>Dante gets a cool new game
>Bayonetta 3 is in development
>This badass mofo is relegated to tiddy fighter 6
It's not fair, bros, it was our turn ;_;
Dante gets a cool new game
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He has a cameo in Nioh 1. I'm sure he will show up again in Nioh 2 in some way.
That's not ... that's like his great great grandfather.
Well, that's what you get for parroting how perfect NGB is, I guess. Come off as pretentious fucks that won't ever be satisfied with a sequel. Get nothing.
What makes Ninja Gaiden different than the rest of it's cuhrayzee brethren?
true. Still a hyabusa and still beasts on you.
its more sickdark and focuses on blood and gore, its the mortal kombat of action games
It's faster, enemies tend to be more aggressive and working as teams. Also most of them have way more health than you. The combat system is similar to a fighting game, in the sense that there's no lock on and you perform moves immediately instead of stringing combos.
NG1/B barely has any blood in it, you're a ditz.
2 has tons, so does razor's edge
>no lock on
It's shit. Also it has combo string like all the other action games do.
Because NG3 and Yaiba flopped.
The sigma versions barely have any, either.
You can't judge a game without playing it. There's a type of lock on but you can't really see it, and it works marvels. Your character moves so fast it would only get in the way.
If yaiba flopped then why are they porting it to the switch?
We like 2, only autists who insist on playing Master Ninja out of gaymer pride then complain that it's too hard instead of lowering the difficulty hate it
Don't you need to finish it on very hard to unlock master ninja?
yes and they still knowingly waltz into the incendiary shuriken fuckfest anyway
Ninja Gaiden peaked at the first game. I think if they make a new game it's gotta change up the style. Abandon Itagaki's skin tight leather suit and cookie cutter anime villains.
What they need to do is what Capcom did with dmc 5, keep the style of gameplay but update the artstyle to realism
To me it feels like a more natural action combat game, where the focus is on killing enemies quickly and efficiently in order to survive, not playing with them to increase your style.
Bayonetta found a good medium between DMC and NG imo.
Combos aren't as emphasized. Enemies can be dangerous in the higher difficulty levels of DMC or GoW or what have you, but NG puts a lot more emphasis on killing enemies in efficient ways to avoid getting wrecked. It's less about juggling combos and more about a back-and-forth between you and enemies until you can kill them. Combos still exist, but they work more like in a fighting game.
You don't yet know suffering.
I bought Ninja Gaiden 3 because I never played it and saw it for $10 on 360 (didn't know it released outside of PS3) and holy fucking shit that game is awful. Also, the developers of Nioh worked on Ninja Gaiden and they've specifically said they want to do Ninja Gaiden 4, just not right now
>Ninja Gaiden 3
Vanilla? no you're just retarded.
How? I love Black & 2, but 3 is just plastered with constant button prompts and shit
The style and melodrama are great, they just need to make sure the game has little to no filler.
How did you miss Razor's Edge? Yes, vanilla is fucking garbage.
Probably because I don't have a Wii U. I saw it, is it any better. How is it in cemu? Like I said, I just bought it on the spot because it was dirt cheap
I think rereleasing Black and NG2 Sigma on PC would be a good start.
It's not Wii U exclusive.
now picture realistic looking female fiends with bodies scanned from jav models
Oh, nice. I might pick up a copy for 360 then. How much better is it? I played a few hours of vanilla and it was really bad
I want to spread his cheeks open and ram him like there's no tomorrow
It's not that much better.
How was RE compared to 2?
Shinobi 3DS was pretty fun, but that seven years ago. I doubt we will get a new Shinobi game anytime soon. The closest will probably be a Sega Ages port of one/some of the genesis games.
It's mechanically an entirely different game, at least feels like ninja gaiden now. Attacks and animations feel heavier and stiffer than 1&2. Enemies block and parry much more, and anytime they try to grab you can counter with heavy attack that allows you to chain-kill a few enemies. I enjoy the game, alchemists are top-tier assholes though.
Shinobi 3DS was great, yeah. Nothing needs to go on forever or be milked in perpetuity; it doesn't actually bother me much that Shinobi has been sidelined. But I think Ninja Gaiden's return is pretty much inevitable after Nioh 2. Shinobi doesn't have the same kind of gravity surrounding its name.
You know the worst part? Is that they remastered the first game and made an updated re-release of the second and they both fucking sucked. That new director drove this series to the ground, I mean holy shit tampering with the originals after shitting out that third entry and release a barely improved re-release? Fucking hell.
are you talking about the Sigma games?
yeah both NG Black and NG2 (Xbox360) are far better.
