you style-less simpleton

The true challenge is to jump on enemy to enemy while your pets are fucking them up

For stepping on enemies dummy

make me fgt

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I can't believe Nero gets 5 jumps, that's fucking bullshit.

man, if you ever needed evidence that reeesetera doesn't actually play games this is it

Is there a face mod for Trish yet? I can't stand it in 5.

>Why would anyone waste this much time on this shit? Autism?
It's fun, jackass. You remember fun don't you?

The only good cutscene in the entire game is the finale with the brothers. They're all shit dude all of them.

>people complaining that pressing some random button combination doesn't dodge

Literally what the fuck is going on over there? I didn't play the demo but where are they getting r1+l3 and r1+l1?

those cheeky cunts

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holy shit

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>this much time
>this is my first dmc and after 3 hours i can get triple S frequently
Ur just inept and impatient


Instead of wasting a button on a very situational move, they use them for more basic functions like attacks and jumps, and have you press lock-on first if you want to roll. It's not a bad system at all.

what the fuck
if this is in the game files then where would this play normally?
could it be an easter egg for clearing every mission with an S?

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what platform was this on? because I think I played with you but as v

Sure, but detonating Nero's arm?

fuckin finally

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try playing the game

Steam, haven't been camping on M13 that much though so it probably wasn't me name's Kyonne

The R1 and L3 is just poor image choice for L-Stick/L3 icons. It's an actual genuine problem since nobody adopted L3/R3 notation like common sense dictates. That Xbox icon is truly awful. The L1 retard is confusing the same icon for something entirely differene like a retard,

Why do people think we'll get a whole new set of missions with Vergil and the heroines dlc? We never had anything of the sort before.

I find dmc's dodge function easy to handle as jump has iframes on the first jump. Do other action games do that with their jumps?

Dumb frogposter

I actually had a look at this thread and it's not really "everyone" there. For some reason it's mostly the Sony and Nintendo first party crowds.

We had
In DmC

that explains it, I was playing mission 14 and I got syncd with r8gonza and I think Pengin

Why would you make the characters use different inputs to dodge?

Huh, and here I thought DMC5 Nero would look bad with long hair. I stand corrected.

I'm not sure about jump iframes in other games. I find dodging easy too since your fingers will always want to be around those buttons, but I can see why people might find it needlessly involved for what is a very basic function.
I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Rate my button scheme for Nero. Still getting used to it but I've been doing much better with it.

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I believe r8gonza is the same guy i was making some real time progress on DMD with, in M3 he was playing in M4, and when i got to M14 he was playing M15

>implying they haven't been building up to pvp multiplayer

Perfect scheme IMO. It's what I use.

>I'm not sure what you're getting at.
Dante wouldn't have a "free" button to map to dodge like Nero does, and it would be worse to give one character a button to dodge and have the others dodge with lock on, than having all dodge with lock-on.

>needing health

>Dante seems so daunting
>nero seems so neat
>v seems to easy

I use the same except I have Exceed on L1 and Blue Rose on L2. The preciseness of having exceed on a button helps me.
>not getting all the secrets

But you don't. It's piss easy on any difficulty but the highest and it's unrewarding and will be forgotten again soon.

To answer your question, though: Yes, it's autism. Aggressive neetism if not.

I use the almost the same layout, I just kept breaker and bringer on the defaults.
Which arms to you use the most?

I agree

Eh, this is debatable. Once button combinations are allowed in your control scheme, you have a lot more options to play with. This is really just an issue of prioritization; other series tend to prioritise dodging at a level comparable to basic attacks and jumping, whereas this one ranks it with tricks.

Break Away isn't a dedicated dodge button though. No more than his DT is. It's just a property of Break Away.

This is trash.

Gerberas, mobility is too useful.

>not being able to dodge in the direction you want

I'm still experimenting because I found out some "niche" arms still have use. Rawhide is really good against Fury, Ragtime's Breakaway gives you way more uptime against bosses when they're vulnerable and Buster Devil Breaker does WAY more damage than a regular buster, especially if you charge it up.

I use Overture/Gerbera/Punchline the most still though.

The game has one-button dodging, it's the jump. You lock on to roll or backflip. It's silly to want another button to roll or backflip in a game with a character that has no extra buttons to spare.

I wasn't saying it was. I was saying that Break Away might not be worth mapping one button on, but Nero has the free space. Dante doesn't, so it's better to map the dodges to the same buttons for all characters.

>nidhogg dmd

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>move left analog stick to move your character

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i just did that and mission 5 and i hated every second of it but regular fights with v are still oddly satisfying to me.

i like V but this fight is awful

Why is Helter Skelter such a piece of shit? That and Mega Buster are both instant Break Ages for me.

Gerbera is pretty comfy, was just wondering.
The main reason that I kept breaker on default is because I mainly use it as a style button with Overture/Gerbera/Rawhide attacks, and it works well enough with all of the other arms like Helter Skelter
I don't really like Ragtime that much compared to the other arms, although it is useful for dealing some burst damage during bosses. The only arm that I really dislike is Tomboy, which is really disappointing since I thought it would be more "Exceed Level 4" bullshit that amps all of Nero's melee attacks, but instead it's just a dedicated Unga Mode

tap b while you use it, makes it less useless

Wtf Kurt Cobain is in the game?

>just beat mission 13
>feels insanely fun to play and I want to do nothing more than explore options and get cuhrayzee
>each mission has like 8-10 enemies that are all dead the second you start getting cuhrayzee
>game forces you to play babby's first DMC mode at the start

Are missions going to actually have enemies or what? Please tell me SoS, DMD, etc. change up enemy variations and add way more?

