UNIST Thread
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Pass is vee
You're still the only real akat who can combo like this around, waifu
On vgbootcamp they had a UNIST tournament going on today and one of the top 3 was a Vatista player named Coma.
Have any of you tourney-goers encountered him before? He seemed really well versed in the character.
Combo like what?
Nope. Not in the upper midwest at least.
Like actually know raw 214B corner combos and 6C punishes
After watching RedBlade's Wagner tutorial video I learned that some rebeats let you escape punish from a high frame move.
I assume that's for most of the cast including Linne right?
On principle, going from a heavy to a light move should make you more safe than just hanging back with a heavy move's recovery. But it's a on per-character frame data basis.
Generally people save either 5a or 2a to whiff at the end to recover faster. For Linne, you don't have to whiff, since her A buttons are -2 anyways, but the timing's different.
Any akat worth their salt has a good 6c combo
We haven't really had those aside from you in here still. They're still relatively new of course.
Good to know, thanks! Looks like tonight will be yet another good experience.
>mess up 3 dp punishes in one match
I guess today's one of those days.
Do you have a link for the video? I don't know redblade's twitch name
Enjoy. It's pretty in-depth (1 hour for info, 1 hour for Q&A).
hippie with that ALMOST stylish ass finish
>dropped 6c punish
it be like that
I wonder how I fucked up an L1 press for CVO IW
Grim Reaper is really doing a good job on hippie's Wald. Good stuff Sangeko haha.
That earlier combo was nice too.
I think hippie was expecting reapah>236C and it just never happened.
im trying, everything im doing is mostly based on stuff i remember from when i first played this game way back when it was just Late.
Any beginners in this thread tonight?
Seems like it was working since you were able to play keep away without getting punished really much at all. Way better at it than me for sure hah.
we got a white and blue square in the lobby, but i'm not sure you could classify either of them as "beginners"
So far just myself and Zombolt (who I'd argue is actually really good for someone who hasn't played in a long time).
Oh yeah, this threw for a loop because I was questioning if I should punish or not given how I was expecting it at every whiffed Reaper or not. Generally that move stops my ground approach or aerial approach so it keeps me out really well.
I guess I should start playing smarter around my kuugas now that hippie's shielding them.
There's that two-second phase you go into where all you do is TK kuugas.
Please that shit still beats out my 236x~B attempts so I'm still having bad habits against it.
Fuuuuh!!!! That was oppressive as heck. I should've blocked low better. Hopefully I can turn tonight around since so far it's looking bleak but it's still early!
I just noticed that akat color resembling murakumo's palette
Sorry PC Bros, won't be able to be cannon fodder tonight since I have to get up really early.
It's actually a murakumo reference
which murakamo are you guys talking about? google images only gives me some gay anime girl
Whew that was an intense match.
How hard is it to get into the game? Saw it replace melee in some tournament and always saw the logo before that on here but I never looked up any gameplay of it until I saw the game being sold for $20 on the PStore (which I missed) but i thought the game looked cool. Is it alive on PS4 and does it have crossplay?
Hmm did my GRD just disappear? I don't think I CSed (though I tried to use it). Was it because of the shielding?
Guess that's another thing I have to consider when playing defense.
I'm a hyper scrub but I'm finding it decently approachable so far. The tutorial is great for beginners and people who have never played fighting games
It's a pretty small online player base but it's gotten more people since the evo announcement
PS4 crossplays with PS3, but not PC
I'd say it's probably easy if you've played fighting games before. A little harder if you haven't, like me. The game has one of the best tutorials in the genre though.Our lobbies are on PSN (no crossplay). It's been lively since the EVO announcement, but otherwise it's slow outside of American primetime hours.
>UNIST is actually relevant in my lifetime
I’m happy but why couldn’t Melty get this treatment?
Melty being based off an eroge sealed it's fate the moment it was made
my connection with all of you has been pretty shit this week despite connection being the same, this shit's annoying. Getting worse frame delay and stuttering
Is it not the main game played on animeEVO?
because melty is an aesthetic trash fire that only appeals to the most hardcore weebs. Only the music is any good
Any PC interest? I'd throw up a lobby but I only stick around for about 40 mins.