NG isn't a crazy combo game, it's more like if you mixed DMC with Dark Souls. Bosses at harder difficulties could 2-3 shot you and it was more about learning patterns and killing things as quickly as possible before they overwhelmed you.
Yep. Not only did they changed things unnecessarily and at times toned the game down, the stuff they did add was their pointless fluff that crushingly dull, or fucked over the pacing of the combat. Despite all of that, even when they tried adding all the moves from all the packs from Xbox Live updates, they still managed to forget two of the moves. God these incompetent fucks piss me off.
What the fuck
It's not cringe "curahyzee" shit, it's a challenging fight of survival against non-punching bag enemies and brutal bosses with zelda-lite exploration and collectibles.
If a ninja Gaiden 4 were to come out today and if it were good, no one would appreciate it. It's the same reason we don't have a Splinter Cell sequel as well.
why do fags like you not even play the games?
I beat Black on MN and 2. Black Spider Ninjas in 1 are more dangerous than any trash you fight in DMC and they show up like 2 hours in.
lol sure dude :)
They have been hinting at a SC sequel a fuck ton though
This. Everyone of the face of the earth seems to have wiped Ninja Gaiden from their minds or something. Doesn't help that the last entry was terrible. Even if a Ninja Gaiden 4 released and it was a true successor to 1 or 2 it'd get rated middlingly by journalists wanting to summon a friend or more obscure plot.
Seething cringelord faggot. Go jerk off to your gay pizza man.
I just want Ninja Gaiden Black and NG II on Steam,
is that too much to ask?
>they announced Ninja Gaiden for Steam
>its the Sigma games
Not ideal but it would be better than nothing.
I can imagine them doing this and trying to spin it as a good thing
Yaiba is on Steam,
but that game is shit.
Yeah, the mismanagement these stupid fucks displayed with this franchise blows my mind. Made 2010 Capcom look astute in comparison.
Sigma 1 is acceptable but I would rather have nothing than Sigma 2 unless they brought the gore back.
>eating shit is better than not eating shit
Picked it up for like 10 dollars and was at first kinda interested in XYB being used for regular attacks, but then there's another problem. The game is designed around fighting large numbers of enemies, but then those bigger zombies come in and holy fuck they aren't designed for that combat system. The game would've been unironically better if it broke further from NG and included a lock-on for those fucks.
Sigma 1 is shit too because of Rachel.
How would you feel about a middle ground? Sigma 1 but Rachel chapters are all optional, Sigma 2 but with the original's enemy counts and gore?
They already did that with 3/RE and it sucked fucking dick because they kept trying to implement shit ideas from western action games. What they need to do is keep the new aesthetics but bring back all the mechanics from 2 and expand on them in a way that feels natural and good to play, instead of the stupid bullshit in RE like steel on bone and enemies that autoblocked everything you did
That would fix pretty much everything bad about the Sigma versions so yes, but it's more work so it would never be done
DOA6 is still a good game at least and they clearly give enough of a fuck to put him and Hayate on the steelbook instead of the girls. Hope isn't lost yet
Then it wouldn't be Sigma 1 anymore, it'd just be Black but much easier since you can heal during grabs so probably still worse. Sigma 2 can be fixed into a good update though.
>I think Ninja Gaiden's return is pretty much inevitable after Nioh 2
god I hope so
I was hoping that with the revival of DMC, Bayonetta being in development and the popularity of Nioh and the souls games being considered "hard", there could be a snowball's chance in hell of NG making a comeback. But Ryu's 30th anniversary came and went and Tecmo didn't even acknowledge it.
I know you didn't intend it but I laughed like a retard at this entire post. NG is fucking dead.
>it's shit
t.never played a ninja gaiden game
apart from the camera going on the fritz on occasions, the lock-on is barely an issue.
As someone that got into DMC long after having played NG I found DMC's lock on system a lot harder to get used to. It's really not an issue in NG at all.
1. Ninjas are mammals.
2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.
I don't know why you think it's that unlikely.
>"Maybe I can say that Nioh is a gateway into the next chapter for Ninja Gaiden. [Ninja Gaiden] is a very important, if not the most important franchise, for us. But at this point I think this franchise needs to be in the shadows for a while until we bring it back. There will be a time, and when the time is right, we will bring it back."
Yeah, didnt Tecmo say they had plans for NG after Nioh 2?
The original Itagaki masterpiece is the real shit. NGB was made for the 50 IQ American audience. In the original when you get to the floating rock boss fight there is no tutorial. You get there, you don't know what the fuck to do, mash a bunch of buttons and die. In NGB you have this pansy-ass tutorial explaining the goddamn controls! What the fuck is that? Do you think I'm 3 years old? I'm perfectly capable of pressing random shit on the controller and taking basically forced damage until I figure things out through brute force.