Also what in the fuck is with the menus and loading times? Menu --> Loading Screen --> Menu --> Loading Screen --> 10 second cutscene --> Loading Screen --> Menu --> cutscene --> gameplay

Especially after how insanely well optimized RE2 was and this is the same engine?

No, I know HOW to use it. It's just so fucking bad. it totally immobilizes you and takes FOREVER to complete.

>DMD Geryon Knight
What in the god damn?

Go back to the Prologue and kill Urizen and you can unlock the next level of difficulty instantly user. Do it on Devil Hunter to get SoS, and on SoS to get DMD

>needing to use your thumb to hotswap guns
>no taunt

Dante's default controls are fine (on ps4), use your index finger to hit the dpad

DMD enemies have a lot of health in most cases. Like borderline too much in some cases and yes there is more variation on that difficulty enjoy fighting Furies with V and Nero.

>but instead it's just a dedicated Unga Mode
Just use it as a finisher to combos, launching an enemy with nero, then doing his air windmill, Tomboy ON then doing the tomboy spinning helmbreaker is pretty cool.

How do I know which DMC thread is THE DMC thread when multiple ones are up? The troll/shitposter threads get converted into regular DMC threads so fast (within 100 posts) I can barely tell?

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Don't waste all your DT on Nightmare, let Griffon use too he fucks him up. Sometimes buffing Griffon and Shadow is better than summoning Nightmare he's not gonna catch up.

>Start DMD mode
>Starts out just fine
>Suddenly Empusa Queen
>All that fucking health
>Like 5 bars of damage if it hits me
Is DMD the scrub filter of the game?

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fuck that spooked me

It's ironic that this doesn't have the
>Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series
sticker on it.

Isn't it always?
LDK mode when?

Yoo what

The lighting on that screenshot is fucked

mommy no

Turbo when?

Will Dante and Vergil eve reunite with dad?

The Empusa Queen shouldn't really be hitting you at all, but yeah. DMD health is too fucking inflated. Same problem 3 had on DMD.

wait till you see how much health king cerberus has

>mfw seeing that first Fury as Nero and having no idea what the fuck to do since I RG'd it as Dante
Figured it out after a bit but holy fuck the Parry timing is annoying with him
Haven't fought it as V yet though so that should be fun

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Sparda is dead.

How did you get through SoS if an emp queen is nailing you


Sparda's dead,so unless they resurrect him for some weird reason, no

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i just shit on nightmare and let shadow kill them lol

Am i retarded? Nero is the only bloke I can't hit above S rank with, i combo above S ranks with Dante regularly because he is almost exactly how I remembered to play him in DMC3, but better. Style switching on the D pad isn't too hard for me.

V just shits out style points for some reason.

it's alright that is about basic mechanics but this is way too basic. You could learn all of this stuff by yourself by simply playing the game.

when did they say he actually died? I thought he just mysteriously disappeared. Did Mundus take him to a cbt session like the ninja theory game?

MAX Act, Charge shots and the floor is lava

Could Cerb always use those other forms in dmc3 and dante just never bothered?

If you can't get above S with Nero, you're not using his full kit. Exceed, use breakers, break ages, DT to snatch multiple targets, work buster in there.

that was Babby Cerberus.
This is King Cerberus. They're two different characters.

Charge shots don't give you any style in 5. You're better off not using them if you want style points. The reason to use Charge Shot is that it's still extremely powerful, it just don't shoot your style through the roof like in 4.

When V visits their old family home there's a grave for Sparda.

Nah it's easy to avoid, but I was trying to hit it with one of those special DT attacks that take forever to charge and I got hit. I wasn't expecting so much health. Also, first time I see enemies with purple mist suddenly appearing on them. Was that also in the previous difficulties?

Wait really? fahk I wish I knew this at the beginning, but I've avoided all info since like two trailers ago. Do the missions get more enemies from here on out though...? Pretty silly to have an action game where 7/10 of the missions so far have barely had enemies to perform actions on

Kind of sad that Cerb Puppy died to get Balrog.

That bad? I never bothered with dmd on 3 for that reason, very hard was enough for me. Speaking of which how is dmd on dmc4? Its a shame the games aren't really balanced for it like in 1, where its THE difficulty.

>Was that also in the previous difficulties?
That's their Devil Trigger

>Speaking of which how is dmd on dmc4?
Not too terrible, but LDK is way more fun.

>look exactly the same
>only difference is one has habanero breath and static shock powers

>Menu --> Loading Screen --> Menu --> Loading Screen --> 10 second cutscene --> Loading Screen --> Menu --> cutscene --> gameplay
This pisses me off so much. What's with all the fucking loading screens?

dang. Was hoping we'd get a dad and sons reunion battle

This must be your first DMC game. On DMD difficulty, all enemies DT if left alive long enough. It boosts their damage through the roof and makes them more resistant to staggering.

>That's their Devil Trigger
You're shitting me right?

DMD is the best difficulty in 4. The shitty enemies are even more annoying, though.

First one I play to DMD actually, but yeah I had no clue. No wonder that thing did so much damage.

they actually look really different. Babby had 3 unique heads, King's heads all look the same but are a lot more angry/aggressive. Also Babby is a respectful pupper but King just hates everything.

Also their boss fight movesets are completely different.

I hope he's in heaven now

They don't look the same, but very similar. They're the same breed of dog after all.

Not at all. They recover health on that mode, hit much harder and usually become more aggressive. At least they did in 4, I haven't played 5 on DMD yet.

>Urizen 3 DMD
20 gold orbs wasted

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>DMD Blitz

Kind of wish there was a mode where the enemies have their dmd movesets but the damage isn't through the roof.

Fucking Capcom pulled a fast one on us.

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I think that's it, I don't use exceed much, and I need to actively remind myself to let go of the lockon to use the breakers more. Whereas with Dante, I'm familiar with weapon switching mid combo and style switching came quite intuitively. The fact that I can buffer style switching helps loads.