Might just be an early shit week
I'm down, perfect amount of time for me as well I'm tired as shit
This post just reminded me that Melty actually had a televised major tournament in japan with money on the line years ago.
It's up. KW: pclobby
I can play for a little bit today.
unlike UNIST which has more mainstream appeal thanks to all it's high school students with super powers and popular anime archetypes?
I do wonder how many people who played competitive MB actually read Turkeyhandle
half the characters in melty are clones of other characters. It's all maids and school girls. Even the characters in unist that are technically school boys and girls don't just have sailor outfits and gear, they have more going on.
Sounds great but shame about the crossplay, and it being relatively slow online but I'll give it a go when It drops in price again but might just be cheap and get a physical copy for around $20 on ebay since I prefer physical anyway
Hyde and Byak both have really unique and cool looking movesets but their outfits are just generic school uniforms.
Seth and Carmine look cooler
this lobby's looking way too purple tonight. nowhere is safe for a fraud like me on a night like this.
Real UNI hours.
Haha sometimes you gotta take a beating to learn something that could be useful for the next night.
Or at least that's what I'm telling myself as I was able at least put up a good defense this time around after getting bodied 3 matches in a row.
Let me know if ya wanna setup a lobby 2 if you're tlaking PS4.
hyde's hair, open belt shirt, loose tie and sword say otherwise. I will admit byak is quite generic looking though.
i mean im a "white" and im still willing to fight the big boys. Gotta do this to learn, eventually something will stick.
I just got the game but am still working through tutorials and such. I'm thinking of sticking with Akatsuki for now.
It wasn't until I saw designs like those in Million Arthur that I really came to appreciate how decent Hyde's design is. There's a lot going with his design than I initially gave him credit for. Stellar voice-work and SFX really bring it together.
Congrats on your yellow box Zombolt!
Byak has the spider limbs and bolo tie, and I think him looking the most normal works in his favor
but i rather liked my white box. oh well i'll just have to work harder now.
Well that sucks, hopefully you can get the 2nd best color in your opinion, whatever that may be.
Also has anyone here run into light blue before? Feels like a non-existent rank.
>5 frames with freezes
hippie PLEASE
It's that creepy unassuming look he's working with.
All those dashbacks. What's the appropriate response?:
1. chase and hope you can land a hit
2. let them escape and reset the neutral
one of the guys who pops in the lobby on occasion was stuck with the rank for months, despite improving significantly, its a very uncommon color.
Yeah, shit was whack.
A Wagner guy named blue is still stuck in that hell
it's not like you were the one dropping your combos halfway
Depends on if you think you can get a read on when they'll do them and how safely you can punish it.
Fug, even my connection with mag is reaching 5 frames. The freak weather patterns up here probably aren't helping now that """"spring""""" is here
Combos don't matter, it's blocking assaults/overheads and dealing with strike/throw
if you can't react to super flash, it's not the connection that's the issue.
No PSN room tonight?
I'm thinking of taking a break from Phonon to learn another character soon. who do you guys think plays the least like Phonon out of the cast?
Feels good to be back. If anyone wants me to stream PC lobbies for replays I'm thinking about doing that if I'm in them or while playing in the PS lobbies.
It's full
Someone who has to get up close, go play Enkidu or even Mika/Seth.
After I take my next turn in the next match cycle in the PC lobby, I'm done. I'll leave it open with myself on autopass so you guys can keep playing.
Fucking hell, I always try to faultless defense and end up getting 2b like a retard.
Yeah i was thinking of one of Linne, Wagner, Enkidu, Akatsuki, or Waldstein for "least like Phonon"
I might have to give Enkidu a try. hopefully playing him would help improve my poor blocking while i'm at it. only pain is having to use outside resources for his combos since his missions are apparently bad.
damn, that was the first time I've played WaifuStealer or an Aka that scary at all
Ggs for the quick games pc lobby, I'm going to test some things.