In the labyrinth in NGB they threw in a kunai scroll telling you to use the Flails against the ghost fish. What the fuck??? Don't tell me what to do! Imagine someone playing the game for the first time. They go into the labyrinth, get eaten to death by ghost fish, restart. That's how games should be. Fuck your advice NGB, I do what I want. If I'm gonna die I'll die. But I'll die like a man, NOT through reading sissifying tutorials.
Also, in the labyrinth there was no save statue near the end in the original. In NGB there is. Fuck. That. Noise. May as well put sissy checkpoints at bosses. Put me back at the start of the level when I die goddammit. Checkpoints are bullshit. Saves are bullshit. Give me an NES-style system where I have to start the game from the beginning if I run out of lives/continues.
It's too bad the NG series was constantly being plagued by people cramping Itagaki's style. NG04 was perfect then The Devils fucked with the rest, putting in more save points, weak tutorials, Anti-American staff weapons, cowardly smoke bombs, etc. NG2 was flawed because some jackass was always playing pranks on him during development. Lord Itagaki knows the Real Shit, others are haters though. Devil's Third is underrated because people just don't know. Yaiba is deffo a piece of shit though believe me, since he had nothing to do with it.
Not holding my breath for a new NG. I'd be satisfied with NG2 getting a proper port or backwards compatibility at this point.
is this pasta?
That quote just affirms that NG's return isn't unlikely.
That's pretty much what that quote says, yeah. They might have something else between Nioh 2 and NG, but I doubt NG is gone forever. I bet we'll hear about another one within a year of Nioh 2's release.
Aren't team ninja also working on Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3? When are they ever even going to have time to even think about developing a ninja gaiden game?
Also Metroid Other M 2 when.
Well with the popularity of DMC5 they just might bring NG back. Especially now that souls-like games are starting to be more on the decline
In b4 Sekiro sells like 10 million copies.
>Well with the popularity of DMC5
I really don't think that's going to be a big deciding factor, though it might be encouraging or speed up the process a little. It's not like NG hasn't been seen for decades. Yaiba came out five years ago. It sucked, and people declared as much. So they're taking a break from it and focusing on Nioh, which was well-received. It's not that big of a deal.
It isn't a souls-like game.
Worse bosses, new enemies introduced in RE are worse, Van Gelves are worse; revamped health/ninpo/UT/etc. systems; no more essence; revamped movelists; less weapons; enemies are health sponges, have armor up the ass and evade every string after 2 hits.
I don't trust them to do it right without Itagaki, the games were all easier without him.
Did she get rid of the lock on system and add more maneuverability for Ryu. Being able to jump off of enemies in any direction while in the air would be cool. They should also get rid of the pause menu functionality if you want to use an item or switch weapons you should have to do it in the middle of combat.
Come on, now.
How does an action game where you jump between surfaces in rooms sound?
You could just from the floor to a wall, spring board off it onto an enemy where you do a combo string before punching them to the ground and following them down. Stuff like that.
It's an idea I had.
It's called Shinobi for the PS2. It uses dashes between enemies more than just the kind of parkour you're imagining but a similar kind of fluidity is what the game is about, wall-running and jumping and all.
Huh, I'll have to try it out. Maybe it'll give me a better frame of reference for my idea.
How does it emulate?
>How does it emulate?
Easy and well. It's far from perfect but it's an overlooked gem with a lot of original ideas. It's nothing like DMC or even Ninja Gaiden, so if you try to play that way you'll get your shit kicked in.
You don't get to have a turn.
>never played dmc1
To be fair most of it's supposed fanbase hasn't either
>DOA6 is still a good game
I don't like how souls games play but I'm interested in sekiro.
Okay so who'd win in a death battle between NES Ryu and Nu Ryu
Who ?
Isn't nu Ryu just NES Ryu but with more experience ?
I only like Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden DS. Even NG2 was kinda shitty.
NG II was fun.
>want another NG after Sigma 2 and NG3
Let it go, user.
Why isn't there a fucking way to play NGB on PC? Or any of the good NG games for that matter, I don't want to buy a fucking Xbox.
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere the 3D games are prequels to the NES games, but I might be wrong.
there's no OG Xbox emulators.
You can emulate Sigma 1.
>Or any of the good NG games for that matter
NES emulation has been around for a long time.
Better question is why there's still no 60fps version of vanilla NG2.