Any advice on when to weave in the exceed?

>Reviving ever

What's even the point of playing DMD if you're going to do that?

How do you work EX-ACT into combos? I feel like a brainlet trying to remember hitting the left trigger with every input swing

Best mods coming through

Did that fight today. Wasn't too bad but I didn't know he spawned clone tentacles of himself at low health.

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always, every swing

There is never a time you should not be trying to use exceed. Even aside from style points, it's the most fun thing about playing as Nero. Getting a max-act in the middle of fighting is satisfying EVERY time, and all level 2 and 3 exceeded moves are fucking awesome. At very least start by learning the timings of his first slash on the ground and in the air. You don't have to be perfect at it, but if you can get it more times than not, then at least you've got a level 3 exceed on demand.

Well damn user, when you put it that way no wonder I suck ass with Nero

I guess it's DMD but going back to Nero after playing V was stress relief.

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DSD really looks like shit. Disappointing considering every other weapon in the game looks goddamn amazing.

Literally just do it. It feels awkward at first, but once you're doing it regularly, you won't even think about it. Even if you're really bad at it (I'm pretty bad it) it's tons of fun and makes Nero a lot more powerful.

>mfw doing a level 3 exceed sword jump uppercut thingie

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I usually try to exceed on any swing I have the timing of, usually first and last of most combos. Nero's combo... B? The one where he slaps the grounded enemy with his sword over and over I just mash exceed too, can usually get several Max ACTs.

>have to press knuckle bringer and exceed after every single attack, on top of charging your gun, locking on, actually attacking, and using snatch
Jesus fucking Christ Nero why are you like this

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Just JC Calibur and Payline for easy score.

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always try for exceed.

You can also hit RT with VERY easy timing after every directional input move for a ghost-hand chop. Streak, calibur, shuffle, helmsplitter. As long as you don't cancel the move's recovery with a enemy step or something, in that case don't try to ghost punch. But if you let the move hit fully, ghost punch is free and easy.

There's also many Buster attacks where you can spam it during to gain charges/do more damage. If he's hitting them with it, you can probably MAX-Act it.

I love it. I actually prefer playing Nero to Dante.

tryhard son

I actually forgot Nero had that charged jump slash.

I prefer Dante, but I love that Nero's so distinct while still being so fun.

I'm too retarded for the knuckle bringer, I don't even bother with it.

Imagine Vergil calming down to a simple life. He has a bunch of books and he writes poetry. Drinks tea and plays with his grand kids
Just imagine. He can finally have that eventually. Got, I wish someone would draw it.

yes they do, and enemy placements change on harder difficulties

I constantly forget about it. It's really easy for me to just slip back into playing Nero like in 4. Have to remind myself to use breakers, pummels, and that jumping move. I'm also STILL doing Payline when I mean to do Split.

What's the timing for JC?

>20 gorbs
at what point do you just retry the mission user?

I play Nero almost without ever using the exceed button.

Nero is the casual filter of the game. If you're not constantly using exceed, knuckled bringer, charge shot, and breakers together you're a scrub.

Literally any time you're near the enemy in the air.

But why

Why the fuck isn't the Breaker magazine rotatable or something? I hate having to waste an arm just to switch. The D-pad doesn't do shit the entire first run through, Left and Right would have been a perfect mechanic and then you can still have Up or Down to trigger DT.

But that's no fun.

Did you even consider what the next two missions are going to do to you as you spent those?


For the Street Fighter players who also play Nero, is doing EXCEED on every hit similar to plinking?

if you have trouble building exceed in combos, try air taunting while moving around and dodging. you can exceed with it, the timing is around when Nero puts his feet on the sword

>activating the Tomboy nearby enemies causes them to stagger a bit
>do high roller
>activate tomboy before enemy lands on the ground
>it fucking works

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I'm too much of a brainlet to process exceed timings and my index finger is always too busy holding down charge shot for my mind to make the middle finger press exceed in time.
I hope I can fix that.

no not really. plinking is almost pressing the buttons at the exact same time. exceed is more like a just frame timing.

>not saving all your gold orbs for Hell or Hell

I intend on beating DMD legit, same as DH and SoS, but I don't have patience for one hit kill shit, so I'll just spend my surplus of cheat bullshit on that.

I only use it for bigger attacks where it's way easier to time and keeps the enemy close to me, like Calibur, but fuck doing it during combos, I always look stupid trying to combo but I end up bringing an enemy closer

I get the feeling that Dante combos aren't going to be as impressive looking in 5, but that Nero's are going to be way cooler.

Put Gun on one side, exceed on the other. Not both same hand.

yes and no. Plinking is always the same timing regardless of the buttons your plinking. plinking makes multiple inputs happen so that you get a 2 frame buffer of the same button.

Exceed timing is not the frame after having pressed the button, it varies depending on what move you are exceeding, the timing isn't universal.

nope, it's more of a timed hit
think of Squall's gunblade in FF8 or dissidia, or any of the mario rpgs

They didn't really add much to Dante. DSD swordmaster is flashy but that's just it. Balrog doesn't have much new moves and Cavaliere is too slow

Literally why even bother at that point? It would just become a more obnoxious version of SoS.

How do you set Vs minions to auto?

It's more akin to a rhythm game. You have to rev shortly AFTER each swing, so you have to learn the rhythm of Nero's attacks to be able to do it consistently.
>charging for charge shot like always
>activate Tomboy

Every time.

How did you get the timing right for stand punching?

Do you ever just rev up while running to the next fight? Maxing out the Exceed was like the first thing I spent orbs towards.

Hold L2 and then hit their button.

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Shit that might be a good idea, I'll try that.

