Why does PC gaming feel so soulless?

Why does PC gaming feel so soulless?

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Because you buy from Steam.

If you buy a game instead of renting it you feel more satisfied.

Because you're a consolefag

>running .exe files on a workstation that wasn't designed to play video game
>sitting in an uncomfortable desk chair
>watching a small, low res monitor screen
>keyboard and mouse instead of a contoller which games are designed for
>no exclusives other than niche genres (RTS)
>community is the worst out of all major systems
>overrun by numales and zoomers because it became a reddit meme
>devs have abandoned it and now only shit out console ports so you can play the latest ubisoft games at high framerate

you are missing a soul

>5 posts
>4 posters
Someone's a samefag here


Because you probably have a piss-weak rig.

Imagine being this salty fag

Stop pirating good games

Because you're a little bitch.

>implying you're not renting it in the same bullshit license agreement on physical media
only real difference is you have something to show for it, which personally i think is better, but that's probably just some human compulsion to collect shit

Anyone here actually used a Steam Link? Planning on buying a 4K TV and an NVIDIA Shield. Everything will be going over Ethernet. Will the lag be a problem? I wanna play vidya on my 4K TV in actual 4K.

GAMES nowadays feel soulless, you grow up, user.

because you probably grew up sitting on your carpet playing nintendo on a saturday morning and it gave you a really specific idea of what gaming should be

a mate of mine uses it, the lag is probably present but barely noticeable.
We never played anything with online multiplayer in it though so idk about that.
One thing that sucks is that it often gets a bit moody when there's any bigger update, failing to launch non-steam games and having breakdowns, but that's an exception not a rule.

Playing custom server Sven Coop games with 30 lads all mic spamming euro beat songs.
Playing Star Citizen at 4k on your $3000 custom built rig for 30 minutes and then dumping high res screen shots on Reddit for 5 hours.

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I see. Hopefully they improve it by the time I can actually afford a nice TV.

>imagine being such a bootlicker that you shit talk the most open and transparent platform
>imagine being so ignorant that you think your closed ecosystem system has "soul"

Fact, your xbox and ps4s have all of the same components while every custom pc will have components directly picked by the builder. Which one sounds like it has more "soul" to you, nigger?

It's honestly not that bad but I doubt there'll be any further drastic improvements, from what we've seen in update logs, most of the Steam Link patches these days are shit like "adding support to controller x" or updating stuff that might conflict with Drivers / the OS. I wouldn't buy it because while my PC use has stood constant, I kinda dropped consoles in my early teens and kinda lost the "feel" for joysticks, but I will admit it's great if you're unlike me and can play with something other than M&KB.
I should also add that the touch-buttons (no idea about their name though) are probably the best way to play FPSs other than M&KB if that makes any difference.

I find KB+M to be less inherently fun than a controller. I'm not debating the accuracy or versatility of the control scheme, I just think the act of pressing buttons and pushing joysticks is much more fun. I rarely play PC exclusives for this reason.

Not planning to buy a Steam Link, just use the app on a Shield. I'd use an Xbone controller.

>Apple Magic keyboard
>shitty dollar store headset
There’s your issue

pc gaming used to have soul but it does feel SOULLESS now

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Because it's the best

Oh sorry, between the two posts I forgot about the Shield. I would assume you'd have more of the "moody" periods considering there's another layer of software (if the Shield has anything built in) but honestly, that shit usually fixes itself after a reboot so do as you will my dude

you can mod it in

>gaming used to have soul but it does feel SOULLESS now

>Valve has a monopoly and consolized the market
>No more platform defining games or genres
>Dominated by F2P shit
>Community is trash because of very low entry barrier

PC sort of lacks identity nowadays and turned into a more cancerous and elitist form of console gaming.

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>retards bumping pasta troll threads

The couch is way more comfy.

Yeah so much soul, you have a choice between overpriced Nvidia and piss performance AMD, so much choice oh boy, I sure do love upgrading my PC and then dealing with ports that run like shit or outright crash because I didn't pick the right company!

the one that has optimized games


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it's easy to forget you are using a controller at all
m&kb are too involved to be immersive

Works for me. When i play something like System Shock I still feel totally immersed, and forget that I have a KB&M under my fingers. I can understand the appeal of a controller though, and everyone is entitled to their opinion.

mate you're just not used to it. As I've said here I honestly can't deal with joysticks anymore.
M+KB meanwhile feels almost like an extension from my body, the only objects that give the same intimate and instant response I can think of are my fucking woodcutting nives which are specifically made to fit either your palm or your finger.