Because 10fps is enough for any action game.
if a game falls apart on its highest difficulty then it's not a good game
also the fundamental combat balancing is fucked and between UTs and OTs there's way too much focus on "cinematic" moves
a xboner is the only way to play proper ninja gaiden.
I'd enjoy NG a lot more if you had more than like 3 useful moves
I don't think that's necessarily true. It just depends on how the higher difficulties are handled. A shitty hard mode doesn't mean the game in general is bad. A lot of games have tacked on difficulty modes.
>If 80% of a game is fun but 20% of it is not fun, it's a shit game even if the 20% is an optional mode
It is if the base game is easy and then the higher difficulties just throw more and more bullshit at you instead of actually making the game harder in a fun way. With all the cinematic shit and the sped up action to be more appealing to casuals they probably couldn't think of any other way to actually make the game difficult.
NG2 on lower difficulties isn't fun either though, it's way too easy. There is no "challenging but fun" option in NG2, and that's why it's shit.
Ninja Gaiden isn't about using a ton of different combos, it's about handling massive amounts of highly dangerous enemies with just a few bread and butter moves.
Why do you need anything more than a few highly useful moves?
>Beat game on Normal
>You unlock Hard mode
>You also unlock Ayane/Rachel/Kasumi/Momiji, but only for Normal mode
>To unlock them for Hard mode, you need to beat Hard mode
>But beating Hard mode also unlocks Very Hard mode, where the girls won't be playable until you beat it, which unlocks another difficulty mode, and so on
Justify this shit.
You can buy a 360 for
Who cares about the girls, Ryu is the best.
Why waste money on a 360 when the only good game in the series is on OG Xbox?
What are you even talking about? Rachel isn't in Razor's Edge.
Heavier focus on being defensive and countering rather than LE CRAZY COMBOS SUCH SKILL XDD garbage.
>heavier focus on spamming super moves and instant kills
Tons of moves are useful. Its not the games fault you just purely use the best ones. Its not like most weapons aren't good with tons of good shit.
>Its not the games fault you just purely use the best ones.
Why should I bother with the rest then? And don't say "hurr because it's a game just HAVE FUN bro"
If a small set of moves is the best for every situation, it IS the game's fault. Not the player's.
Pretty sure the NG2 was the same
No, it's your fault because nobody's forcing you to only use the best shit. It's a single player game, the only one dictating what kind of experience you're going to have is you.
Sigma 2 doesn't even allow you play as girls in main campaing and has no playable Kasumi.
So I should just turn my brain off and actively avoid learning what works and what doesn't then? Fuck off.
>It's a single player game, the only one dictating what kind of experience you're going to have is you.
...And the game.
>instant kills
Pulling off UTs takes timing and caution. It's not exactly an instant win button.
Am I stupid or did they really removed the on-landing UT in Sigma?
But you can also chain them like crazy once you get that first kill (and you can just izuna drop a dude for that or something)
Also NG2 gameplay basically revolves entirely around.delimbs into shitty cinematic instant kills.
You have to earn the right to play on these difficulties with your fav chars. Seems pretty straight forward.
>shitty cinematic instant kills
Retard detected. OTs in NG2 aren't cinematic instakills. You use them if you need i-frames so it's not smart to just OT the enemy every time you have a chace. Plus if you do OT you never get blue or red essence so you have to think twice before do it.
In Razor's Edge however they are dumbed down to simple cinematic kills without any depth behind them because that game is abomination with broken systems and balance. NG2 had all of its mechanics working together in one unified system.
those obliteration techniques last for like a second and they are a godsend once u deal with all the shit MN throws at you, since it makes you invincible for the duration. But I can understand how the game sometimes relies too much on them, like those Van Gelf fiend fuckers.
I actually liked Ninja Gaiden 3. Sure, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge was superior and fixed a lot of issues, but something about Ninja Gaiden 3 just spoke to me. Yaiba was alright, too.
>NG2 had all of its mechanics working together in one unified system.
Well clearly not when so many of its "mechanics" go unused. Go watch a NG2 MN no damage run and tell me it's an example of a unified system of well balanced mechanics.
Just don't play on Master Ninja.
>Go watch a NG2 MN no damage run
Nobody is forcing you to chain UTs though.
God bless i-frames lol.
UTs and guillotine throws at walls for instant delimbs to get OTs. Yup, business as usual.
Yeah, that's NG2 gameplay. You want some cuhrayzee combos - you play Bayo or DMC.
I'm probably not the only one but I prefer games like NG and God Hand over DMC. I don't hate DMC, i love the series but I prefer a game where even if you really get good at it, the enemies can still tear you a new one.
Less cuhrazy, more thinking.