Achievement autism.

theres an auto attack button so itd be like LT + Shadow/Griffon button, iirc it puts them into Devil Trigger mode too and you can revive them that way

Any tips for fighting Hell Judeccas as Dante on DMD?
The mother fuckers always teleport away when you knock them down
Like it's not a huge problem to just follow them and whittle them down but it seems so clunky and...not stylish I feel like I'm missing some mechanic or interaction or way to get a juggle with them

What's the "better" version of the rawhide combo, the one where Nero twirls it around him, or the one where he does a bunch of JC bubbles infront of him?

I always try to max-act rather than rev. It's good practice, and there's no time limits to worry about any more.

It's not as bad as you think actually. Just play it really safe.

Does Nero ever just stop charging his shots for you guys sometimes? Like sometimes I'm doing a combo and holding charge shot, but when I release, he doesn't shoot at all

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I completely forgot this was a thing.

I've started hating it for that reason
Holding the trigger is such a reflex at this point I can't not do it

You let go while you were in an animation that doesn't cancel into a shot.

You're probably charging the special blue bullets but not all the way

You're probably releasing in the middle of an animation that can't be canceled

Animation locked
don't let go during those

Some animations eat the shot, and instead of being queued up to the next action, it just disappears. Just make sure you're not doing anything else when you release.

Ah okay, thanks anons, I was so confused why exactly it was happening sometimes

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Max-act is always a very late purchase for me, the timing is so tight that it's hard to justify spending the orbs towards it but getting the Rose up to 3 unlocks all the flashy fiery shit.

Is he ok?

Have a serious version instead

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Fellas, whats the timing for max-act? My DMC4 autism let me consistently do exceed for everything but i'm having a hard time pinning down max-act.

The fuck is Argosax?

Do you have to change up your control scheme every time you switch to another character? Like would Dante and V still have their default options?

The frame it would hit an enemy

I actually went for Max-Act fairly soon.
The reason being, even though I don't hit it consistently, I do hit it about once per combo given I try to ex-act everything.
Without max-act, Exceed level 2 and 3 are rather pointless, except for the first hit for an encounter provided you've charged it on aerial taunts.

They're separate.

it's per character

DMC2 final boss

Capcom has said nothing about bloody palace except for the announcement tweet

I'm telling you, stop revving, and just go for max-acts. One the first swing on the ground or in the air, it's actually really easy, and once you've got that timing down, you'll be addicted. It's the most fun thing about Nero.
It's different for each attack. In general terms, it's shortly AFTER each swing. For example, on the first swing while grounded, it's as the sword is pointing STRAIGHT down. Start by practicing that. The timing is approximately the same after each swing.

The tricky part is that WHILE exceeded, attack animations go faster, which changes the timing. It becomes much tighter. So practice both with a charge and without a charge. I actually find it easier with charges because the delay between attack and rev is so small.

HOLY SHIT, putting Griffon on auto mode makes V so much more fluid to play. I was doing some convoluted claw shenanigans trying to manually do everything

2bh that's a failure of the game devs. They should've given parrying a designated button with how important it is in MGR.

Well, I think Vergil is finally going to force me to git gud at style switching. RG is practically a must but Trickster and Swordmaster are especially helpful as well.

It's nice because I never had much motivation to learn it in 4 despite all the cool combo stuff, but now I have a real, tangible thing to practice for/against. I guess you could say he's my rizen for gitting gud. I'm just glad we finally got a game that makes use of 4's gameplay with bosses that actually fight back.

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Fuck me.

But depressed Dante murdered Argosax, so he's like an A at best.

Ah ty

Depressed Dante is the motivated Dante. The one who murderstomps everything because he's still pissed off after the events of DMC1.

Holy fuck good find

You won't get S rank that way though.

my list was serious dumbass

also yours is stupid as fuck and you should shut up

>Clear all missions with S rank on all difficulties except Heaven or Hell.

Fuck, I forgot about that. Maybe I will just ignore it, then. I really can't abide one hit kills.


At this point i'm more used to the speed of each exceed attack than I am of the normal versions. Except combo c and roulette spin though. Even exceeded, the delay itself and the delay of waiting for the animation to finish screws with my rhythm and I can only get them out 50% of the time.

>gohan blanco shitpost tier list

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>responding to bait

come the fuck on dude

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Vergil and Dante are the strongest in-canon now with Sin DT. Now that Vergil has good guy plot armour he's even with Dante.

You can beat everything but the bosses and Death Scissors on DH easily with pretty standard unga bunga

Style-switching is so much better in 5 than in 4. RG and TS are the best they've ever been, GS actually does interesting things now and SM is like having a second weapon at all times.

The Death Scissors go down fast enough after a minute too. But they're terribly easy to parry so it's just efficient saving them for last.

Vergil had bad guy plot armor too.
>gets hypnotized instead of kill off by mundus

What's fun about it is learning it.

What are you implying about Death Scissors?

This. Maybe I was just a bitch playing 4, but something about style switching was a huge turn off. Going through 5 feels a lot better, and I think it's partially because all of Dante's weapons are as good as they've ever been.

How is the co-op? Is it worth getting alone? Man. A blood palace co-op?

>Every weapon acquisition cutscene is there to demonstrate the weapon's abilities as Dante tests it out
Nevan's doesn't. Beowulf doesn't get a cutscene. Lucifer barely counts.

What is the requirement for end credit missions? How many enemies do you have to kill as Nero, and how many enemies do you have to kill as Dante?

People consider learning to be autism apparently. I totally understand not wanting to put your effort into a single game, DMC or Guilty Gear or whatever, for so long, but learning something new and then putting the knowledge to use is why games like these are so much fun, on top of everything else they have to offer.