Just watch Kamone. Mission Mode for him does teach you how to do corner combos though.
Created another psn lobby of some is interested.
Sure thing. I'll be there in a minute. GGs Lobby 1. Next time I'll take a win for sure!
GGs PC dudes.
Silly. Like that one SF4 Ken video.
damn, I really just let him ex grim reaper in front of me without doing anything, why is not cancelling into mortal slide so broken
Use this a bit more, zombolt. It's underrated
I'm going to keep doing it until you punish me
Thanks for teaching me an option to punish that move, hahaha. Next to learn how to punish Wald's air attack.
Man, you could land a plane on Hilda's ass.
i'll have to remember that B+C is a thing. Usually im too busy flailing my C around like its the end all be all. Need to get myself off that.
Thanks for the lobby and ggs
Yeah, that belly flop move can be a pain.
if anyone ever wants to play a ft10 or something outside these lobbies let me know, I'd really like to get some longer sets in against you all
Gord FF completely shits on projectiles, it's pretty tough to deal with.
Hope we get to play some other time. Thanks for the lobby.
I can put a lobby up and run one right now if you want
Yeah that move's pretty nuts against most of the cast. I thank the devs every day that i can go under it with 3C.
Hope you guys don't mind playing with an absolute scrub
they've put up with me for over a year now, i think they won't mind.
tonight isn't great, I need to start making better sleeping habits so I don't feel miserable all the time. I think I'm gonna play one more and call it
The only requirement is having the will to get better.
Likewise. If anything, we have Cutscold here teaching us some good behaviors to learn against particular moves so it's actually quite beneficial to be here.
booooo get outta here with that time out junk. Damnit i feel bad now.
trial by fire is the only way to learn. I'll leave dashblocking for next week though.
Welp that was a thing. Thanks for saving me from getting my butt kicked hahaha.
Lobby two just kicked me out?
Shit. Didn't think that would happen. Do you want me to make the money again, or does someone else want to do it?
I've put another lobby up if people still want to play
Just remake the lobby if it crashes. It's just UNI netcode, happens every now and then unfortunately.
>3 bars equal 4 frames of lag
1-800 Come on now Ishiwatari
Same key? Not seeing it.
I want to play, I need the experience. It kicked me in the middle of a game oh no.
Orie's 6b always gets me. One day I'll learn to block it.
Is 3 bars the "best" connection you can get?
I played a game with a 3 bar person the other day and I was still getting the occasional freeze or stagger
I've had a few 4's
Not seeing the other lobby so I put one up.
4 is the best
You can get 4 bars if they're in you region. The bars kinda lie though.
Feel free to rejoin if you're still feel like teaching lessons too haha.
I used to have 4 bars of connection with merk quite frequently
whoops I accidently made a public lobby. That explains all the other people lol
Makes sense to me, hah.
12 players on PS4 right now, that's pretty impressive.
Hmm, do you have a link or name? I actually want to see that.
pc lobby still up? whats the keyword?
Well, I did better than I was expecting at least.
At this time of night too.
this evo growth has been great, hopefully the steam sale helps bolster the PC lobbies a bit more
Rip PC lobby? Either ways ggs and I'm done for the night
ggs PC boys thanks for the games
Looks like the PC Lobby timed out. Sorry, last time I did this it was still running when I woke up in the morning.
Shit was esports as hell
That fucking announcer guy is still doing Arc Revo/Toushinsai stuff too, damn.
Mika dittos are silly.
That fight with the Enkidu was pretty rough. Part of me feels like I just suck with Hyde, but I realize the reason I succeed with chars like Akatsuki or Merkava is because they have attacks that are really effective on spam whereas Hyde doesn't really have those without projectile spamming. I mean, I just started really working on blocking today.
also lol at the mika duo
Dang, I should've charged it longer hahaha. Though I wonder if charging it would be invulnerable to that IWEXS or not.
it would have
I'm learning all sorts of things tonight, albit the hard way hahaha.
