Post video game locations that make you feel at home.
Post video game locations that make you feel at home
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Are you like a literal boomer or something?
Also the city in general
the whole game
I used to fall asleep listening to the background music of this place
>Marrying Penny
She's so sensible.
God looking at this makes me sad. I had so many good memories just in the pod alone
that's pretty cute user
But I don't like my home.
Kazordoon... Home
At least it was before this game became an abandoned husk that started catering to power levelers
All Spyro 1 levels
what game? looks neat
>My high school years defined
Thank you, fellow ancient boomer. I shall now listen to this and remember hanging out in my little house near Yew, north of Empath Abbey.
Its Divinity? Why Isometric games are comfiest ones?
Beat me to it!
Welcome to comfy town.
That's Baldur's Gate. Divine Divinity is great too.
>first wow character ever was a dorf priest
>mfw hearing that track for the first time along with the snowing weather coming down
>spent an entire week trying to finish every quest, grinding with some groups and leveling professions to save up cash for gear and shit
met and talked to a lot of people during that week
good times
Millennial here, one of the first MMO's I ever played. My mom got me into it as a kid and I was cringey as shit. My characters name was Flare and he had red hair and all I did was ride around on my Ostard to gather reagents so I could cast Blade Spirits and just let them run loose
I made so many level 30 rogue nightelf cause I was a autistic fuck and kept remaking cause I didn't think I looked right.
Worst part was I just assumed warglaives came later so I leveled to 30 only using white fist weapons you could buy from vendors
Home is pain
The tristram theme is so comfy
Tristam used to scare the fuck out of me. I would run into the church cause I thought shit was in the forest.
This gets me. I was a NE Druid and I heard this shit for so long
zoom zoom my niggas
Holy fuck this was the best place to play on. What the hell is it called? I completely forgot the name.
I wish someone would find the HighRes backgrounds from this game.
lmao it was heli wars, really didnt expect responses to this.
Don't think i ever felt as comfy in a game as i was playing this game when it came out
Hearing the old Psychonauts summer camp theme really hits me where I live.
I get this stuck in my head at least once a day and I haven't played the game in 11 years.
Where all my FFCC niggas at?
I hope you're playing the Phoenix server that just went up a couple months ago. It's the last time you'll see Mag Mell hopping likes it's 2001.
It's monster hunter tri, but i don't think it's accessible anymore
My man. Best starting town. Past and present both had best themes.
FUuuuck, i wanna play this game again.
I replayed it last year. The game is a lot worse than it was when I was 10, but the voice acting and music were still enough to get the nostalgia goggles working.
I bought a PS3 so I could play LBP. Great game
Why are so many MMOs based on Celtic mythology?
My dark brethren
>tfw well-mannered, grateful wife and ratchet drinking buddy mother-in-law
maximum comfy
Atlantic shard represent.
Johto was great
My first character was a Dark Elf.. Necromancer I want to say.
I was completely lost and found my way into the underground bar/bank in Neriak B. I remember looking through the window into the water and suddenly I saw another player swimming. That was the first time it really hit me that I was playing an RPG with other people over the internet.
I'd guess because it's lesser known western mythology, compared to greek or norse, with just as rich of a history. No clue if that's right though.
That, Outlander, is Ald'ruhn-under-Skar.
Kick the can!
At least it was...
i bought a new pc recently but all ive done is continued to play stalker mods, currently playing anomaly
I know that piece of shit game. It's the only game that i still didn't beat on ps4 and the only reason that keeps me from selling it.
based alliance poster
Johto is the comfiest region, by far. Sinnoh's a close second though
HGSS+Platinum back to back playthroughs for ultimate comfiness
This place was a clusterfuck
>can't beat it
You serious?
Koorong city. Most of the cities in SF1 were comfy. Something about that art style.
wait, what game is this?
SaGa Frontier for psx
Saga Frontier
The music and atmosphere are top tier comfy but it's still the only city in EQ that I still get lost in after 20 years of playing
Yes, why. I can beat shit like cuphead and i'm very good at monster hunter, but bloodborne is too fucking hard for me
just overlevel and google how to get the best gems
Are gems random? I really don't feel like grinding. Do you lose them too?
I have more nostalgy towards pokke and water village baka, depsite playing mhf first.
Saga Frontier, definitely my favorite game on the PS1. Back before I had a memory card I used to randomly pick a character and see how long I could wander the game world before getting flat-lined. Usually around the time Red Dragons started showing up.
>Stonetalon Mountain
A man of fine tastes i see
are you ready to drift into comfy town?
hell yes. i used to play the shit out of aoe2
of course my dumbass forgot the picture
I was a WotLK babby that knew nothing about the game or MMOs in general, so I ended up slowly leveling in Desolace, which at the time was... well. Desolate. For some reason I have very fond memories of returning to this place. It was like my own little corner of the world.
Great choice
coming home after an adventure to sell your loot and repair gear
Take me back
An amazing soothing calm washes over me every time I come back here.
>coming home after an adventure to sell your loot and repair gear
People who don't like item deterioration don't understand the adventure/loot/sell/repair/rest cycle. It just needs to be tweaked to be just right.
They nailed belf aesthetic so well in TBC.
Dat cello.
nothing beats the classics
Balmora. Home.