You dont use knucklebringer after every attack you use it after attacks with knockback

In 4, GS was totally worthless, RG was too hard to use, and Lucifer was a weirdo. In 5, GS has some neat tricks and is great for style, RG is even more powerful than in 3, and all of Dante's weapons are good. He just got a straight upgrade.

Nero's post-game mechanics get pretty dumb. For max damage you have to time the buster with every attack for the phantom fist and then MAX-act afterwards.
It's an amount of muscle memory that no sane person would bother with.
But you don't really need any of that for even DMD S ranks so it doesn't matter all that much.

Being fucking godly at it, that's what you little bitch.

There's only co-op in one mission in the campaign and it's finicky. Co-op BP is not confirmed, but it's expected. Right now, DMC5 is a single player game.

>none of my friends want to talk about DMC with me while I'm drunk cause they'd rather play genderic shoot games
At least I have you guys
Nero is cute! CUTE!

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Dante and Vergil in the list are their SDT versions.
They both didn't show the level capable of facing Mundus and by extension Sparda and Argosax.
Dante's power by now is far superior to either of those, but only in DMC1 he was pissed off enough to go beyond his normal level. DMC2 looks like the extension of that, while by the time of DMC4 and 5 he had long calmed down and relaxed.
While his reunion with Vergil was emotionally heavy for him, at no point in DMC5 was he genuinely mad.

>To get him to work under him, Mundus convinced Vergil that he was actually Sparda back in the day
>Corrupted Vergil dresses just like Dante's Sparda costume
Can you think of a piece of DMC lore deeper than this one?

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Damn, guess I'll wait a little longer. A man can dream.

>Gunslinger: 93%

>Can you think of a piece of DMC lore deeper than this one?
Any canon one.

did you find the original Kalina Ann on Mission 11?

Nigger all Dante needed to beat Mundus was Sparda. Now he's literally merged with it and Rebellion and is even stronger to the point that he's got his own sword like Sparda did, who kicked Mundus' shit in.

Vergil ate the same fruit Mundus did, making him at least on-par through that alone. Nevermind the fact that him and Dante are even in powerlevel based on their stalemate at the end and going even in the secret ending.

Mundus can't touch either of them currently without getting some kind of new power up.

You need the double rocket launcher as it gives you more gunslinger moves.

I can only assume you missed a Kalina Ann and it will update after

Shouldn't Final Nero be near Young Dante then? He was pretty fucking motivated in the end thanks to all the shit that Vergil pulled.

DMD Geryon gave me the same sort of headache DMD Mundus gave me. That was awful.

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So my theory about Itsuno's Dante being an alternative timeline from the original, true Dante (DMC1) was now confirmed.

In the instruction booklet and in-game lore for DMC1, it states that Dante crafted Ebony and Ivory himself.
In DMC5, we're told Nico's grandmother did.
So they're not the same Dante.

Nevan shows you the scythe you can use with swordmaster and also bat summoning
Vergil demonstrates moves and the killer bee in his Beowulf cutscene
Lucifer shows you the throwable attacks of the weapon and how you can detonate them with the rose

Pissed off Nero is hard to gauge. He's only really fought Vergil, who is very powerful but had just been fighting with Dante to the point they both were going for a death blow. Dante was so exhausted he essentially takes a nap on the ground while Nero and Vergil fight.

I personally don't think he'd win against a full strength Dante or Vergil with Sin DT but it's hard to place him in general.


Why is DMC1 Coatless so cool? My favorite Dante costume in 3.

Is there a mod that gives Gloria Trish black hair? She's so much better than the normal one it's not even funny.

it's a retcon bruh.

keep in mind that part of why Dante took a nap at the end too was not only exhaustion from all the shit he did, but Nero's sucker punch as well.

No. You don't retcon the creator's material. That's a big no-no. Hence why the new Star Wars films aren't canon.

DMC1 Dante is the GOAT design in general. The thing that I absolutely HATED about them in 3 was that it made you use Force Edge. Such an ugly fucking sword, when it should be Alastor.

Please don't reply to retards.


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I just finished the game 10 minutes ago and I have only one question: that’s it?

That ending wasn’t very satisfying.

Go away, Capcunt.

The novel explains Nell made the parts and had Dante put em together post-mortem.

>Nevan shows you the scythe you can use with swordmaster and also bat summoning
I forgot it even had a scythe form.

>Vergil demonstrates moves and the killer bee in his Beowulf cutscene
Vergil demonstrates moves that are unique to himself. Dante's Beowulf is completely different.

>Lucifer shows you the throwable attacks of the weapon
The weapon doesn't work like that at all though. Only in SM does it have any kind of ranged capabilities.

It's fun though.

Don't worry, I too am good at keeping a headcannon when it comes to Star Wars. Only the original trilogy exists in my mind. Still doesn't take away from the fact the rest of the shit is canon.

Who the fuck is purchasing Anthem?

Poor, poor souls

Get the secret endings.

>You don't retcon the creator's material.
Who's gonna stop them, the police?


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Nel making Ebony and Ivory was a thing that existed before Itsuno worked on the series. It was in the Devil May Cry 1 novel that Kamiya himself assisted on. Nel made the guns, Dante finished them. It was something that DMC3 originally contradicted, but Itsuno made it canon again.