I think that's a pretty good time to call it, I can't react to anything right now. GGs everyone, enjoy your weekends.I need more UNIST reaction images
GGs m8!
I'll give you my double as I sign off since I never get to post it normally
Twitter is your friend
I just woke up in punish city, hahaha.
I have no social media but it honestly might be worth it just for following fighting game stuff
Did anyone else DC or was that just me?
To my understanding, there's another lobby up so I'll close mine in a bit since I need to be up early.
Lobby is still up. Seems like net problems are more frequent as of late.
I don't either, I just use twitter for art because everyone stopped using pixiv
That's a shame. Sorry about that Mage.
It was probably my cue to dip out anyway, GGs everyone.
I don't know what happened. We disconnected, but it didn't kick me from the lobby.
GGs broheim. Til the next night!
What kind of sword is this land Linne is using? It just looks like a long slab of metal with a dull edge
>take a break from matches to practice combos, technique
>start doing matches, all I can do is panic spam
it's all so tiresome
I always thought of it as an executioner's sword.
The larger sword is something Wald used in the past, it's purely for bludgeoning.
We'll get there someday.
Why does French Bread put fucking Melty Blood on PS4? It's one-hundred percent better than UNIB
Why don't you learn english
I get that feel anytime I face the juggernauts. Webm related.
>hippie DPs 70% of the time I do j.2C ender into runup
>actually try to bait it in the last round
>don't switch to downback fast enough and get DPed
Fuck, I thought I was so smart but it doesn't matter when you flub the simplest inputs.
I think I'm smart when I try to backdash away from people using reversal on wake-up and mistiming it so I eat the reversal anyway
I'm sad i don't have a "this is bait" image for UNIST. I don't know the best way to turn an existing image into a solid black and white one like that or i'd make one of a crouching Vatista.
Sometimes it's simply better not to give these people attention at all.
You know exactly what I meant, autist.
Yeah. The truth is that Under Night's still been out for years, it's going to be very hard for beginners no matter what, like any anime game. Just gotta be willing to take it on the chin dozens and dozens of times before you start seeing some victories.
That aside, could someone explain how you're supposed to counter a throw mixed in the middle of a combo?
>Double Vorpal
Never seen that one before.
It's rare but it's real
Look up the opponent's usual blockstring and see where they have an opening for the grab.
I need to just practice teching throws in general myself.
Sorry to put some of ya guys in Lobby 2 through that abuse. Was trying to go for webm related abit.
How is this bait? Wanna know why people keep telling you retards to go to /vg/? It's this faggot community passive-aggressiveness that would be right at home there. Fuck off.
>come into a thread about a topic you dislike
>why are people enjoying this here?
Last (You) from me
>No official White Day illustration
At least by around Sun-Mon we'll have an updated Linne art during her birthday. GGs
Look up the opponent's usual blockstring and see where they have an opening for the grab.
I don't get it. I'm saying the opponent is attacking you and, usually after the first hit, if they're close they might grab you. Since you're already blocking, isn't it incredibly dangerous to try and tech the throw? I can't see a counter then.
You are talking about tick throws. Which characters are giving you trouble with this?
ggs everyone, I'll call it a night here
It happened to me with Linne, but I know other characters can do it.
Well if you know it's coming after the first hit you then just need to time it so you can tap A+D accordingly. It's definitely a risk/reward thing because if they don't do anything you may get a free grab in return.
On the other hand they could just punish with continuing their assault.
Oh shit my internet died. Wanted to keep playing, pretty much first time playing on psn, thanks for the games.
ggs everyone. Catch hopefully all of you next week.
So I'm still pretty green myself sho there may be some misinformation here, but you can safely mash during a true block string. If you are blocking correctly and hit the grab button and another attack comes out while you are still on block stun you will block it. I also don't think she can grab you off of any moves that hit with her big sword because the pushback is too big. So look for dagger moves to hit your block, then tech. This can be baited out with frame traps, but if the gap is too big they'll be the one being thrown.