Maybe if you have down's syndrome.

let the guy have an opinion, goddamn

But my post in particular stressed how it's just his opinion and not some objective fact, because I have the exact opposite opinion.

Bad opinions should not exist.

Lack of rumble and lack of human presence next to you. That's it.



It's because the "ritual" surrounding the going into and the going out of the gameplay is so diversified between people. This is also why turning consoles into shitty PCs has made an N64 better than a PC emulator of an N64, while any PS4 Pro game looks like shit compared to how it would look like on my computer.

>renting games until the physical media degrades to become unusable
this point is just as good as yours btw.

>poverty: the post

note how i didn't mention which was which

you just automatically assumed consoles are more optimized

People feel better when they think they are experiencing something the way other people are experiencing it because it gives them something to connect with them over later. Well that's my hypothesis about what it means for some people with social skills. I'm fucking hypothesizing over this while at the same time afraid people are going to just comment on how fake "autistic" or real "autistic" I am. What the fuck.

I feel like if I could die a martyr and somehow it would result in the conversations over chans to be way more... fruitful... my life would actually redeem itself.

Nigga, you'are original post was a classic consolefag cope.
>i-it's more optimized!
And no, it's not, 30fps only exists because consoles are too weak to run anything above that.

Because your using a word that's meaningless without any context

just because you can't squeeze blood from a rock doesn't mean you can't squeeze it.

explain how im coping when my games run better lol

>can't buy a physical game anymore without a fucking "only work with internet" and "need to be activated on steam"
>no more fat pc box with cool content inside
>no reason to buy physical unless you take years to download shit

my last genuine pc game purchase before steam was slapped on every boxes was fucking warcraft 3

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Soul vs Soulless threads are always filled with arbitrary opinions over borderline intangible and meaningless and high subjective topics anyway. Who gives a fuck what opinions are posted in these threads.

As opposed to?...

>his games run better
>at 30 FPS

that's some monkey paw shit right there. I honestly couldnt go back to 60 FPS let alone 30. 144/120hz master race you fucking subhuman.

I want to go back...

most games dont take advantage of PC as its own gaymen platform like other consoles do

the last time we got anything that did anything like that was doki doki literature club of all things

Is there really no where we can go forward? I know it won't come from the big companies but maybe we could put something together ourselves? I know I could be way more productive than I am in my daily life if we could actually come up with something beautiful and important enough to be worth making. There are a lot of people who could contribute more, way way way more than they do for money if someone can give birth to the worthy cause.

I bought one around 2 years ago and it was pretty finnicky. Playing anything fast-paced like a shooter or fightan game is going to be a shitty experience because of all the lag and artifacting you'll run into.

Running a 75ft hdmi cable along the walls and behind my furniture from my bedroom to the living room worked way better at half the cost.

>mate buys a monitor that can handle 144 fps
>everyone gathers at his house to check it out
>it looks amazing but I just don't understand shit about what's going on
>sit there without playing pretending I don't want to because this is the same groups of friends that mocked me endlessly because I took like 10 years to adapt to WASDing
this jump is gonna be difficult to the point where I'll probably have a 66hz monitor for fast-paced games and a 120hz one for work and slower games, because I can't see myself playing something like Quake Champions at 144hz without puking.

this turns me on for some reason

>the entire strategy field (TBS, RTS)
>simulators (racing, flight, trucks, etc)

you're such a casual

>smoother frames makes you nauseous

Wow I've never met a genetic dead end before. Do you get nauseous watching things move in real life?

Movies that have scenes with say, 60 frames per second in them, will often use them very sparsely because yeah you fuckign dolt, at some point you're cramming more images in a given timelapse than the human brain is able to process.

>real life is in frames

you can't argue with consolefags

fucking wow, is this what happens inside a consolefag's mind (if you can even call it that?)

I sold my pc and bought a switch and some old consoles. I'm not going into that chair again ever. Maybe because im getting older

Based user

PC gaming is based and so is console gaming, playing video games is fun. Nobody posts on Yea Forums unless they're interested in video games in general or being paid, those are the responses you will get.

>keyboard and mouse instead of a contoller which games are designed for

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Not once did I use or imply the term real life but film in 60+fps looks very unnatural. I'm not even saying the same happens in games.
I haven't owned a console since fucking 2003 you fucking faggot. I didn't even imply it's impossible to play in 60+ fps, just that it bothered me a lot the first time I played it after twenty five years of constantly playing games on the 45-60 fps range.

Because ultimately you realize that all of the games are a waste of time, but you circumvent that by worshipping a brand of the console you're playing. PC has no such brands, so you see how it how it truly is.