>Mission 19 DMD with no weapons
at least, i have discovered the crazy

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Think again

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There are like 2 normal endings, which one did you get?

based retard

I think Final Nero is considerably weaker than Vergil and Dante by the end of DMC5, but he had surpassed the peak DMC3 Dante.
I mainly judge based on the fact he can go toe-to-toe with SDT Vergil (and technically win) even if for a short time and not in a battle to the death.
>Nigger all Dante needed to beat Mundus was Sparda.
Dante was slapped by Mundus initially despite having Sparda. Dante also was incapable of using Sparda's DT initially if we assume that gameplay mechanics is lore-related.
He kicked Mundus' ass after he got mad at him for "killing" Trish.
Also, Argosax who is supposed to be stronger than Mundus (Sparda managed to defeat Mundus but didn't manage to do so for Argosax) was obliterated by Dante using Rebellion / E&I - not Sparda.
Vergil ate the same fruit Mundus did *at some point of his life*. Eating the fruit doesn't automatically makes Vergil his equal - Vergil is not a reality warper with thousands of years worth of experience.


Probably the crap one. How do I get the other ending?

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Goliath's theme is fucking underrated.
Prove me wrong

Whats this no weapons meme anyways

The second part of was meant for

what the fuck

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>Also, Argosax who is supposed to be stronger than Mundus
Nah, Argosax was equal in power to Mundus. Most recent source for this statement is the japanese History of DMC video and the novel


Vergil won't use the analogue stick?

beat mission 11 without using any weapons. Obviously RG is the solution to this.

I've literally S ranked every difficulty and I never knew this wtf

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You have to kill more demons than Vergil during the ending credits.
Then you'll get 2 more ending cutscenes, the first one is a DLC tease for playable Trish/Lady, the second one is Dante and Vergil having a friendly spar in the underworld.

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>powerlevel discussions

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Nevan does show off axe mode and shockwaves. It at least implies the combat style. Vergil shows off beowulf. Lucifer absolutely counts.


Can I have a link?
I remember the general idea being that Sparda kicked Mundus' ass but only managed to seal away Argosax and not win against him in a battle.

>when it's actually a decent picture

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>Also, Argosax who is supposed to be stronger than Mundus (Sparda managed to defeat Mundus but didn't manage to do so for Argosax)

This meme needs to end. DMC1 repeatedly says, starting from the introduction cutscene, that Mundus was sealed in the underworld by Sparda, same as Argosax. Same as Dante does again at the end of DMC1.

Nah, I've got kalina ann 1. I didn't grab it on this difficulty though.

If i put right stick left then suddenly my character goes up but instead to the left. Can anyone help me?

Did you buy all the charge shot levels for E&I?
ムンドゥスと同等の力を持つ魔界の覇王 (Demon King with power equal to Mundus

Mundus was also sealed, not killed, by Sparda.

Do you have Dr. Faust's hat trick? Because that one works with its GS move so it might count.

Nero is stronger than base Dante though. He wounded Urizen. Dante only resurpassed him because he got his sin DT.


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He doesn't realize you can unga on them 'til their blades break.

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What's more, Nero landed a blow after Urizen had been absorbing blood from the tree for a month.

Why is he giving me the bedroom eyes?

He wasn't asking a question, moron.

I finished the game on hard and I almost never dodge and roll as the game expects me to
I just jump away or just trickster dash

Looks stupid.

>these replies
I don't get it

did none of you hear this when you booted up the game for the first time

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Why was Vs cane so powerful?

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It’s like looking in a living mirror.

Well, beyond that, you can kill them in one hit.

Alright, my basis was that Sparda needed help sealing Argosax.
Given Mundus also didn't die, I guess I should put all three of them on the same level.
Which should free up a tier. Who should I put in?

>There are people who think Dante is cuter than Vergil or Nero

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Right, but you can still ignore that and unga them to death.

Is there a reason to use Wire Snatch after getting the Devil Bringer back?

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i'm okay with nero becoming the MC of the series if he grows his hair out again, christ.

Nero managed to wound Urizen because Urizen didn't take Nero seriously. That's the reason he was so pissed off when Nero had finally landed a blow.

Damn, who would've thought?

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Didn't Sparda seal Argosax years after he'd beaten Mundus and sealed his power inside FE?

Im not, exceed is fucking retarded mechanic.

Enemy shield

rawhide makes it buff as fuck

He didn't take Dante seriously either since Urizen sat the entire time

Only if Rawhide is your active arm.

Lmao fucking based user

He should have some bangs but leave the rest short.

Resetera isn't people

It's terrific fun, user. Practice it a bit.

Damn I might have to re-install the game now and try this shit.

In the initial fight sure, but Dante completely bodied him in the second fight, and in the third fight he managed to exhaust Dante enough for Vergil to body Dante

Do I exceed when it hits the enemy or at the end of the slash? Also does 1 exceed instead of max-act mean I'm doing it too late?

Sure, I mean when Dante swung at him, Urizen put up the force-field to stop his attack and punched him back hard enough to shatter Rebellion.
For Nero, however, Urizen just rose his hand thinking Nero won't be able to cut it. Nero managed to do that which pissed Urizen off.

Ok I'm a fingerlet, but how do you hold charge shots during combos?

Now try doing it with his bringer knuckle as well. Nero's gameplay is basically just timing shit with his attacks.

You hit just after the slash. 1 pip of exceed is normal, try to get that as consistent as possible. Max act is easier in this game than in DMC4, but it's still so precise you should treat it more like a surprise to adjust your gameplay around rather than something you're gunning for on every hit. Nero has a gambler theme after all

I believe you can't use DB Snatch on the magically shielded enemies (flying faggots) while the Wire Snatch seems to work just fine.

Neither. It's shortly after the slash. For example, on the first slash of your ground combo, it's when the sword is pointing straight at the ground. If you get ex-act instead of max-act you're slightly early or slightly late. Keep in mind that when you have a level of charge, your slashes come out faster and it changes the timing.

Change your control scheme. Or are you missing fingers too?

Rebind the shoot button so it's not a face button.

Put it on a trigger. I put it on L2. Some people do it on R2.

The GOAT design for dante goes to DMC2

how to you switch targets?
especially for v so that I can chain kill them after weakening all the enemies

Dante in the second fight had SDT already.