GGs! See ya next week!
GGs! Hope to catch ya next time!
It was definitely a dagger move, yeah. That's good news if you can continue blocking, I'll lab it out tonight and see.
ggs man
Oh hey I'm green square now.
Oh yeah that's neat. Congrats! Haha
How do things work around here for weekends? Do you all just gather somewhere else or is ranked/lobbies active enough that you just join those?
What an anti air.
Unist discord. People have tried (unsuccessfully usually) to start lobbies on friday before.
Just to give a bit more info, you can only perform a normal grab after 6(?) frames after blockstun has ended, so you have an opportunity to react. If you know how to OS, you can usually do something that can put out a move before you opponent can grab or put out a 5a or something. That said, it takes some getting used your opponent can end blockstrings in weird places to catch you off guard with tick throws.
Also, Linne can tick throw off her C moves, but only at point blank if you don't put out any other moves. It's also minus as hell, so it won't happen unless they're being galaxy-brained.
Yeah, I expected it to get blocked for sure hahaha.
I'm gonna call it a night. I always get so bummed out just flailing around like that, unable to ever make the right call for the situation. Oh well. Props to mage for sticking around dude, I know it sucks when you can't take wins off anyone, but we'll get there.
That's the thinking the guys had when the lobbies started as far as I know. It's also to prevent the threads from being booted to /vg/.
I don't think anyone has a real problem with threads outside the regular times, but we just want to prevent them from reaching 12+ hours and multiple threads like we had some times after the Evo announcement.
Slight correction: if she doesn't put out any other moves*
Just keep at it. The first few times you win against the regulars is the sweetest feeling ever.
>can’t help but feel like someone is laughing at my ugly inputs
Yeah, he(MageKraze)'s certainly putting in the time to improve. The grind to get good continues. I'm sure you'll have improved after just consistent practice too.
I'm still learning things myself even if I'm getting wins in Lobby 2 so don't get too bummed out. As a tip, definitely use grabs more on me too. I suck at teching them.
GGs and til next time!
I really need to look into OS's. I've never tried to use one because i'm really not a fan of the general concept, but if i want to get better at some point i'm going to have to learn how they work.
>try to dash jab
>get buffered dp
Every time
All i did to get past this was bang my head vs people til i started doing combos. Now my issue is i learned baby combos that do like 2.8k instead of the crazy 3.2k+ combos which will probably hurt me later on. I also never use meter in this game.
To be honest, just getting in enough pressure to land 4-5 of those should net you close enough damage to take games.
start with mastering those and the basics of pressure/defense. the rest will come from there. Plus GGs to everyone tonight, starting to learn bit by bit things i need to do with gordeau.
GGs! See ya next night!
Good night guys. GGs
GGs. See ya next time!!
Nice work punishing me accordingly with those DPs ph0ssify.
Thanks. Good games. These mirrors are fun but it’s late and I’m awful at this game so I’m going to bed.
GGs. Don't worry too much about incurring too many losses at first. I think you were learning quite a few good things there (like throw teching and proper DP usage which are skills that I lack in and need to train alongside dashblocking).
You probably could've done alot of those tick throws (5A into grab being the one I used most of the time) on me successfully too if ya tried.
I like playing mirrors alot too. GGs and see ya next time!
Yeah I actually tried to tick throw a few times but for some reason I couldn’t do it. I guess I have to get used to the timing. I also ended up afraid of trying to extend pressure with stuff like dashes or assault because it felt like I’d always end up getting jabbed and I think I try to do 6D too quickly and assault never comes out. I need to learn how block strings work in this game too. as well as finish the tutorial because there’s multiple mechanics I still have no clue about
Appreciate the games and the tips. Hopefully we can play again tomorrow if I’m back from the hospital by then.
Sounds good to me. If somebody happens to start something going tomorrow I wouldn't mind getting in more games for learning experience. I need to practice lots of things too.
Maybe I'll set something up myself. We'll see.