Is it really worse than DaS2 or is it just a very vocal minority of contrarians pushing this?

Is it really worse than DaS2 or is it just a very vocal minority of contrarians pushing this?

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>listening to Yea Forums
I got the game it's honestly fucking great.
PvP and invasions are still very active too.

DS2 is fucking abysmal, 3 was okay

3 is the worst one, but it's still pretty good.

it is both better and worse, depends on what you are looking for in the series

they all got their strengths.
i enjoy 2 just for the huge amount of stuff you can do, but it felt like a gaiden game overall.

Dark souls 2 had more soul than this blatant cash grab, and I say that as a person who genuinely hates dark souls 2
I don't like much of what they did with 2 but at least they fucking tried to do something fresh and new

2 was less polished but had way better replay, builds, and pvp

It's excellent, especially the DLC. I loved every Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Demons Souls as well. Sekiro and Nioh 2 are my most anticipated games at the moment. You need to learn to just ignore all the vocal shitposters and play it and form your own opinion. Only you should know what you like. People take minor complaints they have and then blow them out of proportion and act like they're objective issues with the game.

i'm glad Yea Forums has realized ds3 is unfinished trash

DS3 was great fun but after several dozen playthroughs I can't play it anymore. Builds feel too samey and it's too linear.

>mfw people are finally realizing this

DaS3 is the worst game in the series by a huge margin. They fell for the "Dark Souls is hard" meme and just made it obnoxious. There's almost no original ideas either, except maybe Greirat. The swamp leading into a swamp leading into a swamp was the worst thing ever. The whole game is piss yellow. It fucking sucks.

I love DS3 PVP the most because the game now has like 80% shitters playing.

All you need to do is equip a straight sword and turn and burn

git gud

Why? I've got four other Souls games that I can have a great time playing whenever I want. I played 3 one time and was disgusted from beginning to end.

3 > 1 > 2

Can you elaborate what you're talking about?
How is it "obnoxiously" hard exactly?

>gothic architecture and swamps and dark souls 1 references
game was clearly uninspired as fuck and the only thing it really does well is the mechanical quality of the boss fights

of course they were going to reference the old games.
why the hell would you think that wouldn't happen.
especially since it's supposed to cap off the series

2's whole selling point was how hard dark souls was. The game itself is focused on how much you'll die. 3 is good the first playthrough or 2

>game about the fabric of time being convoluted and cyclical
>getting pissed that you see things from the past

No its not. Its the best Dark Souls game. That is, if you like actual polish and production value. I never understood all the hate. People disliked 2 for not being 1 but then they made 3 basically an upgraded 1 and Yea Forums still bitches about it because thats literally all they do with any game ever released ever.

It is

It's like it wants to be a crazy action game but plays like shit. It doesn't make its mind on anything, it's gray and has no real lore, depth or strategy.

Why is this thread made every day? It’s threads like this that make me think half of Yea Forums is just bots.

It's worse than the first game which is what you should be asking.
That said I have no idea why the fuck so many retards praise the boss fights when it has some of the worst in the series.

It's just a couple of DaS2 discord trannies pushing the DS3 is bad meme. They've been at it for at least a year

It's the most polished, high budget, action-heavy, and flashiest the series has ever been. That's what 95% of players care about so for many it is seen as the best for that reason. However it fails to capitalize on the series' creative nuances and mostly just comes off as phoned-in and uninspired.

Attached: mimic.jpg (768x1024, 150K)

Trannies HATE ds3 for what Miyazaki did to their trans icon

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Based Saint Aldrich.

Attached: Saint Aldrich.jpg (1600x1131, 248K)

>They fell for the "Dark Souls is hard" meme and just made it obnoxious.
yeah that must be why the opening cutscene of DS3 had some old cunt telling me to Prepare to Die™ and why the level design revolved around trash mob ambushes. Or was that a different souls

It is really derivative and linear, but it is ok on its content. One thing it has going on is that none of the areas are abysmally bad, but not much stands out either.
The best thing about it are the bosses. They are overall well designed and have a nice "rhythm", some with mechanics that really stand out, like Sulyvahn's clone telegraphs. It may be my favorite mechanic in a boss ever.

Can't wait for the deep sea to take over.

It depends on what you wanted, really.
DKS2 focused a lot more on build variety. you can do so many different builds and nearly anything you do will have a weapon or multiple weapons to support it in turn.
dks3 is more a return to form, playing a lot more like dks1.

dks2's biggest issues for me aren't even game content but shit like the controls.

>Sulyvahn's clone
Stand power you mean. that was clearly a Jojo reference.