It's extremely late but if you enemy step as V you refresh his teleport stab

>haven't played DMC since I rented 4 a decade ago, and even that I barely touched
>loved the first one, first game I ever bought from my job earnings
>hear this one is good and figure it's time to hop back in
>watch the video explaining the story
>start it up, not Dante
>oh, it's the kid from 4
>keep playing
>get to Criss Angel
>not bad but kinda boring...where is Dante?
>look up a guide, see Dante is on mission 10
>burn through the game to get to him
>finally get to him
>controls are confusing and clunky but before long I'm kicking ass
>kinda miss the grenade launcher but whatever
>then I get to chapter 13
>my face during that gay ass dance scene

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Press L3.

Knight horse was far worse and the only fight I have to redo since out of anger I used a gold orb for the first time
>That last 1/4th of his life bar
>Goes DT and won't sit still
>Even Nightmare laser barely shows a red line of damage.

Already one of the most anti fun bosses on SoS but on DMD lets make him a sponge that spams slow down shit too fast to dodge half the time so you have to have nightmare or get combo'd by 3x blasts for half life.

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>Do I exceed when it hits the enemy or at the end of the slash?
On hit
>Also does 1 exceed instead of max-act mean I'm doing it too late?

Are enemies steppable after execution?

>Using the grenade
Could you out yourself as someone who has only watched gameplay on jewtube harder

Press L3, but the stick needs to be in a neutral position. I fucking hate that.

How can people who played 4 complain about Dante doing a dance in 5?

5 is the most serious Dante has been since 2, by a long shot.

He was kind of a prick.
Also he's working for Bayonetta right now

Devil May Cry's a rocking don't come a knocking baby yeah.
You never got DMC to begin with, fag

Want to see my trophies?

>DMD enemies have a lot of health in most cases. Like borderline too much in some cases
>Mission 7 Angelos

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Unironically this fight was much harder on SoS for me than DMD for some reason

>V's executions get more brutal after mission 12

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What a weird, dumb thing to imply

Nero's insane mobility in this game makes me really want another Capcom vs. fighter so he can go absolutely ham

Mission 13 as Dante was the first time in the game I got pretty consistent SSS ranks just juggling the enemies, switching to devil trigger when it's ready for heals / combo boosts, switching weapons up, utilizing O for S and G styles (still gotta get the hang of Royal guard blocking), keeping combos going and so on.
Can definitely finally see the appeal. First ever time my average combo in a mission was S which was really cool, and first time I felt like I deserved that S ranking for a mission.

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Why are Scudos and Protos so boring compared to Biancos and Altos? They feel so slow and inactive.

fug you user

>muh honor
no one gives a shit. go have bad taste somewhere else.

Urizen 3 is the chapter 12 one right? I mean I can imagine dying to him im only chapter 8 at the moment and shit is rough but each time you gold orb cant you just Shin DT and judgement or break the crystal mad fast once he revived it? How does it take fucking 20?

>He doesn't know

Loved the game, but how many fucking caves did we really need to go through? Absolutely abysmal environmental variety.

If you don't care about orbs or style, just sucide and pick the max revive option for a nuke on bosses.

You probably won't be able to do more than once per stage given how high it scales though.

Pretty sure it's just better to time the chain execution at that point or in general actually.
There's gotta be some way to use it besides refreshing "So high maintenance".

>DMD Proto Angelos
>Mission 9 throws TWO of the fuckers at you at once as V
>if they touch you it's 75% of a fully blue orbed healthbar gone'
I really don't wanna S rank DMD because of that

I swear I'm not the FFXV dude but this game copped FFXV with the intro (big demon sits on his throne, bored, as the protagonist and his buddies attack him to no avail...even the name cut-ins are similar...which then jumps the game back in time to "begin") and V's warpstrike

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>and you can revive them that way
Really? Nothing happened when I did that.

>I swear I'm not the FF XV
t. the FF XV dude

Because they can't fly? I also miss the deflectable nuke as well.

>Haven't fought it as V yet though so that should be fun
I'm sure cane parrying a Fury is possible and very sexually satisfying

That's from beating the game on DMD. Everyone knows that. We made jokes about that shit at lunch in high school.

It's also 4 seconds of dialog.

good tastes

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I fucking fall for this shit every time

They revive if you Nightmare.

>big demon sits on his throne, bored, as the protagonist and his buddies attack him to no avail
This is literally from Kingdom Hearts faggot

So why is Super Nero not DT Nero as in the Vergil boss?
Are they saving him for dlc or something? Seems pointless to replace Nero's entire O button and Exceed with a DT just to only use it for one boss ever

I haven't played KH since 2, and that was how long ago

No pls

Boring movelist also this


You get to keep all that shit on your 2nd playthrough. And you never lose exceed, not sure what you're on about there.

Did you stay close to him the whole fight or take distance. I'm curious because I always did the fight at a distance but I feel like half the issue I had was pet time/shadow not landing shit and whiffing despite delaying his ass to catch up.


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What's a good button layout for Dante?

Better look coming through.

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I know about the Vergil execution for V already, but does he also have unique executions for other Nero/Dante exclusive bosses?

Looks like a sk8er boy

Reminder to vote right now Yea Forums, is DMC truely the best franchise or is it Zelda or Bayonetta?

happens in 2 and BBS

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at the end of dmc1 mundus says the reason dante cant turn into the super duper sparda form in the last phase of the fight is because theyre not in the demon world anymore, "here your powers are weak human"

I just use default on Dante to be honest. I know some people put jump on a top button to make JCing easier.

How in the fuck do I S rank mission 10?

Looks like a surfer douche

Watching a lets play is not the same as playing the game.