And by this post, I actually mean, games where you have to put yourself at a disadvantage if you want to deal with enemies, for example God Hand where on Hard lvlDie, your counterhits and crowd control need to be on point or you WILL die.
Well, thanks for proving my point, I guess?
Not talking about muh cuhrayzee but you very clearly do not use the vast majority of tools given to you in NG2. You use a very, very small set of bread and butter tools and have to figure out how to use them for completely bullshit situations.
What skills you aren't using again? Webms I posted has all kind of stuff, UTs, OTs, parries, throws, shuriken canceling, combos, Izuna Drops. What's unused again?
Don't even indulge the guy, he clearly never played or even tried to get proficient at a ninja gaiden game considering he couldn't point out which tools you aren't supposedly using.
time to dust off my Xbox360
Nioh is better.
Nioh isn't even a real action game, it's Diablo disguised as one.
And its perfect for me because i love grinding.
good for you, are u excited for sekiro?
Sure why not, i havent actually followed it at all but it looks interesting.
I miss Ninja Gaiden, but I don't think modern KT could make a good NG game. They seem more focused on dealing with waifufags, goobergators, and SJWs than making games that are fun to play.
Even musou fags have nothing to play anymore.
He's fucking ugly.
Are you trying to prove that you're blind ?
>badass is looks
holy soifaggotry
I bet you hate the Toxic Avenger too
What the fuck man
gameplay could get faster
I hope they make 2 faster
You’re fucking with me
Hey he might be in Smash
That will rise his popularity
>zoomers talking about Black
Black is great and all but so are the classic NES games!Any boomers here with me?
>Russia got hacked chinese version of NES Ninja Gaiden games which was much harder than already hard original
I still have PTSD from those games.
Both are good.
NG is like the most boring game out of all character action games. Why do people like it?
Not that I dislike the game but the first fight with Azel is more fun than most of DMC5 itself
Xbox only gamers had nothing else to play.
Team Ninja teased that they would do something with Ninja Gaiden in the future after Nioh's success. I was hoping that future was going to be sooner and maybe with DMC5's success it will be, but they clearly are spending all their Nioh money on other projects.
>Bayonetta is in development hell
>Gow becomes cinematic trash
>Darksiders 3 is extremely mediocre
>Ninja Gaiden and Metal Gear Raising 2 never ever
>All we have left is DMCV, Automata and some cheap anime trash
This are dark days for hack and slashs
I agree. DMC's insistence on style is where most of the challenge is, pushing yourself to get S ranks where as in Ninja Gaiden you just have to survive. Plus DMC (4 in particular though I have suspicions about 5) has that "don't look at the enemy and they won't attack you" camera while Ninja Gaiden doesn't.
Fuck, the very idea of this makes me angry.
Shit like this is why I hate 'superior' versions of games being made. Splinter Cell: Double Agent was made by a completely different team for the 360/PS3 because Ubisoft couldn't fathom porting over what was essentially Chaos Theory 2 because they needed the shiny graphics. What a surprise: they ported the 360/PS3 version and PC players are now stuck with one of the worst PC ports imaginable when Chaos Theory was damn-near perfect.
It could be worse, DMC5 didn't exist 10 months ago.
>its the x of y games
kasumi should be the main character for a new ninja gaiden. ruy is old and smell
He was in nioh. Im actually glad nioh did well because they proved they don't need to follow western trash.
>she's wearing a skincolor underwear
My world is a lie
less based on being stylish and more on having simple efficent controls
Who gives a shit you cock loving incel. He'll wipe the floor with those pretty boy faggot games.
they ust need to follow japanese trash
More about controlling the flow of combat against multiple strong ennemies than sheer combo skills
Why the fuck is there no proper remaster of NGB1/2?
Not everyone plays games for their plots and characters, ya moviefag.
What do NG players (if there are any at all alive at this point) think about Nioh?
I think it has some of NG's qualities, like the brutal, visceral action, tight controls and mercilessly enemies, it's just packaged in a less crazy, more modern game
A NG1/2 steam port would be dope, though
Dmc bros, don't bully NG bros
we are all here for awesome action games, and we can all agree that we need more of those, no matter which is our favorite
They should port the games on pc already.
Enemies are a million times more aggressive, you’re supposed to kill them quickly and never stop moving, you got a million different and cool dial a combo moves, it’s not about chaining them into combos, it’s about keeping the momentum of assassinations.
DMC bros are the ones often bullied by NG fans, cause they usually can’t handle when NG fans say DMC enemies are sand bags with bad AI so that you can combo forever.
there are, Sigma 1 and 2, which are much better than the originals, specially Sigma 1.