Don't forget that V is literally Roxas

t. shitter

Does that mean they'll bring him back eventually?

But DMC5 doesn't jump back in time to "begin".
It jumps forwards. The big nigga sitting bored on a throne is way older than FFXV too my dude, same with warpstrikes.

I dunna git it.

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Dance Macabre, Kalina Ann GS laser, Sin DT ultra move, Fire it up, Now! Taunt while enemies are spawning. Don't get hit. It's hard as fuck.

based taiko retard

Not bad.

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I just thought the similarity was funny. What are the odds they open the same way, down to the cinematography? It's just funny is all.

I play fighting games and if you think this you're an idiot. DMC has a lot of depth and DMD is challenging af but im mostly doing the same shit as before. I'm getting some A's and the same S's atleast on most missions I did before and could be better but im progressing without gold orbs besides one shameful one ill correct.

When you play even the most unga fighter like DBFZ for example because there are other people doing optimal unga shit and trying to get in on you and play better neutral and bait you constantly. In DMC you just have to dodge and not get hit and AI doesn't chapter.

Only a true brainlet looks at a combo boss rape video and thinks they have to do that just to make it through.

Hey that's pretty good. His default hair really is the one thing holding him back.

Mid range, that Cane move helps a lot in every fight
For me, he spammed time slow bubbles a lot on SoS, while on DMD he just attacked me in global slow-mo

>What are the odds they open the same way, down to the cinematography?
Pretty high considering that they're both running off of tried and true story structure and most of the "similarities" you pointed out are straight up wrong?

I can't get over how bad the Mission 19 music is. It might be the single worst track in the entire game. They did Vergil dirty. In every way, the fight reminds me of Vergin.

It needs to be brought down in the middle and given a little curl.

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He said cya l8er dead weight

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Looks like William Adams if he cut his hair.

You lost Discordfags, shitposting at you like this means nothing.

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What are the conditions to unlock each costume?

Vergil's only addictions are power, poetry, and hair gel. We can't take one of those away from him

Nice work. DMCfags WILL respond to any shit like this as if it was some sort of personal attack. Easiest (Yous) in the world.

S rank all of V's missions for his EX
S rank Mission 19 and 20 SoS for Vergil's EX
Beat DMD to unlock Supers

what's actually in that folder?

I think I might be just barely starting to get there. I'm a Nerofag that has been avoiding Dante for a bit now.

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So if a demon gets powerful enough they can just make their own weapons?


I love the game in general. Mission 19 is legit one of the worst things about it. Having come off of playing the whole series, it's just absolute shit compared to all the Vergil fights in 3. It's a huge disappointment.


Nero is fun!

What age is when I become too cynical to enjoy things?

>Try to switch from Tricks to sword
>Sometimes it just goes back Tricks for some reason

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Not bad at all....

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I got the deluxe edition and used the code with it and got all the breakers and music but for some reason I can't use the costumes? When I try using the other code Gamestop gave me it says it's already been used? What the fuck's going on?

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wtf is divergence mode

Fuck off back to Twitter, faggot. Also, there is 0 difference between the ragdolls in a level, and the ragdolls in the void.

Very fun

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>Vergil in 3
Play the games instead of jerking off e-celebs faggot

How do you deal with the lizard dudes that turn into buzzsaws? Can you parry them as they spin at you?


The obscure japanese only artist Michael Jackson
You can punch them with balrog, during startup but I'm not sure what to do when they're spinning

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Back to Discord with you faget.

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You can't do jack shit while they're spinning until they hop and actually start moving toward you. At that point, shoot them with E&I or a rocket and it will slow their spin at which point you can melee them right out of it.

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>fighting Furies with anyone but Dante

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How do you get this ?


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Shitposting folder

They just started happening after I'd beaten the game once for every first encounter with an enemy type.

Definitely smooth user, I particularly like that trickster switch. We're gonna make it.

>Implying 90% of DMC4 style vids weren't trainer'd BP
You could contribute with your gameplay

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>Full speed ahead!

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>Full speed ahead

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>"You can do anything." -Dante Sparda

FFXV didn't invent that shit, dickhead.

I don't know what Nero can do against them, but Royal Blocking causes them to stop spinning and fall giving you plenty of time to de-spike them.
Regular blocks knock them back a bit giving you another attempt for a royal block.
The only time I tried Royal Releasing them didn't do much.

Was the Proto Angelo fight actually co op or was that a bot helping you out? Don't get the online in this game but it's seems like a really neat idea

Why is most of us missing one bar of DT and two bars of health? I cant fucking find the last three purple orbs and the last few blue orbs!!

if youre connected and the server doesnt fuck up, its co-op.

If you don't see a name on your screen then it's not co-op.

It can be co op but if it's not then it's a bot

It's coop if you see the player name. It's AI if you can't.
It's a coop mission for Nero and V.

shoot them with E+I to slow them down, then go in and hit them to break their spikes

Bot. People have said you can meet up at the tail end of Mission 7 with the other player, but I think it's bullshit. Whenever I'm playing, even if I wait, the other player always disappears, and I haven't seen it happen to anybody else either.

How would I change Vergil's?

Oh so i need to beat the game first. Gotcha.

fuck tou

>full speed ahead

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When this thread goes under:

has been running alongside this one.

>played mission 13 more than a dozen times on DH and SOS
>never got to experience 3 way coop

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Does Dante have an EX?

I think it's great :3

But you have jump, that is a one button dodge

Dante, Nero, Lady, Nico and Trish's EXs are pre order bonuses and DLC

Its glorious, dude. Zooming around the room with punch line while Nightmare blew shit the fuck up and Sin DT using Judgement to top everything off and room clear put this game at the top of my most favorite action game.

Fuck capcom

holy shit is this actually ingame? anymore like this?

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